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Chapter 429: 15 in 1

"The Temple Overlord's ninth son? You mean Ximen Dingjun?" asked Linghu Shuang. Alas, there was not a trace of pleasure on her face. Instead she looked worried. "I'm afraid Ximen Dingjun is unreliable."

"Unreliable? Why? Do you really think the Ninth Young Lord is afraid of him?!" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"No, it's not a matter of fear! Ximen Dingjun a very capricious person! One second, he could be smiling and chatting away with you but the next second he would be plotting to kill you! This kind of person cannot be relied on!"

Indeed, when they were on Overgrown Forest planet, Wenren Muyue also said that Xiemen Dingjun was a capricious little man!

This was a proven fact at the time when Ximen Dingjun supported Chen Xiaobei on the surface but plotted against him behind his back. Once Chen Xiaobei had cured him, he would kill Chen Xiaobei immediately!

Ximen Dingjun really was a two-faced double-crosser. He was temperamental.

When they parted ways at Overgrown Forest, Ximen Dingjun said that his door was forever open to Chen Xiaobei, and then when he heard that Chen Xiaobei was visiting Divine Cloud, he responded with a warm welcome! But, could he be only pleasing Chen Xiaobei in order to get the Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine, or was he really sincere in wanting to draw Chen Xiaobei to his side?

We will never know!

"Ximen Dingjun's personality is like a snake in the grass!" Linghu Shuang said. "I heard that Ximen Dingjun and Tie Gongji are pretty close! Hoping that Ximen Dingjun would help you deal with Tie Gongji is a questionable notion!"

"Bitch! Do you think I'm deaf? I am named Tie Hongji not Tie Gongji (chicken)!" Tie Hongji was practically foaming at the mouth. "I'm not afraid to reveal to you that the Ninth Young Lord is my faithful pal! We grew up together, and are so close that we are like family! You want him to deal with me for your sake? Keep dreaming!"

Linghu Shuang was even more troubled now, and she said in barely audible manner, "Damn! If we can't rely on Ximen Dingjun, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out of this alive."

Chen Xiaobei had the Blood God's Deity-Killing painting that could kill off any elites who were below demigod level.

However, they were on Divine Cloud Planet, the place with the highest concentration of demigods in the whole of Northern Wilderness Starfield!

In the Northern Wilderness Chamber headquarters alone, were already three demigods overseeing the place.

If Ximen Dingjun refused to help Chen Xiaobei, one could only imagine what would happen to them.

"What? Are you scared now?" Tie Hongji licked his lips. "You have three seconds! You can still bow down and beg! Once the three seconds are over, I'll kill the both of you!"

"Great. We're screwed! We're so screwed!"

Despair filled Linghu Shuang's large, beautiful eyes.

But this was when Chen Xiaobei spoke, "Tie Gongji, you'd better not think yourself invulnerable! My place in the Ninth Young Lord's heart is exceptional! If you kill me, he would come after you!"

"What? Ninth Young Lord will come after me for killing a bastard like you? Oooh! Hahahaha! That is the funniest joke I've ever heard!" Tie Hongji held his stomach, bending over with laughter.

"Hongji! Did something good happen? Why are you laughing so happily?"

It was then that a heavyset man in expensive clothing walked over. Following behind him was an extraordinary looking old man.

"Greetings Ninth Young Lord! Greetings Old Meng!"

The two elites at the door quickly bowed, their faces showing awe and respect.

The visitor was none other than Xiemen Dingjun, and his most trusted personal bodyguard, Old Meng!

"Greetings, Ninth Young Lord!" Tie Hongji quickly went to greet the young lord, a warm smile on his lips.

"Huh? Hongji? Are you sick with fever? You know how close we are! Why are you being so polite?" Ximen Dingjun laughed.

"I don't mean to, but someone said that the Ninth Young Lord will turn hostile towards me. How could I not be afraid?" Tie Hongji complained.

"Rubbish! Which idiot said such stupid thing?" Ximen Dingjun said. "We are closer than brothers! I would rather go against my own brother than to fall out with you!"

"There! It's that bastard who said it!" Tie Hongji pointed at Chen Xiaobei.

Linghu Shuang's heart skipped a beat. If Ximen Dingjun and Tie Hongji were so close, then Chen Xiaobei was screwed.

"Huh? Mr. Chen?" Ximen Dingjun exclaimed. "Why would you say such a thing? Could it be a misunderstanding?"

"Whether or not it's a misunderstanding, Ninth Young Lord, you be the judge!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"If Tie Hongji kills me, will you have a falling out with him?"

"What? Tie Hongji wants to kill you?" Ximen Dingjun was taken aback.

"Yeah, if you came a few seconds later, I'm afraid you would be collecting my corpse." Chen Xiaobei answered.

"Please!" Tie Hongji sniggered. "Who do you think you are? Why would the Ninth Young Lord collect your corpse? I Tie Hongji will announce this, if you do not kneel down now, you will die, and your body will become dinner for the wild dogs!"


While Tie Hongji was talking away happily, he was rudely interrupted by a slap to his face.

"Ni… Ninth Young Lord, why did you hit me?" Tie Hongji reached up to touch his face, his eyes widened in pained horror.

"Did I hit you? I am just saving you!" Ximen Dingjun roared.

"Sa… Saving me?" Tie Hongji looked like his brain had gone into a short-circuit.

"Wh… What is happening?" Linghu Shuang was just as surprised.

She had thought that they were goners for sure, but in a blink of an eye, things took a 180 degree turn! Life was indeed full of surprises!

Ximen Dingjun replied, "I came here personally because I've received orders from the 'Father' to invite Mr. Chen to the Northern Wilderness's temple to join the state banquet!"

Father! Temple! State banquet!

These words struck Tie Hongji's heart like lightning and thunder; now feeling his palm grow cold and sweaty.

The Father that Ximen Dingjun was talking about was the supreme ruler of Northern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness Overlord!

The Northern Wilderness's temple was the place where the Northern Wilderness Overlord lived. Even the governor of the various planets in the starfield were not allowed to enter the place without first being summoned!

The State banquet was the Northern Wilderness' most prestigious banquet! Normally, it would only be held when hosting dignitary guests from other high-ranking starfields, or to commemorate commendable people who had contributed a lot to the starfield!

That was to say that the Northern Wilderness Overlord valued Chen Xiaobei highly enough to regard him at his top distinguished guest!

If Chen Xiaobei was killed, there was no telling what would happen next!

Tie Hongji inhaled sharply at this revelation, and nearly wet his pants.

"Big Bro Chen… When you said that your friend invited you to a meal… did you mean going to the Northern Wilderness's temple for the state banquet?" Linghu Shuang dared not believe her ears.

"Yeah." Chen Xiaobei answered in an insouciant tone, as if it was no big deal. "I already said that I'm in a hurry because I didn't want to be late."

"Wow! This is so cool! Why didn't you say so earlier? I've been worrying my head off the whole time!" Linghu Shuang exhaled.

Chen Xiaobei had suddenly become the Northern Wilderness Overlord's distinguished guest at the state banquet banquet. Even if Tie Hongji had balls of steel, he would not dare touch a hair on Chen Xiaobei!

"Mr. Chen, we'd better hurry!" Ximen Dingjun said, looking at his watch. "The banquet is going to start soon. Some of the most powerful people of Divine Cloud Planet will be there! Father would be looking for someone to blame if we're late!"

"Heh, he would never blame me no matter what!" Chen Xiaobei looked at Tie Hongji from the corner of his eyes, and said, "Isn't that right, Tie Gongji?"

"Huh?" Tie Hongqi was already sweating under his arms.

Clearly, if Chen Xiaobei really was late, the only person the Overlord would be blaming was Tie Hongji!

If this idiot had not been so unreasonable as to make things difficult for Chen Xiaobei, why else would Chen Xiaobei be late?"

"A misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!" Tie Hongji said in almost a whisper, "Mr. Chen, everything that happened just now is all my fault. Please hurry and get to the banquet. Better not make those big shots wait anymore."

"Hehe, do you know the saying 'it's easier to invite the devil in than to send him away'?" Chen Xiaobei replied. "If the transaction had gone without interruption just now, I would already be at the banquet now! But since you stood in my way, don't think it's going to be that easy to get rid of me!"

Tie Hongji inhaled nervously. "Mr. Chen! Bro Chen! Master Chen! Please, I beg you. This is not something to be joking about!"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Chen Xiaobei retorted with a sudden seriousness in his tone.


Tie Hongji was in such a panic that his mind went blank.

If the Northern Overlord decided to put the blame on him, Tie Hongji would not be able to bear the consequences.

Ximen Dingjun barked. "What! Get your men to bring the Spiritual Stones out now and complete the transaction with Mr. Chen!"

"Transaction? Yes! Yes! Yes! How did I even forget about that!" Tie Hongji then then gave the order, "Bao Qingshan! Go and get 250 million low-grade Spiritual Stones now! Hurry! Hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!" Bao Qingshan nodded and immediately turned to leave.

"Stay there!" Chen Xiaobei shouted. "I accepted 250 million just now, but now I won't accept this price!"

"You won't accept it? Then why don't you give me an offer and I will do my best to meet it?" Tie Hongji was termbling from head to toe.

The 250 million low-grade Spiritual Stones that were agreed upon at the beginning of the transaction was forcefully reduced to 250 by Tie Hongji in a bid to humiliate Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was going to give Tie Hongji a taste of his own medicine, and teach him a lesson that would scar him for life!

"500 million!" Chen Xiaobei announced.

These words shook everyone who heard it.

500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones!

Other than the Northern Wilderness Temple and the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, no other organization could take out so many Spiritual Stones in one go.

Of course, this is not to say that the others did not have so many Spiritual Stones, but for them to take out such a sum all at once would require them to sell their family fortunes!

This was a huge sum of Spiritual Stones! A frighteningly huge one!

"Mr. Chen, you cannot just double the price like that! This is like looting a burning house!" Tie Hongji broke down in tears. He was so distressed that he considered ending his own life.

"That's right, I am looting a burning house! If you're not happy with that, then bite me! Let me get this straight… if you don't agree to the price, I won't leave this place today! The banquet will be starting very soon. Can you take a guess, and see if the Overlord himself would come and pay us a visit?"

