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40.36% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1655: MIKE'S ESTRANGED SISTER


Why don't you just come move in with me?"

That something that Mike never expected to hear from his little sister. It wasn't that he didn't love his little sister, just that they hadn't been close in a long time. They had been inseparable growing up, that tends to happen in abusive households. Their estrangement though started back when they were in their early twenties. Sarah had come home early from work one day to find her soon to be ex-boyfriend in bed with her soon to be ex-best friend. Sarah then showed up at Mikes place in tears. Dinner and a bottle of rum later they wound up spending a night together that neither of them remembered that well.

When they awoke in Mike's bed the next morning naked and unable to deny what had just happened, they figured the worst had already happened and then it happened again. And again. And it kept happening every day, usually several times a day, for the next month. It had been an incredible time of exploring each other's bodies and needs, both of them doing things for the other that they had never considered doing for another person before. All good things had to come to an end though, and one day Sarah realized she had missed her period. A pregnancy test confirmed their worst fears.

Sarah had asked Mike what she thought she should do. Mike panicked and said she should get rid of it. He quickly realized that what she was actually asking was if he would help her take care of the child. It was too late though, the damage was done and Sarah walked out of his life for the next few years. She had tried to tell her ex that it was his, but he was infertile, so she had to fess up that she had had a one-night stand with someone after she found him cheating. Naturally their dad refused to let her stay at home, calling her "a good for nothing whore, just like your mother!". Thankfully their mom's sister out in California let her move in with her and helped Sarah find a job.

Mike's niece Emily was three before he finally met her when Sarah relented and came home for a visit. There was no doubt in Mike's mind that Emily was actually his daughter, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. When Mike had found time to talk with Sarah in private it became apparent that it was easier for Sarah to forget about what had happened between them and simply believe the lie she told everyone, including herself. It was then that he knew that he had to get his life together.

Mike went to school at a culinary institute a few hours away and eventually became head chef at the only decent restaurant in town. It was a good living, and he genuinely loved the work, it was just exhausting and didn't leave him much time for anything else. Mike was tall, blonde, good looking with a lean physique and a ton of tattoos, so he never had trouble finding a girlfriend when he wanted one but none of them lasted long. Sarah, for her part, had gotten her real estate agent's license and was doing well for herself and her daughter. Mike didn't see either of them again until their father died of a heart attack when Emily was seven. With dad out of the picture their mom softened a bit and Sarah started coming back to town a couple times a year. Sarah and Mike also started talking and texting again on a regular basis. Cancer took their mom a few years later and though they always said that they would spend more time together, the last time Mike had seen either Sarah or Emily was at their mom's funeral.

Ten years had gone by and though they kept in touch, Mike and Sarah lived separate lives 1000 miles away. And then Covid happened. Mike lost his job when he got in a fight with the owner who was refusing to take it seriously. It wasn't the first time Mike had gotten heated about things over the last few years, so when word got out that he wasn't going to be quiet about this he was blacklisted from the other restaurants in the area. Word travels quickly in small towns. As things dragged on, more restaurants closed down and very few were hiring. Unemployment benefits helped, but Mike couldn't really do anything but watch his savings slowly dwindle.

Sarah and Mike were catching up on a call when she suggested he move in. "Seriously, you can't find a decent job out there, mom and dad have been gone for a while, what do you have left keeping you there?"

Mike started to give a half-baked excuse but gave up. "You're right. You're usually right."

"Usually? Try always bro."

"Not always. If I remember correctly you tend to have awful taste in men."

"Yeah... Usually... But not always." There was a small smile in her voice. "So, you're going to move out here?"

Mike sighed. "Yeah. I've got to fix up a few things around here if I'm going to sell my house, but I've got nothing else going on so it shouldn't take long. You've got a spare bedroom for me, right?"

"Yep! I'll let Em know that you're coming to stay, I'm sure she'll love to spend time with you."

Things moved quickly from there. In just a few weeks Mike had gotten some advice from a real estate agent, done some landscaping and refinished the deck before packing what he needed to take, moving his stuff into a storage unit and throwing out the rest. A few days later he was knocking on the door of his sister's home in a small coastal city in California. The door swung open, and Mike got a shock when his niece jumped out, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "HEY UNCLE MIKE!" She looked exactly how Sarah had looked back when she was her age. Exactly the way Sarah had looked when they fucked like mad for a month straight.

Mike pulled back from the hug, grinning from ear to ear. "Holy shit Em! Who let you get so big? Turn around let me get a look at you." Emily laughed and twirled around. Her hair was shoulder length, braided on the sides and was dyed shades of blue and green. It was a hot day out so she was dressed in a white tank top and jeans cut off so short that her tiny pockets poked out the front. Emily's small breasts and firm body made it apparent that she worked out daily. Emily's tiny frame suited her 5'2" height and her slender legs were topped by a taut, peach shaped ass. "You look JUST like your mother."

Emily rolled her eyes. "Everyone says that, but mom says I look just like you."

Mike chuckled. "Might be the eyes. But maybe you'll take after me some more if we get some ink on you."

