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"Bro Bei! Are you serious? Can you fight a demigod?" Zhuo Qunfeng's eyes widened.

Had it been someone else who made the statement, Zhuo Qunfeng would not have taken it seriously but it was more believable coming from Chen Xiaobei.

Since Zhuo Qunfeng got to know Chen Xiaobei, everything Chen Xiaobei said had come true.

Everytime people mocked Chen Xiaobei for exaggerating, he proved them wrong by actually making his claims come true.

For this reason, whatever Chen Xiaobei said, no matter how impossible it sounded, Zhuo Qunfeng would now choose to believe him!

"I have an idea. You don't need to worry. Just do your part."

The truth was, Chen Xiaobei really did have an idea.

He only needed to amass all 10,000 evil spirits into the Blood God's Deity Killing painting to be able to kill a demigod.

Although he may not be able to that soon, he still had the American demigod Osnur in the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd.

As long as the idiot caved in and ate the Heavenly Dog Biscuit, Chen Xiaobei would not have to worry about Kunlun Faction Leader coming for him. Even if Osnur was slightly weak, it was enough to protect Chen Xiaobei.

"Alright! Since Bro Bei is certain, then I won't worry! The elders are waiting for me to give them a report. I'd better go first."

"Mm, I won't see you off then." Chen Xiaobei nodded, letting Zhou Jianyu send Zhuo Qunfeng off.

After that, a group of people walked up to him.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Chen?"

From their clothing and their demeanour, they probably came from Mount Shu. They were also carrying a large box and they had clearly come to seek redemption.

"Of course, I am. Why else would Mount Shu's Qi Congying be under my feet?" Chen Xiaobei retorted, a smile on his face.

Qi Congying had consumed a large amount of roofies and was lying unconscious by Chen Xiaobei's feet.

The leader of the group stepped out and introduced himself, "I am Li Mo, the core grand elder of Mount Shu! We have come to redeem our elder!"

"Alright! Leave the Spiritual Stones and take him away!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"Mr. Chen, allow me to speak first!" Li Mo said. "First of all, I want to thank you for saving our young master! Secondly, I want to thank you for pardoning our 100 disciples. Our faction leader has expressed an interest in our faction becoming friends with Mr. Chen.

"Friends? Alright. I like making friends." Chen Xiaobei shrugged.

"Mm! Good choice! Mr. Chen has made the right decision! Then, please let him go!" Li Mo said.

"Let him go? Hand over the Spiritual Stones first!"

"Mr. Chen! I thought we are friends? Don't you think you should show us good faith and forgo this ransom?"

"Wow! It's so expensive to be friends with you, Mount Shu!"

"Of course." Li Mo jutted his chin out. "Mount Shu faction is a thousand-year old ancient faction! We are extremely powerful in Jianghu! Even if anybody paid us 10,000 Spiritual Stones, they may not be able to become our ally!"

"I think I understand! You came here not to save your people, but to act tough in front of me." Chen Xiaobei grinned.

"Mr. Chen! Please watch what you say next! I am speaking the truth! Why would I need to act tough?" Li Mo said.

"I saved your faction leader, released your 100 disciples, and now I have to pay you 10,000 Spiritual Stones to become your friend?" Chen Xiaobei said, his voice oozing with scorn.

"Chen Xiaobei! You should know your place!" Li Mo was getting red in the face. "Our faction leader has already given you a lot of face by offering this friendship! If you insist on not accepting it, don't blame us for killing you later!"

"Heh, are you threatening me?" Chen Xiaobei narrowed his dark eyes. "I'll give you two choices. You can either leave the stones and walk away or all of you will have to stay here.

"What… What are you doing?" LI MO was suddenly nervous.

"What am I going to do? Didn't Qi Congying tell you over the phone? I killed three Ethereal Cultivation elites yesterday! One of them was a 280,000 combat power Blood Descendant Prince! How many minutes do you think it'll take me to kill you?"

"I… Mr. Chen! We've come here to talk. You… You cannot do that…"

Li Mo knew what Chen Xiaobei was capable of, and was well-aware that his own strength was no where nearly as strong as the Blood Descendant Prince.

He only threatened Chen Xiaobei because his faction leader had instructed him to do it.

Chen Xiaobei was not afraid of Mount Shu's faction leader, much less Li Mo's threat.

Li Mo was shaking in his shoes now.

"If you don't want to die, leave the Spiritual Stones! Leave now!" Chen Xiaobei barked.

"We will…" Li Mo almost gasped. "Put down the Spiritual Stones…"

The other Mount Shu disciples were also shaking when they placed the box down in front of Chen Xiaobei .

"M… Mr. Chen… All of the Spiritual Stones are in here… Elder Qi…. He…" Li Mo stammered.


Chen Xiaobei swung his leg and kicked Qi Congying over to them like he was a ball. "Leave!"

"Yes, yes, yes. We'll leave…" Li Mo picked Qi Congying up and left with his tail tucked between his legs.

Chen Xiaobei opened the box, and absorbed all 10,000 low-grade Spiritual Stones.

"Now, there's only Xingxiu faction which is left! I just need another 10,000 Spiritual Stones, and I'll get all my capital back!"

Chen Xiaobei waited, quietly.

"I'm so sorry! You are going to be very disappointed! You won't get Xingxiu faction's 10,000 Spiritual Stones! Instead, I am taking something away from you!"

A robust-looking elder approached.

He was wearing a bright red robe, and his white beard reached his chest. A deity-like aura was emanating from him.

He was about was ten meters away from Chen Xiaobei, and when he took one step forward, he was only five meters away. It was almost magical.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Chen Xiaobei frowned. Something was wrong.

"I am Xingxiu Deity, Ding Xiadong!" The old man said. "I've come here to take your head!"

"Xingxiu Deity? You are Xingxiu's faction leader? Aren't you supposed to doing some training?"

"Hehe! It's probably because of your bad luck. I came out yesterday!"

Ding Xiadong chuckled.

"Shit! Is my luck really that bad?!" Chen Xiaobei's heart skipped a beat.

First it was Osnur and then now suddenly, it was this Ding Xiadong?

Could it really have been his own bad luck?

No! It must be Ji Xiong's curse!

Chen Xiaobei decided that once this matter was taken care of, he needed to find a way to track down Ji Xiong.

It was simply too dangerous to have such a person skulking around, orchestrating menace in the dark.

"Why are you so quiet? Are you really that scared of me?" Ding Xiadong smiled. "Don't worry. I can crush you like a bug. I'll make it quick, so you won't be in too much pain!"

"You want to kill me? I'm afraid that it's not going to be that easy!"

Chen Xiaobei took out his Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd.

At this point, he could only try the same method twice.

"Huh? What is that?"

Ding Xiadong did not attack immediately – he clearly was apprehensive about Chen Xiaobei's intentions.

After all, Chen Xiaobei was the person with a Divine Instrument. The gourd must be some pretty powerful weapon too since Chen Xiaobei decided to use it at this critical juncture. Ding Xiadong was an experienced, old Jianghu elite. He was sensible and prudent, and knew how to take the proper precautions.

"Ding Xiadong! I'm calling out to you. Are you brave enough to say yes?"

Chen Xiaobei pointed the mouth of the gourd to Ding Xiadong.

"What?!" Ding Xiadong stood stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter. "Do you think I've never watched 'Journey to the West' before? Silver Horned King's Golden Purple Gourd! Oh, if you want to trick me, at least use a more convincing prop! Idiot! Hahaha!"

Chen Xiaobei was delighted by Ding Xiaodong's reaction.

Ding Xiadong's blatant disbelief of the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd meant that he already had one foot in the crater that Chen Xiaobei had dug.

"If you think I'm bluffing, why don't you say yes then?" Chen Xiaobei needed to ruffle his feathers. "Ding Xiadong! Don't you dare to say yes?"

"Why would I not say yes? I, Ding Xiadong, am here!"

"Oh, why didn't it work?" Chen Xiaobei pretended to fiddle with the gourd, deliberately looking confused and overwhelmed.

"Hahaha!" Ding Xiadong chortled. "Chen Xiaobei! Are you a clown hired by monkeys for entertainment? Do you think I would fall for your idiotic ruse? Stop daydreaming, my boy!"

Chen Xiaobei, still appearing distraught, asked, "Ding Xiadong! I'm calling out to you. Are you brave enough to say yes?"

"Of course! I am here!" Ding Xiadong played along, mocking Chen Xiaobei for being a fool.

"I'm calling out to you. Are you brave enough to say yes?" Chen Xiaobei continued to ask, taunting Ding Xiadong.


"Ding Xiadong! Are you brave enough to say yes?"

"Of course! Just keep asking me. If I say no, you can write my surname 'Ding' upside down!" Ding Xiadong shouted back, his guard now lowered.

Chen Xiaobei saw his chance, and quickly changed up the question. "Ding Xiadong! I want to keep you inside the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd, are you brave enough to say yes?"

"Of course!" Ding Xiadong said loudly. He did not believe that the gourd in Chen Xiaobei's hand had the ability to store people.


Just before he could finish his sentence, a sudden loud, thunderous voice broke him off!

"Don't answer him! It's all part of the deceptive Chen Xiaobei's trick!"

Both men turned towards the direction of the voice and found a tall, imposing figure approaching them.

The person was eight feet tall with a heroic aura surrounding him. It would seem that he would be bad news to Chen Xiaobei.

Mighty like a tiger, and ferocious like a wolf.

"Who are you? How could a demigod be at such a young age?"

Ding Xiadong frowned. It was the person's speed that gave him away.

"You don't have to know who I am! All you need to know is that I'm here to kill Chen Xiaobei!" The person's tone was cold and dominant.

Lu Bu's overbearing presence had left Ding Xiadong bereft of speech.

Chen Xiaobei recognized this man. "You are Lu Bu!"

"How did you know? The group didn't even disclose anything about me!"

"Does it even matter now?" Chen Xiaobei retorted.

Actually, Chen Xiaobei was able to identify him because Acheron had already told him in advance that Lu Bu and Ji Xiong were going to pay the earthly realm a visit.

Chen Xiaobei was quick-witted, and was able to put two and two together.

"Right! There's no point talking about that! You won't be able to escape this time, anyway! It doesn't matter how you were able to recognize me!" Lu Bu said.

"You and I have no beef between us. Why did you agree to be someone's borrowed knife?"

Lu Bu shook his head, "In life, unless you are at the top, you don't make the decisions!"

"Mm, it seems that you have you have your own troubles!" Chen Xiaobei said, eyes narrowed.

"Enough chit-chat! Now, be a good boy and let me destroy your cultivation!" Lu Bu said.

"Why destroy my cultivation? Why not just kill me?"

"Because your Sifu is not someone I can offend! The initial plan was to get someone else to do the dirty work. Unfortunately, all the proxies they got were all too stupid. So, it looks like I have to come and do it myself. After I destroy your cultivation, someone else will come and kill you!"