Tie Hongji held his breath. "Mr. Chen, you… You are a very kind person. Please lower the price a little. If my father finds out that I lost so many Spiritual Stones, he would break my legs!"

"Heheh, you want to bargain? No problem!" Chen Xiaobei grinned.

Tie Hongji was over the moon. "Mr. Chen! You really are a very good person!"

"Good person? No, I'm not actually!" Chen Xiaobei said. "If you kneel down and kowtow to me, I will reduce the amount by 100 thousand! How much the reduction will be depends on your performance!"

"What?!" Tie Hongji's eyeballs neatly popped out of their sockets.

This was the classic case of 'revenge is a matter of time'!

Just now, Tie Hongji came down hard on Chen Xiaobei. Now, it was payback time!

If he really paid 500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones, Tie Hongji's father would break his legs! But if he went down on his knees and kowtowed, he would become the laughing stock of Northern Wilderness Starfield!

"Ninth Young Lord, please say something about this. You are not going to let me die here, right?"

Rendered with no other options, Tie Hongji could only ask help from Ximen Dingjun.

Ximen Dingjun frowned. "Mr. Chen, you could give me some face, and lower the price a little?"


Before Xiemen Dingjun could finish, Chen Xiaobei had already turned him down. His tone was firm and unyielding!

Xiemen Dingjun narrowed his eyes, revealing a flicker of irritation towards Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei noticed this, and was able to get a confirmation that Ximen Dingjun was unreliable!

If it was not for the Overlord waiting for him, Ximen Dingjun would have sided with Tie Hongji!

Chen Xiaobei had thought that Ximen Dingjun would have been grateful to him for saving his life and treat him as his own friend but it seemed like Chen Xiaobei was wrong.

Ximen Dingjun, this piece of shit, was not someone to be friends with. He would be better off as a dog!

From then on, Chen Xiaobei decided that he was going to reserve one of the seven remaining Heavenly Dog Biscuits for Ximen Dingjun!

After a moment, Ximeng Dingjun said, gritting his teeth, "Hongji! Since Mr. Chen is refusing to lower the price, just do as he says and bring 500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones!"

"Ho… How can I? My father will kill me!" Tie Hongji sniffled.

"Cut this nonsense! There's not enough time even if you want to kowtow!" Ximen Dingjun barked.

Tie Hongji melted into a puddle. "Yes, I understand. I'll go get them now."

He had no choice but to pay up.

Once the Spiritual Stones were handed over and the numbers checked out, Chen Xiaobei retrieved all of the Demonic Beast corpses. This was a trade after all, and he would have to hand over the merchandise, or it might attract gossip.

Of course, this was a fruitful yield!

Chen Xiaobei's face appeared stern and stony but inside, he was smiling like a madman.

This is the epitome of becoming ultra rich in one night!

During the war at Overgrown Forest Planet, Chen Xiaobei had spent a total of 100 million Spiritual Stones to make millions of Demonic Beasts enter the Verdant Emperor's Divine Gourd. Because of this war, Chen Xiaobei had yielded 500 million Spiritual Stones for himself.

This could definitely be considered as good karma. Without that war, Chen Xiaobei would not be so highly valued by the temple overlord and Tie Hongji would never be afraid of him. Most importantly, he would not have received such a ridiculous amount of Spiritual Stones if he did not win that war.

Everything was connected in this issue. The things that one does would have it's consequences., and these consequences would impact one's life in a good or bad way.

Immediately, Ximen Dingjun brought Chen Xiaobei and Linghu Shuang to the Northern Wilderness's temple after the deal. Considering that numerous flags and other decorative stuff were being put up along the street some distance away from the temple, one could imagine how important this state banquet was. When they arrived at the temple, the sound of various musical instruments could be heard. All the while, Linghu Shuang was the kind of girl that liked festivities like this. She was literally covered in joy while they were on the way to their destination.

To Linghu Shuang, she assumed that Chen Xiaobei's would have a promising future since the overlord had now noticed him.


Chen Xiaobei did not seem excited or happy about it at all. That was because he could see what was behind the curtain. This whole thing was a show put on by the overlord specifically for Chen Xiaobei. The overlord wanted to tell everyone that he was a good ruler who would reward those that contributed to the kingdom.

At the same time, he wanted to use this opportunity to tell people who were saved by Chen Xiaobei before that their hero had been rewarded handsomely by the temple. By doing that, all the powerful elites would set Chen Xiaobei as their example. In other words, they would do their best to serve the temple. Other than that, a reward given by the overlord would also serve as a motivation to those who wanted to serve the temple.

In earthly terms, the overlord was simply using the state banquet and Chen Xiaobei to recruit a bunch of elites that were willing to serve the temple wholeheartedly. Considering this, the state banquet had lost its original meaning. That was why Chen Xiaobei was not pleased by it at all. All he wished right now was for the whole thing to end as quickly as possible. He could not wait to return to Silver Plume City.

At Northern Wilderness Temple.

The decorations inside in were ten times more luxurious than the Forbidden City of China. Basically, the overlord lived like a king inside this temple. With gorgeous women at his side all day long, and having the power to rule the entire Norther Wilderness Starfield, the overlord was the only that had the right to live a dreamy life like this.

Finally, Chen Xiaobei had his eyes laid on the most powerful man of Northern Wilderness Starfield when he stepped into the state banquet hall.

"Mr. Chen! Welcome!"

The overlord was wearing a golden robe with a dark golden dragon printed on it. A sturdy and powerful aura emanated from him. The sounds of clapping could be heard echoing in the hall once he started to talk. All these people that were invited to these hall must be the core officials of the temple. Either that or they were the top guns of their respective professions. These people were so powerful that most of the people from Northern Wilderness Temple were afraid of them.

At that moment, all of them were clapping for Chen Xiaobei. It did not stop until he walked to the VIP table and was seated beside the overlord. Such a shocking moment had made Linghu Shaung freeze. All she could do was stay beside Chen Xiaobei and remain quiet. As for Chen Xiaobei, he was not nervous nor was he anxious even as he was being placed in such a huge event. That was why he could take care of Linghu Shuang throughout the entire thing.

Just as expected, nothing much happened during the state banquet. Out of politeness, Chen Xiaobei went to greet every single person in the banquet hall. There were some reporters taking pictures amongst them as well. Seemingly, he was going to become the tomorrow's headline of the newspapers. After the drinking session, all the reporters had left the hall. That would mean Chen Xiaobei could leave the place as well.

Just as Chen Xiaobei was about to leave the place, the overlord of the temple proposed to have a private session with him. This odd request baffled Chen Xiaobei. Earlier, he'd thought that this entire thing was put up as a show to present to his people. From the start to the end, Chen Xiaobei was really cooperative. He never thought that the overlord was interested in talking with him. The only thing that he was certain was that the overlord's time was extremely precious. He assumed the overlord was about to tell him something really important.

"Shuang'er. Wait for me here. Don't go running around!" said Chen Xiaobei in a serious manner.

"Alright! I'll stay right here!" said Linghu Shuang with her head nodding.

Chen Xiaobei then followed the overlord to exit the banquet hall.


At the study room.

"Mr. Chen Xiaobei. I know the whole truth of Atlantis incident!"


Chen Xiaobei did not know how to respond to this statement. The moment the overlord addressed him as Chen Xiaobei, it was enough to prove that he knew everything.

"Who told you about it? Governor Dong? Or Elder Wenren?"

"Not them! Two of them wanted to keep it from me. But, you should know that a piece of paper can never wrap a burning fire! I'm the overlord! You can't possibly hide anything from me!"

The reason why he could rule the starfield for such a long time was because he had earnings all over the place. That would mean the overlord had planted someone beside Dong Zhuo, Wenren Jinghao or even Lu Gang!

"What are you going to do to me since you know everything?"

Clearly, Chen Xiaobei knew that it was useless for him to defend himself. So, he chose to face it bravely. Considering that the overlord had not punished him, that would mean things were not as bad he thought it was.

"I don't plan to do anything to you! I want to give you a test!"

"A test? What do you mean by that?"

"Not only do I know the whole truth of Atlantis incident, but I also know that you want to take Lu Family's place to live in South Town Star Temple! Complete my three tests! I will personally help to get what you want if you can solve them!"

"I don't understand why you would choose me, my lord." Chen Xiaobei was very calm, and did not lose his composure at the Overlord's words.

There was a saying that said, one who is unaccountably solicitous must be hiding evil intentions.

Chen Xiaobei did not believe that the Northern Wilderness Overlord would give out benefits without so much as a reason.

The Overlord retorted, "You are worried that I want to make use of you to do these three things, and that I'm not really sincerely helping you climb up the ladder, right?"

Chen Xiaobei said nothing, admitting his agreement to that statement in silence.

After all, it was Chen Xiaobei and Demonic Fox who had brought Atlantis to ruin. But not only did the Overlord not punish him, but he also wanted to promote Chen Xiaobei. That was why Chen Xiaobei could not help but feel suspicious.

"I know you must have doubts and you dare not believe my decision. So, listen very carefully to why I chose you!"

The Overlord said, "First of all, the Lu Family had disappointed me too many times. I have to find someone to replace them! Secondly, the person I'm looking for needs to have enough prestige that when he steps up to the plate, the people would be able to accept it with enthusiasm! You fit the bill!

Third, I don't like my subordinates to form gangs! Instead of choosing an old family to replace the Lus, I am leaning towards using you – a newbie with no strings attached.

"And fouth, everyone knows that Dingjun is my favourite son! I am looking for someone with extraordinary strength to assist him and you are the most suitable candidate!"

Chen Xiaobei was taken aback slightly. Dong Zhuo and Wenren Jinghao had explained the first three points to him, but the forth point was completely unexpected!

Assist Ximen Dingjun!

With that being said, the Overlord wanted Chen Xiaobei to become Ximen Dingjun's most trusted ally! In the future, Ximen Dingjun would be fit enough to sit on the throne.

Once Chen Xiaobei agreed to assist Ximen Dingjun, he would be under the strict control of the Northern Wilderness Overlord.

"I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to assist the Ninth Young Lord." Chen Xiaobei did not want to take on this troublesome guy as his responsibility.

