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6% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 246: a son forced -3

Chapter 246: a son forced -3

As Jason climbed into Margret's car, his attention drawn toward the smooth shaven leg as Margret slowly inched into her seat. Allowing her brother to see every curve of her body as she eased into her seat. Looking again at the staring gapping mouth's that lined the cement walkway, pulling her brother in close her eye's flickering up yet she saw no resistance. Margret was surprised when his mouth opened slightly, allowing her tongue access. She wasted no time in exploiting the opening ravishing him while watching the mass of bodies. She knew that with this her Master would be on the mind's of his peer's.

"What the hell Margret," Jason said, pushing himself away. Yet he couldn't deny the fact he enjoyed feeling her lips against his, nor the fact that he wanted more banishing the thought from his mind. Jason needed to be clear headed he wasn't about to give in not to his mother.

"Relax Jason," Margret said, smiling sweetly at him. Resting her hand on his upper thigh biting her lip, knowing it was so close. "Just making you popular," she said, pointing at the departing crowd.

"Yea that's what I need," Jason sighed heavily. As Margret pulled out of the parking lot Jason wondered where they were going. "This isn't the way home," he said, trying not to look at his sister. Yet his eye's couldn't seem to heed his call always catching glimpses of her breast as the hem of her halter top rose with every move. Which Jason thought was for his benefit as much as he hated himself for wanting to feel his sister's tits he just couldn't look away.

"The Mistress has something special to show you Jason," Margret said, her hand rubbing his thigh feeling his jeans beginning to tighten. "Jason would you like for me to take care of that for you? I think it would be best if I did, you wouldn't want that to show itself when we get there now would you?" She said, smirking knowing where her mother planned on taking Jason. How her body heated as she watched as he fought himself not to give in.

"Fine this one time," Jason said, relenting knowing how he couldn't take care of it himself. He had no wish to be raped again, and he was tired of the swollen, throbbing member that tormented him all weekend. Margret was too stunned to speak her eye's scanning the area for a secluded place where she could take care of her Master. Pulling into a desolated parking lot behind the Dollar store Margret fought to still her body. Ensuring that they wouldn't be interrupted leaning over the console, her mouth watered at the prospects of having her brother deep in her mouth.

"Jason," Margret said, unzipping his pants. "Relax baby you know I'll never hurt you," she said needling his cock out from the confines of his boxer's. Her hand squeezing softly on his superheated rod as her strokes increased in speed. Lowering her head as the first bead's of his precum crept up from his core, Margret felt his muscle's tremble as her hot breath flowed over his sensitive head.

Flicking her tongue out tasting his dew before engulfing his rod. Tilting her head to the side so he could watch as his cock disappeared into her hot slick mouth. Watching as his body responded to her masterful tongue as it toyed with the eager cock in her hand. Margret was startled as his hand rested on her upper thigh.

"Jason will you touch me," Margret begged looking up to him with pleading eye's. "Please touch me," she said, opening her leg's to allow her Master to explore her body. Biting her lip as his hand migrated northward, the soft touch along her mound sent heat radiating up to her core. "Harder Jason," Margret moaned as her hips moved on their own. Growling in frustration as her short's were hampering the feeling of his finger's working her to her own orgasm. Wiggling out of her short's placing his hand back where it belonged, Margret couldn't believe how wet she was as she returned to her task. Squealing as two finger's penetrated her hot mound, her hips plunging down on his exploring appendages as they massaged her folds.

"That's it Jason make me cum for you," Margret moaned before returning to her task. "Fffff," was the only thing Jason heard as Margret's leg's clamped down on his hand feeling his sister's cream coating his hand. Watching as her eye's went wide as he added another finger, smiling wickedly as she howled in pleasure. "Jason please don't stop," Margret cried out as her top became askew as her body succumbed to his touch. "Yes, yes, yes that's the spot," she moaned between breath's.

Margret knew he was almost there, yet she wanted this to continue. "If he was willing to come this far, then maybe he'll go further," Margret asked herself watching Jason's euphoria taking control of his rational mind. "Jason I know you're about to cum before that, would you rather shoot this load deep inside my pussy," Margret asked teasing the tip of his head.

"Finish!" Jason growled, looking down at her. Sadness swelled in her heart when she saw those eye's of his, that this was as far as he was willing to go for now. Margret kept her tears back wondering when her Master would finally allow her to properly service him. "Cccumming," Jason groaned as he felt his seed filling Margret's mouth. Margret made sure he was watching as she swallowed every drop of his string of pearl's.

They drove on in silence after Margret had relieved Jason of his stress. For thirty minute's Jason had berated himself for allowing his sister to do that to him. Telling himself he's not suppose to enjoy her mouth working him to completion, nor was he suppose to like how his finger's felt in his sister's cunt. When she asked him to fuck her Jason was on the verge of saying yes. Yet he needed to be strong not to give in, at least not to them.

"Margret why did Mara want to be me here," Jason asked as they pulled into an empty warehouse district. Noting the numerous for rent sign's that lined the wall's of the buildings as they drove past.

"Because this is where the club is," Margret said matter-of-fact.

"Club what club," Jason asked, looking over at his sister. How he wanted to reach out and tease those hard nipples that were straining against the fabric of her halter top.

"You'll see the Mistress wanted it to be a surprise for you," Margret said, reaching over taking his hand into her's. "Jason," she said killing the engine. "Please won't you touch me once more," Margret said climbing into his lap. "Do you wish for me to beg Jason," she asked before kissing Jason with a passion. "Jason please," her body shuddered as his hands moved along her skin, she knew where he was heading. Tossing her head back as Jason began to knead her breast, biting her lip as he focused on her rock hard nipples. "Yes," she whispered as her hip's started to move. "That's it Jason play with my nipples," Margret said, leaning back giving into the ecstasy of her body. A soft knock came on the passenger window. "Mistress!"