The corners of Ding Xiadong eyes twitched. He had a feeling that he was the stupid proxy that Lu Bu mentioned.

"Lu Bu! If you have any problems, just tell me! I promise that I will help you solve them! If I can't do it, we have my Sifu!" Chen Xiaobei was earnest. "After all those years of cultivating, you are very close to making your dreams come true! If you make the wrong more now, you will lose everything!"

"It's too late! This time, only I can help myself!" Lu Bu's body was now emitting an undulating wave of Metal Attribute Ethereal Force.


His swung his right arm, and the Metal Attribute Ethereal Force condensed into a mighty Heavenly Halberd.

The halberd glowed bright and hummed an ominous tone.

Lu Bu stood under the golden light, like a grand deity who had descended from heaven.

Chen Xiaobei's heart was in his throat.

The only secret weapon he had against demigods was the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd, but Lu Bu had revealed his deception. This had stripped Chen Xiaobei of all his means to counterattack.

"Chen Xiaobei! I respect you as a great figure! I won't let you suffer too much!"

Lu Bu wielded the Heavenly Halberd and pointed it towards Chen Xiaobei's Dantian.



The golden light flooded into the area where Chen Xiaobei was standing. Metal Attribute Ethereal force was the most destructive element amongst the five elements. Lu Bu used his Divine Forced Halberd to attack Chen Xiaobei with lightning speed. This time, he was absolutely certain that he would not allow Chen Xiaobei to escape anymore. Knowing that he would be killed before he could even say a word, Chen Xiaobei had given up saying something to defend himself.


Chen Xiaobei knew that there was no way that he would survive the attack. Despair and desolation hit him pretty fast after. When it came to speed and strength, Chen Xiaobei was definitely weaker than Lu Bu. Even if he managed to use the Ultimate Protective Puppet to block Lu Bu's first attack, he would still not be able to block the second attack. It the end, he would still end up dead.

The Witch Dragon Nine Transformation's Penetrating the Nine Heavens could actually help Chen Xiaobei dodge the attack, however he did not have enough time to consume enough Spiritual Qi to trigger the skill.

"So powerful! This young man's cultivation is higher than me… This time, Chen Xiaobei will not be able to dodge this attack!" said Ding Xiadong.

"Chen Xiaobei… Just surrender…"

From far, Ji Xiong was watching attentively to the battle between Chen Xiaobei and Lu Bu.

"Chen Xiaobei, you have messed with someone that you shouldn't mess with! And now you are going to pay the consequences because of that!" said Ji Xiong.

"Chen Xiaobei! I will pour wine over your grave after you're gone! Rest in peace!"

In a matter of just another second, Lu Bu's Divine Force Halberd would penetrate into Chen Xiaobei's Dantian.

"Sacred Duke! Shooting Stars!"

Right at that critical moment, a voice shouted from at least a hundred meters away.


Suddenly, streams of bright rays surrounded Chen Xiaobei. It looked just like the stars that surrounded the clouds in the night sky.


The Heavenly Halberd was halted and it did not manage to hurt Chen Xiaobei.

"Who's that?!"

Taken aback, Lu Bu grew extra vigilant. One would be well aware that the person was standing hundreds of meters from them, but still managed to protect Chen Xiaobei. Clearly, the person's cultivation was way higher then Lu Bu.

"Oh my god… I don't believe this… there's such a powerful elite that exists on earth! How is that even possible?!"

Ding Xiadong was dumbfounded by what he saw.

"Shit! Something unpredictable happened again! Lu Bu! Retreat now!" shouted Ji Xiong.


The person shouted again as streams of lights appeared in the sky.



Two streams of light descended from the sky and landed right on Lu Bu and Ding Xiadong.


Lu Bu immediately channeled his Ethereal Force to his body and took his Heavenly Halberd to defend himself.

"What the hell… Why am I being targeted as well?" shouted Ding Xiadong.



Seconds later, two shooting stars landed on them.

"Such powerful force…"

With his teeth gritted, Lu Bu mustered all his strength to ward off the shooting stars. The moment he succeeded in doing so, he suddenly realized that both of his legs were stuck deep into the ground. One could imagine how powerful the shooting star was. He would have been crushed into a pile of minced meat if he did not possess the strength of a demigod.


On the other hand, Ding Xiadong coughed a mouthful of fresh blood. His cultivation was much lower than Lu Bu, thus the reason he could not defend himself from the force of the shooting star. He seemed to suffer some really serious injuries.

"Who are you… Where did you come from? There's no way there is still such powerful elites on earth…" asked Ding Xiadong fearfully.

Ding Xiadong himself was a demigod. And he could be considered as one of the most powerful elites on earth. Most of the demigods knew each other and he knew that no one was powerful enough to defeat him in such manner! In other words, the person that attacked them did not come from earth!

Once they gained composure, they realized that Chen Xiaobei was long gone when they turned around to look for him. Most importantly, they still did not know who was the mysterious one that attacked them.

"Crap! Chen Xiaobei is gone! It's going be really difficult to look for him again! And he will be fully prepared the next time when we manage to locate him! Who was that who saved Chen Xiaobei?! Who?!!" screamed Lu Bu in a hysterical manner.

Ding Xiadong inhaled a deep breath and got ready to stand up and run for his life. He knew that he could not afford to mess with Lu Bu and the person that had just saved Chen Xiaobei.

"Brother Lu. Calm down! Please allow me to have a few days to recuperate my strength. I will plant the curse again on Chen Xiaobei in a few days' time! I'm pretty sure by that time, we will be able to kill him!"

"A few days?! I can't wait any longer!"

"I totally understand how you feel right now. But Chen Xiaobei is long gone and there's nothing we can do about it!"

"Ask Shen Gongpao to look for him! Give me the location, I will go and kill him right now!"

"Alright! Let me contact God Shen now!"


On the other hand, Chen Xiaobei was brought to a jungle that was thousands of meters away from Lu Bu. Finally, Chen Xiaobei managed to have a glance at the person who had just saved him.

"Elder Luo?! It's you!"

Never in his wildest dreams had he thought Elder Luo was the one who saved him. All these while, he was just a doctor to him and that was why he never bothered to check his cultivation. It all made sense to him now. Elder Luo came from the Saint Duke Starfield and he was one of the guardians of Luo Puti. It was only logical that his cultivation was extremely powerful!

"I saw the fierce battle last night! That was how I got to know that you were in trouble! Thus, I've decided to wait close by Bei Xuan Faction to prepare and protect you!"

"Ahh…Now, I get it. Luckily you managed to save me in time, otherwise I would have been killed by Lu Bu! I really don't know how to show my utmost gratitude to you!"

"We are family. You don't have to act in such formal manner! My identity is really special, you must never tell anyone about it! You've to realise that all I did just now was just to slow them down. They are still alive! You have be more careful next time!"

"Understood! You have hid your power for 20 years! I'm grateful that you are willing to make an exception for me! I will ensure that I am fully prepared for the next wave of attack!"

"What's your next step?"

"I'm going to Xingxiu Faction!"

"What? Going to Xingxiu Faction?! They are going to kill you! Why would you do that?"

"I wouldn't dare to go there if I was still the old me. After today, Xingxiu Faction is no longer a threat to me!"

Chen Xiaobei had a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Elder Luo frowned.

"Today, you did some serious damage to Xingxiu Faction's leader, Ding Xiadong with just one strike! That alone is enough of a reason for Ding Xiadong not to mess with me again!" Chen Xiaobei said excitedly.

"You're planning on using my name to scare your enemies?" Elder Luo asked worriedly.

Chen Xiaobei understood Elder Luo's concern and vowed, "Don't worry, Elder Luo. I will never reveal your identity. I know what I should or should not do!"

"Good! I know what you are capable of. I know I do not need to worry because you gave me your word." Elder Luo nodded. "Before this situation with Puti has settled, I still need to play the role of the good doctor."

"If you have any news about Puti, I hope you can inform me immediately!"

"Of course!" Elder Luo agreed.

The two of them parted ways after.

Chen Xiaobei made a phone call and asked for Xingxiu Faction's address, and then rode the Somersault Cloud there.

The Somersault Cloud was a little slower than the earlier phase of Celestial Cultivation, so it could never match up to Ding Xiadong's speed.

Ding Xiadong reached Xingxiu Faction first.

All 5,000 of the Xingxiu Faction villagers were sent to the arena where they stood in formation to salute him.

Ding Xiadong was vain and had a fondness for grandiose, and had already sent word way beforehand about his return.

Thus the reason his disciples had assembled at the arena – to celebrate Ding Xiadong's success.

"He's here! Our faction leader is here! Everyone, go ahead and chant the slogan! Loud and clear!"

The core elders that stood in the front signaled to the disciples, and all 5,000 men shouted with enthusiasm, "Xingxiu Deity! He is invincible! No one can defeat him!"

"Long live Xingxiu Deity!"

They had practiced this slogan in favor of Ding Xiadong.

Ding Xiadong loved this sort of attention; he enjoyed the feeling of being looked up to and idolized by other people.

But, today, there was not a single trace of delight on Ding Xiadong's face.

The second elder was the first to approach him. "Faction Leader, why are you alone? Where is the grand elder?"

The third elder was more observant. "Faction leader! What happened to you? Why do you look so pale? Why is there blood on you? Are you hurt?"

As how a tossed stone creates a thousand ripples; the core elders' questions shook all 5,000 disciples.

"Our faction leader is hurt? My goodness! How could someone actually hurt him? That's unbelievable!"

"The faction leader went to save the grand elder but returned alone? Don't tell me Chen Xiaobei was the one who hurt our faction leader."

"Oh my god! How strong is Chen Xiaobei? He hurt the faction leader?"

"Nonsense! I heard that Chen Xiaobei is only in his twenties. How could he have hurt our faction leader? That's impossible!"

"Faction leader! What happened?"

"Faction Leader! Were you really injured by Chen Xiaobei?"

"Faction leader! Where is grand elder? Didn't you save him?"

The 5,000 people were in a frenzy all at once; their eyes on Ding Xiadong, waiting for an answer.

"I…" Ding Xiadong felt like he was going to throw up. If he had known, he would not have asked his disciples to welcome him.

If he had saved the grand elder, Ding Xiadong would receive the praise and adoration of his disciples.

But not only did he not save the grand elder, he was severely injured as well. If he told his disciples the truth, where could he hide his face?

This was completely unacceptable for someone as vain as he was!

"Ahem." Ding Xiadong cleared his throat, and declared, "I did not see Chen Xiaobei! There was something wrong with my Qi Flow while I was on the way to meet Chen Xiaobei! That's why I'm suffering from minor internal injuries!" As for the grand elder, once I've fully recovered from this injury, I will go and save him! There's no need to worry!"

When they heard this, the disciples got into an even more heated discussion.

"So, our faction leader was not hurt in a fight! I told you, our faction leader is a demi-god! How could Chen Xiaobei possibly hurt him?"