"You don't have to act humbly before me! The one million young people you saved marveled at your strength during the Overgrown Forest battle! Be it adaptability or making a decision, you are considered outstanding!" The Northern Wilderness Overlord said, "Now, the biggest problem is that I did not witness that myself. That is why I've come up with three ways to test you! if you pass, I will help you to climb up the ladder!"

"I will my best to try to solve the tests, my lord! But my goal is to replace the Lu Family and I'm afraid I won't be a good assistant to the Ninth Young Lord." said Chen Xiaobei.

"So, you are not being humble, but you are just trying to push away the responsibility? Assisting my son also means assisting me! You haven't even proven your loyalty and you're already being picky here?"

"I…" Chen Xiaobei quickly changed his tune. "Since I'm in Northern Wilderness Starfield, I'm willing to serve you my lord. If I can pass all three of the tests, I will do my best to assist the Ninth Young Lord!"

If Chen Xiaobei wanted to replace the Lu Family, he would have to accept the trouble which was Ximen Dingjun.

If he refused, he would be deemed disloyal. Then, not only will his plans to take over the Southern Star Temple fall flat, he might even lose his life!

Clearly, the Northern Wilderness Overlord was not easily deceived.

"There is no knowing what is in a man's heart. You say one thing but I don't know whatever it is you're thinking in your heart." the Overlord said. "If you really are loyal to me, then come over here so I can put a curse on you!"

"Curse?" Chen Xiaobei's heart squeezed hard.

"Mm, I'll be honest with you. Once you are cursed, your life will be in my hands!" The Northern Wilderness Overlord said. "If you're caught being disloyal, I can kill you with just a thought! Of course, as long as you are loyal, the curse will remain dormant! I will also trust you with all my heart! The choice is up to you!"

Just as Chen Xiaobei expected, once he agreed to assist Ximen Dingjun, he would be under the Overlord's control!

In addition to that, the Overlord even wanted to give Chen Xiaobei 'special treatment'! Instead of installing spies around Chen Xiaobei, the Overlord wanted to take Chen Xiaobei's life into his own hands, so that he could have complete control over him!

Ximen Dingjun was his favorite little son after all. This was the only reason why the Overlord would feel safe leaving his son in Chen Xiaobei's hands.

Accompanying one's sovereignity could be like accompanying a tiger. Most people would not have accepted being cursed and surrendering their entire life to the Northern Wilderness Overlord.

However, Chen Xiaobei was the exception. He agreed to it without a moment's hesitation, "I agree to be cursed because I am loyal!"

Others would be afraid of being cursed but Chen Xiaobei was not afraid at all!

This was due to the fact that in the Overgrown Forest treasury, there was the Nine Twists Thousand Hearts Herb, an antidote for this particular curse. Once Chen Xiaobei agreed to it, the Overlord would put the curse on him, and Chen Xiaobei could then lift it later on.

Chen Xiaobei agreeing to being cursed would earn him the Overlord's trust. This was a substantial win.

"Good! Very good!" The Northern Wilderness Overlord nodded, bent his fingers, and a red light entered Chen Xiaobei's heart.

The dark red brilliance flashed a few times, forming a series of ancient words, and then disappeared.

"Alright! It's done!" A smile spread across the Overlord's icy face. "From now on, you officially have my trust. As long as you are the real deal, I will train you well!"

The Overlord also saw that Chen Xiaobei was an extraordinary person but with this curse, he would never be able to get out of the Overlord's grip! The stronger Chen Xiaobei became, the happier the Overlord would be!

"So, can you tell me what the three tests are?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Of course, you don't need to worry about all of them. We'll do it one by one!" The Overlord said, "The title of the first test is the young lady you brought with you!"

"Xiang'er? What about her?" Chen Xiaobei sensed that something was wrong.

"While we were talking, the Tie Family took her away with them!"

"What?!" Chen Xiaobei's face fell. He did not expect to be deceived by the Overlord!

"Don't worry, you have three days to rescue her. She will not be harmed within these three days. But once the three days are over, the Tie Family can do to her whatever they like, and your mission will be declared a failure!"

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei was really angry. Earlier, Chen Xiaobei agreed to receive the curse and the overlord mentioned that he was going to believe Chen Xiaobei as well. In less than half a minute, the overlord went back on what he said and began to mess with Chen Xiaobei.

The Tie Family hated Chen Xiaobei the moment Chen Xiaobei took 500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones from them. With all the old and new conflicts, the entire Tie Family wanted to skin Chen Xiaobei alive and drink his blood. Now, the overlord wanted Chen Xiaobei to head to the Tie Family to rescue someone. It was no different from asking Chen Xiaobei to jump into a pit of fire.

To put it nicely, this was called the first test that Chen Xiaobei had to pass. To put it in a rude way, the overlord was forcing Chen Xiaobei to bet his life to prove his worth. If Chen Xiaobei failed this task, the overlord would abandon Chen Xiaobei like a piece of garbage immediately and Chen Xiaobei would end up dead at the hands of Tie Family.


This was not the matter that angered Chen Xiaobei. One should know that Chen Xiaobei valued his family and friends more than anything else in this world. Considering this, the Overlord had just messed with Linghu Shuang. He had officially stepped on Chen Xiaobei's limit. With that being said, Chen Xiaobei would never let the overlord off the hook easily.

"Why are you not talking? Are you afraid of going there? I can cancel this task if you are not bold enough to take it. Then, I will ask Tie Family to send the girl back here! When I do that, you can never move to South Town Star Temple anymore!"

"Can I do any killing?"

"Killing? What do you mean?"

"Tie Family will definitely try to kill me if I head in there to save her! What if I kill someone when I try to defend myself?"

"Oh… I see now. I don't care who you kill in these three days huh! I will not drop any laws and judgement on you! However… You've got no one to blame if you get yourself killed!"

"Understood! I will go now!"


At the same time, a black shadow walked towards the Overlord from afar.

"Greetings, my lord!" said the person while bowing.

"Military Advisor Sima. Formality is not necessary here!"

The overlord went over and helped him to get up. Judging by the overlord's tone and action, one could guess that the person was beyond ordinary. Actually, there was no one like him on Divine Cloud Planet. This person was none other than the legendary Military Advisor hired by the temple, Sima Liang! Undeniably, the overlord was extremely powerful but it was impossible for him to rule the entire starfield all by himself. The reason why the Northern Wilderness Starfield was in such an organized and peaceful state was all because of the think tank that was helping the overlord, and Sima Liang was the leader of the Think Tank!

All this while, every single big decision was made by him and there were also some decisions which required one to discuss with him before implementing it. If the overlord was the king of Northern Wilderness Starfield, Sima Liang was the chancellor behind the curtain!

"What do you think about the kid after hearing him out behind the back?"

"That kid is just a brainless dumbass! He would not be able to survive until tomorrow if he refuses to use his trump card!"

"I think you might have underestimated him! He's the one that defeated millions of Demonic Beasts at the Overgrown Forest Planet!"

"Yes. You are right about that! But… it was not his cultivation that allowed him to defeat them! It was a mysterious trump card!"

"According to the intel that I collected, he owns a painting that is powerful enough to slaughter any diamond-tiered Demonic Beasts!"

"Undeniably, that painting is powerful but it's not powerful enough to be used to defeat millions of Demonic Beasts! I'm pretty sure that he has another even more powerful trump card with him!"

"If you are right about it, is Tie Family going to fall if he uses his ultimate trump card?"

"No! That kid is not as bright as we think he is! All he could do is protect himself if he uses his most powerful trump card! I don't think he can do much damage! Remember that Tie Family is a bunch of crooked businessman! With the girl in their hands, they will never lose to that kid even if they fail to capture him!"

"Alright… That makes sense to me! It seems I have wasted time in preparing the other two tests for him!"

"You shouldn't expect too much from a brainless kid like him! If it wasn't for the powerful elite that's supporting him, you didn't even need to waste time and effort on him!"

"You are right! He's just a dumbass. Yet, he's managed to eliminate millions of Demonic Beasts! It's hard to believe that there's no one powerful helping him! With this test, we will able to find out the trump card that he has and the person who has been helping him all the while! We are going to own him no matter what!"

"My lord, you are so wise! I would like to go back and rest if there are no other matters. My lord, you should go rest as well!"

"Go back? Aren't you going to wait for the result?"

"There won't be any results tonight! If I'm not mistaken, I don't think he knows where the girl really is! He will be greeted by trouble if he rushes to the Chamber of Commerce without any preparation!"

"You are right about it! There's no way that Tie Family will place their hostage at the Chamber of Commerce's headquarters! I believe that they will deploy a team of mercenaries to capture him!"

"My lord, you are right! His fate is set! No need to wait for him. I'm going to head back now!"

Seemingly, Sima Liang had everything under his control. At the same time, the overlord nodded his head to agree with the things that Sima Liang had just said.

Outside the temple.

Chen Xiaobei looked for a place to change into his Nightstalker Outfit. He also did not rush to the Chamber of Commerce like what Sima Liang had just predicted. Instead, he stealthily sneaked into the Ninth Young Lord's place.

The Ninth Young Lord's mansion.

Chen Xiaobei went to the back door, made sure no one was around before coming out of his invisible mode.

He then took out his phone and dialled Old Meng's number.

Compared to the temperamental Xiemen Dingjun, Old Meng was a much better character.

Less than two minutes after they hung up, Old Meng came and welcomed him personally.

"Mr. Chen! Come in!" Old Meng was very polite. "Since you're here already, why didn't you come in through the front door?"

Chen Xiaobei explained, "Old Meng, you yourself saw how much the Tie Family hates me at the headquarters today afternoon! If I walked in through the front door and the Tie Family finds out, the Ninth Young Lord would be stuck in the middle!"

"It must be hard for you! You've giving so much thoughts to the Ninth Young Lord, but the young lord may still be angry and he might not want to see you!" Old Meng said.

In the Chamber of Commerce, Chen Xiaobei did not give face to Ximen Dingjun at all, and was unyielding towards Tie Hongji!

With Ximen Dingjun's personality, it was only expected that he was unhappy.

Inviting Chen Xiaobei to the mansion was not Ximen Dingjun's idea. It was Old Meng who suggested it. He made the decision on his own.