"Margret this is no time to play we are guests here," Mara said opening the door. Holding out her hand to Margret as she climbed out of Jason's lap. "Come along Jason we mustn't keep our host waiting," she said smiling down at her son. Sighing knowing she would never leave him alone, reluctantly getting out of the car Jason stood in awe of the dress his mother had adorned for this outing. Black silk flowed over her body in neat, clean line's, displaying her body in way's that to his teenage mind thought weren't possible. The only thing that held the dress together were the silk ties that ran from the top of her thong's waistband to a few inches above her navel. Allowing her still firm breast to hang freely against the material, allowing all to see their beauty.

"Do you like it Jason," Mara said, spinning around allowing the wind to catch the dress displaying her ass for her son to view. "Well!" Jason smiled inwardly as he watched his mother's cheek twitched when he refused to answer. "I think you do Jason," Mara said, pressing up against him, her hand running up his bulge. Jason simply shrugged his shoulders refusing to answer knowing that was what she wanted.

"Jason please answer the Mistress," Margret said snuggling against him. Her left hand running down his arm before her finger's interweaved with his. Jason gave no audible answer simply nodding his head knowing they would be there until he did.

"Good," Mara cooed seductively as she looped her arm around his. "Come Jason we have much to show you," she leading him towards the plain drab beige entrance. As they entered it looked like more of a reception area in a corporate office, then an club at least it did to Jason.

"Welcome to Midnight Shadows," chirped the twenty year old receptionist. "We weren't expecting you so soon Mistress Rose."

"Rose! You named yourself Rose," Jason said, bursting out in laughter.

"Is there something wrong with my name," Mara said snatching back his head. Those amber eye's burned with the fire she saw on that glorious night.

"Yep the only thing that you two have in common is the sharpness of your tongue," Jason said taunting her.

"Ah I see now why you brought him here," said a woman in her late thirties as she walked out of the shadow of the hall. Dressed in a black leather bra and mini skirt, inch wide satin straps crisscrossed along her mid drift. Her stockings held high by her lace garter belt, her four inch pump's echoing off the wooden floor. Jason arched an eyebrow as the woman walked towards them, there was something about her that seemed so familiar to him.

"Hello Mistress Holly," Margret said as she got a few feet from them. Loving how Jason's body felt so right in her arm's.

"Margret dear you're as beautiful as ever when will you grace my room?" Holly asked her finger's running along her jaw tilting her chin so she could look into her green eye's.

"When my Master wishes it," Margret said, her cheeks burning as she said the word. "Or when he no longer wishes to have me," she said, brushing her cheek against Jason's shoulder.

"Well then your Master is very lucky to have you," Holly said, caressing Margret's cheek while appearing not to study the boy in her arms. "Maybe soon he will join us and watch us would you like that," she said smiling sweetly at Margret.

"Yes of course, but only if he wishes it," Margret said squeezing Jason's hand.

"So Mistress Rose why have you brought this one," Holly said, scowling when Jason wasn't paying her or anyone attention. "I see obedience is needed to be instilled in this boy," she said drawing out the word. The slight movement of those amber eye's underneath the strand's of his black hair caught her by surprise.

"Why are you offering your services to me," Jason said with a sly smirk.

"Jason," Mara said in a low whisper. "You can't speak to Mistress Holly in such a manner she run's this club."

"I don't think she cares how I speak to her Mara," Jason said looking over at his mother.

"You should be whipped for speaking in such a rude manner to your Mistress," Holly said standing far too close for Jason's liking.

"One I don't have a Mistress, two unless you're going to put those lips to use if not then back off," Jason said staring the leather clad woman down.

"Oh is that what you want the use of these lips," Holly said in a wanton purr as she ran her hand's up Jason's chest. Jason felt his mother and sister tense up as Holly pressed her body against his. "Or is it these lips you are after," she said, taking Jason's free hand slipping it underneath her skirt placing his hand on her mound.

"Both," Jason said, feeling their fury build the longer his hand caressed her sex.

"Then all you have to do is submit to me," Holly purred her tongue teasing his lip.

"Yea I'm pass on that then," Jason said feeling them relax. "As hot as you are I don't believe you're that good for me to do that," he said pushing his luck. "Then what do I know I'm just a boy to you," Jason said narrowing his eye's.

"Rose I can see why you like this one," Holly said before taking Jason by surprise tasting their Master. Holly's eye's flew wide as she felt the slap on her ass.

"Naughty," Jason said with a seductive smile. So taken back Holly had retreated a few steps, feeling her skin burn from the pleasure she had felt. Taking Mara by the arm leading her down the hall away from the boy she had brought.

"Mara you know what he is," Holly said in a hush whisper glancing over at Jason.

"Yes sis I know," Mara said with longing as she looked lovingly at her son. "Why do you think I brought him here so you could teach him."

"Are you sure this is what you want," Holly said pushing her sister against the wall. Making sure he was watching as she leaned into her sister making sure he heard her moan as their kiss deepened.

"It's what I have longed for since I took him," Mara said breathlessly.

"Took him? Are you telling me he didn't come willingly to this gorgeous body," Holly said squeezing her sister's tit.

"No," Mara bit her lip as Holly pinched her nipple. "He broke me Scarlet I just simply couldn't restrain my desire any longer."

"Will you share your Master with me Mara," Scarlet said as her fingertips skimmed along Mara's slit. "Will you allow me to fuck your son," she said, nibbling on her sister's ear.

"That's for my Master to say Scarlet," Mara said stifling her moan. "I will share him with you sister and only you," her hand's gripped tightly to Scarlet's arm's as her finger's plunged into her hot mound.