"I don't think you should take his word for it! I heard that Chen Xiaobei is a beast. No one can really tell how strong he is, and I heard that he has all kinds of strange treasures. Who knows, our faction leader might not be able to save grand elder!"

"Bullshit! Xingxiu Deity is almighty! How dare you say that our faction leader is incapable of beating a green-horned brat?!"

"Our faction leader may be strong, but there will always be someone stronger! This Chen Xiaobei is an anomaly. He is not someone we can fathom with logic!"

"What do you mean someone better?! You too think that our faction leader would not be able to fight against Chen Xiaobei? How absurd!"

Immediately, a commotion broke out. Some disciples were staunch believers of Ding Xiadong's strength, while the others were worried that Chen Xiaobei was stronger.

"Everyone, shut up!" Ding Xiadong was the faction leader after all. He had to keep his people in order. "Chen Xiaobei is just an overindulged suckling! How dare you think I would be afraid of him? How absolutely stupid! If it weren't for the sudden internal injury, Chen Xiaobei would already be dead now! Once I've recovered, I will find Chen Xiaobei and tear him apart! I will have him ki…"

Ding Xiadong's spirited proclamations was cut off when someone jumped down from a cloud! It was Chen Xiaobei!

"Faction Leader Ding. You were saying?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Ah? I… I didn't say anything…" Ding Xiadong swallowed hard.

"Heh, aren't you the awesome Xingxiu Faction Leader? The demigod level elite! Who knew that there would come a day when you'd be too afraid to speak? Did you think I was deaf? Or maybe the 5,000 people over here are deaf in both ears?"

"If there's something Mr. Chen would like to discuss, why don't we go to the great hall and talk?"

Ding Xiadong lowered his voice.

"I have nothing to discuss with you! Didn't you want to kill me? Come on then?" Chen Xiaobei's tone was dripping with scorn. "If you are too scared to do it, I will look down on you for the rest of my life!"

"I…" Ding Xiadong started perspiring in anxiety.

He really wanted to pounce on Chen Xiaobei and rip him apart, but he did not have the guts to do it!

If he so much so as touch Chen Xiaobei, the mysterious elite, Chen Xiaobei's guardian, would massacre the entire Ding family!


While Ding Xiadong was hesitating, a sudden slap landed on his cheek!

All of a sudden, an awkward silence fell over the crowd of 5,000 people.

"You… How dare you slap me…?"

Ding Xiadong was shocked by what had just happened to him. Even before he became a demigod, no one in their right mind would dare to slap him.

"Our… Our faction leader has just been slapped by Chen Xiaobei… Oh my god… Is that an illusion?"

All 5,000 people around them were left totally dumbfounded. It was just half a minute ago that Ding Xiadong announced he was going to kill Chen Xiaobei. And now, he did not even dare to defend himself right after Chen Xiaobei slapped him. All he did was to merely stand there like a statue. It was obvious from his actions that he just humiliated the entire faction.

"You! Ding Xiadong, ordered your grand elder to bring a hundred men to attempt and kill me at Dragon City! Out of sheer kindness, I let all 100 of your disciples to live to see tomorrow! And I even spared your grand elder, Han Wuchang's life! Is this how you repay my kindness?! By killing me?! Be grateful that I'm only punishing you by just slapping you!"

"But… But…"

"No buts! Tell me. Should I slap you or not?! Or should I give you a different form of punishment?! I will make sure that you die a gruesome death!"

"Si… No! No! No! Mr. Chen! You did the right thing! I'm at fault here! I deserve the slap! Totally deserve it!"

Upon hearing that, all 5,000 people were taken aback. They found it hard to believe that their faction leader was a total coward in front of Chen Xiaobei. What they did not know was that Elder Luo was backing Chen Xiaobei up. Killing Ding Xiadong would be as easy as snapping a finger! Thus, that was why Ding Xiadong was so afraid of Chen Xiaobei.

"It looks like you don't want to die yet!" said Chen Xiaobei with his eyes squinted.

"Of course not! I don't want to die! Mr. Chen, please don't mess around with me anymore. Please…" Ding Xiadong pleaded fearfully.

"Pay me 100,000 Spiritual Stones right now if you don't want to die! Then all past bygones between us will be considered void. If not, be prepared to face the consequences!"

"What… 100… 100,000?!"

"All you needed to do was just to pay me 10,000 Spiritual Stones at first, but since you refuse to pay me, I have changed my mind! Now, I insist on 100,000 Spiritual Stones! Pay or prepare to die!"

"Mr. Chen! Please have mercy… 100,000 Spiritual Stones is an tremendous amount of wealth! I don't have that many Spiritual Stones with me!"

"Okay! End of discussion then!"

Chen Xiaobei then shrugged his shoulder and took out his cellphone.

"Mr… Mr. Chen… Who are you calling?!"

"I'm calling those that can kill you." said Chen Xiaobei nonchalantly, his tone composed.

Actually, he was just putting up an act. He knew that Elder Luo would never showcase his strength in front of others. Seeing that Ding Xiadong was still drenched in fear, Chen Xiaobei knew that a simple act as such would be able to make him succumb to his demands.

"No! Mr. Chen! Please don't make the call! I… I will pay you the Spiritual Stones…"

It seemed as though Ding Xiadong valued his life more than anything else in this world. Seeing that it was impossible to bargain with Chen Xiaobei, he had finally decided to pay Chen Xiaobei 100,000 Spiritual Stones. He would not dare challenge Chen Xiaobei's patience anymore.

"You have three minutes to bring me the Spiritual Stones!" said Chen Xiaobei after he kept his cellphone away.

"Yes… Yes… Yes… I will do it now…"

Ding Xiadong immediately led a group of his trusted disciples to carry 100,000 Spiritual Stones to Chen Xiaobei. He had always thought that he would not have the pay Chen Xiaobei the Spiritual Stones if he managed to kill him. Unfortunately, his master plan backfired. And now, he had to pay ten times the original amount! Not long after, a hundred boxes of Spiritual Stones were brought to Chen Xiaobei.

It was pretty obvious that these 100,000 Spiritual Stones were everything that Ding Xiadong owned. He would need another tens of thousands of years to cover the lost that he made today. And he had no one to blame but himself.

"Alright. Let's forget about all the past conflicts we've had with each other. Also, I welcome you to come and seek your revenge! But you'd better then be sure to prepare another100,000 Spiritual Stones to buy your life back when you lose to me again!"

"No more… I would never dare to do so anymore…"

"See ya!"

Chen Xiaobei then swung his hand, stepped on the Somersault Cloud and left the place. Everyone including Ding Xiadong and all the other 5,000 disciples were still left in a state of bewilderment even after Chen Xiaobei left a while back.

"Initially, I was left with only 20,000 Spiritual Stones! With now, the addition of the 20,000 Spiritual Stones that I received from Kunlun Faction and the 100,000 Spiritual Stones that I received from Xingxiu Faction! I now have 140,000 Spiritual Stones! In other words, I can use the Blood God Deity Killing Painting for four times and will still have a remainder 20,000 Spiritual Stones!"

"Next, I need to head back to Northern Wilderness Starfield! I have to cure Wenren Muyue's illness and begin my training as soon as possible after that! As for this place here on earth, I will have to wait for Gordon to dig out more info about the Prince-tier Dark Neutron before I head back here. I'm pretty sure that both Kunlun Faction and Mount Shu Faction will seek revenge from me the next time I come back here! And don't forget about Lu Bu and Ji Xiong! I really need to improve my cultivation ASAP!"

"Lastly, regarding Emperor Qin's tomb, Li Xiang still hasn't updated me… Of course, it's still important to me. All the factions that has something do with the Orochi Scales will have to prepare fully before they can act upon it! For now, all I can do is to only wait."

It seems like Chen Xiaobei had everything planned perfectly for now. Once he returned to the old address of Bei Xuan Faction, he then triggered his Returning Bracelet to travel back to the starfield that his family just moved into. They had basically already gotten used to the lifestyle over there. Jing Fei had been constantly bringing them daily supplies and even the First Love Peach orchard was there as well.

The only problem that they were facing right now was…


As for the electricity, Jing Fei had bought them a couple of generators. It was an easy problem to solve. However when it came to the internet, Jing Fei did not know what to do about it. And this problem had affected Old Wang the most. He felt like his life was meaningless when he could not lay his hands on Mobile Legend. The moment Chen Xiaobei came back to Bei Xuan Faction, Old Wang voiced out his concerns to him.

"Alright. No need to worry! Let me make some calls to a few people…"

Chen Xiaobei then whipped out his cellphone and called Ning Yuchen. He had always been Chen Xiaobei's guide ever since he arrived at Northern Wilderness Starfield. He had taught him all that he needed to know so far and that was why Chen Xiaobei knew that he had called the right person.


Chen Xiaobei's face changed when Ning Yuchen picked up his call.

"Roar! Roar!"

A deafening roar pierced through Ning Yuchen's end of the phone.

Most would not have understood what the beast on the other end was saying, but Chen Xiaobei did.

It said, "What a lousy toy! It rang so suddenly it nearly scared me to death!"

"Who are you? Why do you have Ning Yuchen's phone?" Chen Xiaobei asked in Zoolingualism.

In Northern Wilderness Starfield, mankind and beasts were mortal enemies. Whenever they would meet, it would be a battle till death.

One could only imagine the terrifying consequences when Ning Yuchen's phone ended up in the hands of a Demonic Beast.

But Chen Xiaobei did not expect the beast to know what a phone is. It had probably accidentally pressed the receive button and did not put the phone next to its ears, thus the reason why it did not hear Chen Xiaobei's question.

To make matters worse, the Demonic Beast was so freaked out by the ringing phone that it fell into a fit.

"Stupid toy! I'm going to stomp you to death!"


Chen Xiaobei could hear the phone being hung up.

Clearly, the Demonic Beast had destroyed Ning Yuchen's phone.

"Old Wang! I have to go! You can practice with A.I first, I'll help you with the internet when I come back!" Chen Xiaobei instructed, and then rushed out of the secret space.

Chen Xiaobei then called Liu Chen.

"Zhufeng? Why… Why are you calling?" Liu Chen picked up the phone immediately. She sounded really upset.

Chen Xiaobei could imagine just how distraught and sallow she looked.

Something definitely happened.

"Did something happen to Bro Ning?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"How did you know that?"

"That's not important! Tell me! What happened? Quickly!" Chen Xiaobei urged.

"Three days ago, our team entered the Zachara Grand Canyon to investigate. The canyon had been pretty quiet for some time. But that very day, we were suddenly attacked by a group of Demonic Beasts!" Liu Chen sounded devastated. "Captain Ning… He wanted to protect me and Hu Ben, so he used himself as bait to draw the Demonic Beasts away. We have then lost contact with him for three days and three nights. He has not been picking up his phone."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Chen Xiaobei nearly yelled into the earpiece.