"I was in the wrong for not giving face to the Ninth Young Lord!" Chen Xiaobei quickly said. "As soon as the banquet is over, I came here as quickly as I could to apologize to the Ninth Young Lord!"

"I know, but the Ninth Young Lord is like that. I'm afraid he might not want to see you for quite a while!" Old Meng said.

"The Ninth Young Lord will see me, for sure! I have Spiritual Medicine that could cure his illness once and for all!"

"Spiritual Medicine? Isn't that the Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick's Moonshine?" Old Meng asked.

"This is not a medicinal liquor. It's a Drago Penis Rehmania Pill that my Sifu made himself! It's much more effective than the medicinal liquor. He just needs to take one and he'll be completely cured!" Chen Xiaobei said, with a straight face.

"Great! I'll go report to him now!" Old Meng nodded. "The Ninth Young Lord loves women, and had been hoping that you would be sending the wine soon! But since you have something much stronger, the Ninth Young Lord will definitely want to see you! If it's as effective as you said, he will most probably forgive you!"

"That's good then, Old Meng. You'd better go inform him. I can't wait anymore!" Chen Xiaobei urged.

Once Old Meng took off, Chen Xiaobei retrieved a Heavenly Dog Biscuit from his Infinite Space Ring and pulverized it.

After that, he took out a special Spiritual Medicine, and crushed it as well.

Chen Xiaobei spat into the crushed pieces of Heavenly Dog Biscuit, added the crushed Spiritual Medicine, stirred them together, and rolled them into a ball like a glutinous piece of Tang Yuan.

This 'fortified' Heavenly Dog Biscuit was obviously prepared for Ximen Dingjun.

The military advisor Sima Liang said that Chen Xiaobei was a bold but a dense hothead. The reality, however, was the exact opposite.

Chen Xiaobei had already foresaw that the Chamber of Commerce would be heavily guarded, and barging in through the door would be a suicide mission.

A wise intervention was the best option in a situation like this.

Once Ximen Dingjun had eaten the Heavenly Dog Biscuit, Chen Xiaobei would have procured himself a key chess piece to overcome this whole thing!

Then circumventing would be very simple!

"Mr. Chen! The Ninth Young Lord invites you!" Old Meng ran over, and saw the ball of medicine in Chen Xiaobei's hand. "Hurry up and go in. With this Spiritual Medicine, the Ninth Young Lord will definitely forgive you!"

"I think so too!" Chen Xiaobei grinned.

There was no way Ximen Dingjun would not forgive Chen Xiaobei after eating the Heavenly Dog Biscuit!

At the bedroom.

Ximen Dingjun was spread out on his tiger skin bedsheets, his neck stuck out as he waited eagerly to see Chen Xiaobei.

Like Old Meng said, Ximen Dingjun was a lustful man, but because he had squeezed himself dry, he could not get it up on bed. So, he had been waiting for Chen Xiaobei to come visit him with a bottle of Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine.

When he heard that Chen Xiaobei had come with a Spiritual Medicine much stronger than the Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine, Ximen Dingjun was over the moon.

"Greetings, Ninth Young Lord."

Chen Xiaobei walked in, led by Old Meng.

"Let's skip the formalities, Mr. Chen! Bring the Spiritual Medicine over here now!" Ximen Dingjun said excitedly.

"Yes!" Chen Xiaobei handed the medicine over to Old Meng.

Old Meng was Ximen Dingjun's personal bodyguard, so apart from fighting off enemies, he was also in charge of testing Ximen Dingjun's medicines.

Back in Overgrown Forest, Old Meng had drank the first mouthful of Hundred Fruits Dragon Dick Moonshine.

Chen Xiaobei had to pass the Heavenly Dog Biscuit to Old Meng or he would get suspicious.

Old Meng, however, could not have a bite of the biscuit.

"Old Meng!" Chen Xiaobei quickly said, "I know that you're supposed to test the medicine for Ninth Young Lord but this Spiritual Medicine must be taken whole. You can just lick it. Don't taste too much or the medicine will lose its effectiveness, and the Ninth Young Lord won't be cured completely!"

"Mm, alright!" Old Meng nodded.

"Lick? That's disgusting! Just bring it over!" Ximen Dingjun said impatiently.

"Bu… But that's against the rules…" Old Meng protested.

"Rules my ass! You're here, aren't you? If Mr. Chen tries to harm me even for one bit, he will die! Mr. Chen is a smart man he won't such a stupid thing!" Ximen Dingjun said.

"Tha… That's true!" Old Meng nodded, and then passed the medicine over to Ximen Dingjun.

"My lower body's sexual vigour can finally be restored! Wahaha!"

Ximen Dingjun shoved the pill down his throat eagerly.

"Ninth Young Lord, how do you feel?" Old Meng asked, concerned.

"I don't feel anything yet… Oh! Ack!" Ximen Dingjun started to gag mid-sentence.

"Mr. Chen! What is happening?" Old Meng began to panic.

"This is normal! Old Meng, hurry up and get some warm water!" Chen XIaobei said.

"Warm water? Alright! I'll go now!" Old Meng ran out of the room.

"Perfect!" Chen Xiaobei grinned, relieved.

This was all part of Chen Xiaobei's plan!

The gagging was caused by the Spiritual Medicine that Chen Xiaobei had mixed in earlier so that he could distract Old Meng for a while.

That way, Ximen Dingjun could acknowledge Chen Xiaobei as his master without anyone knowing!

Xiemen Dingjun immediately became sluggish. After a series of questions and answers, he officially became Chen Xiaobei's loyal hound.

"The water's here!" Old Meng charged over. "Ninth Young Lord, you're fine?"

"Mm, I'm fine now!" Ximen Dingjun nodded. "Old Meng, you can leave us now. I would like to speak to Mr. Chen in private!"

"Ninth… Ninth Young Lord… Are you okay…?"

Ximen Dingjun had already turned into Chen Xiaobei's loyal hound when Old Meng returned. Considering the fact that Old Meng was assigned as Ximen Dingjun's guardian since young, he could feel that there was something wrong with Ximen Dingjun.

"I'm perfectly fine! You can leave me be for now. I will summon you if I need you!" said Ximen Dingjun in a hasty manner.


Though Old Meng suspected that something bad had happened to Ximen Dingjun, he could not spot any unusual behavior from Ximen Dingjun. In the end, he had to take his leave.

Ximen Dingjun then closed the door.

"Master. Please give me your orders!" said Ximen Dingjun in a polite manner.

"My friend has been captured by Tie Family. I want you to call them to extract as much information as possible!"

"Alright! I know what to do now!"

Immediately, Ximen Dingjun took out his cellphone and dialed Tie Hongji's contact number. He then put the call on speakerphone to allow Chen Xiaobei to listen in on their conversation. Shortly after, Tie Hongji picked up the call.

"Ninth Young Lord! Why did you call me at such a late hour?"

"Man… You and I are so close! Don't you know what I want? Hehehe…" said Ximen Dingjun with a perverted laughing sound.

"Nine Young Lord, you looking for women?"

"You know me well! What now? Are you going to send the little beauty that you captured to my place?!"

"Ninth Young Lord, how did you know that I have captured Chen Zhufeng's girl?!"

"Spare the small details! Just ask someone to send her to me now!"

"Ninth Young Lord, please listen to explanation… I have no doubt that you are my good brother… but I'm telling you honestly here that I can't send the woman to you…"

"You bastard! How dare you forget the things that I have done for you?! In order to protect you, I have damaged my relationship with Chen Xiaobei at the Chamber of Commerce! How can you be so ungrateful?! It seems like you no longer consider me as your brother!"

"No… Ninth Young Lord… That's not true! You know that I'm willing to share anything that I have with you. This girl is one of overlord's chess piece! I have been instructed not to hurt her for these three days…"

"You can stop using my father to pressure me! Don't you now that I'm his favorite son?! I'm going to ask you one more time! Do you still consider me as your brother?!"

"Ninth Young Lord, please forgive me. This girl is part of something big. I'm not allowed to disobey the will of the overlord… Why don't you wait for a short while…"

"Are you really asking me to wait here? Don't you know my temper? I will never let it go if I can't get my hands on the woman that I want!"

"Trust me! You don't need to wait for long! Chen Zhufeng will definitely invade the Chamber of Commerce tonight! I have deployed a group of elites and three demigods to welcome him! Chen Zhufeng will surely die the moment he steps into my territory! After that, I will clean that girl personally and send her to you!"

"Chen Zhufeng invading the Chamber of Commerce? What if he manages to rescue the girl?!"

"No way! That's because the girl is not at the Chamber of Commerce! This is a trap specifically designed for him! Even if he managed to survive this assault, he will never be able to rescue the girl!"

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei and Ximen Dingjun were left in shock. The people from Tie Family were more cunning than they expected. Things could really take a worse turn if Chen Xiaobei went to the Chamber of Commerce to rescue Linghu Shuang without coming here first.

Though Chen Xiaobei had Osnur in his Verdant Emperor's Divine Gourd, both of them were still not powerful enough to defeat three demigods. If the fight broke out, Chen Xiaobei and Osnur would surely be killed sooner or later!


Things were different now as he had Ximen Dingjun under his control.

"Where did you hide the girl?"

"About this…"

"What now?! Don't you trust me?!"

"No… No… No… Of course I trust you fully! That girl is being kept at my Golden Maple Mansion! It's located a very secluded area! There's no way that Chen Zhufeng can find it!"

"Tie Family is really damn smart! You are right about it! Chen Xiaobei can never find and rescue the girl! I'm not going to sleep tonight! I will stay right here to wait for your good news!"

"Hehehe… Ninth Young Lord… Don't you worry! I won't keep you waiting for too long! Just wait for the arrival of your goodies!"


Ximen Dingjun nodded his head and hung up the call.

"Tell me the location of the Golden Maple Mansion! I will head over there right now!" said Chen Xiaobei without any second thoughts.

"East side of the main city. You will see a lake called Golden Maple Lake. Tie Family has a piece of land over there. The mansion is built right beside the lake! It's going to be really dangerous if you go alone! Should I call Meng Qianshan to go with you?"

"No! I want you to stay here! You have to continue to act like that you are not good terms with me! As for invading the Golden Maple Mansion, me myself is more than enough! Tie Family has deployed all the powerful elites at the Chamber of Commerce's headquarters. I believe that there are no more powerful individuals who are left there!"