"Then fetch your Master Rose," Scarlet said, returning to her role.

"Jason," Mara said from the hallway entrance. Her body still flushed from her encounter with her sister. "Please come with me," Jason kept his expression from his face this wasn't like his mother. As they walked down the hall, Jason could hear the echo's of the whips and chains that dominated their practice. Jason wasn't ashamed to admit that he enjoyed watching Holly's ass sway the deeper they went into the converted warehouse.

Jason wondered if his mother was going to kill him when he caught sight of Holly's panties as she lead them up the stair's. Straining his eye's to see the subtle outline of her lips through the lacy material. Looking back Holly only smiled at her nephew it was the reason she chose the second floor. So that he would see what awaited for him even if he didn't know it.

"Here we are my own private room," Holly said unlocking the door. Pushing Jason into the room, winking at the other two as they passed. "Now as I'm sure you have been informed that we need consent before anything can happen," she said leaning against his back her hands roaming aimlessly around his chest. "Now why don't you say yes, I submit Mistress Holly and I'll give you everything you want," Holly said snapping the button of his pants.

"Fuck you," Jason sneered. Her backhand sent Jason staggering a few steps, gently touching his lip, wondering if his mother learned her skill from the towering woman that loomed over him. Her grip was like a vise her finger's it's steel teeth as Holly took a hold of Jason's face.

"You will learn respect boy," Holly said coldly, her gaze boring into Jason.

"Suck my dick you bondage crazed whore," Jason growled, his blood staining his teeth.

"Did you just command me, you little piece of shit!"

"That's right what of it," Jason said with all the bravado he could muster standing on his toe's. Holly just smiled, keeping his attention diverted while signalling her sister and niece to get into position.

"Good," Holly smiled wickedly before pushing Jason backwards onto the twin mattress. That she had placed between the iron rings that she normally use to train her submissive's, however today they were there to train a Master. To teach him the error of his ways for ignoring his submissive's need's. She saw the genuine fear as the manacles snapped closed around his wrist. Looking to her sister wondering if she had indeed raped her own son. "Shh," Holly said, sinking onto the mattress.

"Your safe here no one's going to hurt you," Holly straddling his chest.

"No you're just going to rape me," Jason said, trying to throw her off.

"There will be no raping here," Holly said unbuttoning his shirt. "I can feel your cock," reaching back, tracing along it's length. "Poking me in my ass as we speak, now why don't you say the word's and I'll see that is properly taken care of," she said rubbing her sex against his stomach.

"Fuck you! I told you before suck my cock," Jason seethed as he was pinned to the bed. "Is this what you brought me here so you can rape me in front of other's Mara!"

"I told you," Holly said backhanding Jason again. "You don't speak so rudely to your Mistress," she couldn't believe how aroused her nephew was making her. She had assumed he would be like all the submissive male's that partake of her establishment. That fire, that defiance, she had to have more now more than ever. She needed to taste the fire of his rage, she saw in those amber eye's. Scarlet looked towards her sister, she understand now why she had taken her son.

"You know I'm real tired of hearing that crap. So you know what go on have your damn fun, but know this you're going to have to take it," Jason sneered as he looked up at the woman that sat on his chest.

"And I've told you there will be no rape here you will give in," Holly said her face filling his view. "How about we put that foul mouth to use," she said twisting her body around. Her mini skirt covering his eye's as her mound sinking into his gaping mouth. "Well go on, taste me I know you were looking let's put that wagging tongue of yours to work now shall we," Holly said signalling the other two. It was her hope that without the aid of sight, he wouldn't know it was his submissive's that were giving him pleasure instead of her.

"You say something," Holly said over her shoulder as his muffled cries rubbed against her covered snatch. "Now what was it that you ordered me to do, suck your cock," she said nodding to her sister. Smirking at the two as they reached for his zipper Scarlet wondered how long had he withheld against them. Grinding her hips along his lips if he wasn't going to please her, she'll make him want to.

"What's wrong boy don't you like the taste of my pussy," Holly chuckled narrowing her eye's as he flipped her off. Raking her nail's up his chest, his muffled cries of pain felt so wonderful against her sex. "Now why don't you go straight to the source," she said, lifting up slightly to ensure he wouldn't see as his mother started to tease his cock as she pulled aside her panties.

"No stop," was Jason's only words before Scarlet silenced him once again.

"I told you little boy you will give in," Holly said, watching his toes curl as his sister leaned over her tongue circling his head while his mother licked along the back of his cock. "Well get to work boy that cunt isn't going to lick itself," she couldn't believe how wet she was getting the longer he held out. A wicked smile formed on her lips as her finger's undid the clasp on her mini skirt. Rising from her position slipping the skirt from her hips tossing across the room. "Well seeing how you won't do as your told then you'll watch as they fuck you and fuck you," Holly said with a sinister light in her eye's.

"What did you think I didn't know what that woman was up to," Jason said with indifference. "Please what kind of fool do you take me for," he said, closing his eye's fighting against the pleasure they were giving him. "I already know they have no qualms about crossing that line so this is no big shock."

"Fuck that feel's so good," Jason moaned in his mind. He felt his cock lurch as his mother and sister gave in to their need's as to say. "Then what are you waiting for dumbass fuck the shit out of them. They've been begging for you to do so for week's now can't you see how much they love me!" Yet Jason couldn't take that leap no matter how much it felt so good to him. "Nope I'm not listening to you," Jason said to his cock as Margret's lips parted swallowing him whole. Then a wicked thought crossed his mind wondering if this would end it all.

"Yes fuck yes Jacklyn," Jason moaned as the room went silent.

"Who the fuck is Jacklyn!" Margret seethed squeezing hard on his shaft.