Three days and three nights!

If Ning Yuchen had fallen into the hands of the Demonic Beasts, there would be nothing left of him by now.

"You are merely a green-horned zero-star Black-steel. What good would it be to tell you? I chose not to tell you as I didn't want another person to suffer." Liu Chen said.

"Don't assume that zero-star Black-steels are not soldiers too. I am coming now! As long as there's hope, I will find Bro Ning!"

Chen Xiaobei's tone was firm.

"Don't come here! There are Demonic Beast activities in the canyon again. What would happen if we lost you too… Sob sob sob…"

Liu Chen burst into tears.

"Hey… don't cry, it's not over yet. Have a little hope. Who knows, your hope might come true!" Chen Xiaobei said, as he stepped onto the Somersault Cloud, and steered it towards the Zachara Grand Canyon.

Zachara Grand Canyon, 2nd Regiment station.

Chen Xiaobei met Hu Ben and Liu Chen privately.

Hu Ben had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked very lethargic. He had not slept for three days.

Liu Chen's eyes were swollen and red. She must have been crying a lot these three days.

"Tell me everything in detail!" Chen Xiaobei dove right into business.

Hu Ben pointed to the map he brought with him and said, "The other day while we out on duty, we met a horde of Demonic Beasts by this little lake. We split up with our captain at this point, about a few hundred meters west of the lake. After it happened, throughout these three days, the regiment had sent three times the number of our usual investigation team to search for captain; even Commanding Officer Hao Yue went on the search himself but they found nothing. Not a single trace. After so long, I'm afraid that captain is dead!"

Chen Xiaobei's brows furrowed.

Liu Chen crinkled her nose as a large droplet of tear trickled down her cheek.

"Stop crying. We don't know whether he is dead or not. Have some faith!" Chen Xiaobei said. "Go back to your camp! I will head to find Bro Ning now!"

"No way! Your cultivation is too low. Sending you into the canyon is no different from pushing you off a building," Liu Chen sniffed.

Hu Ben shared the same sentiments and tried to advice Chen Xiaobei against it. "Zhufeng! I know that you see Captain like your brother! But everywhere in the canyon is a danger zone. Should anything happen to you, Captain will be devastated and so will we!"

"Don't worry, I'm not as weak as you think I am." Chen Xiaobei said, and then turned to leave.

"Stay put here!" Liu Chen went after him, but Hu Ben grabbed her by the arm.

"Liu Chen, don't." Hu Ban said.

"Why are you stopping me and not Zhufeng? Do you want to see him kill himself?" Liu Chen protested.

Hu Ben replied, "Zhufeng's got a strong ego. The more you say he is weak, the more he's gonna want to prove himself! The more you advice against it, the more he will go!"

"That's exactly why I'm worried about him! So should I just hold back from advising him and watch him die?"

"You idiot. Have you forgotten that there are Northern Wilderness soldiers keeping guard at every entrance of the canyon? They won't allow Zhufeng in!"

"Ahh… you're right. I almost forgot!" Liu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. "Who knew that someone as stoned as you is quite attentive!"

"Without Captain around, I have to step up and protect this brother of ours. I won't just step aside and watch him risk his life." Hu Ben said, dismal.

"Mmm…" Liu Chen bit her lip, and began to tear up again.

Hu Ben and Liu Chen truly believed that Ning Yuchen was gone. There was no way he could ever be found, thus that was why they were so distraught.

On the other side of the canyon, Chen Xiaobei saw that there was a soldier guarding the entrance.

But their cultivations were not enough to stop Chen Xiaobei.

He sped past them; and all the soldiers could feel was a strong gush of wind. He was so agile that they could not even see his shadow.

Once he inside the canyon, Chen Xiaobei immediately headed to the spot where Ning Yuchen split up with his team.

Chen Xiaobei could not find any leads after searching everywhere thoroughly. He could not even find the smashed up phone.

"It looks like Bro Ning dropped his phone elsewhere. This canyon is huge. It's going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Where should I start?"

Chen Xiaobei rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

It has been three days since Ning Yuchen went missing, and he was still not found.

It really was going to be a very difficult task.


Suddenly, a white shadow appeared from among the thicket of trees and gushed towards Chen Xiaobei at lightning speed!

"Who is it?" Chen Xiaobei was on high alert. The moment he took a closer look at the white shadow, he relaxed.

It was a large, white fox running towards him.

It had three tails, its fur was spotless and groomed where there wasn't a single knotted mess to be found; it was extremely beautiful. The fox exuded a pure and pristine aura, unlike the normal Demonic Beasts' aura.

"Savior! You're here! I thought I'd never see you again!"

White Fox was very excited. The look it gave Chen Xiaobei was one filled with heartfelt adoration.

It was the very fox that asked for Chen Xiaobei's help to kill the Armored Ape King.

The beast race was divided into Wicked Beasts and Demonic Beasts.

Common Wicked Beasts hate war, and hoped only for peace and security.

But Demonic Beasts were stronger, and had control over the entire beast race. They enjoyed battles and saw human beings as their nemesis, forcing the Wicked Beasts to join their war against humanity.

That was why other Wicked Beasts like White Fox wanted to revolt against the Demonic Beasts.

In the past, Chen Xiaobei had killed the Armored Ape King, freeing the Wicked Beasts in the Grand Canyon from their obligation to join the war and granting them their long-awaited peace.

The Wicked Beasts since then took Chen Xiaobei as their savior!

"I've come here to look for my friend! He's a Northern Wilderness soldier. He went missing around three days ago!" Chen Xiaobei spoke out the truth.

"Three days ago?" White Fox thought for a while and said, "Oh, I remember now! That was the day a horde of Demonic Beasts attacked the Grand Canyon! They said that it was to gather all the Wicked Beasts in the canyon to pay their respects to a new Platinum Beast King sent over from the Demonic Beast Capital! I also heard that they captured a human and are going to use the person's head and blood to perform a sacrificial ritual!"

"Where are the Demonic Beasts' gathering? Bring me there at once!"

"I can bring you there but I need to warn you that the Platinum Beast King is far stronger than the Armored Ape King. I'm afraid it won't end well for you if you go…" White Fox said in a small voice.

"I have no time for this nonsense! Bring me there now!" Chen Xiaobei said firmly.

"Yes, I'll bring you there now…"

White Fox nodded worriedly, but still willingly obeyed Chen Xiaobei's command.

Both man and fox travelled quickly, deep into the Grand Canyon.

At an open field, hundreds of Demonic Beasts had gathered.

Amongst them, the most eye-catching of them all, was a mythical giant tiger standing at five meters tall and ten meters long.

It looked like a ferocious, mighty king tiger where its forehead was adorned with a platinum horn, and its back was covered with a row of sharp, platinum-colored metal spinal spikes.

Platinum Mythical Tiger!

It was the Platinum Beast King that White Fox was talking about!

Northern Wilderness Starfield was very particular about the classification of ranks.

For those who were at True Kang Cultivation, at every increase of 10,000 combat power, their ranks would increase by one level: 30,000 combat power was classified as Black Steel; 40,000 combat power as Patinated Bronze and 50,000 combat power as Apex Patinated Bronze!

At Celestial Cultivation, each rank would differ by 20,000 combat power: 70,000 combat power was White Silver; 90,000 combat power as Yellow Gold, 110,000 combat power as Platinum; and 130,000 as Apex Platinum.

At Ethereal Cultivation, the difference between each rank was 50,000 combat power: 180,000 combat power was Diamond, 230,000 combat power as Obsidian; 280,000 combat power as Legend; and 330,000 combat power as the Apex Legend!

Demigods corresponded with the strongest Legend!

This mythical tiger was called the Platinum Beast King, thus it could be surmised that its combat power was between 110,000 and 130,000 combat power; which was the equivalent of the pinnacle phase of Celestial Cultivation.

That was just its basic combat power. The tiger itself had Special Abilities, making it even more powerful.

It was no wonder why White Fox was worried for Chen Xiaobei.

Besides this tiger, the other Demonic Beasts were all much lower ranking commoners, nothing worth mentioning.

"Those bloody Wicked Beasts! How dare they hide from me?! Why aren't they here to pay their respects to me?!" The Platinum Mythical Tiger bared its teeth, its eyes ablaze with anger.

"What should we do? Should we still continue with today's sacrifice?" A black ape asked.

"What nonsense! Or course we must!" Platinum Mythical Tiger barked. "The Ape King was murdered, the hearts of the Beasts in Zachara were shaken! Especially the damned Wicked Beasts! How dare they hide from me! They think that they can avoid participating in the war just like that? I will use this sacrifice to show them that our war with humans will never end!"

The other Demonic Beasts roared in unison, cheering their king.

"That's right! Tiger King is right! We will fight the humans until the day we die!"

"Kill! Kill all humans!"

"Until all humans are exterminated, the war will never end!"

Demonic Beasts were bloodthirsty beings; violence and brutality ran in their veins.

"Bring in the offering!" Platinum Mythical Tiger roared and silence fell over the Beasts.

Two majestic Armored Ape Soldiers walked in, carrying a cross made of logs and tree vines, and on it was a sallow-looking Ning Yuchen.

He was in terrible shape; he had clearly not eaten nor slept for three days and three nights.

Luckily, there seemed to be no traces of any serious injuries on him. The Demonic Beasts probably did not want to ruin their sacrificial offering, so they did not hurt him.

Despair filled Ning Yuchen when he saw hundreds of Demonic Beasts all around him.

"Your Excellency, Tiger King! The offering is here!"

A giant python, much senior in years said, "According to the ritual, we must first bleed the offering dry, then draw the Demonic Beast Totem on the ground, and then before the offering draws its last breath, cut of his head, and the sacrificial rites to the Demonic Beast Gods is complete!"

"Mm, Oracle Python knows the ritual best. You shall preside over the whole process then!" Platinum Mythical Tiger said.


The giant python crawled over to Ning Yuchen, murmuring some incantation that only the Demonic Beasts could understand.

"Don't come any closer! Stay away!"

Ning Yuchen did not understand what the Demonic Beasts were saying but he knew too well that his end was near.

Ning Yuchen dreaded what was to come, an intense fear filled him so much so that he was shaking both physically and mentally.

He was situated amongst the Demonic Beasts who treated humans as their nemesis. He was basically as good as dead!

"Hmph! You coward human, stop struggling! I will use your blood to draw our Demonic Beast Holy Totem! You should feel honored! Accept your death!" The giant python swung its tail at Ning Yuchen.

The giant python was also a Mythical Beast. Its tail was pointed like a scorpion's and was covered in sharp spikes!

If the tail hits Ning Yuchen's chest, it will tear through his flesh!

"Stop or die!"

Suddenly, a fierce, ground shaking voice boomed from behind.