"Yes… I understand…"

After that, Chen Xiaobei changed to his Nightstalker Outfit, jumped onto the Somersault Cloud and headed to the Golden Maple Mansion. Considering that there was only one building right beside the lake, Chen Xiaobei managed to spot it instantly. There was only a room which was lighted up in the entire mansion and there were guards standing at the door. Clearly, Linghu Shuang was being kept inside this room.


[Cultivation: Middle phase of Celestial cultivation. Lifespan: 228. Health: 100,000. Combat power: 100,000!]

After observing for a while in the dark, Chen Xiaobei found out that the most powerful guard had only 100,000 combat power. Just as he expected, there was no one powerful who was being deployed here.


Chen Xiaobei charged at the most powerful guard the moment he jumped down from the Somersault Cloud. He took off his Nightstalker Outfit when he was one meter away from the guard. He then used his right hand to grab the guard's throat.


A loud cracking noise could be heard as the neck of the guard was broken by Chen Xiaobei. After the last training session, Chen Xiaobei's combat power had reached 113,700! With the help of Primordial Witch King's Combat Enhancement skill, his combat power could be boosted to 147,810! That was why Chen Xiaobei could kill a guard with 100,000 combat power easily. Chen Xiaobei then put the body on the ground gingerly to avoid alerting the other guards.


[You have eliminated a first generation villain. 10,000 merit points have been awarded to you!]


[Your current merit points are 13,010,000. You'll need need another 9,990,000 merit points to proceed to the next level! (Charm: 1,301,000. Luck: 1,301,000)]

In order to not create a scene here, Chen Xiaobei had decided that he was not going to let his Chaos Blood Sword absorb the soul and blood essence. After that, Chen Xiaobei put on the Nightstalker Outfit once again to sneak into the house from the window. Just as expected, Linghu Shuang was being kept here. Her hands and feet were being cuffed by a shackle that was made out of special metal. That was why she could not break it even if she had 130,000 combat power.

In order to prevent any unwanted events from happening, Tie Family did in fact deploy someone powerful to safeguard Linghu Shuang. The man was in his thirties and he looked rather similar toTie Hongji. Based on Chen Xiaobei's deduction, this person should be Tie Hongji's cousin. Right now, he was holding a saber, and was sitting beside Linghu Shuang. From time to time, his eyes were scanning Linghu Shuang's body in a perverted manner.

Though Linghu Shuang was not pleased by it, she did not dare complain about it. Needless to say, the person was definitely way more powerful than her. Currrently, Linghu Shuang's combat power was 130,000 at the pinnacle phase of Celestial cultivation.


[Cultivation: Early phase of Ethereal cultivation. Lifespan: 309. Heath: 180,000. Combat power: 180,000!]

With the help of the Netherspirit Battlescouter, Chen Xiaobei managed to find out the man's cultivation. Though he was way more powerful than Chen Xiaobei, he was not afraid of him at all. All he could do right now was to wait at the window for the right moment to save Linghu Shuang.

"Little lady! What do you think about my proposal just now eh? Let me do whatever I like to you, and I will definitely try my very best to beg my uncle to spare your life after this whole thing is over! By that time, you will not need to worry about your future anymore!"

"Dream on! Touch me and I will bite my tongue to end my life!" said Linghu Shuang while glaring at the man with both of her eyes wide open.

"Motherf*cker! I, Tie Juzhe is worthy of owning you! I'm going to warn you right now! Don't test my patience! Just let me do whatever I want to do to you! If not, I will force myself on you!"

"How dare you?! My big brother Chen will definitely come here and rescue me! Touch me and he will kill you!"

"Big brother Chen? Are you talking about Chen Zhufeng? He doesn't even know that you are here! There's no way that he will come and save you! He would have gone to the Chamber of Commerce's headquarters if he wanted to save you! There are three demigods waiting for him over there! If that's not enough, there are still hundreds of elites waiting to greet him as well! I can guarantee you that he will not survive the fight even if he has 10,000 lives!"

"What did you just say?!!"

Linghu Shuang was taken aback. She knew exactly how powerful Chen Xiaobei was. With the Blood God's Deity Killing painting, Chen Xiaobei could defeat anyone that was not a demigod! However, when it came to fighting a demigod, Chen Xiaobei could only block a single attack. After that, there was nothing he could do about them.

As she was thinking about that, Linghu Shuang's heart was slowly invaded by feelings of despair.

"What now? Do you finally feel fear now? Chen Zhufeng will never get to the see the sunrise tomorrow, and he will definitely not come here to save you! Do what I tell you to do and what I want you to! Hehehe…"

"Don't come near me… Don't… Big brother Chen… Help… Please help me!"

"Scream all you want! Chen Zhufeng will never come here even if you scream your lungs out! The more you scream, the more excited I get! Hehehe…"

Tie Juzhe put on a perverted smile, threw his saber at the side, and charged at Linghu Shuang with open arms. To his surprise, someone suddenly appeared at his back when he tossed his saber at the side. Chen Xiaobei then took off his mask and bent his leg.

"Nutbuster Kick!!!"

With a loud roar, Chen Xiaobei channeled all his strength to his leg and landed a lethal kick on Tie Juzhe at his back.

"Ouch… Ooooh…"

Seconds later, a brutal scream could be heard coming out from Tie Juzhe. He was sent flying away to the roof and dropped down to the floor really hard.

"Pain… This is so painful… My ba… My balls… Cough…"

Screaming in a hysterical manner, the excruciating pain had caused his body to shake uncontrollably. It was so painful that he could not stand up anymore.

"Big brother Chen! How did you now I'm being kept here?!" asked Linghu Shuang in an excited manner.

"I'm here to save you!"

"What I'm asking you is how did you know I'm here?"

"It's a secret!"

Chen Xiaobei then took out his Dragon's Edge to break the special cuffs on Linghu Shuang.



With Chen Xiaobei channelling all his combat power to the Dragon's Edge that was enhanced by the Reverse Blade Spiritual Jade, he managed to break the cuff with only two slashes. Also, it could be seen that Linghu Shuang was truly impressed by Chen Xiaobei's slashing skills.

"What happened? Master Zhe! What has happened to you?!"

All the guards that stood guard outside rushed into the room.

"Kill… Kill that son of a bitch… He assaulted me… It's so painful…" shouted Tie Juzhe while holding on to his crotch.

"Yes master!"

None of them knew how powerful Chen Xiaobei was. Immediately, they started to channel True Qi to their bodies and slowly approached Chen Xiaobei and Linghu Shuang.

"Shuang'er! I'm going to do some killing now. Close your eyes if you feel afraid. You can open it after ten seconds!"

Open your eyes after 10 seconds!

Chen Xiaobei meant that he could kill all 10 of the bodyguards in 10 seconds! That was a really awesome statement!

"I'm not scared!" Linghu Shuang pursed her lips. "I am an assassin! I've seen a lot of things! Big Bro Chen, you underestimate me!"

"Good!" Chen Xiabei nodded and then charged towards the bodyguards.

When they saw this, the bodyguards all shouted in contempt.

"What the f*ck! How dare he look down on us! We must take him down within 10 seconds!"

"That's right! We are the elite bodyguards of the Tie family! Let's show him what we're made of!"

"Brothers! Let's charge! Let's rip this kid into pieces!"

As the bodyguards hollered, their desire to fight burned hotly, and their blood was boiling. All of them were at full strength, ready to kill Chen Xiaobei within 10 seconds.

The idea was ideal but the reality of it was not!

Chen Xiaobei had already found out about their cultivation before he came in.

This fight was going to be an easy one for him.


Chen Xiaobei far outmatched the strength of all these 10 people.

He moved too quickly for their eyes catch him. In a blink of an eye, he was already standing before them.

Chen Xiaobei's strength, needless to say, was way out of their league.


The black saber struck downwards, and the blade sliced the bodyguard at the front beginning from his head to the crotch area.

In that split second, the perfectly man who was perfectly fine was cut into two halves like a log.

Blood was strewn everywhere, and there were pieces of flesh thrown all over the place. It was a nightmarish scene.

"Ahh!" Linghu Shuang screamed. She had said previously that she was not afraid but now she flinched, averting her eyes from the bloody mess and the fight, not even daring to steal a peek.

"So fast! So strong! That kid's cultivation is much higher than ours!"

The remaining bodyguards felt a chill run down their spines at that realization.

What was funny was that just a second ago, they had a sword that they would kill Chen Xiaobei in 10 seconds.

Now that Chen Xiaobei had killed one of them in one strike, they were trembling like leaves in a monsoon.

They were completely defeated in their minds, and were filled with immense fear.

Right now, even if they had the heart of a lion, they would not dare attack Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was not about to take pity on them just because they were scared.

Did they take pity on Chen Xiaobei when they thought that he was much weaker than them?

It was only because they realized that Chen Xiaobei was so much stronger that they were afraid to attack. These people were the classic embodiment of 'meek towards the brutal and brutal towards the meek'. Such bullies should not be pitied at all!

Zing! Zing! Zing!

Chen Xiaobei did not rest between attacks. His black saber was like the giant sickle of the grim reaper, harvesting a life at every swing.

Decapitation! Crushed skulls! Halved corpses!

The Dragon's Edge was potent. Of all 10 of the bodyguards, none were left whole after the blade had made contact.

By the time Chen Xiaobei withdrew the saber, the house was covered in blood and flesh! Less than 10 seconds had passed.

"Xiang'er! I thought that you're not scared?" Chen Xiaobei walked up to her with a smile on his face.

"I… I was not afraid…" Linghu Shuang swallowed. "Let's go! I don't want to stay here a second longer!"

"Wait for me outside the house. There's still one more life I've not yet claimed." Chen Xiaobei walked towards Tie Jujzhe who was nearby.

This asshole's cultivation may be high but he'd suffered fatal damage in a critical area. That meant he could not exert any strength at all.

He wanted to use his Ethereal Force but it would only cause a searing pain to rip through his veins at the parts where the Qi Blood had just passed through. As a result, he could not wield his True Qi.

"M… Mr Chen! Don't come here! I beg you… I don't want to die!"