Mike held his arms out, showing off his full sleeve tattoos. Emily's eyes lit up as she ran her fingers along the designs. Sarah rounded the corner, shaking her head and laughing. "Oh no she doesn't. Maybe you can be a degenerate, but she doesn't get any tattoos that she can't cover up. Emily hasn't finished college and I'm not going to let her ruin her career this early."

Mike saw his sister for the first time in over a decade and the sight made his heart skip a beat. She was a little heavier than Emily but it just made her curves even curvier. Sarah's breasts had grown a cup size when she was pregnant, up to a C and had never gone back down. At 5'2" like her daughter they looked enormous. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and she was wearing a simple cotton sundress. There were a few more lines around her eyes than he remembered, but otherwise she looked just like how he had fantasized for all those years. Mike shrugged and picked up his bag. "Hey, there's plenty of jobs out there for weirdos. Good to know you think I'm a degenerate though."

Sarah came in and hugged her brother close. "I missed you Mike. And yes, you're a degenerate, deal with it. Now let's go put your stuff in your room."

Sarah gave Mike the tour of the house. There were five bedrooms across two floors, living room, two car garage and a large backyard with a patio and pool. Mike had heard a little about California real estate prices from Sarah and knew it had to be worth at least a couple million. "Jesus Christ, I can't believe Aunt Val left this place to you."

Sarah shrugged. "I think it was mostly just because she loved Em so much. Anyway, what do we have to do to get some cooking out of you?"

Mike rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I figured that was coming. Let's take a look at what kind of kitchen I'm working with here." The appliances were brand new, or at least were hardly used. As he rifled through the cupboards Mike quickly realized that the kitchen was almost entirely for show. "Do you two ever even cook here?"

Sarah and Emily looked at each other guiltily. "We make breakfast every now and then." Emily shrugged.

Mike shook his head and grabbed a notepad by the fridge. "Ok, well we'll have to get some actual equipment in here if I'm going to cook on a regular basis, but I've got enough to put something together for tonight." Mike scribbled down a quick shopping list. "Here Em, could you go out to the store and pick these up?" Emily nodded and hugged Mike, took the list and Sarah's credit card and headed off to the store.

Mike found an old bag of flour, some eggs and a bottle of olive oil and got to work making some pasta. Sarah poured them a couple glasses of wine as Mike formed a pile of flour on the counter, cracked a few eggs into a divot in the center and beat the eggs with a fork. As he gradually worked the dough into a firm ball Mike and Sarah made small talk and caught up. It was when he went to wash his hands that Sarah finally asked the question she had been wanting to ask for years. "So why haven't you ever gotten married?"

Mike froze briefly but regained his composure and dried his hands. "Are you sure you want to know? I mean, I could ask you the same thing." Sarah looked at Mike over the rim of her wine glass as she took a sip and nodded, smiling. "Alright, fine, here's the truth, I could never get over you Sarah. I've tried dating, but I never felt anything for any of them the way I felt about you."

Sarah drained her glass and smiled sadly. "I know how you feel. I've tried too but..."

Mike refilled her glass. "But?"

"You're gonna make me say it?"

"Yeah. I think it needs to be said."

"OK. I love you. I've always loved you, but after that first night I realized I was in love with you. And that never went away. Not really. But then Emily happened, and I guess I had to face reality. So I did what I thought I had to and I ran. I'm so sorry."

Mike stepped in closer and hugged his sister, looking deep into her eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, maybe I couldn't have been Emily's 'real' dad, but you needed help and I just wasn't there. It took me way too long to get my shit together."

Sarah looked at her brother, his lips inches away from her own. "You're here now..." and suddenly the dam burst. Decades of pent-up longing and need released all at once as Mike leaned in, pressing Sarah against the counter as their lips met. Sarah's tongue darted between their lips and into Mike's hungry mouth. He could taste the wine lingering on her tongue. Sarah groaned as she felt Mike's hardening cock pressing into her thigh. Sarah pulled back and put a hand on Mike's chest. "God I've needed this. But we can't."

Mike grinned. "Says who?" Mike kissed his sister again and he could feel her resolve break. Sarah pulled her brother in again and guided his hand under the hem of her dress. Running his hand up her thigh Mike felt his way towards his sister's pussy and, pulling her panties to the side his fingers brushed against a dripping wet bush. Mike chuckled. "Haven't shaved in a while?"

Sarah turned beet red. "I, uh, didn't think this would happen so soon." Mike didn't say anything, he just grinned, kissed her neck and knelt on the kitchen floor. Sarah's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening but quickly wrapped her fingers in his hair and guided him in. As soon as the tip of Mike's tongue touched her pussy Sarah gasped and gripped the countertop as a jolt of electricity through her. Mike groaned as he tasted his sister's pussy for the first time in decades. She was just as honey sweet as he remembered. Mike traced long, slow lines with the tip of his tongue along her inner and outer lips, wanting to make it last as long as possible. Sarah groaned and gasped as she ground her hips into her brother's face. "FFFFFFUCK! GOD! NO!" Sarah pushed Mike away. "You need to stop. God I don't want you to, but Emily's going to be back soon."