"Yes Jason," Mara growled her demeanor becoming demonic as she pushed her face into his. "Who the fuck is Jacklyn," she said, grabbing tufts of his hair.

"You've meet her and you have nothing on her," Jason smirked, knowing full well the predicament he was getting himself into.

"Have you fucked her," Mara asked, pressing her nose against his.

"Every time she comes down," Jason said evilly.

"Margret," Mara said, looking back to her daughter. "Take him we are going to ensure he forgets this woman now and forever more," she said before returning her attention back to her son.

"Yes Mistress Jason only need's us in his life to fulfill his desires," Margret said with a nod as she positioned herself over his member.

"Now Jason," Mara sneered at her son at the thought of another woman having her way with her son. Her body coming to life as she listened as her daughter's sex grew slick around the rod that was filling her. "Only we can have you no one else is that understood," she said before forcing her tongue into his mouth.

"Fuck you Mara! I've told you before I will not break not to you, not to Margret and not to that woman," Jason spat yet he wanted more.

"You will," Mara said, lifting herself up positioning herself over his mouth, her leg's locking around his head. "Lick your mother, Jason I know how you loved my taste," she said, rubbing her clit against Jason's nose.

"Mara maybe the boy," Scarlet said ending her role as Holly as she pulled the blond wig off along with the hair net. Her ebony hair cascaded down to the small of her back. Her blue eye's sparkled with mischief as her leather bra fell to the floor. "Doesn't know how to please his submissive's."

"No it can't be she's suppose to be in Colorado," Jason said to himself as he watched his aunt walked around the bed. Jason watched as her breast jousted and bounce with each step, the landing strip of ebony hair glistening in the artificial lighting. Jason felt his cock swell in his sister's cunt as he continued to watch as his aunt loomed over him.

"Yes baby get bigger for me," Margret moaned as she thrust her hips down feeling Jason's ball's slapping against her ass.

"Well Mara shall you show your son the right way to eat a pussy," Scarlet said resting her foot next to his head. Spreading her lips so Jason could see his soon to be prize.

"Fuck that's hot!" Jason screamed out in his mind as he watched his mother's tongue ran along Scarlet's lips before plunging into her canal. The longer he watched his mother eating her sister the harder he grew. The more his lips began to part the taste of his mother's juices as they dripped into his opening mouth. "Yes give me more I want it all!" His cock screamed out as he felt his sister's fold's tightening around his shaft. Jason knew she was about to come yet did he wish to fill her once again.

"Yes Jason give it to me! Give me all of it!" Margret screamed out as she felt his ball juice starting to fill her starving womb. Slumping forward, resting her cheek against her mother's back as her orgasm subsided.

"Jason," Mara said, looking down at him, her sister's cream coating her chin. "Baby won't you just taste your mother just once please," she said begging for release. "Please I want to feel your tongue in me, stirring me, fucking me, bringing me to the edge that only you can do my Master," Mara said lovingly as she looked down at her son. Jason narrowed his eye's pondering if this was some sort of trap for him.

"Yes that's it Jason," Mara moaned as his tongue tasting her dew covered lips. Running her hand through Jason's hair as her hips, guiding where his tongue needed to be. "Fuck yes! Master rub my clit with your nose!" Mara groaned as her muscle's began to tremble feeling his tongue slipping into her hot channel. "Yes that it keep that tongue in me baby let me do the work," she cooed softly plunging down on his tongue sending it as deep as she dared. She wanted him to have it all to know that only they could ever give him such pleasure as he was giving her. She had seen the fear in his eye's when they bound him Mara just hoped with this they wouldn't need those anymore. "At least not on him," Mara said to herself feeling her womb clench.

"Master may I cum," Mara pleaded with her son.

"No, if you do Scarlet will paddle you," Jason said beneath her arching an eyebrow feeling her canal tightening around his tongue. "I see that gets you off does it interesting."

"Jason please I can't hold it," Mara stammered as her body succumbed. "I'm sorry Master," she said, sliding off his face. Watching him spit out her juice's that he failed to swallow onto the bed grinning madly at her.

"You do have a paddle in this room don't you," Jason said looking up at his aunt. "Good be a dear and fetch it," he said as he saw the slow nod.

"Please Master not that not when I haven't," Mara said, looking down at his growing member.

"No, no," Jason said, wiggling his finger. "You disobeyed now I want you up against that wall and that ass looking at me."

"Yes Master," Mara sighed in defeat. "Please be gentle," she pleaded as she braced herself against the wall.

"Mara," Scarlet whispered into her sister's ear. "How does he know you like to be paddled."

"I'll tell you later," Mara said in moan as her sister slapped her ass. "Now please follow my Master's command."

"How many shall I give her," Scarlet said, looking back at her nephew. Those eye's of his shone with the growing confidence of his new role Scarlet knew she had to have him.

"Mara," Jason said over the rattle of the chains. "How many does it take you to squirt?"

"Five Master," Mara said, biting her lip loving this new side of her son. She only hoped it wasn't a ploy to escape from them again.

"Well you heard her," Jason said smiling impishly at his aunt. With each strike Scarlet kept an eye on her nephew seeing how he responded to his punishment of his mother. She didn't miss the twitching renewed cock as it lurched with every moan that escaped Mara's lips. "Well Mara I have to say that never ceases to amaze me," Jason said, looking at the puddle a few feet behind her.

"Thank you Master," Mara said, wincing as she rubbed her sore ass. "Jason can I now have your cock," she asked, her eye's darting from his face to the pulsating member that held her enthralled.