Chen Xiaobei was approaching, but Tie Juzhe could not get to his feet. Except for begging, he had no other option.

"From the moment you said that you want to force yourself to do it, you've already sentenced yourself to death!"

Chen Xiaobei's tone was calm, and his eyes was thick with murderous intent like a large, inmovable block of ice.

"No! You cannot kill me! I am Tie Juzhe! My uncle is the president of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce! My father is the vice president! Our family is the richest in all of Northern Wilderness Starfield! If you spare my life, I will give you riches and wealth but if you kill me, you will become our family's nemesis! My family will come after you and kill you! You… aaargh!"

Tie Juzhe suddenly felt his breath caught in his throat, and the expression on his face froze, with a blank look in his eyes. He had stopped breathing and was dead as a dodo!

A line of blood oozed from his throat, and began spraying blood. The pressure of the blood from heis arteries threw his severed head down to the ground.

Chen Xiaobei put his sword back to the Infinite Space Ring, and said, "The ones who would be getting killed is your family!"

The Tie Family hated Chen Xiaobei to the core, and had wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei since the beginning. Tie Juzhe had moved his family out to deal with Chen Xiaobei but not only did it not work, it even facilitated his own death.

Chen Xiaobei was not afraid of the Tie Family at all. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Chen Xiaobei killed Tie Juzhe to show Tie Family his mighty strength!

This was like a harsh slap to the Tie Family's face, telling the Tie family that 'if you want to fight, then let's fight'.

Now that it was all said and done, Chen Xiaobei rejoined Linghu Shuang and left the mansion.

"Shuang'er, the situation here in Divine Cloud is getting complicated and I'm stuck in this. Everything I do next might affect you! I feel you should leave this place and return to your sifu!"

In the dense, barren forest, Chen Xiaobei revealed his decision.

"I won't go." Linghu Shuang insisted.

"No! If you stay with me, I cannot guarantee your safety! We were just lucky that the stronger members of the Tie family were not around today. We don't know what they would have done to you if they took you away again!"

"Bro Chen! Don't you worry!" Linghu Shuang said. "I said that I won't go because my sifu will be coming! I'll just have to wait for him at a secret location!"

"Your Sifu will come?" Chen Xiaobei blinked. "Looks like I won't have to worry about anything then!"

"Who knows, my Sifu might be able to help you eh!" Linghu Shuang smiled sweetly.

In the Northern Wilderness's Temple

Sima Liang, dressed in a cotton robe, ran hurriedly into the Overlord's bedchamber.

He was so flustered he had put on two different slippers.

"Overlord, we have trouble!" Sima Liang shouted.

There was no time to waste.


The bedroom of the overlord was pushed open.

"What happened to you, my Military Advisor? You have been following me around for many years. This is my very first time seeing you losing your composure!"

"I have miscalculated the whole thing! Chen Zhufeng managed to save the hostage! And… He even killed Tie Juzhe! The entire Tie Family is in a mess right now!"

"What?! How's that even possible?! Are you sure that he has saved the hostage?!"

Taken aback, the overlord rushed to the entrance of his bedroom.

"I'm sure about it… Including Tie Juzhe, there are dozens of casualties… his father came to my place earlier to knock at my door!"

"It's just that everything happened too damn fast! You are the one who told me that he will not be able to locate the hostage! But… he's now managed to rescue the hostage within two hours!"

"This… This is my fault… Chen Zhufeng is no ordinary person… I have underestimated him…"

"You are not the only one! I have underestimated him as well! Initially, I wanted to use this test to check him out entirely! Now, we've all ended up knowing nothing about him and causing the Tie Family to lose a dozen people! We have completely lost to him in this round!"

"Luckily, there are two more tests for him! This time, I will definitely pour out all my effort to plan the whole thing properly! I swear that I will help you unveil all his trump cards the next time!"

"It seems like we will have to wait for next time! I still need to meet up with Chen Zhufeng later. I need you to calm Tie Family down first. I don't want to listen to their complaints!"

"Yes! I know what to do now…"

Sima Liang then nodded his head and left the place.


At the Chamber of Commerce's headquarters.

All the core family members of Tie Family were gathered there. The atmosphere inside the meeting room was extremely tense. All of them were filled with anger and sorrow. Even the heir of Tie Family, Tie Hongji could only hide behind his father in a moment like this.

"Big brother! You have to bring justice to Juzhe's death!" shouted a middle-aged man with white hair.

This person was none other than the father of Tie Juzhe, Tue Nulang! He was also the big brother that he mentioned just now, family head of Tie Family and the CEO of Chamber of Commerce, Tie Jingtao!

"Did you manage to talk to Sima, the Military Advisor just now? What did he say?"

"I did see him just now, but you should know his temper better than anyone else! All he asked me to do just now was to wait! After that, he didn't even get back to me!"

"We can't afford to waste time anymore! Chen Zhufeng will take the hostage and escape this place if we continue to wait here without doing anything! By that time, how am I going to avenge my son?!"

"Second brother, please calm down! The Military Advisor normally knows what to do in a situation like this! Let's just wait for him! I'm pretty sure he has something planned right now!"

"I don't care whether he's coming here or not! I must kill Chen Zhufeng!"

"Second Master Tie, don't you worry! I will definitely grant you the opportunity to kill Chen Zhufeng!"

Suddenly, Sima Liang appeared at the doorstep.

"You are finally here!"

Everyone from Tie Family regained their spirits and stood up from their chairs. Tie Jingtao and Tie Nulang rushed to him immediately to ask some questions.

"How do you plan to deal with this matter? Are you going to lock down the entire town to look for Chen Zhufeng?"

"That's not necessary! Chen Zhufeng will not leave Divine Cloud Planet! If I'm not mistaken, he should be going to meet the overlord early in the morning later!"

"How's that even possible?! That son of a bitch just killed my son! He knows that I will never let him off the hook no matter what! I don't think he will be bold enough to stay here! I have to bring someone to go and capture him before it's too late to do so!"

"Second Master Tie, please calm down! Chen Zhufeng will not leave this place because he has not achieved his real goal!"

"His real goal? Are you trying to say that he's not here for the state banquet?! You are right! Though he is still young, he has a huge ambition! He wanted to take the entire South Town Star Temple into his possession! By doing so, he will be able to replace the entire Lu Family at Silver Plume City!"

"Replace Lu Family?! That's simply impossible! There's no way that the overlord will say yes to such a ridiculous request! Not even an idiot would allow him to take control of South Town Star Temple!"

"Second Master Tie, please watch what you say! Actually, the overlord has agreed with Chen Zhufeng's request! However, he's asking him to complete three quests before letting him take possession of South Town Star Temple!"

"What?! I can't believe that the overlord said yes to his request!"

"So, does that mean rescuing the lady was the first quest given to Chen Zhufeng?!"

"Master Tie, you are right about that! That was the first quest! Considering that he's managed to save the hostage, he had passed the first test! Try to put yourself into his shoes. Would you leave this place if you were him?"

"I understand now! Chen Zhufeng will definitely do whatever it takes to complete the other two quests if he wants to take control of South Town Star Temple! That would mean he will never leave Divine Cloud Planet for now!"

"I don't care about all that! I want to avenge my son! I want to kill him personally!" shouted Tie Nulang.

"Second Master Tie! Don't you worry! You will have your chance! Chen Zhufeng will get this second quest when he meets up with the overlord later! By that time, I will try my best to include you in the second quest!" said Sima Liang.

"Does that mean I can kill him?! I have no time to play games with him!"

"Don't worry! You can go all out to kill him! The overlord wants to know all of Chen Xiaobei's trump cards if he's forced into a life or death situation! He does not deserve to live if he fails to survive the fight!"

"Alright! Deal!"

Tie Nulang licked his lips gleefully and the look on his face turned ugly.


Somewhere in the sky. Chen Xiaobei was on the Somersault Cloud.

"I have just killed a dozen people and I was awarded with 150,000 merit points! I now have 10,160,000 merit points… more than enough to save Diao Chan! The only problem right now is… when is Shen Gongpao going to get addicted to the game? I'm bored now… Let me head to the group and check it out!"

Shen Gongpao: Shit! Shit! Shit! In addition to this round, I've already beaten all of you 32 times! 🤮

Shen Gongpao: Tell me, how many days has it been? You guys made no progress at all! You guys are deities but even kids from primary school are better at this game than you are! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Tang Sanzang: But the primary school kids back on earth play very well.

Shen Gongpao: Hah! You are one to talk! You were the one leading them! Are you guys the Calabash Brothers? Are you all going to rescue grandpa? Going in like that, even kids from a kindergarten can beat you!

Zhu Bajie: God Shen, you cannot judge a whole group of people based on just a few! I have never done that!

Shen Gongpao: Yes! You've never done that! Your base was about to be torn down but you still hid in the grass along the river! What the hell were you doing? Waiting to see an elf take a bath?"

Third Prince: Zhu Bajie! I've already sent a message for you to join but you didn't come! See, now, we're getting scolded.

Shen Gongpao: Some people! If you don't know how to play Guan Yu, then you shouldn't play at all! Are you here to perform some circus acts, or are you trying to revisit the time you spent as a horse? 🙄

Third Prince: 😶

Shen Gongpao: And you, Sha Wujing! I'm already at level three but you've only just left the base! Do you really need that long to buy a piece of equipment? Are you bargaining with the shopkeeper?

Curtain Rolling General: Don't just talk about us! If you dare, then talk about Monkey King!

Shen Gongpao: I was just about to do that! Monkey King! My Little Luban was killed by a group of enemies and you are still farming in the jungle? Why didn't you come and help me?! What a traitor!

Monkey King: Hmph! I don't want to help you! So? If you're not happy with that, then let's fight!

Shen Gongpao: I… What terrible luck I have to be matched with a group of noobs as my teammates!

Li Bai: God Shen, don't be angry! Come join me!

Shen Gongpao: You? Go away! It's not like I've never played with you before! You didn't even kill anyone in a 40-minute game! Are you a Buddhist? You don't kill?

Little Qiao: God Shen, come and join me then. My skills have improved!

Shen Gongpao: You?! Explain this to me then, why did you buy six pairs of boots?