Mike stood up and kissed Sarah again, giving her a taste of her own wetness. Eventually they broke the kiss. "Later then?"

Sarah straightened her dress and ran her fingers over the conspicuous lump in Mike's pants. "Definitely. Tonight. After Em goes to sleep." Mike grinned and unbuttoned his jeans, before taking Sarah's hand and guiding it in to feel his cock directly. Sarah's fingers glided over the length of his hard shaft before finding the ridge of his head. Sarah found a spot of wetness at his cockhead and brought her fingers up to her mouth, glistening with his precum, and licked them clean. "Later."

Surely enough, Mike had barely had time to button his jeans and wash his face before they heard the car pulling into the driveway. Emily brought the groceries in and set them on the counter as Mike finished rolling out the pasta dough with an empty wine bottle since his sister didn't have a rolling pin. A few more moments of boiling, sauteing and tossing Mike had managed what he felt was an acceptable Cacio e Pepe which he served along with a light salad.

Emily's eyes lit up as she took her first bite of the pasta. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! That's the best thing I've EVER tasted!"

Mike chuckled as he slurped some peppered pasta and washed it down with a nice Moscato. "Oh I can do way better than this. I need actual tools though, I figured I'd find a restaurant supply outlet nearby and do some shopping tomorrow. If you're not doing anything, do you want to come with? I can teach you a bit about cooking."

Emily looked at her mom for approval and Sarah nodded. "I think it'd be a great idea for you two to spend some time together. Don't worry about me. I'm sure your uncle and I will have plenty of time to catch up." Emily cheered and poured herself a second glass of wine.

With dinner over a second bottle of wine was opened as they headed off to the living room to find a movie to watch. The second bottle eventually turned into a third and by the end of the movie Emily was passed out on the couch as Mike and Sarah chatted quietly. As the credits rolled Mike noticed his niece snoring gently and pointed this out to his sister. Sarah grabbed a blanket out of a nearby chest and tucked Emily in, letting her sleep it off on the couch before she turned back to her brother, a wicked smile on her face. "I think we've both waited long enough. Follow me."

Mike stood up, his cock already hardening as he followed his sister back to her bedroom. He had barely gotten past the doorway when Sarah pushed him onto the bed and closed the door behind her. Bunching her sundress at the sides Sarah pulled the dress off over her head and let it fall to the floor. Mike unbuttoned his jeans and lifted his hips as his sister helped him slide the pants and underwear off his legs. Mike's six-inch cock was standing at full attention, the bulbous head already throbbing purple. Sarah knelt onto the bed, biting her lip before she ran her tongue around the crown of his cockhead, giggling. "God I've missed this."

Mike smiled and put his hand under Sarah's chin gently pulling her gaze up to meet his. "I've missed you too sis." Sarah smiled sweetly and kissed the tip of his cock before opening wide and taking the whole length of his cock in her throat in one smooth motion, maintaining eye contact the whole time. Mike gasped and threw his head back. "OH FUCK! You've picked up a few tricks sis." Sarah winked and pulled back slightly to take another breath before burying his cockhead in her throat and moaning. The vibrations of her moan traveled straight through his cock and up his spine making Mike's head swim as his sister gave him one of the most intense sensations he had ever felt in his life.

Sarah pulled her head off her brother's cock with a long slurp and slowly stroked his slippery shaft. "It may have been a few years since I've been with anyone, but you weren't the last person to have me bro. Ever since you agreed to come out here, I've been fucking myself senseless thinking about the things I wanted to do with you." Sarah kissed her way back down Mike's shaft before gently taking one of his balls and sucking it into her mouth. With one hand Sarah continued to stroke her brother's cock and with the other she guided his hand to the top of her and let him get a grip on her ponytail. Sarah flicked her tongue across Mike's balls one last time before pulling up and putting her lips just at the tip of his cock. With a grin Sarah slid the tip of her tongue across Mike's slit, tasting the precum that had leaked out and mixed with her spit. "I want you to fuck my face Mike."

Gripping his sister's ponytail firmly Mike pulled her face down until her lips were on his hips. After several seconds of Sarah twisting her tongue around his shaft and darting out to run across his balls Mike pulled her head back, letting her breath. Her breath was cut short though as he shoved her head back down again without warning. Mike groaned as his cock slid effortlessly down his sister's throat. Convinced that she wouldn't gag like she used to Mike started to fuck his sister's face for real. Instead of gagging Sarah moaned and slid a hand down between her legs, her other bracing on the bed as her brother used her mouth and throat like his own personal fucktoy.

Memories came flooding back to Mike of how when they were younger Sarah would try to deepthroat him and would get upset every time she gagged. Outside of the bedroom Sarah was a firebrand and would stand up to anyone. In the bedroom though she just wanted to serve. The Sarah he knew from all those years ago was a submissive slut who just wanted to be used. Mike wondered how much of that had changed. "You like that cock in your throat you little slut?" Mike held Sarah's head firmly in place and though Sarah tried to mumble a response she also nodded. Mike pulled her head off with a wet pop.