"Zhufeng! You… Why are you here… Leave this place! Just leave me be… Save yourself…"

Ning Yuchen was shocked to see Chen Xiaobei appearing in front of him. He never thought that Chen Xiaobei would ever come to such a dangerous place. To him, Chen Xiaobei was just a newly recruited soldier with 30,000 combat power. At most, he was only at Black-Steel level! Almost all of the Demonic Beasts here were at the Bronze tier and there was even a Platinum-tiered Demonic Beast King! Even an entire army of Northern Wilderness Soldiers would be destroyed by these Demonic Beasts in seconds!

That was why Ning Yuchen wanted Chen Xiaobei to run for his life as soon as possible. If Chen Xiaobei was a super powerful elite, it would be cool for him to come here alone to defeat all those Demonic Beasts. As Chen Xiaobei was not powerful enough to defeat them, Ning Yuchen knew that Chen Xiaobei would eventually be killed by them!


Suddenly, the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger let out a thunderous roar. It then charged at Chen Xiaobei with lightning speed.

"Eh? A human? How dare you come here alone?" The tiger sneered while glaring at Chen Xiaobei.

"Why not? All my brothers have been captured by you! I have to come here to save them!" said Chen Xiaobei in a determined manner.

He seemed to be unfazed by the tiger that was as huge as a bus!

"Eh? This is weird! How is it that you are able to speak in Zoolinguslism?" asked the tiger in shock while looking at Chen Xiaobei from a good height.

"Just cut the crap already! Get lost now if you don't want to die!"

At that very instant, a murderous intent started brewing within Chen Xiaobei.

"What? Are you asking me to get lost from here?! Hahaha… This is the funniest joke that I have ever heard in my entire life! You are definitely not worthy to say something like this!"

Upon hearing that, all the other hundreds of Demonic Beasts started to laugh at Chen Xiaobei as well.

"This kid is an idiot! He comes here alone and he's asking our king to get lost from this place! It's obvious he has his death wish written all over his face!"

"Ain't that right?! Judging from his looks, I think he's only in his twenties! Any one of us here can easily squash him like squashing an ant!"

"He's still fresh and he has no idea how powerful we are! Someone, please go and teach him a good lesson! He needs to know he's not the one with power over here!"

All the Demonic Beasts assumed that Chen Xiaobei was not powerful enough to defeat them, let alone challenging their king.

"Our patience is wearing thin! You have three seconds to think about it!" said the horde of Demonic Beasts.

"You are obviously going to die really soon!"

The Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger had never been challenged by any other humans before. He was immediately angered by Chen Xiaobei's action.

"Zhufeng! What are you still doing there? Run! Run now! I will surely die here but I don't want you to die here as well! Just run!"

"Bro Ning! Just chill! I'm here now and I will save you!"

"Hey kid! Don't you think you are too damn arrogant?! You can't even protect yourself! How are you going to protect others?!"

"Someone! Please kill this son of a bitch! I want him to die in the most gruesome way possible!" said the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger.

"Let me do the favor for you, my king! This kid looks really yummy to me! I bet his flesh is really tender!" said the python that was awaiting by the side, his tongue sticking out.

"No! Let me do it! I will break his neck!" said the combat ape.

"Let me do it! I can poke thousands of holes through him! He will definitely suffer a lot before he dies!" said the giant porcupine.

"Stop fighting among yourselves! I think we should let the Priest Serpent do it!" said the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger.

Upon hearing that, the giant serpent got really excited. On the other hand, the other Demonic Beasts were left in disappointment. Since they assumed they could easily defeat Chen Xiaobei, it was only natural that everyone wanted to claim this honor.

"Kid! You are mine! Let me have a taste of your flesh! Hehehe…"

The giant serpent glared at Chen Xiaobei with strong murderous intent and slowly slided its way to Chen Xiaobei with a menacing grin.

"Zhufeng! Run! You are just an elite with Black Steel Zero Star! There's no way that you can defeat them…" Ning Yuchen shouted hysterically.

The next thing that he saw made him stop shouting almost instantly.


Without saying a word, Chen Xiaobei took out his Dragon's Edge and swung at the giant serpent. One could definitely see that there was a layer of black aura shielding the blade like a Black Dragon breathing on it. Immediately, the giant serpent could feel a powerful presence that came crushing. It did not look sharp at the first looks of it, but in actual fact, Chen Xiaobei had already imbued it with the Wind Element – making it shaper than ever before!

This was the result of fusing the Reverse Blade Spiritual Jade with it. One would definitely be able to imagine how powerful it was. Chen Xioabei's current combat power was 98,700 and with the help of Primordial Witch King Combat Enhancement Technique, he could boost his combat power to 128,000! With that being said, there was no way that an ordinary Demonic Beast could survive the attack that came from this weapon!


Within split seconds, the attack was so fast that the giant serpent did not realize Chen Xiaobei had just attacked it. It was still giggling on the other end.


The Dragon's Edge landed on the giant serpent's head and it was cut into half!

"How… How is that even possible… Our Priest Serpent is killed by that kid with only one slash?!"

"Am I hallucinating?! He is the second most powerful being amongst us!"

"Yeah… Its combat power was as high as 80,000… How is that even possible… Who the hell is that kid? He's just too damn powerful!"

None of the Demonic Beasts thought that the battle would end like this. After watching the defeat of the giant serpent, none of them dared to make another single move on Chen Xiaobei. Filled with fear, all of them started to take a step back.

On the other hand, Ning Yuchen felt the biggest wave of shock compared to the rest of the beings around him. He had never thought that Chen Xiaobei actually possessed such a terrifying amount of strength.

"I'm going to ask you one last time! Are you to going to get lost now?!" Chen Xiaobei asked while glaring at the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger.

"Are you going to get lost?!"

These simple words struck the hearts of every Beast like thunder.

Having fought with humans for countless of years, they have never seen any young human with such powerful aura.

Ning Yuchen was just as bewildered. All this time, he has been treating Chen Xiaobei like a Zero-Star Black Steel rookie and cared for him as though he was his little brother.

At that very instant, Ning Yuchen then realized that Chen Xiaobei had kept his formidable strength in the dark, concealing such powerful Qi Field. For a moment there, he even wondered if he was dreaming.

Ning Yuchen even felt a little rueful. He would never be able to reach Chen Xiaobei's level in this lifetime.


Shocked as he may be, dejected as he was, Ning Yuchen was overwhelmed by worry.

Chen Xiaobei had killed an 80,000-combat power giant serpent. But whether he could kill that terrifying Platinum-Tied Mythical Tiger or not,was still a big question mark!

White Fox,who was watching from afar, was just as anxious. Its Aquamarine colored eyes were stricken with fear.


Of course, the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger was not going to leave just because Chen Xiaobei said so. Instead, Chen Xiaobei's words provoked a great deal out of it.

"You piece of shit! You are so arrogant!" the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger barked. "I have already reached 120,000 combat power! Do you think that you could kill me so easily as how you killed Priest Serpent?"

"Why not?" Chen Xiaobei said as-a-matter-of-factly. "You have three seconds left to live. You can either choose to leave, or die!'

"*&^%$#@?! I will tear you to shreds!" The Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger growled, and then charged towards Chen Xiaobei.

"Whoa! That was so fast, it was all a blur!" Ning Yuchen exclaimed. "Zhufeng, could you really fight this Platinum-tiered Beast King? Because if you can't, then we'll die together…"

"It's so scary…. Why did Demonic Beast Capital send such a powerful Beast King? Are they trying to stir up a bigger war?"

White Fox whispered, "Savior, can you win this fight? If you lose, our race will be forced to join the war."

As the Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger moved, Ning Yuchen and White Fox's hearts stopped beating for a split second. Both of them kept their eyes glued to Chen Xiaobei.

At that very moment, Chen Xiaobei was their biggest and only hope.

Should Chen Xiaobei win, then everything would be fine.

But if Chen Xiaobei loses, then all would be lost!

All the Demonic Beasts' gaze fell on Chen Xiaobei as well.

Was this puny human exaggerating, or was he really that remarkable?

Well, they would soon find out.

"Time's up! I am going to take your life now!"

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei lifted up his black saber and activated his skill.

"Helm! Armor! Shoulder! Greaves! Boots!"

The black saber sliced downwards as swift as lightning.

But as soon as that happened, Chen Xiaobei put away his saber and made no move to advance.

At the same time, the Platinum-Tied Mythical Tiger froze, not moving an inch.

When the Beasts saw this, they were very puzzled.

"What happened? Why is His Excellency not moving?"

"That human kid is not moving either? What they hell are they doing? This is so strange!"

"Your Highness, Tiger King! Attack! Teach that kid a lesson he'll never forget!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Tiger King, Your Grace! Come on! Kill that kid!"

The Demonic Beasts shouted, eager to see their Tiger King squash Chen Xiaobei.

Ning Yuchen and White Fox were confused. What were Chen Xiaobei and the Mythical Tiger doing?




Right in the midst of the confusion, blood sprayed out of Platinum-Tier Mythical Tiger's head, chest, forelegs, knees and ankles. Its body then wobbled and dropped to the ground!

It did not even get a chance to attack!

"My god! How… Why did His Highness down…"

"No… Tiger King was killed by that puny human?! Are we dreaming? Quick, wake me up!"

"What just happened? They were just standing there! They did not even move! How did Tiger King die just like that?"

"That's impossible! Except if that kid is a monster. How else could he kill our king like that?"

The Beasts cried out all at the same time. None of them understood what had happened.

"Zhufeng… actually won! And it was a seckill!" Ning Yuchen gulped. He thought that Chen Xiaobei's strength was only 80,000 to 90,000, but it looked like it was way more than that!

Seckilling a Platinum Beast King! In terms of strength, Chen Xiaobei would be ranked within the top ten amongst the Silver Plume city nobles under the age of 30!

"To think that I have been treating Zhufeng as a Zero-star Black Steel rookie…. Even if there were 10,000 Northern Wilderness soldiers like me, Zhufeng could kill them in all in one go! God, this is scary!"

White Fox gasped, "Wow! Savior is so strong! He's so strong that it's actually pretty terrifying! There were more than few hundreds of eye-witnesses, yet none were able to tell what our savior did! This is crazy! Now that our savior has killed the Platinum Beast King, the whole Zachara Canyon will have peace again! How should we thank him?"

Wicked Beasts were forced by the Demonic Beasts to join the war against humanity. But now that the Platinum Mythical Tiger is dead, the Demonic Beasts of Zachara Grand Canyon would be like scattered sands once again.

Wicked Beasts like Demonic Fox would be overjoyed and extremely grateful towards Chen Xiaobei.

"Who else wants to die?" Chen Xiaobei examined the room around him.

"Oh my god! Run! Everyone, run!"

The hundreds of Demonic Beasts dared not dally and ran for their lives.

Their king was dead. None of the other beasts dared to stay on.

They cleared out the place expeditiously.

"Bro Ning! It's okay now!" Chen Xiaobei walked to Ning Yuchen and untied him from the cross.