"Before that," Scarlet said cutting in. "I need to know something," she said, walking over to the bed. The springs groaned under her weight as she moved in between his bound leg's. "Say the word's Jason," Scarlet commanded fighting herself not to reach out and take hold of his youthful cock. "Who do you serve!" Leaning over to allow him to view her 34C size breast in all their glory.

"Fuck you Scarlet," Jason said raising off the bed as much as the chains would allow seeing that fire that made her sister break. "I told you already suck my cock now get to it," he said falling backwards. "Unless of course Mara doesn't want to sit on it," Jason said looking over to his mother.

"You know I do Master but she is Mistress here," Mara said, shooting her sister an annoyed look.

"I see well seems you have some pull well go on it's not going to go down on it's own," Jason said taunting his aunt to act.

"It appears it won't," Scarlet said in a lustful voice. Holding his gaze, her eye's never leaving his as she ran her tongue along the back of his cock. Savoring every moan as her tongue swirled around his head before disappearing into her ravenous mouth. Her hand ran up his chest feeling how his muscle's danced under her touch. Clamping her hand around his shaft as she felt his cock swelling. "I'm going to fuck this cock Jason now be a dear and give me consent," Scarlet said rubbing his head over her lips.

"Not going to happen Scarlet," Jason said, peering down at her. Huffing as she pushed herself up, she wasn't use to disobedience yet her body yearned to have him fill her. "Ah fuck," Jason moaned as Scarlet lowered herself onto this awaiting rod.

"You like my cunt don't you Jason," Scarlet's voice stammered with the quick thrust of her hip's. Biting his lip was the only thing that kept him from giving in. "Fuck Jason you cock feel's so good in me," she said grinding her her hip's in small circles.

"Master," Mara said, leaning against her sister's back. "Didn't you like it when I ate Scarlet in front of you," she said, her hand's moving up her sister's body. "Would you like to see me play with her tits," Mara asked, smiling at her son as her chin rested on Scarlet's right shoulder.

"Yes I would," Jason said, returning her smile.

"I'm going to make you cum on my son's cock Scarlet," Mara whispered into Scarlet's ear. "Your going to belong to my Master after this night," she growled in irritation that Scarlet had her son cock in her before she did. "You remember when you told me if you ever came on a guy's cock you be his for all time," Mara said tugging on her earlobe. "Now it seems you have something deep within you that should have been mine first," she said, squeezing her sister's tit knowing how it would excite her. "Now who do you serve," Mara asked as her finger's rubbed vigorously along her sister's clit.

"Don't..." Were Scarlet's only word's before she felt her womb flood coating her nephew's cock in her cream. "Yes Jason fuck me, give me that cock," Scarlet screamed out in ecstasy. Her arm's shot out bracing herself using Jason's chest as anchor as she rode out her orgasm.

"Now who do you serve now and forever," Mara whispered pinching her sister's clit.

"I serve my Master," Scarlet said looking down at his confused face. "Kiss me Jason," she said lustfully savoring the man she would never leave.

"Master may I push her off of you so I may feel you," Mara said with a sinister smile.

"Seems like the only way I get to go home Mara."

"Don't say that Jason you know how we feel," Mara said pushing her sister off Jason's cock. Cleaning his tool of the other's residue Mara wanted only her's to coat his rod for the rest of the night. Gasping as she lowered herself onto his member her fold's wrapping around his length. "Baby you fit so perfectly inside of me," she said, watching her sister roll off Jason's chest. "Watch Master, watch how this slut of yours love's pleasing you in every way you deem important," Mara hissed as she felt her churning womb wishing to weld to his might.

"Jason," Margret said running her hand over his chest. "Will you taste me like you did for my Mistress, I cleaned myself see," spreading her leg's to show she spoke the truth. "Please Master don't make me beg," Margret said beginning to pout. Jason sighed all he wanted to do was go home and try to forget just how close he came to giving in. If eating his sister out meant he got to go home sooner than so be it.

"Thank you Master," Margret gleefully giggled as she posed herself over his mouth. Spreading her lips so he could see every inch of her womanhood that longed to feel her Master's tongue. "See Jason this is only for you," Margret said, lowering herself onto his awaiting mouth. Smiling down at her brother holding his face against her as she began to move. Feeling his tongue explore every inch of her sex, how her body became electrified as his nose rubbed against her clit.

"Margret how close are you," Mara asked through heavy breath's.

"Very," Margret moaned as her body began to tremble.

"Good then let's cum together for our Master," there combined screams and moans deafened Jason as his mother's womb clamped down around his cock. Milking his seed out of his aching ball's.

Jason felt drained as he left the club wondering just when they would tire of all of this. Mara and Margret pressed their bodies against his hoping their warmth would return some of his depleted energy. What surprised Jason was that his aunt would be living with them, which was odd to him, he had thought she had left for Colorado to be on her own. Not crammed into a three bedroom home that seemed too small already at least it did to Jason. He was just glad they had put on street clothes before they left that room.

"Come along Master," Margret said, pulling her brother along. "You can rest once we get to the car as long as you behave yourself." Jason didn't know in his clouded mind that his hand was resting on her ass as they walked across the parking lot.

"So who's driving," Scarlet asked as they drew near Margret's car.

"I think I need to lay down," Jason said using the car to keep himself upright.

"Mara you sure it's fine if I move in with you what about Jack," Scarlet asked as they played rock, paper, scissors for the coveted spot beside Jason.

"Fuck," Mara growled as her sister won their game. "Oh he's living with his boyfriend now with the devoice paper's are already signed. Since we have Jason as our Master we thought it best he be with the one he loves. He wasn't suited to be our Master and after the minor heart attack he lost all drive to preform. Not that I hate him for his peculiar habit he did give me two wonderful children," Mara said pulling Margret close.