Mike grinned at the spit-streaked face of his little sister. "You like it when I use your holes?"

Between ragged gasps Sarah managed to respond. "Y-yes."

Mike slapped Sarah's face lightly. "Speak up slut."

Sarah, her eyes shining, practically yelled. "YES! I love it when you use my holes!"

"Good girl. Now who owns those holes?"

Sarah smiled contentedly as she kissed Mike's cockhead again. "You own them. My big brother owns me and my slutty holes."

Mike pulled Sarah gently up to kiss her. "You're damn right I do. Now take a seat little sis. I want to feel that hot little pussy again." Sarah kissed Mike, letting their tongues explore each other's mouths as she lifted her hips, pulled her panties to the side, and guided his cock to her pussy lips. Sarah sighed into her brother's mouth as she felt his cock enter her for the first time in over twenty years. A blissful look washed over her face, and she shuddered as she felt her hips meet his. Sarah hung her head and gripped Mike's shoulders as Mike felt her pussy clench onto his cock, Sarah's slick juices dripped from her lips and down his thighs.

As the wave of her first orgasm washed over her Sarah sighed again, she unhooked her bra before flinging it to the side. Mike gripped his sister's ass and guided her into a smooth rhythm as he gently fucked into her from below. Leaning up he took one of Sarah's nipples into his mouth and bit gently on the pink bud. Sarah moaned again and began to ride Mike's cock faster, her hips grinding down into the bed. Mike groaned and reached up to grip Sarah's hair again. Pulling her head back Mike growled in his sister's ear. "Where do you want your brother's hot cum?"Sarah started to respond when Mike began to pound her pussy furiously. "OH-HH F-UCK!" Sarah's back arched and her head went back further as Mike pulled her hair harder. A second orgasm washed over her sending a wave of juice squirting up across Mike's chest. Mike simply grinned and fucked his sister harder. Sarah's fingernails dug into Mike's arms as a third orgasm came immediately after the second. Sarah finally managed to gasp out a response. "CUM IN ME! I want it in me!" Sarah lunged forward and practically mashed her face against his in a kiss before growling in his ear. "I want my brother's hot cum in me. Cum in any hole you want. Any time you want. Just fucking use me!" Hearing Sarah talk the same way she used to sent him over the edge and Mike buried his cock in his sister's pussy filling it with what felt like gallons of cum. Sarah squealed and moaned feeling her brother's cock pulsing as it unloaded into her.

Minutes passed before either of them could move again as their combined juices leaked down Mike's thighs and onto Sarah's bedsheets. Finally, Sarah straightened up and groaned, rolling off to the side. "Holy fuck I needed that!" Lying side by side Sarah reached out and took her brother's hand, bringing it up to her mouth she kissed his fingers. "I had forgotten how I felt back then. It all..." A tear rolled down her cheek. Mike reached up and wiped it away for taking Sarah's hand and kissing her fingers in return. Sarah sniffled and she smiled back at her brother. "I don't know how we're going to keep doing this, but I don't want it to ever stop. I love you Mike."

Mike rolled over and threw his arm across his sister, pulling her in close. "I love you too Sarah. We'll figure it out, don't worry, I'm not leaving."

Sarah laughed and wiped away another tear. "I'm the one who left last time dingus." Sarah sat up and stretched. "We'll have to be careful around Emily. At least until school starts. It would be really hard to explain."

Mike sat up and shrugged. "I don't see what's so hard about it. 'Hey Em, just so you know, your Mom and I are fucking, also I'm not just your uncle I'm also your dad.' Easy."

Sarah snort-laughed as she punched Mike in the shoulder. "Very funny. But you should go to your own room. Too many questions if she catches you in here in the morning."

Mike leaned over and kissed Sarah before climbing off the bed. "Fair point. I'm close to passing out already so I'll get moving." Mike gathered up his clothes and kissed his sister once more before heading off to his own room.

Had he not been so tired, he might have seen that Emily had disappeared from the couch, or even noticed his niece's bedroom door silently closing as he left his sister's room.Historically the morning after was usually easy for Mike. Most of the time his dates understood that what they had was simple, unattached fun. It wasn't always the case, but Mike always did his best to not lead women along, to not let them think he felt something that wasn't there. The morning after he reconnected with his sister though things were significantly more complicated. Mike and Sarah had spent an incredible night together as they gave into the feelings they had each suppressed for so long. They were still siblings though and could never be open about their love. Still though, neither of them were willing to give up what they had found.

Mike awoke feeling happier than he had in a long time and went down to the kitchen for some breakfast. Sarah was rushing around getting ready as her daughter Emily ate cereal, staring at her phone. Sarah smiled at Mike as he came into the kitchen and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey bro, sorry we don't have much but cereal and yogurt, but help yourself. I've gotta run, meeting a client."

Mike sat at the table across from Emily and poured himself a bowl. "Big client?"