Ning Yuchen just stood there stuttering, "Are you… Zhufeng?"

"Of course, it's me!" Chen Xiaobei chuckled. "Don't be so tense! Relax a little!"

"H… How are you so strong? It's… scary! If Liu Chen and Hu Ben knew about your real strength, they would freak out!"

"Bro Ning! You can't tell others about my true cultivation just yet! You have to help me keep this a secret!" said Chen Xiaobei in a serious manner.

"Why is that?" asked Ning Yuchen, shocked.

"I'm not going to lie to you since we have been through a couple of life and death situations together. I travelled to Northern Wilderness Starfield through a sudden glitch in space. You should know that I will be in deep trouble if I don't continue to act as the survivor of the 3rd Regiment!"

"You will be sentenced to death if the others find out that you came into our starfield illegally! Don't you worry. I'm the kind of person that prioritizes brotherhood more than anything else! I will never tell your secret to others no matter what! Without your permission, I will not tell Liu Chen and Hu Ben as well!"

"Alright! I trust you! I will always aim higher! I want to travel to places that allow me to grow better. Northern Wilderness Starfield is just one of the stops for me. I will tell everyone the truth once I am able to secure a footing here!"

"Okay! I'm looking forward to that day to come! I want to let everyone know my brother is a Platinum-tiered elite!"

Chen Xiaobei then replied with a smile on his face.

"Demo… Demonic Beast…"

Suddenly, Ning Yuchen shouted and went into combat mode.

"Don't worry… He's with us!"

There was a white fox running towards them. It then sat beside Chen Xiaobei's feet.

"Thank you so much! You have just killed a Demonic Beast for us!" said the white fox in a polite manner.

"I was just trying to save my friend. You don't have to thank me."

"Zhufeng… You… Are you having a conversation with his white fox?" asked Ning Yuchen, shocked.

"I can understand Zoolingualism and I can speak it as well! There are Demonic Beasts and Wicked Beasts here in this starfield! Demonic Beasts are blood thirsty, but Wicked Beasts hate conflict."

"I… I have never heard of such thing before… You are right! I don't sense any evil presence from this white fox! This is a huge discovery! I have to inform my captain immediately!"

"Regarding this… I'm afraid you'll have to keep this as a secret as well!"

"Why? If everyone knew that Wicked Beasts hate conflict, a lot of unnecessary war can be avoided in the future!"

"It's not as simple as you think it is. Firstly, no one else understands Zoolingualism besides me. No one will believe in us! And you need to know that Demonic Beasts are still ruling most of the Wicked Beasts! In other words, they could still attack humans. It will be suicidal if you don't attack them when you see one standing in your path!"

"I… I understand now… I will not tell a living soul about it. But, is there really no other way to solve this problem? We know that Wicked Beasts hate war but we are still forced to fight that! That would mean we are killing the innocent!"

"There's a way to solve this problem! We just have to attack the capital of Demonic Beast and destroy it. With that, Silver Plume Planet will get to enjoy eternal peace! But this is a goal that is extremely hard to achieve. You can't even begin to imagine the obstacles that you have to face!"

"Ah… I finally get it. There are extremely powerful Demonic Beasts living out there! I'm talking about Demonic Beasts that are as powerful as demigods! Not even the governor of Silver Plume Planet dares to get close to their capital!"

"Good that you can understand it…"

The truth was that the biggest factor that stopped Silver Plume Planet and the entire Northern Wilderness Starfield from getting the eternal peace wasn't just the Demonic Beasts, but mainly came from the Northern Wilderness Temple!

After conversing with the white fox, Chen Xiaobei knew that the Northern Wilderness Temple was probably using the Demonic Beasts to control all the other planets. When the Demonic Beasts had become a threat to all the planets, they would recruit Northern Wilderness Warriors to protect every planet. And with that, all the residents would have to rely on the protection of their temple! This was to ensure that the ruler of the temple would get to enjoy eternal power!

For now, Chen Xiaobei had no intention to reveal this huge conspiracy to Ning Yuchen. This secret after all, had to do with the most powerful ruler of Northern Wilderness Starfield. Those who dared to touch it would definitely be killed in no time, let alone Ning Yuchen. Even Chen Xiaobei did not want to get involved in it.

"Okay. Just make sure that you keep everything to yourself!"

"Okay! Will do!"

"Let's head back since everything is settled for now!"

"Master! Please, hold on! Can we give you a way to contact us? You can reach us if you need our help in the future! Vice versa, I will contact you if something major happens here!" said the white fox.

"Sounds good! But, how do we contact each other?"

"Wait here…"

The white fox rushed into the forest and came out with a Storage Bracelet in its mouth.

"This bracelet was left behind by a Northern Wilderness Warrior! And I found something inside! Something that they used to contact others!"

Immediately, the white fox took out a Dami 16 Intergalactic Cellphone from it!

"Damn! What kind of sorcery is this?!" exclaimed Ning Yuchen in shock.

"You are one smart fox! This thing is called a cellphone. We use this to communicate with each other! Let me teach you how to use it."

Chen Xiaobei then started to teach the white fox the right way to use a cellphone. The fox was intelligent from birth and it had already known how to think like a human. Soon, it managed to grasp how to use a cellphone. Since the Dami Intergalactic Cellphone was waterproof, drop proof, and it did not need recharging as well, the white fox could use it whenever it wanted right after it learnt how to use it.

"Okay. Just call me whenever you need to tell me something! We are going to take our leave first!" said Chen Xiaobei.

"Goodbye! We will meet again!"

The white fox sent Chen Xiaobei off respectfully.


Outside the grand canyon.

Chen Xiaobei requested to meet Liu Chen and Hu Ben. They were shocked when they saw Ning Yuchen standing there, unharmed.

"My god, am I dreaming? Zhufeng saved our captain!" Liu Chen was both shocked and filled with exhilaration. Her eyes welled up with tears as she ran up towards Ning Yuchen, proceeded to walk in circles around him, examining him in disbelief to assure herself that she was not hallucinating.

"Captain! Is that really you? Are you okay?"

Hu Ben who had been putting on a tough front, broke down when he saw Ning Yuchen.

Of course, they were tears of utter joy.

"I'm fine! Can't you see that I'm perfectly fine? Come on, the both of you. Stop crying! You're gonna make me cry too!" Ning Yuchen was deeply touched by his friends' concern for him.

Proverbs has it that good friends go through thick and thin together.

The three of them, Ning Yuchen, Liu Chen and Hu Ben were comrades on the battlefield; their friendship was sincere, drawn from the bottom of their hearts. Even Chen Xiaobei could not help but be touched by their loyalty towards each other.

"Captain! How did Zhufeng rescue you? Tell us! Tell us!" Liu Chen's eyes were wide with curiosity and delight.

"Yeah! Captain! Hurry up and tell us! The commanding officers led a search party for three days but they had no leads at all!" Hu Ben asked impatiently.


Ning Yuchen did not know what to say. He promised Chen Xiaobei that he would keep the secret.

"Bro Ning was infected by malaria in the forest. He was unconscious for three whole days. I treated him and then brought him out." Chen Xiaobei answered.

"Yes! That's exactly what happened!"

Ning Yuchen nodded.

"Really?" Liu Chen looked suspiciously at Chen Xiaobei. "Zhufeng, you know how to treat malaria? I don't believe it!"

"I was trained with wilderness survival skills before. In areas where malaria is present, there will also be herbs nearby that can cure malaria! All I had to do was find the herb, and treat Bro Ning with it!"

"No! There's something fishy going on!"

Liu Chen narrowed her eyes at Chen Xiaobei.

"What's fishy? Look at me, didn't I come back in one piece? You're still not satisfied?" Ning Yuchen scolded.

"I am! I am! Captain's safety is more important than anything else!" Liu Chen dropped all her doubts and smiled cheerily back at Ning Yuchen. She then turned to Chen Xiaobei and said, "Zhufeng! This is all thanks to you! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you!"

"Yeah! Zhufeng, I want to thank you too! You saved our captain!" Hu Ben said earnestly.

"Oh, come on, we'll all friends. There's no need to be so polite." Chen Xiaobei said.

"Oh, right, Zhufeng, what are you going to do next?" Ning Yuchen asked.

"I can't go back to base camp. Anyway, I killed a small Demonic Beast so I'll need to go to the Chamber of Commerce to sell my loot. So, I'll be going back to Silver Plume City."

"A small Demonic Beast? Zhufeng, did you go out hunting on your own outside of the perimeters of Silver Plume Forest while we are gone? What rank is the Demonic Beast?" Hu Ben asked.

"Don't be stupid, Hu Ben! Our little brother Zhufeng is just a Zero-star Black Steel! What rank of Demonic Beast do you think he could kill?" Liu Chen giggled. "Zhufeng, if the Demonic Beast you killed is not even Black-steel rank, you don't need to go to the Chamber of Commerce. No one will want to buy anything from you!"

"Liu Chen! That's enough!" Ning Yuchen rebuked. "Zhufeng may be a Zero-star Black Steel now, but in the near future, he may very well reach Platinum or higher!"

"What? Platinum? Captain? Are you having a fever?" Liu Chen stared at her leader in bewilderment.

Hu Ben was also puzzled by his captain's seemingly ridiculous statement.

"Liu Chen! I'm serious! From today onwards, none of you are allowed to make fun of Zhufeng's rank as a Zero-star Black Steel!"

"Captain! You've changed!" Liu Chen pouted and said sourly. "You used to call me Chen'er but now that little Zhufeng is here, you don't treat me as well as you used to!"

"Er…" Ning Yuchen rested his hand on his neck uneasily. "It's not that I don't treat you well! It's just that… I don't how to say this… But, whatever it is, this is an order!"

"Alright! Alright! There's no need to be so serious!" Chen Xiaobei tried to break the ice. "Everyone is just fooling around. I don't even mind it, so why should you?"

"I…" Ning Yuchen stopped himself before he spilled the beans. He really wanted to tell Hu Ben and Liu Chen that the 'small' Demonic Beast that Chen Xiaobei had killed was actually a 120,000 combat powered Platinum Beast King!

Even more incredible still, Chen Xiaobei had seckilled this Platinum Beast King!

After that, Chen Xiaobei had stored the Platinum Beast's body into his Infinite Space Ring to be sold at the Chamber of Commerce. Not only will Chen Xiaobei not be rejected by the vendors, he would be treated like a VVIP!

But this was all Chen Xiaobei's secret. Ning Yuchen had witnessed all that but he could only keep it to himself.

Liu Chen and Hu Ben knew nothing about this. Thus when they kept talking about Chen Xiaobei's Black Steel rank, Ning Yuchen panicked.

Thankfully, Chen Xiaobei did not mind it at all, and even helped them lighten the atmosphere to alleviate the awkwardness.

Since Chen Xiaobei did not mind this friendly teasing, there was no need for Ning Yuchen to be so strung up about it.