"Don't forget Jason is a millionaire now so we might think of looking for a bigger house," Margret said looking back as Jason leaned against the window. His eye's drooping low she wondered if they had pushed him too hard.

"Wait what do you mean Jason's a millionaire how on earth did he pull that off," Scarlet asked stunned by the news.

"With a lot of time and planning oh and mother helped," Mara said her finger's tracing down her arm. "And he's already a best selling author so I doubt he'll have trouble providing for us. Well let's get Jason home, I'm sure he could use a hot meal after that," she said taking the key's from Margret. Mara eyed her sister as she slid into the back, she wanted to be the one that sat beside her Master. Sighing yet content that they had many more year's which to be alone together.

"Jason I know your tired," Scarlet whispered into his ear. "You can rest your head in my lap if you wish." Jason offered no resistance, he was too tired for that simply falling to the side his head landing in her lap.

"Jason is there anything special you want tonight," Mara asked as she pulled out of the parking lot headed towards home.

"Doesn't matter Mara as long as it's quick," Jason said, yawning smelling his aunt sex as he returned to his spot.

"Jason there's a pizzeria on the way home would that be good," Margret said, reaching back taking hold of his hand. How she wanted to curl beside him as he drifted off to sleep.

"Sure that be yummy," Jason smiled in his drowsy state.

"Jason is it true that you're a millionaire," Scarlet asked running her finger's through his sweat soaked hair.

"Yep made another 3 million last Friday," Jason said, nodding against his aunt's leg.

"Very impressive Jason so why did you do all this?"

"To get away from them," Jason said, looking at the two in the front of the car. "Isn't that why you went to Colorado," he asked, turning his head, staring up at her dazzling blue eye's.

"No," Scarlet said softly, shaking her head. "I left because your mother was with Jack, but now we're together again. For that I have you to thank, my sweet," she said stroking his cheek as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Master," Scarlet said in a low whisper.

"Wait what," Jason said, pushing himself up. "What do you mean Mara was with Jack."

"Jason before your father and I married, we use to be together," Mara said pulling into the local pizzeria. "Now that your father has moved in with his boyfriend I saw no reason to be with my sister again."

"Wait since when has Jack been gay," Jason said looking between his mother and aunt. Wondering if he be able to watch as they went at each other.

"Jack's bi Jason has been since we were dating," Mara said, holding the door open for him. "Now would you like a booth or a table."

"Get a booth," Margret said leaning into him. "I'll make it worth it, Master." Margret wasted no time taking Jason's arm dragging him behind her. Wishing to be alone with her brother for as long as she could. She would hear none of his complaining as she led Jason towards a secluded booth. Telling him to sit in the center of the semicircle booth watching as Mara, and Scarlet hemmed him in so he couldn't escape from what she had in store for her Master.

"See this isn't so bad is it Jason," Mara asked, leaning her head against his shoulder. Watching her daughter look around before slipping under the table. Taking Jason's arm, placing it in front of her mound noticing Scarlet had done the same smiling inwardly at how much they thought alike.

"It's every man's dream to have three willing women wishing to pleasure him in every way possible," Scarlet whispered nuzzling his neck. Watching the surprised look spread across his eye's as her niece pulled Jason's waist beneath the tablecloth. Wondering what he would do as their waiter approached.

"Good evening," said the teenage boy Scarlet saw the envy in the boy's eye's as they draped themselves over Jason. "Do you know what you want to order or should I give you a few more minute's," he said unaware of Jason's zipper slowly inching down.

"A large pie half with pepperoni and bacon the other sausage and bell pepper and four Coke's," Mara said, noticing how her son fought not to moan in the boy's presence. "Is that good for you my dear Jason," she said, blowing softly into his ear. Nibbling on his ear while peering out the corner of her eye watching the boy's cheeks reddened.

"You wouldn't mind if we got dessert too would you Master," Scarlet cooed seductively as his hand gripped her thigh.

"Cheesecake i...f you have it," Jason said through clenched teeth.

"Plain or with the cherry topping," he asked, wondering how he got so lucky.

"One plain three with the topping," Mara said snuggling up to Jason feeling his hand rubbing against her lips as Margret tormented him.

"Right give us fifteen minute's for your pie and I'll fetch your drink's now," he said, drifting away towards the kitchen. Wondering how that guy got so lucky to have two gorgeous women hanging on him like that.

"Margret that's a very naughty thing you're doing," Mara said, lifting the tablecloth as Jason's cock disappeared into her mouth. Hating herself for not thinking of it first, then again his hand is right where she wanted it.

"Now, now Mara she's just hungry, no harm in getting an appetizer before our meal arrives," Scarlet said with a wicked smirk.

"It is when you been drained dry," Jason groaned as he rested his head against the back of the booth.

"Then how will you learn endurance if you don't cum multiple time's a day," Mara said her hand running along his leg grasping the base of his cock. Matching her stroke's with Margret's bobbing to ensure that Jason would reach his climax before their waiter returned.

"Fuck," Jason said in a low moan. "Margret you better swallow this I'm not cleaning myself up after you're finished."

"Of course Master, it be a waste if I didn't," Margret said before returning his rod back to her hungry mouth. Burying his cock deep into her throat as his hot seed spilled across her tongue. Cleaning his cock like he ordered her to before sliding in beside Scarlet. "I told you Jason I would make it worth it," Margret said, grinning with the sense of satisfaction.

"Here's your drink's," their waiter, said placing the drink's around the table. Eyeing Margret wondering when and how she got to the booth without him noticing. Once he had placed their order, he had kept an eye on the man that became his hero in that instant. Wondering if he could gleam how he pulled off such a feat. "Forgive me ma'am since they have already ordered is there anything you would like since you weren't here at the time?"

"Oh I was you just couldn't see me," Margret said smiling proudly up at the teenage boy licking the remainder of his seed from her lower lip.