Sarah shrugged as she put her earrings in. "Maybe? He's a tech bro who's apparently going through a divorce and is looking for a new place. Honestly, tech bros are kind of a crapshoot, but it could be a big payday." Sarah smoothed out her suit and turned to face Mike. "How do I look?"

Mike let his eyes roam over his sister's body, tracing her curves, noticing the way her c-cup breasts filled out her suit jacket nicely and the camisole showed off ample cleavage. Mike felt his cock stiffen as he replayed the events of last night in his head. "You look amazing Sarah. Good luck out there." Sarah kissed her brother and daughter on their cheeks and headed out, her heels clacking on the tile floor. Mike tucked into his bowl of cereal and turned his attention to his niece. "So, excited to spend the day with me?"

Emily sat back in her chair and let out a long sigh. "Heeyyyy... Got a question for you Mike." Mike set his spoon down and looked more fully at his niece. Her shoulders were slouched, arms crossed and an impassive expression on her face. Emily leaned forward and locked eyes with the man sitting across from her. "Are you actually my mom's brother?"

Mike cocked his head to the side as a wave of confusion passed over him. "Yeah. Born and raised. Same parents and everything. Why?"

Emily drew a deep, sharp breath and held it for a moment before letting it out slowly. "Then what did I hear last night?" All the color drained from his face and Mike reeled back in his seat, unsure of what to say. Emily's eyes went wide. "So it's true? You two fucked last night?"

"I-I don't know if I should-"

"NO! I'm not going to let you two lie to me. I want the truth, right fucking now!"

Mike sighed and nodded. "Yeah, we had sex last night. Or fucked, or made love. However you want to say it."

"Uh huh. And you really are brother and sister? Like this isn't just some fucked up role play?"

"Yeah, we're related, by blood."

"HOW?! How did this happen? You know that's incest, right? Were you drunk or something?!"

"We were a little drunk, but it wasn't the first time. We used to when we were younger and after seeing each other for the first time in so long, it just... happened."

"SERIOUSLY!? How long has this been going on?"

"The first time was 23 years ago."

"OK. So about as long as I've been... no..." Emily looked at Mike, tears stinging her eyes. "no."

"I'm afraid so. I didn't want you to find out this way. I'm sorry."

"YOU'RE SORRY!? You're sorry. You're telling me that not only are you and my mom having incestuous sex, you're also apparently my dad? And that I'm the product of incest? Didn't you worry about, I dunno genetic diseases or something?"

"It wasn't exactly planned out Emily."

"I want the whole story. Right. Fucking. Now. If you lie to me or anything then I'm never going to speak to you, or my mother again."

Mike swallowed hard and nodded. "Alright. You deserve that much." Mike sat back and took a deep breath. "I guess I should start at the beginning. When your mom and I were growing up, our dad was a real piece of shit. He had a real short temper and would take it out on any of us whenever he was too drunk, or had taken something, or even if he just felt like we needed to be taught a lesson." Mike pushed up his sleeve showing the yin-yang symbol he had tattooed on his shoulder. He pointed to the dark circle inside the white shape, showing a round burn scar. "That's where he put a cigarette out on me once when he told me to get him another beer and I said no."

Emily looked between the scar and her uncles face. "Why didn't anyone stop him? Where were the cops? Where was Child Protective Services?"

Mike lowered his sleeve. "He was a cop. It was a small town. Most people knew he was a piece of shit, but no one was going to do anything. Our mom couldn't stand up to him, so your mom and I got really close growing up. We felt like we could only depend on each other. When I was 18, I moved out and got my own place. Sarah couldn't take being alone with our dad, so she moved in with the first boyfriend she could find. I offered for her to come live with me, but my apartment was a shitty little studio, and I only had one bed, so I understood when she turned me down. We kept in touch though and were still close."

Mike sighed. "A few years later was when it first happened. She had found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she came to me for comfort. We had a bottle of rum, and honestly, we don't remember what happened after that, but we woke up together, naked. It was... pretty obvious what had happened. I'm guessing you probably don't want to hear the graphic details, but one thing led to another and we kinda let it happen again. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt right. It felt like we had always loved each other, and this was just a new way to express that love. And so it... kept happening. For a couple months. Then Sarah found out she was pregnant."

Emily nodded, tears in her eyes. "With me, right?" Mike nodded silently. "My mom had always told me that it was a one-night stand. That she didn't even know my dad's name. I had always assumed that I wouldn't ever get to meet him. My mom and Aunt Val were always great growing up, but I always wished that I'd had a dad too. What happened? Why didn't you follow us out to California?"

Mike licked his lips and stared deep into his bowl of cereal. "I... I made a mistake. When your mom told me she was pregnant I said she should... get rid of it."

Emily leaned in. "An abortion?" Mike nodded slowly. Emily took a deep breath. "Makes sense. I know we're talking about... me. But it makes sense. It sounds like neither of you were in a place to take care of a kid and that kid also being the product of incest... It was the rational decision. If I were in your place, I probably would have done the same thing."