After that, they all enjoyed a good conversation, and the atmosphere was once again lively and bubbly.

Immediately after, Chen Xiaobei left Zachara Grand Canyon for Silver Plume city.

The first thing he did was buy an Interstellar Signal Receiver that Ning Yuchen had recommended.

Similar to the Interstellar cell phone, it was also a very handy black technology. Not only would it be able to receive the Silver Plume Capital City's network signal, it could also connect to earth's network.

Most importantly, the network speed was incredibly fast. Old Wang did not have to worry about his Mobile Legend game lagging anymore.

Once this was taken care of, Chen Xiaobei hurried to the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce.

From the battle, Chen Xiaobei earned himself a Platinum Mythical Tiger's corpse, and absorbed its Blood Essence and Spirit into the Chaos Blood Sword.

Once the Blood Essence and Spirit had been transformed into energy, the Chaos Blood Sword could wield up to 130,000 combat power.

The Mythical Tiger's body could be sold for a handsome amount of Spiritual Stones – medium-grade Spiritual Stones!

Chen Xiaobei had just arrived at the Chamber of Commerce when Manager Gu Congwen came out to greet him.

"Mr. Chen! A rare guest! It's been a while since you last visited."

"One doesn't visit a temple without a cause. Since I have nothing urgent or important, I didn't want to bother you, Manager Gu." Chen Xiaobei said politely.

"Oh! Mr. Chen! You are one of us! Why regard yourself as an outsider?" Gu Congwen quickly said. "Just treat this place as your home. You can come by whenever you want to. I will welcome you any time."

"Alright! Since Manager Gu treats me as his own, allow me to speak frankly. I killed a Platinum Mythical Tiger. Do name me a price!"

"Pla… Platinum?!" Gu Congwen's eyes grew larger than a 50-cent coin. "My dear Mr. Chen… Are you joking?"

"Since when have I ever joked with you? The Mythical Tiger's corpse is still in my Infinite Space Ring. It's still warm!"

"Oh my god… Mr. Chen… I can't believe that you are powerful enough to kill a Platinum Demonic Beast King… You… Which high-tiered starfield are you from? You are just way too powerful…"

Gu Congwen was shocked to know what Chen Xiaobei had just did. Previously, Chen Xiaobei told Gu Congwen that he was from a higher tier starfield but he had a hard time believing him. This time, all his doubts were cleared. In his twenties, Chen Xiaobei had managed to kill a Platinum Demonic Beast King. This was such a huge achievement that not even Lu Changwei, who was about the same age with Chen Xiaobei could've done it.

This was sufficient enough to prove that Chen Xiaobei did come from a higher tier starfield! Otherwise, it would have been definitely impossible for him to obtain such an achievement.

"Mr. Chen. Please follow me to the back of the garden. I will give you a fair price for it!" said Gu Congwen politely.


The two of them then walked to the back of the garden. Chen Xiaobei immediately took out the Platinum Mythical Tiger that was as big as a bus from his Infinite Space Ring.

"I killed this beast with just one quick slash. You can see that the body's condition is almost perfect. I did not extract its Beast Core. It is still inside its body."

"Oh my god… This really is a Platinum Demonic Beast King… I have not seen such a powerful Demonic Beast's body for a long time! And, you are right! The condition of this body is almost perfect! This is really rare! Too rare!"

Gu Congwen circled around the Platinum Mythical Tiger to examine a good look at it. Judging from the excitement on his face, one could imagine how rare the Platinum Demonic Beast King was.

"Mr. Chen… Are you sure you want to sell it? This Platinum Demonic Beast King is filled with treasures!"

The reason why Gu Congwen had not seen a Demonic Beast King for such a long time was because no one in their right mind would sell it if they somehow managed to kill it! Its skin and bones could be used to craft different items. Its flesh was one of those top-tiered ingredient in a kitchen! As for its blood, it could be used for medicinal purposes. Lastly, its Beast Core was extremely valuable for one to improve the cultivation.

Those that were powerful enough to hunt down a Demonic Beast King were mainly the rich folks of Silver Plume City. None of them would have ever sold it for money, which justifies why Gu Congwen had a hard time believing that Chen Xiaobei wanted to sell it. He was oblivious to the fact that Chen Xiaobei had already started using Divine Items instead of Spiritual Items. Things like the Demonic Beast's skin and bones were of no use to him. His healing skills were good enough to search for a replacement for its blood. As for the Beast Core, it was true that it was an extremely powerful item for any cultivators.

However, Chen Xiaobei's body was filled with a huge amount of Beast Core and he would need a long time to digest all of them. In other words, this Platinum Demonic Beast King's Beast Core was equally of no use to him as well, thus his decision to trade it off for Spiritual Stones.

"Offer me a price since you have decided that you want to sell it! Let's just go by the old rules. I will say yes to the deal if I think the price is right, I don't like others bargaining with me."

"I know that… Mr. Chen, you have always been a quick dealer… The highest price that I can offer you is 3,000 medium-grade Spiritual Stones. Are you okay with that?" asked Gu Congwen while gulping.


Chen Xiaobei was filled with excitement after he heard the price of it. A medium-grade Spiritual Stone was equivalent to 1,000 low-grade Spiritual Stones! And 3,000 medium-grade Spiritual Stones was equivalent to three million low-grade Spiritual Stones!

To Chen Xiaobei, it was an enormous amount of wealth! Remembering that the Silver Demonic Beast he hunted back then sold only for 500 medium-grade Spiritual Stones, he realized that the Platinum Demonic Beast King that he killed this time managed to sell for six times the price of his previous trade!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei would never reveal how ecstatic he was. As usual, he wore on a composed look.

"Deal! Can you pay me all the Spiritual Stones now?"

"It's really nice doing business with you! Of course, I can pay you all the Spiritual Stones right now! Please follow me to the main hall!"

At the third floor of the Chamber of Commerce.

Gu Congwen brought out all 3,000 medium-grade Spiritual Stones for Chen Xiaobei without wasting any time. Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce was after all the financial pillar of Northern Wilderness Starfield. To others, all these Spiritual Stones might be an astronomical amount of wealth but to them, it was no big deal. Once Chen Xiaobei had kept all the Spiritual inside his Infinite Space Ring, he was ready to leave the place. However, Gu Congwen stopped him.

"Mr. Chen! Hold on! There's something I want to tell you!"

"What is it? Please go ahead."

"An Elite Hunting Competition will be held in ten days' time. Am wondering if Mr. Chen is interested in joining it?"

"Elite Hunting Competition? What's that?"

"The purpose of the Elite Hunting Competition is to train the youngsters in Northern Wilderness Starfield to become more powerful. Those that are below 30 years old are welcome to join this hunting, which will be held on Overgrown Forest Planet. There are only Demonic Beasts living on that planet, no humans. Every year, there will be at least a couple of huge scaled hunting held on this planet. Participants are encouraged to hunt as many Demonic Beasts as possible!"

"The winner of the Elite Hunting Competition is determined by the level and amount of the Demonic Beasts that one hunts. The top ten hunters will be awarded abundantly and all the Demonic Beasts that you hunt will be your possession! Those whom are lucky will get to earn a huge amount of wealth. Since Mr. Chen is powerful enough to kill a Platinum Demonic Beast King, I think you are definitely qualified to join this hunting competition! Go and compete with those nobles! If you manage to earn yourself a good position in the competition, the temple will provide you with a good amount of resources to boost your cultivation!"

Gu Congwen was clearly excited about it.

"It seems like Manager Gu really wants me to join this hunting competition! Does it benefit you in some way?"

"Mr. Chen. Please don't misunderstand. I don't have any other intentions with me! I just hope that you manage to hunt some high-tier Demonic Beasts and sell them to me!"

"Selling them to you is no big deal! The problem is that I'm not sure if I'm qualified to join this hunting competition. You show know better than anyone that I'm neither a noble nor a Northern Wilderness Soldier."

"Well… I'll probably think of something to make sure you are qualified to join this hunting competition. All you need to do is say yes! Of course, you don't need to answer me right now. You can go back and think about it first. As by agreeing to it would mean putting your life at risk, it's totally understandable if you don't want to be a part of it!"

"I'm willing to join!"

"Alright! All set! I will do my best to get you to qualify to join this competition! I will contact you once there's an update to it!"

Chen Xiaobei then nodded excitedly. The Spiritual Stones that he could earn from this hunting competition was just a bonus to him. What he actually aimed for were the rewards from the temple and becoming a noble! This hunting competition could be the breakthrough that Chen Xiaobei had been looking for!

Chen Xiaobei left the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce.

He put aside the thought of the Elite Hunting Competition which was ten days away. He still had a lot of other more important things to worry about. Thus, is was better to keep this at the back of his mind first.

Once he returned to the secret space, Chen Xiaobei instated the Interstellar Signal Receiver.

That way, everyone could enjoy the convenience of the network; not only could they access earth's networks, they could also access Northern Wilderness' and learn new and useful information.

His parents could also enjoy television programs online so that they would not feel bored or lonely.

Once he was done, Chen Xiaobei wandered around the New Bei Xuan.

He did not know what up was with his ladies, but all of them were working hard at cultivating. None of them had time for Chen Xiaobei.

The Primordial Jade Divine Skill he won in the Go competition was very effective, increasing everyone's cultivating speed 100 times faster than an average person; it was very nifty.

If this continued, soon enough, everyone would have major cultivation breakthroughs.

Luckily, Chen Xiaobei had enough Skybreaking Cultivation Pills in hand. Once anyone has reached the pinnacle phase of their cultivation, Chen Xiaobei could help them break through immediately.

Anything was possible with the pills!

As he was thinking about the pills, Chen Xiaobei's mind wandered to the Hundred Herbs Potion and the Heavenly Dog Biscuits.

He had used up these two treasures.

Chen Xiaobei had enough herbs to make more Hundred Herbs Potion, but making the Heavenly Dog Biscuits was going to be a little bit more troublesome. Even though Chen Xiaobei had wiped Penglai Faction's treasury clean, he was still in the hunt for two rare Spiritual Medicines, which were necessary in the production of the biscuits.

"These Spirtual Medicines are just too rare. I've already asked Focker to help me search for them, but I still haven't heard from him yet. Maybe it's extinct on earth! I better call Old Gu, maybe he could help! The Heavenly Dog Biscuit is a very important tool. I have to make more as soon as possible. I want to be able to keep good loyal hounds when I meet one. If I can't, I'm really going to regret it!"

At the thought of it, Chen Xiaobei took out the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd.

He willed for the gourd to show him its interior, and it appeared in his mind.

The American president was sprawled on the ground, hungry and thirsty. He had not eaten anything for days.

"You must be hungry, huh?" Chen Xiaobei transmitted his voice into the gourd.

"Hungry! I'm so hungry I'm going to die!" the president cried out weakly. "Mr. Chen! Please give me something to eat or I'll die!"