"I...I see," his cheeks burning realizing what she meant.

"Don't tease the boy Margret I'm sure he'll get his chance one of these day's to get a blowjob before dinner," Scarlet said mischievously studying their waiter. "Or maybe he just wanted to watch," she said, moving her hand over Jason's groin.

"Nope four time's today is enough if you want that I'm sure you'll find someone."

"But Master! Please don't say that," Margret said, laying across Scarlet's and Jason's lap. "You know we only do this for you," she said, rising from her spot before french kissing her brother. Unaware of how their waiter eyed Margret's ass as it wiggled in delight, nor the protruding tent that was hidden by his green apron.

"Right I'll go check on your food," the boy said quickly dashing to the restroom.

"My, my I think you two gave that young man the night of his adolescent life," Mara said giggling.

"I aim to please Mistress," Margret said, returning to her seat. Several minute's later with their hot food steaming before them, Jason wasted no time pulling off to two slices to restore his depleted energy.

"Jason we have been thinking that after you graduate we find ourselves a new place," Mara said watching those narrowing eye's of his.

"Why I told you Mara I was leaving so why do you need a new place. With only the three of you that house should be big enough for your need's."

"Jason baby haven't you been listening we aren't leaving you," Mara said taking hold of his hand. "We simply can't and won't leave our Master not when you'll need us in the coming years."

"That's right Jason let us help carry your burden, we will never let you fall," Scarlet said before draining her glass. "Plus the father of his children should be around to watch them grow," she said smiling as he choked on his food.

"I simply can't wait," Margret said, bouncing in her seat.

"If I'm buying a house I'm so getting the biggest bedroom," Jason said before stuffing the last piece of crust into his mouth.

"Of course Jason that's only fitting for my Master," Mara said, with lustful purr in his ear. Jason watched as they headed towards the restroom when their meal was finished. Sliding out of the booth, leaving a fifty dollar tip before heading to the register to pay their bill. Jason failed to notice that their waiter was behind the counter waiting on him.

"Man you got to tell me how you did it," Jason eyed him wearyingly before reading his name tag.

"Trust me Mark you wouldn't believe me if I told you," Jason said handing him his card.

"I bet if you ever tire of them send them my way," Mark said with a toothy grin.

"Why wait you can have them now," Jason said, eager to be rid of his problem.

"Jason! Just who are you referring to," Mara said, standing behind him, crossing her arm's as she stared at his back.

"No one Mara," Jason said before, being yanked out of the restaurant by his ear. "Save me," he pleaded for anyone within earshot.

Pulling into their driveway Jason bolted from the car knowing he was going to get yelled at, given the scowl he knew all too well that was painted on his mother's lips for the entire ride home. Falling into his desk chair as the front door closed as the other's filed into the house. Booting on his laptop hoping to get a few hour's of work in before be went to bed.

"Jason where are you," Mara called out however she knew where he was from the tapping of key's.

"You know where I am why ask," Jason said, getting into his stride as word's flew across the screen.

"Because I like to hear your voice," Mara said, smiling at him as she leaned against the doorframe. "Will you be up long," she asked, slipping into his room.

"A few hour's have to get this chapter finish," Jason said, leaning back balancing a pencil between his upper lip and nose. Pondering on how he should describe fifteenth century Yorkshire.

"A peeny for your thoughts," Mara said, turning his chair before slipping into his lap. "Tell me Jason are we so bad you want to leave us. Have we not been trying to make amends for what we failed to appreciate for so long," she said resting her forehead against his.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Jason said, trying not to lose his train of thought.

"True but can you truly say you didn't enjoy being inside of me. Savoring the way my cunt milks your cock filling it so completely," Mara said kissing him softly. "Now I know you can't lie to me seeing how I can feel it already growing beneath me."

"I never said I did or didn't enjoy it Mara," Jason said grabbing his notepad writing down his thought before he lost it.

"Yorkshire interesting choice Jason any particular reason for the location," Mara asked, intrigued at what he was planning to do in his book.

"Well I thought I give the middle ages a try seeing how I'm kind of burnt out on the modern era," Jason said shrugging his shoulders.

"I see that seems like a logical choice," Mara said nodding in agreement. "I would hate for your work to suffer when you don't feel that drive," she said nuzzling his neck. "I've been wondering for since I learned who you were how do you come up with your female characters."

"I google it," Jason said, looking away feeling his cheeks burn.

"Then you'll have no problem with using me as the base for this character yes," Mara asked nibbling along his jaw.

"I don't know I haven't seen you naked in a while my mind's kind of fuzzy at the moment."

"I can fix that," Mara said with a playful smile as she slid out of Jason's lap. Kicking off the heel's she had worn to the club, Mara's body felt alive as her son's eye's never left her. As she inched up the hem of her t-shirt her skin felt flush, wondering how she could so simply give in to his demands. Undoing the snap button on her jeans wiggling her hip's as they slid down her thigh's. Stepping out of her soaked thong biting her lip as Jason's eye's ran up and down her naked body.

"Turn slowly," Jason said, swirling his finger directing his orchestra. "Stop," he said as her back faced him . Mara's heart raced as she heard him rise from his chair, trying to stay her body as she felt his hand's roam along her body. "Bend over," Jason whispered into Mara's ear. Bracing herself against his dresser, her heart raced as she heard the sound of his zipper.

"Mmm baby yes give it to me," Mara moaned as she felt his head pressing against her entrance. "Fuck me Master! Pound that cunt like you own it," yelling out in pleasure as she felt his ball's slapping against her clit.

"Why is it that when she says that it gets me so hot," Jason asked himself watching his mother's ass bounce with every thrust of his hip's.