Mike smiled softly. "That's what I thought too. But your mom wasn't looking for that. She wanted to know if I would be there to help. She was hurt, so she went back home and after a couple days our dad found out, started flying off the handle and our mom secretly gave her Aunt Val's number. Val got her a bus ticket and Sarah left that night. Having lost Sarah, and you, I realized how badly I had fucked up and started getting my life in order. By that point the damage was done though. Sarah just wanted to pretend like it had never happened, and we spent almost a decade without talking. It wasn't until after our mom passed that she reached out. She never made any move to reconnect more than that though, so I assumed it was easier for her that way. So, I kept my distance and worked on me."

Mike sat back and shrugged. "Then I guess you know the rest. Your mom one day suggested I move out here, I did, and after a decade apart, things... just kinda happened. I'm so sorry. We had both assumed that things might eventually happen again, but neither of us thought it would be so soon. Or that you would find out."

Emily wiped a tear from her cheek and crossed her arms. "Thanks for being honest. At least I assume you are. I've got a lot to think about. I think it would be best if you gave me some space for a bit."

Mike grabbed his cereal bowl and stood up from the table. "Sure thing. I'm going to go do some shopping. Oh, question for you." Emily looked up from her folded arms. "What's your favorite food?" Emily reeled back and stared at Mike, her mouth hanging open. "I'm a chef. I show people I care about them by cooking. If I'm doing some shopping, then I figure I might as well make something for you."

Emily smirked and cocked an eyebrow. "You're going to try and cook your way out of this?" Emily rolled her eyes. "Alright, you just came from Texas, I want some Barbecue. Brisket sounds good."

Mike did some quick math. "Uh... The good stuff takes a long time. I'd have to start today if you want it tomorrow."

Emily shook her head. "Nope. You want to try and make this up to me then figure it out. Brisket. Tonight. And it had better be good."

Mike nodded and smiled. "Brisket it is then. I'll figure it out."

A small smile briefly flashed across Emily's face, but she quickly turned her attention to her phone.

Mike finished his cereal in the living room as he looked up a restaurant supplier in the area and made up a shopping list. A few minutes later and Mike was driving off to go equip his sister's kitchen. Mike attempted to call Sarah, but she didn't pick up, at the next light he dashed off a quick text. "Call me when you can". Mike set the phone in the cup holder and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. A half hour later he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant supplier. Glancing at his phone he saw that he had no signal and groaned. Sighing, he shoved it in his pocket and one hour and about a thousand dollars later Mike left the warehouse with all of the things he would need to make his sister's kitchen actually usable.

As Mike drove off to a nearby grocery store, he heard the notification tone on his phone and his breath caught in his throat when he realized he missed Sarah's call and had a voicemail waiting for him. Pulling into the grocery store's lot he found a spot away from the other cars and, with trembling fingers he opened the voicemail.

"Hey big bro. Sorry I had to dash this morning. If we had managed to wake up before Em I would have loved to take you for another ride. Maybe get some of your tasty cum to start off my day. I'm sitting in my car while this guy takes some measurements and then wants to tour another couple houses but I should be back by dinner. I hope you and your niece are having a great day. See you later. Love you."

Mike's finger hovered over the callback button before finally closing the screen and stuffing it back in his pocket. If Emily hadn't told her mom yet, then he didn't want to make her panic while she was trying to work. Taking a deep breath Mike instead pulled up Emily's contact and called her instead.

After a few rings he heard his niece on the other end. "Hey. What's up?"

"Umm, I was just stopping at the grocery store to get stuff for the brisket and figured I should check and see if you wanted me to get something for lunch too. Got anything you're in the mood for?"

"I'm not really thinking about food right now, but yeah, I should probably eat. Can you just get me a sandwich from the deli or something? With the day I'm having I could also use a strong drink."

"Brisket stuff, sandwiches from the deli, and how does a pitcher of Mojitos sound?"

"Sounds great. Thanks Mike."

Mike winced as he heard the line go dead. Taking another deep breath, he headed into the grocery store to drop another few hundred dollars. Mike arrived back at Sarah's place shortly after noon with a car packed to the gills. Grabbing the groceries he went inside and found Emily laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a pair of oversized headphones on. Mike dug out the deli sandwiches and brought one into the living room. Emily noticed Mike come in and didn't get up but did shift one of the earphones off.

Emily took the sandwich. "Thanks."

"No problem." Mike turned to go back to unloading the car.

"I believe I was promised Mojitos?"

Mike chuckled. "A little early to start drinking?"

"Are you really going to try and be my dad right now?"

"...I'll make those drinks now."

Emily put her headphones back in place and sat up. For the rest of the afternoon Mike kept refilling his niece's glass as he slow cooked the brisket in a smoker pan in Sarah's oven. It wasn't proper barbecue, but it would still be smoky, tender, and delicious with a side of greens and cornbread. By the time Sarah had arrived home, the entire house smelled like a backyard party and Mike had managed to turn the kitchen into something approaching a professional would be happy to use. Sarah walked in the door with a loud shout of "OOH THAT SMELLS AMAZING!" Sarah kicked off her shoes and came into the kitchen. Wrapping her arms around Mike's waist Sarah kissed his cheek. "Hey you. Did you and Em have a good day together?"