Little Qiao: That's very simple! Which girl doesn't like to have as many shoes as possible? 😁

Shen Gongpao: Oh, please don't try to pull me into your team! I want to die! 🤮

Little Qiao: Is being alive not good? 😭

Shen Gongpao: I beg you guys… please put in some effort! Chen Xiaobei's gaming level is actually pretty normal. As long as everyone works hard to practice, we can beat him! Please don't do anything stupid anymore!

"Pfffttt! Wahahaha!" When Chen Xiaobei read the chat, he burst into laughter. "Man, this is hilarious! Is Sheng Gongpao getting obsessed with the game? Looking at his current condition, he probably has no time to care about the merit points ledger! Let me find someone from the group to test him!"

Chen Xiaobei then went to the Little Apple Playground group and looked for Grandma Rong, asking her to pretend to inquire about the merit points.

Very quickly, Grandma Rong replied Chen Xiaobei's message – the ledger was still with Shen Gongpao.

"It looks like even though Shen Gongpao was addicted to the game, he was still able to find time to manage the merit points ledger! Prying himself away from the ledger would have to wait until the day of the competition! That'd be good too! Saving Diao Chan while Shen Gongpao is busy with the competition! There's a high chance that could work! Mm, that's it then. Let Shen Gongpao focus on practicing for the game for now, and then make a move on the day of the competition.

Once he had everything planned out, Chen Xiaobei was no longer worried about this problem.

He took at the look at the time, and it was almost day. Chen Xiaobei took the Somersault Cloud and flew right to the Divine Cloud's Capital City.

In the Northern Wilderness's temple.

Chen Xiaobei arrived at the break of dawn, and the Overlord was already expecting him.

In the grand hall, there was the Overlord, all alone and seated on high, looking down. "You did very well! Much better than I thought!"

"You're flatter me, my lord! Please tell me the second test!"

Chen Xiaobei could not be bothered with the formalities and jumped straight to the point.

"There's no hurry!" The Overlord said. "I want to know – how did you find out the location of the hostage? Except for myself and the core members of the Tie family, no one else knows about it!"

Chen Xiaobei shrugged. "If I told you that I planted a spy in the Tie Family, would you believe it?"

"How is that possible?" The Overlord gasped. "Didn't you come to Northern Wilderness Starfield alone? Who would help you with such a dangerous task?"

"Since you asked, I will just tell you the truth!" Chen Xiaobei said. "Actually, I have a friend from a higher-ranking starfield! He was the one who sent people to Northern Wilderness Starfield to help me!"

"You know someone from a higher-ranking starfield? I don't believe it!" The Overlord shook his head.

"Think about Atlantis, and then think about the disappearing Demonic Beasts!" Chen Xiaobei said. "Without help from my friend from a higher starfield, I surely couldn't have done it, not alone!"

"Is… Is that true?" The Overlord asked suspiciously. "Since you already have a friend from a higher-ranking starfield, then why do you want to take over South Town Star Temple? What is your intention? Are you hoping to attack Northern Wilderness by working with outsiders?"

"My lord, you worry too much!" Chen Xiaobei said. "I want to takeover the South Town Star Temple for my friends and family's sake! I want to move them away from earth! On top of that, you've already put a curse on me. If I betray you, I will die a terrible death, and my friends and family will suffer the same fate!"

"That's true." The Overlord nodded.

After all, the Overlord himself was the one who had laid the curse. If Chen Xiaobei even displayed the slightest hint of disloyalty, he would be wiped out immediately.

As long as he had Chen Xiaobei's life in his hand, and even if Chen Xiaobei had friends from higher-ranking starfields, the Northern Wilderness Overlord would have nothing to fear.

With that assurance, the Overlord nodded. "Having your fiends help you is considered a good thing! After all, the, one person won't be able to manage the entire South Town Star Temple alone. You must have your own confidantes and forces!"

"Can you tell me the next test now?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Of course!" The Overlord nodded. "Altalntis was ruined, and the biggest loss was not the city, but the portal in the center of the city! The second test I'm giving you is to go and fix the portal!"

"So, you know that the portal is the only way to travel from earth to Northern Wilderness Starfield! That's why one has to first fix the portal for South Town Start Temple to regain its purpose! Otherwise, it will be pointless for you to take possession of it!"

"Alright. I understand now. I'm willing to take this quest! How much are you going to give me if I do this job? How many people are going to assist me? This is a really huge project! I don't think I can do it alone!"

"I need you to do it alone! I will not give you any Spiritual Stones or assign anyone to help you! And you have a time limit to complete this quest! You must complete this quest within a month! Failing to do so will result in failing the quest!"

"What? No Spiritual Stones and no help?! And there is a one month time limit? My lord, are you kidding me? I will need more than a month to travel to earth even with the fastest spaceship, let alone fixing the portal with such a short amount of time!"

"I'm not kidding you! This is supposed to be a challenging quest! If I provide you with resources and manpower and set no time limit, I can ask anyone to do it! So, why should I ask you?"

With a frown on his face, Chen Xiaobei realized that the overlord was not a person that was easy to deal with. Clearly, this quest was harder than asking him to rescue Linghu Shuang. Apart from that, there was actually a hidden risk in this quest.

"My lord, how are you planning to deal with Lu Gang and the rest of the South Town Star Temple members?"

"You know that the portal is not functioning right now! Lu Gang and the rest of them are forced to stay on earth. There's nothing I can do about them!"

"So, are you trying to ask me to fix the portal and deal with Lu Gang and the gang after that?"

"The fight is unavoidable, and you know it! Lu Gang hates you a lot! He will not agree to it if he knows that you are going replace him!"

"My lord, are you trying to mess with me or test me? You know that a huge fight will break out the moment I meet up with Lu Gang!"

"Well, what's the point for me to give you power if you can't deal with matters like this?! You will fall from the throne before you know it!"

After hearing the overlord's reason, Chen Xiaobei realized that it actually made sense to him. One should know that there were a lot of factions that tried to take over South Town Star Temple. He would need to expect trouble if he took over South Town Star Temple. However, if Chen Xiaobei managed to kill Lu Gang and the rest of them, he would be able to put fear into other factions and thus, no one would dare to mess with him!

"Alright! I willm do my best then! I really hope that I can finish this quest!"

"Great! I know that you are one worthy man! Time is of the essence! I'm not going to keep you here! I hope that I can hear good news after one month!"

"Hold on! I have one more thing that I want to ask. It's about the elite hunting competition! Though an unexpected event happened, I think that I'm worthy to be first! I would like to ask for the reward from you!"

"Are you talking about Golden Purple Echeveria Lola? I will hand it over to you personally if you manage to complete this quest one month later! It will be pointless for me to give it to you right now!"

In other words, Chen Xiaobei had to survive this quest no matter what. With him dead, the Golden Purple Echeveria Lola would be pointless to him.

"Fine! One month it is then! We will talk about it one month later!"

After that, Chen Xiaobei nodded his head and left the place. Luckily, Wenren Muyue still could live for another five months. Asking her to wait for another month should not be a problem. The moment Chen Xiaobei left the temple, he quickly contacted Linghu Shuang.

"Shuang'er, the last time, you told me that your Sifu is some master at creating dimensions, right? Is that real?"

"Of course it is real! My Sifu is the best in this line of profession!"

"Great! This is really great! When will your Sifu arrive here?"

Though Chen Xiaobei knew how to deploy a formation, he had no idea how to create or fix a dimension. Without the blueprint, Chen Xiaobei would have to rely on others to fix the portal. With the help of Linghu Shuang's Sifu, he might just be able to fix the portal within a month.

"She will arrive here later in the afternoon! What is going on?"

"Something big is going on! Where are you? I will come to you right now!"

At the south side of Divine Cloud's main city.

Inside an ordinary house.

Chen Xiaobei managed to locate Linghu Shuang. Together, they waited for the arrival of Linghu Shuang's Sifu.




Suddenly, a series of knocking sounds could be heard from outside. Immediately, Linghu Shuang opened the door in a joyful manner.

"Big brother Chen! Let me introduce this person to you! She's my Sifu! The number one Dimension Master from Green Hill Planet, Bai Linsu!"

With a smile on her face, she held Bai Linsu's hand and walked towards Chen Xiaobei. The moment he saw the woman, he was completely taken aback. To his surprise, she was just a girl that was in her twenties. She had a fair skin and perfectly crafted facial features. She was pretty enough to make every man to fall for her. Other than her gorgeous looks, her body was extremely voluptuous as well. The curves on her were simply unreal! Clearly, she was the perfect woman that was way more attractive than Linghu Shuang! Any normal man in this universe would not be able to resist her!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind had already gotten way better than all the other ordinary men! The thing that attracted Chen Xiaobei was not her looks and body but her temperament! She seemed extremely similar to someone that he knew.

Demonic Fox!

The aura exuded by this lady called Bai Linsu was extremely similar with Demonic Fox. Well, they were not exactly the same but they were at least 70% similar to each other. This special temperament could only be concluded with one word – seductiveness! Just by looking at her face, Chen Xiaobei was drawn to her like a magnet and her curvy body was like water that could soothe one's heart. The temperament that came right out from her was tender and sultry. This woman right here was the epitome of a seductress.



Looking at Chen Xiaobei staring at her mindlessly, Bai Linsu was left in an awkward situation. Immediately, she let out two coughs to wake Chen Xiaobei up.

"Big brother Chen! You are such a pervert! You are not allowed to stare at my Sifu in such a manner!"

Linghu Shuang used her fist to thump Chen Xiaobei's chest.

"Ugh… I'm really sorry… I don't mean to stare at you in such rude manner… It's just you look extremely similar to one of my friends… I was lost in my thoughts earlier… My apologies…"

"Psst! Your reasoning is pretty damn outdated!" said Linghu Shuang.

"I'm not trying to make any excuses here! I'm telling the truth! Look at my sincere eyes!" replied Chen Xiaobei with his eyes wide open.

"Save it! You should look into the mirror just now! You look exactly like those perverts who stared at my Sifu!"

"Shuang'er! Watch your manners! Mr. Chen has saved me three times! You should know him better now! Do you really think you can stand here and talk to me if he is a real pervert?"