"That's it Jason ram that cock deep into my cunt. Can you feel how welcoming it is to that lovely rod of yours? Can you feel how my womb is opening just for you baby," Mara groaned as she fought herself not to give in to her climax. She wanted him to cum so that this one time that he came willingly to her would be imprinted on his mind. "Master I'm sorry I can't hold it back," she said before convulsing hearing Jason grunt as her fold's clamped down on his surging cock.

"Do you enjoy your son's cock so much that you easily coat it with your cream," Jason growled picking up his pace.

"Yes Master it fills me so well, I can't help but give in to that magnificent cock!"

"Well then slut," Jason said, reaching up taking hold of her ponytail. "I'll just have to make sure this cunt can never be satisfied without it," he said pulling on her hair while spanking her ass.

"Fuck Yes!" Mara screamed, her voice filling the house with her carnal lust. "That's it Master punish this horny slut like she deserves to be," she said thrusting back onto Jason's cock. "Harder Master make that cunt sore," Mara moaned unsure how much longer her unsteady leg's would keep her aloft. "Jason please cum with me," pleading with her son as she felt his cock swell ready to explode. Collapsing to floor felling her son's seed running down her thigh, her hair hiding the glorious smile. She felt after their exchange wondering when he would be ready to grow their family.

"No far," Margret pouted as she and Scarlet watched from the doorway. "I wanted to be first," she said crossing her arm's.

"Don't worry I'm sure Master will fill us when he's not so exhausted," Scarlets said wrapping her arm around her niece.

"Scarlet why don't you clean out Mara's cunt," Jason said his chest heaving trying to draw breath. "And Margret come clean my cock of your Mistress cream," he said holding out his softening member. "Well did I stutter," Jason said, arcing an eyebrow as they stared at him in a new light. "I won't say it again," he said darkly.

Jason awoke this the sound of buzzing in his ear, his hand slamming down on his alarm clock silencing the noisy contraption. Walking lethargically into his bathroom, his whole body ached from his encounters yesterday. Yawning as he turned on his shower, Jason just hoped to go one day without being mauled by his family.

"Jason," Margret said, standing in the doorway. The two folded towels in her arm's were the only thing covering her naked body. "Can we shower together," she asked, biting her lip as she watched his member coming to life under her gaze.

"I guess," Jason said, sighing knowing he wouldn't get away from those doe like eye's of her's. "Well come on I don't have all morning," he said stepping into the shower.

"Your enjoying his aren't you," Jason said looking down at his hardening cock as his sister pressed her breast against his back. "You bet your sweet ass I am you cock blocker! Now bend that hot sister of yours over and shove me deep into that tight cunt. You know you enjoy it as much as I do so get to it, we'll be late for school. And you know how much I want to get up in that Mary chick," Jason could only shake his head at his renegade appendage.

"Jason," Margret said, slipping in front of him. Her hand grasping his rod waking it from it's slumber. "You know how jealous you made me last night when you fucked mother. Without a thought to how I wanted to be the one that you came to willingly. So now you're going to fuck me like you did her I promise to make you cum quick so you can get ready for school." She said, spinning around in one quick motion pushing back feeling her brother's cock poking at the entrance to her womb.

"That's it Master fuck me," Margret stammered bracing herself against the wet slick tiles. "Don't you like my tight pussy, the way it squeezes on your cock, milking it like nothing else matters in the world. Other than to feel your seed feeling up my starving womb," she said in a low moan. Smiling feeling his hand taking hold of her hair, her canal tightened knowing her own pleasure was about to take place. "That's it baby fuck me hard, pound my pussy, make me feel those ball's slapping my clit," Margret moaned feeling her juices coating her brother's cock. The slap on her ass resounded loudly within the shower stall. "Fuck yes spank my ass I've been a dirty girl," she said, looking over her shoulder giving Jason an impish smile.

"Fuck Margret you're so tight," Jason grunted.

"I know what my Master likes," Margret said with a satisfied smile. "I'll show you something special when we aren't pressed for time. For now, keep fucking me," she said, reaching between her leg's rubbing her clit. Margret knew if she could get to the edge of her orgasm, knowing how tight she was it wouldn't take much for Jason to shoot his load. "Yes give me that baby juice," Margret said, shuddering as his spunk filled her womb. "I bet no one at your school gets to fuck a hot 21year old right before breakfast," she said kissing him as she dried Jason off.

"Please tell me you haven't forgotten," Mary asked, standing beside Jason as he rummaged through his locker.

"That you're taking me to your house," Jason said, peering around his locker door. "You think I forget something like that," he said smirking as he closed his locker spinning the dial.

"Oh good," Mary said, sighing glad that he didn't. "I know it's only lunch period, but I was wondering if you wanted to sneak off campus. That way you can be home before anyone misses you," she said, biting her lip, trying not to grow moist as her pants rubbed against her velvety lips.

"Well I don't have exam's for the rest of the day I don't see why not," Jason said wondering why the sudden change in plan's.

"Yay!" Mary said nearly shouting looping her arm around his. Leading towards the student parking lot, Jason's heart was in his throat as Mary led to the running white Honda civic. The driver quickly raised the visor as they approached her blonde hair teasing the top's of her breast. Her sunglasses his those hungry eye's of Beverley's as she watched her daughter brought out the boy who tormented her dream's. Moaning inwardly relishing the thought of what she was going to do with that boy.

"Hello Jason," Beverley said, turning in her seat. Her sunglasses sliding down the bridge of her nose those stunning brown eye's studying her prey. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the man that has held me enthralled for far too long," she said her hand running up Jason's inner thigh.

"Hello Beverley," Jason said smiling sweetly. Trying not to grow hard as her hand inched upwards.

To Be Continued.

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