"OH HEY MOM!" Emily shouted from the doorway. "GUESS WHAT!?" Sarah pulled back from Mike, smiling. She began to open her mouth and Emily cut her off. "I just found out who my real dad is!"

Sarah wheeled on Mike. "You TOLD her?!"

Mike stepped back, bracing himself against the counter. "She heard us last night. She confronted me about it this morning."

Sarah noticed the pitcher of mojitos on the table. "So your solution was to get her drunk?"

"She's had three since lunch-"

"Four." Emily interjected as she poured another.

"Four then. I wouldn't want her driving, but she's probably fine."

The shrill sound of the oven's timer broke through the air. Mike turned to pull out the cornbread and brisket. Sarah took a deep breath and turned back to Emily. "I'm sorry sweetie. I should have told you but-"

Emily set her glass down on the table hard enough to splash her drink. "NO! Look, Mike and I already had this conversation and I've had some time to think, so you're going to listen." Sarah straightened up and squared her shoulders. "Ok, look, mom. I'm hurt alright? Honestly, it feels like I've been lied to my entire life. Like when I first heard you two, I didn't know what to believe. And then when he confirmed it for me this morning, I had no clue how to process it at first." Emily sat at the table and took a sip of her drink. "I've had a chance to think though and I get it. It's not the sort of thing you can easily explain to someone and with Mike being away for so long I don't know how you would have even begun. It hurt that you lied, and I was angry, so I lashed out a bit at you, but I forgive you, OK?"

Sarah sat across from her daughter at the table and held her hands. Tears welled in Sarah's eyes as she nodded, choking back more tears. Emily leaned forward and hugged her mother until both their tears stopped. It was Emily who broke the silence again. "This is going to sound kinda weird, but part of what helped me accept it was that I don't really know Mike. Like before all this happened, I was excited to get to know him because I saw how happy you were any time you got off the phone with him. But then he got here he was just this kinda weird, hot, older guy and then it turned out that my mom was screwing him. I guess on some level I just sort of see him as your boyfriend." Sarah took a sip of Emily's drink and swallowed hard. "What I'm saying is, I don't think I'm ready to see him as my dad. Not sure I ever will, honestly. But if you two want to keep doing what you're doing, then I'll keep your secret and we can pretend this whole situation is a lot more normal than it actually is."

Sarah sat up and drained Emily's glass before pouring a refill. "That's it then? Our secret is out and we can just act like a normal couple?" Mike smiled and nodded as he turned his attention to the dinner. Sarah got up from the table and hugged Emily first and then Mike. "I guess we'll have to come up with a cover story for how I know you then."

Mike chuckled as he sliced the brisket into thick strips. "That's a problem for tomorrow. For tonight, let's enjoy this food." Mike held a piece of the brisket out towards Emily on a fork. "Acceptable?" Emily took the fork, popped the meat in her mouth and moaned, nodding. An hour later and the three of them were back on the couch watching some Netflix series. Emily had downed her fifth drink and was a little unsteady. Both Mike and Sarah were catching up to her though at three apiece.

By the end of the first episode Emily was snoring on the couch again. Mike nudged Sarah and pointed to their sleeping daughter. "We should take her to her room."

Sarah nodded and kissed Mike's neck. "You do it. I've had too much. Meet you in my room?" Mike groaned as he felt his sisters hand rub his cock through his pants.

Mike helped Sarah to her feet and gave her ass a teasing slap before bending back down to pick up Emily. After Mike's lifetime of heavy lifting in the kitchen the 22-year-old girl felt like she weighed next to nothing in his arms. Emily stirred in his arms and nestled her face in his neck. "Mmmm, you smell like brisket." Padding gently down the hall Mike set his daughter down on her bed. Emily turned over and groaned. "Hey Mike." Mike paused mid- turn. "I can't sleep like this. Can you help me get these jeans off?" Mike sighed and smiled as Emily unbuttoned her jeans. Grabbing the leg of the pants he pulled as she lifted her hips off the bed and the jeans came off. For half a heartbeat Emily's panties were tugged down with them, briefly exposing her shaved pussy. Emily tugged them back up, not seeming to register that anyone might have seen. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and started to tug it up over her head, which Mike took as his cue to leave. Emily laid back down in her bed and mumbled a quick "Goodnight" as Mike turned off her light and left the room.

Back in his sister's room Mike caught his sister changing. She had just managed to slip on a lacy lingerie set with a pair of sheer stockings. "Damn, you ruined the surprise." Sarah smiled, her lips a deeper shade of red. "That tech bro wound up putting in an offer on a huge place, so I wanted to celebrate with something fun." Mike's jaw dropped as his sister tugged the stockings into place. The black lace of her panties and bra were traced with bright green and red leaf and vine patterns. The stockings were sheer but had more black vines tracing along her legs. The bra only just barely contained her C-cup breasts and her long blonde hair flowed freely down her back, almost to her ass. Her lips shined wetly with freshly applied lipstick, somewhere between pink and red. Emily sat on the bed and gestured for him to come closer.