"About this… Fine… I'm at fault here…"

Clearly, Linghu Shuang was feeling jealous over her Sifu. She would never doubt Chen Xiaobei's character. Seeing that Chjen Xiaobei had his gaze fixed on her Sifu, she could not help but feel slightly uncomfortable. On the other hand, it seemed Bai Linsu did not mind the admiration at all.

"The first time was at Silver Plume! The second time was at Overgrown Forest! And the third time happened last night! Mr. Chen, you have saved Shuang'er three times now! I'm wondering how should I repay your kindness!"

"Senior Bai, you are most welcome! Shuang'er and I have gone through a lot together! It's only right for me to help her when she's in need of my help! You don't have to repay me! I will not ask for anything in return!"

"Alright! With the things that you just said, Shuang'er and I will pour out our hearts to help you when you go through difficult times!"

Though Bai Linsu was soft and gentle, there was actually a sense of a heroic presence from the way she talked.

"Actually, I do have something that needs your help right now! I'm asked to repair the portal that connects Earth and the Northern Wilderness Starfield! I have heard that you are an expert at solving dimensional problems! Please help me!"

"It's not difficult to repair a portal! Provide me with enough resources, and I can fix it within ten days! The real problem is, how should we travel to earth within a month?"

"I have a way to return to earth instantaneously!"

"How is that even possible?"

"According to what I know, there's only one way to travel from earth to here, and that is through the portal at South Town Star Temple. Without the portal, we will have to travel to earth with a spaceship!"

"Please believe in me. To me, travelling to earth is as easy as eating a piece of cake! Just tell me what you need! I will go and prepare now!"

"I still find it really hard to believe! But, we can actually prepare everything that I'll need to fix the portal beforehand! The portal at South Town Star Temple can be considered as a high-tier portal! The Talisman Rune within the Formation Core has to be crafted with Spiritual-tier jadestone! Other than this, the next most important thing is called a Spatial Spiritual Crystal!"

"No problem! I have 500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones with me right now! Just give me a list and I will go prepare everything that you need right now!"

"500 million low-grade Spiritual Stones?"

Taken aback, she could not help but begin to reevaluate Chen Xiaobei. From the very beginning, she knew that Chen Xiaobei was no ordinary person. She had never expected that Chen Xiaobei was loaded with such a ridiculous amount of Spiritual Stones.

All Chen Xiaobei did was nod his head and respond to her shock with a smile. He had just acquired these 500 million Spiritual Stones from Tie Family, and now he could finally put some good use to it.

"It's not hard to purchase Spiritual-tier jadestones. The Spatial Spiritual Crystal is the one item that is extremely hard to come by! This material is really rare! It can be used to build a portal and create your own private dimension! Many intergalactic factions and elites desire to get their hands on this item! That is why once a Spatial Spiritual Crystal becomes available in the market, you can expect a huge fight! Hence, it is almost impossible to use Spiritual Stones to purchase it!"

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei could not help but frown. Initially, he thought Bai Linsu could help him to solve all his problems. He had never expected that the Spatial Spiritual Crystal would become a wall that stopped him from advancing.

"Senior Bai! This matter is really important to me! If I fail to repair this portal within a month, everything that I've done would be wasted! My friend would also die because she would not get the medicine that she needs in time!"

"There is very high demand for Spatial Spiritual Crystals in the market! We have to try to figure out another way to acquire it!"

"Senior Bai, please enlighten me! I will do whatever it takes to acquire it!"

Not only did this second test that the overlord gave to Chen Xiaobei have something to do with his position at Northern Wilderness Starfield, but it was also connected to the life and death of Wenren Muyue. Rendered with no other option, he had to do whatever it took to achieve his goal.

"Alright! If that's the case, please follow me to Green Hill Planet! We will talk more about it when we travel there!"

"Green Hill… Senior Bai… I meant to ask you about this just now… Green Hill Planet is the place where the legendary Divine Fox stays, right?"

"You are right! Let's not waste any time! We should depart right now!"

After that, Bai Linsu turned around and walked to the exit. Chen Xiaobei was left in shock again when Bai Linsu turned around. He saw three snow-white fluffy tails swinging in front of him.

"You are such a pervert! How dare you stare at my Sifu's butt?! I'm going to tell her right now!" said Lingu Shuang while using her fist to thump at Chen Xiaobei's chest again.

"Ah? No… This is a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!"

"Now, the Green Hill Planet is inhabited by the descendants of the Fox Tribe. It is completely different from the ancient Green Hill Planet. Just like what you saw on me, I was born with fox tails. Hence, I would be considered as half a beast and half a human! When the Fox Tribe was first born, they were in full fox form. After a long period of training and cultivation, almost all of them could transform themselves into humans! To put it in simple terms, my foxtail is just like the silver hairband on the people from Silver Plume Planet! We are born with it! The real Demonic Fox only existed during the ancient eras but not now."

Chen Xiaobei then nodded his head after hearing out Bai Linsu. All these sounded like fictional stories to him. During the previous three calamities, Chanism and Jieism had a huge war among themselves. The war had caused the void to shatter! With that being said, the earthly realm would just be a small piece of the void, just like Penglai Island that Chen Xiaobei been to. It could not be compared to the Divine Penglai Island during the ancient times! Another example would be Mount Kunlun! It was no longer a Divine Zone where deities stayed during the ancient era!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was not thinking about the origin of Green Hill Planet. He was thinking about whether the reincarnated Da Ji would be born at this ancient planet related to the Demonic Fox. From what he knew right now, he figured out that it was impossible that Bai Linsu had been reincarnated from his Little Fox. As for Linghu Shuang, she was not even a descendant of the Demonic Fox Tribe.

With a new goal in mind, Chen Xiaobei wanted to look for his Little Fox at Green Hill Planet. Though Chen Xiaobei did not have much information about it, he could always ask Lady Nuwo. He would be able to kill two birds with one stone if Little Fox was at Green Hill Planet.

As for now, he needed to focus on another matter first.

"Senior Bai, you haven't told me on how I should get my hands on the Spatial Spiritual Crystal when we travel to Green Hill Planet."

"My enemy has it! I will steal it for you since you need it urgently!" said Bai Linsu.

"Enemy? Are you talking about Yi Family? Don't do it! Yi Family treats you as their worst enemy! You will be killed if you make a small mistake!"

"Is it really that dangerous? I can see that Senior Bai is really powerful! Are you trying to say that her enemies are more powerful than her?"

"Of course! Green Hill Starfield is at a higher tier than the Northern Wilderness Starfield! At Northern Wilderness Satrfield, my Sifu is as powerful as the overlord! However, she is not most powerful elite in Green Hill Starfield, and the Yi Family is the most powerful family over there! Their family head is also way more powerful than my Sifu!" said Linghu Shuang.

"Shuang'er! Stop it! Mr. Chen had once risked his life to save you! That's why I'm willing to risk my life to get the Spatial Spiritual Jade for him! Besides, don't you know your Sifu? Would I allow myself to die that easily?!" replied Bai Linsu.

"You are right about that…"

Linghu Shuang nodded her head and she looked less worried now.

"May I know Senior Bai's other identities?" asked Chen Xiaobei in a curious manner.

"Sifu, am I allowed to say it?"

Linghu Shuang turned around to look at Bai Linsu, and she saw that she nodded her head.

"Other than being known as the Dimension Master, my Sifu is also known as the greatest thief at Green Hill Starfield!"

"Greatest thief? Damn! I'm pretty sure that Senior Bai can get her hands on the Spatial Spiritual Crystal with ease huh!" said Chen Xiaobei.

"No doubt, my Sifu is really good at it but it's not as simple as you think it is! The only time my Sifu failed to steal an item was at Yi Family's place! That's why Yi Family treats her as their sworn enemy!" said Linghu Shuang.

"Do you think she will fail this time? If that's the case, I think I should go with Senior Bai!"

"You are just going to make the whole thing worse! You have no idea how dangerous the Yi Family is! You will not do her any good if you go with my Sifu. She would also have to divide her attention to protect you!"

"Is there something wrong with you today? You are normally kind and obedient! Why are you treating me in such a bad manner today?!"

"That's because you are a pervert! You have ill intentions towards my Sifu!"

"I have told you that's a misunderstanding! Could it be that you are in love with me? Why are you getting jealous over your Sifu?"

"I… I didn't… Please don't spur out such nonsense! I'm going to beat you up for that!"

"Alright! Shuang'er, stop messing around! Mr. Chen, I'm used to acting alone! More unexpected things might happen if you come along with me! So, I need you and Shuang'er to stay put here! Yi Family is extremely hard to deal with! I need to put my full attention on them!"

The things that Bai Lunsu had just said was pretty much similar to what Linghu Shuang said. She assumed that Chen Xiaobei was not going to be much help if he went with her. Regarding this decision, Chen Xiaobei did not say much about it. All he needed to do was to put on his Nightstalker Outfit and he would be able to go with Bai Linsu. The best outcome would be that Bai Linsu managed to steal the item without any problems. If something bad did happen to her, Chen Xiaobei would be able to help her in time as well.

After that, Bai Linsu led the three of them to a portal on Divine Cloud Planet to one of the planets that was located in the Northern Wilderness Starfield. From that planet, they went through another portal to travel to Green Hill Starfield. Just like what Linghu Shuang had said earlier, Green Hill was definitely better than Northern Wilderness. The Spiritual Qi in the air had a better quality to it. The planet in question was Reborn Purple Planet. It was only a random planet that was located outside of Green Hill Starfield! Chen Xiaobei could not help but notice that the people on the streets were equipped with extremely powerful cultivation.

The descendants of Green Hill's Demonic Fox Tribe were usually at Ethereal cultivation! Even the kids there were already at True Nirvana cultivation! The higher the tier of a planet, the more powerful the civilians were! Imagine how powerful the nobles were if the normal people were this powerful! The family head of Yi Family was as powerful as Bai Linsu; equivalent to the overlord of the entire Northern Wilderness!

Chen Xiaobei had a hunch that the operation would not be as smooth as he hoped! And, it would be extremely difficult to locate his Little Fox as well. Though these two matters were extremely hard to accomplish, Chen Xiaobei was determined to complete these two tasks no matter what.

The darkness of night arrived.

Chen Xiaobei and Linghu Shuang were asked to stay at a hotel. It was at this time that Bai Linsu took the opportunity to sneak into Yi Family.

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