"Our demigod Osnur has a piece of biscuit in his hand. If you can convince him to eat it, I'll treat you to something good!" Chen Xiaobei chuckled.

"Biscuit? What biscuit? Let me have it! I'm willing to eat it!"

The president was practically salivating at the word.

"Oh, you are not qualified to eat it! That's for Osnur!"

A long time ago, Chen Xiaobei thought that it would be pretty cool to have a president as his loyal hound. But now that his vision had widened, he did not want to waste the precious Heavenly Dog Biscuit on a so-called president.

It was better to have a demigod as his loyal hound. Now that would be freaking impressive!

But Osnur was sitting, legs crossed and eyes closed on the ground. He was silently cultivating, ignoring Chen Xiaobei and the president.

He was a demigod after all. Having been though all kinds of hardships, his mental strength was unusually stable. He was not threatened by Chen Xiaobei at all.

Osnur knew that all Chen Xiaobei could do was keep him inside the gourd, and could do him no harm. Thus he dared to give Chen Xiaobei the cold shoulder.

On top of that, he had enough lives at hand. He had already decided that he would never eat Chen Xiaobei's dog biscuit. He would just drag it out with Chen Xiaobei, to see who could last longer and who would die first.

Chen Xiaobei could do nothing about this.

Had Osnur been a regular person, he would have already caved in when Chen Xiaobei trapped him inside the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd!

But Osnur was a demigod! Chen Xiaobei would not dare enter the gourd and fight him.

With no other options left, Chen Xiaobei could only wait!

As for the American president, Chen Xiaobei could not let him starve to death thus Chen Xiaobei gave him some leftovers.

The idiot knew that once he had filled his stomach, he had to act on Chen Xiaobei's behalf. He would have to coax and pester Osnur into eating the biscuit.

But Osnur continued to cultivate, unwavered.

Ding Ring Ring!

Chen Xiaobei's phone rang.

It was Wenren Jinghao.

Chen Xiaobei immediately set the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd aside, and picked up the call.

"Mr. Chen! The three herbs you've asked me to find – I've found two already! The last herb is really difficult to find! Can it be replaced with another herb?"

Chen Xiaobei had previously asked Hua Tuo and the other doctors to write a prescription for Wenren Muyue.

He had given Wenren Jinghao the task of searching for the remaining three rare herbal medicines. Chen Xiaobei did not expect Wenren Jinghao to find them so quickly.

"No, there's no replacement! My prescription includes a hundred over herbs. A slight adjustment will alter everything. If we change the herb, then the whole prescription will be useless!"

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'll just hire someone to find it!" Wenren Jinghao said with determination. "As long as Wenren Muyue can be cured, I will search the entire universe if I have to! I must find it!"

"Elder Wenren, you really do love your daughter very much. I believe that soon enough, you'll be able to find it! Oh, by the way, I have question for you, Elder Wenren. Is it a good time for me to ask you now?"

"Mr. Chen! Don't be a stranger! You are Muyue's benefactor. Which also means that you are a part of our family! There is nothing between us that cannot be discussed!"

"Alright, then I won't beat around the bush and get straight to the point. What is the progress on the Atlantis investigation?" Chen Xiaobei treaded carefully.

"Huh? Why would Mr. Chen ask this question?"

"I won't hide the truth from you. I have friend nicknamed Ju Niao. He's a gang leader in the outer city who wants to take over the Black Dragons Faction, so he's been keeping a close eye on the Atlantis issue! I'm merely enquiring on his behalf."

"Oh, no wonder. We've made some substantial progress on the investigation! The South Town Temple custodian Lu Gang has woken up! According to him, it was two earthlings from the country of Japan who destroyed Atlantis. One of them, a woman, had died; the other one, a man, has vanished."

Chen Xiaobei's breath caught in his throat.

This was a major red flag!

Luckily, Bei Xuan was recently relocated. If they found out that it was Chen Xiaobei, it would be a massive disaster!

"Do you know who the man is?" Chen Xiaobei asked nervously.

"I'm not too sure about his identity yet. All I know is he's a man with a latex mask. He uses the mask to pretend that he is the emperor of Japan. I think the person wants to find his way into Northern Wilderness Starfield!" said Wenren Jinghao.

"I think it'll be easy for us to locate him if he's wearing a latex mask, right?" asked Chen Xiaobei even though he knew who the person behind the mask was.

"Hmm… it's not that easy but it's not that hard either. Lu Gang was appointed as the South Town Star Temple's master for many years, thus he knows all the demigods on earth. Should he send out orders for all the demigods to look for the man in mask, I believe that their combined force would be able to find the man that made the mask for the fake emperor!"


Chen Xiaobei felt his heart skipping a beat. The C.I.A from America knew that Chen Xiaobei possessed the ability to create undetected surreal latex masks. The president was now trapped inside the Verdant Emperor Divine Gourd, and he could not access to his computer.


There were actually quite a number of people who knew about this matter, and there was no way for Chen Xiaobei to erase the memories from their minds. In other words, if the demigods really worked together to investigate this matter, Chen Xiaobei could end up dead in the end.

"Eh? Why are you looking so nervous, Mr. Chen?"

Wenren Jinghao was no ordinary person. One single glance and he knew that there was something wrong with Chen Xiaobei.

"I'm not nervous… I'm thinking, if we managed to find the man that is responsible for this incident, Lu Family will not be punished by the authorities! And if Lu Family manages to survive this incident, Black Dragon Faction will not fall as well, and my friend will not be able to get what he wants!"

"Yes… Theoretically speaking, you are right. Lu Family is deeply rooted in Northern Wilderness Starfield. There's no way that they will be brought down that easily! I think you should convince your friend to call off his plans. Otherwise, he will be swamped with trouble before he even realizes it!"

"Elder Wenren, thank you for your reminder." Chen Xiaobei replied calmly.

It seemed as though Northern Wilderness Temple was going to protect Lu Family. With that being said, Lu Family would definitely not have to suffer from any damage in this incident. On the contrary, they would become a bigger threat for Chen Xiaobei.

The truth was that Chen Xiaobei actually wanted to destroy the entire Lu Family to avenge Demonic Fox. Knowing that Lu Family was deeply rooted in this starfield, Chen Xiaobei realized that this was going to be an impossible mission.

"Oh right! Elder Wenren, can you help me to look for three herbal ingredients? This has nothing to do with Ms. Muyue's illness. I actually need it for myself!"

"No problem! Whatever you need, the Wenren Family will definitely help you to achieve it!"

"Great! I will send you the name and age of these three herbal ingredients later. Apologies for troubling you!"

"You are most welcome! I will be in touch once I have gotten some updates!"

Thereafter, Chen Xiaobei sent a message to Wenren Jinghao. Concurrently, Chen Xiaobei copied the message and sent it to Gu Congwen as well. Chen Xiaobei was clearly going to use these three herbal ingredients to create more Heavenly Fog Biscuits. Knowing that there were a lot of threats closing in on him and him needing to join the Elite Hunting Competition ten days later, he would feel a lot safer if he had more Heavenly Dog Biscuits with him.

Instead of putting his cellphone away after sending the messages, Chen Xiaobei continued on and contacted Acheron.

Acheron: Bro Bei, how can I help you?

Chen Xiaobei: You should know that I'm here to ask about Lu Bu and Ji Xiong.

Acheron: What happened? Lu Bu is pursuing you?

Chen Xiaobei: No. I have travelled to a higher tier starfield. Lu Bu and Ji Xiong are still on earth. There's no way that Lu Bu can locate me! But, Ji Xiong's curse is still a big threat to me. Lately, there have been too many things happening to me at the same time. My head feels like it's gonna explore soon! I wanted to ask, if you have a way to help me solve this problem.

Acheron: Ji Xiong is a Primordial Ancient Witch. The best person to answer your question is Taiyin True Deity!

Chen Xiaobei: Taiyin True Deity? I almost forgot about him! I have not contacted him for such a long time. I wonder if he is doing some private training.

Acheron: He is not doing any trainings currently. But speaking of that, he did do something pretty big recently. I do think he has a way to deal with Ji Xiong. Go ahead and ask him.

Chen Xiaobei: Okay! I have one more thing that I can't seem to understand. It seems like Lu Bu has his personal reasons for doing this! Do you know the reason behind it?

Acheron: Lu Bu is arrogant and proud. He has no regard for any deities or spirits! But, he does have one huge flaw.

Chen Xiaobei: Diao Chan?! Are you trying to say that Lu Bu is using Diao Chan to threaten him? Is that why he gave up on training to become a deity? And instead, he's forced to descend to earth to kill me?

Acheron: I can't think of any other reasons anymore.

Chen Xiaobei: This Shen Gongpao is a shameless bastard! Is there a way to rescue Diao Chan?

Acheron: I can't figure out anything else for now. After all, Diao Chan is just a small-time ghost in the underworld, unless there's someone powerful enough to protect him. Otherwise, she will be captured by Shen Gongpao once she has been rescued out!

Chen Xioabei: Someone to protect her? I don't think it's that hard to find, right?

Acheron: Not hard? Three Realm Mission is given by the Primordial Lord of Heaven! Those who chose to protect Diao Chan would mean going against him! Well, I would never dare to do something like this. Feel free to ask around if you have a suitable candidate in mind!

Chen Xiaobei: Never mind then… This is my business, I don't want to drag other people into it. I'm here at earthly realm and the Primordial Lord of Heaven has already come up with all kinds of methods to eliminate me. I think if someone from heaven chooses to go against him, the deity would most likely end up dead!

Acheron: Well, this is not something I can talk about…

Chen Xiaobei: Bro… Please help me figure out something. Lu Bu is practically being forced to kill me! I don't want to hurt him.

Acheron: Actually… there is a way to overcome this problem. But, I don't think you can pull it off.

Chen Xiaobei: Enlighten me please.

Acheron: Gather ten million merit points to help Diao Chan to become an Earth God! There's no way for Shen Gongpao to capture her when she's in the Earth God Realm!

Chen Xiaobei: Ten million merit points?! I dont think I can gather that many merit points in such a short period of time!

Acheron: This is the only way to overcome this problem! I would suggest you kill Lu Bu actually. He is one really arrogant man! Are you trying to make this enemy your ally instead?

Chen Xiaobei: Winning or losing is not that important to me actually. Being right and wrong matter more to me. Lu Bu is not at fault this time, but Shen Gongpao is! How would others from Red Envelope Group look at me if I kill Lu Bu?

Acheron: You are worthy to be called the disciple of the Prime of Tongtian! You are very righteous! All I can do is wish you good luck!

Chen Xiaobei: Thank you for the guidance! I will try my best to seek the right direction!

After that, Chen Xiaobei left the chat and contacted Taiyin True Deity. His priority now was to eliminate Ji Xiong. After all, he was Chen Xiaobei's biggest threat. Period.

Chen Xiaobei: Bro Taiyin! Shen Gongpao wants to kill me. Please guide me how should I overcome this problem.

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