Mike stepped up to the bedside, standing right between his sister's legs. She looked up at him with her big green eyes. "I was worried about telling Emily, but it looks like you took care of that for me, and now we don't have to hide. I don't know how long we would have been able to keep it a secret anyway. I don't know if you've noticed but..." Sarah unbuttoned Mike's pants and slid them down. "I have needs." Mike groaned as Sarah pulled his cock out of his boxers and wrapped her lips around his semi-hard manhood. Sucking and bobbing Mike's cock quickly hardened to it's full 6 inches which Sarah took deep in her throat. Sarah pulled her head off his cock and giggled when she saw that she had left a lipstick ring around the base.

Mike moaned and grinned at his sister. Gently he wrapped his hand around her neck and pushed her back onto the bed. "You said you wanted my tasty cum. I'm thinking I need to make you work for it." Pressing his sister into the bed, Mike leaned in, letting his cockhead press against her panty covered mount. He trailed his thumb over her lips which Sarah greedily sucked. "If you want my cum then what are you going to do for it?"Sarah groaned and ran her tongue along his finger. "I'll do anything you want big brother. You can fuck any hole you want, as much as you want. I just want you to use me."

Mike slid a hand down and cupped Sarah's pussy, feeling the slick juices already soaking through the thin fabric. Moving the panties to the side he slid a finger in her sopping wet pussy and fucked her gently with his digits as Sarah gasped and dug her fingernails into his back. After a minute of watching his sister squirm, Mike pulled his fingers out and slid them further back to lightly push into her puckered asshole. Sarah's eyes flew open, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. "OH F-F-FUCK! Oh Mike! I haven't had anyone else back there since you."

Mike grinned and kissed Sarah, their tongues darting into each other's mouths as he fingered his sister's ass. "You said any hole. Do I own your ass or not?"

Sarah bit into Mike's shoulder as he slid a second finger in. "GGHNNNNN! YES! You own my ass! You own it. You can take it any time you want." Mike smiled and pulled away, taking off his shirt and boxers. Sarah slid off her panties and nodded towards the bag sitting by the dresser. "I got some lube along with the lingerie. That ass is yours any time you want but you've gotta treat it right." Mike chuckled and looked over by the dresser. Sure enough there was a small black bag with a bottle of lube inside. As he tore the plastic seal off the new bottle and squirted a generous dollop on his cockhead Mike noticed that he had forgotten to close the door all the way and it was open a crack. Since, by that point his hands were slick with lube he decided not to bother closing it just yet.

Mike returned to the bed to find Sarah already bend over the end of the bed with her ass in the air. Mike squirted another glob of lube on his sister's asshole and used his already slick fingers to work the lube into her tight hole. With one hand on her hips and the other to guide him in, Mike slid his lubed cock into his sister's ass. Sarah screamed into her pillow as Mike pushed inch after inch into a hole that hadn't had a cock in it for more than two decades. After a few moments Mike felt the pressure relax and he used the opportunity to start slowly pumping in and out of her ass.

As Mike's pace increased Sarah went from grunting in pain to moaning in pleasure to a screaming orgasm. Sarah buried her face in the pillow and toyed with her clit. With her hand a blur on hit clit and her brother's cock pounding into her ass it wasn't long before Sarah came a second time, squirting a flood of juice down her thighs and splashing against the footboard. Mike gripped Sarah's hair and pulled her head back to growl in her ear. "Your tight little ass is going to make me come sis." Sarah groaned again as another wave of pleasure coursed through her. Mike grinned and pulled harder. "I want to cum on your pretty face. I want to see you begging for my cum."

Sarah panted as Mike continued to pound her asshole. "Uh-hh-ugh p-please. P-p-please cum on my face Mike. I need your hot cum all over my slutty face." Mike groaned again, let go of her hair, and pulled out of his sister's ass. Sarah collapsed on the floor and flung her head back, mouth open wide. A few strokes of his lube-slick cock later and Mike's cock exploded sending stream after stream of thick white cum across Sarah's face. After what was maybe just a few seconds but felt like an hour of orgasms, Mike looked at Sarah to see that she had cum painting half her face. Some streams had reached from her forehead all the way down to her chin, one eye was practically glued shut and still enough had landed in her mouth to coat her tongue.

Sarah grinned wide as she swallowed the cum in her mouth before wiping it out of her eyes and sucking her fingers clean. "Fucking hell Mike! I'm gonna need a shower now." Sarah kissed her brother, leaving a taste of cum on his lips. "There's some wet wipes in the bedside table for you to clean up before you pass out. But I need to go wash up before bed. Get some sleep love. I'll join you in a bit."

Mike laid back and sighed, wiping his cock and hips clean before slipping under the covers. He watched his sister open the bedroom door and head out to shower before closing his eyes and smiling to himself.

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