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Chapter 87: The Tea Trio

The next day at work, everyone was discussing about Little President (Feng Jiu and Dong Hua rumoured child). Lian Song was sitting in his office, and he chanced upon the picture that was uploaded last night.

"What?! Feng Jiu is pregnant?! How?!" Lian Song paced up and down his office while thinking about it. Then he decided to summon Si Ming into his office to discuss it.

Not long after, Si Ming knocked on his office door and came in.

"Did you see this?" Lian Song showed Si Ming the picture of Dong Hua and Feng Jiu buying baby stuff.

"What?! Feng Jiu is pregnant?! How?!" Si Ming exclaimed shockingly. Lian Song nodded his head enthusiastically and replied, "That was my first reaction too! We need to get to the bottom of this."

At this point, they still didn't clue in that Feng Jiu was actually buying the baby stuff for Yu Xi.

Then they both decided to summon Su Moye for a tea session to discuss about it. Lian Song immediately called Su Moye on the phone.

Lian Song: Red alert. We have an emergency here. Help is needed.

Su Moye: Roger that. Help is on the way. Lunch?

Lian Song: See you at lunch. Out.

Then they hung up the phone, and the gossip duo headed back to work.


On the other side, Feng Jiu realized that people were giving her weird looks all morning. When she walked into the office building, everyone was giving way to her, and they were also keeping a distance. Even when she walked into the elevator, they all made an excuse not to share the same one as her.

In reality, everyone was just afraid of bumping into her by accident and injuring her.

When she arrived at the office, Dong Hua was already in the office. "Oh! Good morning, Dong Hua! I'll make you a cup of coffee now." She said excitedly.

"Morning, Xiao Bai. I was thinking of getting Iced coffee this morning, would you mind getting that for me at the cafeteria instead?" Dong Hua smiled.

"Of course! Let me start up my laptop first." Feng Jiu smiled brightly. Then she ran out of the office after setting up her work stuff.

When she arrived at the cafeteria, she noticed that there was a long queue for the drinks stall. The moment she stood in the line, everyone 'disappeared' and there wasn't anyone left in the queue.

"What? Why is everyone avoiding me?" She looked around with a puzzled face.

After ordering two cups of Iced coffee, a lady appeared out of nowhere and told Feng Jiu, "Sorry if I'm stepping out of line, but you shouldn't be drinking iced coffee at such a time."

Feng Jiu replied confusedly, "Huh? Why?" The lady smiled politely and replied, "It's bad for your health."

At this moment, her iced coffee was ready to go, and Feng Jiu thanked the lady before walking away. She thought to herself, "That was weird. So it's bad for my health to drink iced coffee in the morning?"

Feng Jiu continued thinking about what the lady said to her while walking into her office. Dong Hua noticed that she was feeling uneasy, and he asked worriedly, "What's wrong, Xiao Bai?"

"No, it's nothing. I just met a weird lady at the Cafeteria. She said that I shouldn't be drinking ice coffee at this time, and she said that it was bad for my health. I wonder why." Feng Jiu shrugged her shoulders.

"Hmm... Maybe it was because it's still winter, and she was afraid that you'd get too cold after drinking it?" Dong Hua replied casually.

"Oh. That made sense then. I guess I was just overthinking about it. Maybe I'll order a hot coffee for myself next time." Feng Jiu smiled, and they continued with their work.

At this point, they didn't know that the lady only said that because she thinks that Feng Jiu was pregnant. Pregnant ladies were usually advised not to take cold drinks and caffeine.


During lunch-time, Dong Hua and Feng Jiu decided to eat in their office. Chong Lin brought their lunch bento up, and then he headed off to have his own lunch with his girlfriend.

"Wow, there's a lot of fish and vegetables in my bento today." Feng Jiu exclaimed. Then she looked over to Dong Hua's bento with a puzzled look and asked curiously, "Hmm... Why does my bento look significantly more than yours?"

"Maybe it's because everyone knows that you're a glutton, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua replied sarcastically.

"Well, I'm not complaining about extra food! I can share some with you!" Feng Jiu smiled, and she excitedly started to eat her bento. In reality, the lunch lady added more nutritious food for her due to her 'pregnancy.'

"I'll need to attend a meeting after lunch, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua said.

"Oh! Then you should quickly finish up your lunch and prepare for it." Feng Jiu replied, and she put more fish onto his plate.

Then both of them continued sharing food with each other.


Meanwhile, Su Moye arrived at their office building, and he headed straight to Lian Song's office. He also bought lunch for the gossip duo and himself.

"So, what's the emergency?" Su Moye asked while eating his lunch.

"Swallow your food first. I don't want any choking accidents here." Lian Song immediately swallowed his food, and the rest followed suit.

"So... Feng Jiu could be pregnant." Lian Song said calmly.

"Wait. What?! How?!" Su Moye exclaimed. It appears that The Tea Trio (TTT) was in sync with each other, and they all had the same reaction.

Si Ming chuckled and replied, "They are moving fast. I wonder how far she is into her pregnancy. Well, the good news is that my child would have a playmate."

Lian Song snickered and replied sarcastically, "Hopefully, both of them would be of the same gender. If not, you and Dong Hua might end up becoming a family if they dated each other. You know how possessive and jealousy he can be."

Su Moye laughed out loud and replied calmly, "How sure are you guys that she's pregnant? Maybe it's a misunderstanding."

"Well, they were seen by other employees buying baby and maternity stuff. Why would they shop for that stuff if she wasn't pregnant?" Lian Song replied confidently. Si Ming also nodded his head in approval.

"Maybe they are buying it for others? Wait, isn't Yu Xi pregnant? It could be for her." Su Moye replied.

"Why didn't we think of that?!" The gossip duo exclaimed at the same time.

Su Moye smiled and nodded his head, "But we still have to find out the truth instead of guessing here."

The gossip duo smirked and raised their eyebrows while staring at Su Moye. "We have a plan." They said at the same time.

Lian Song then stood up and leaned towards Su Moye. "So... We plan to put Plan I-ntimacy on hold until the ball party, and instead jump straight to Plan J. We are sending you to infiltrate the enemy base, and to retrieve important information."

"Why me?" Su Moye asked curiously.

"Because you're Jack-of-all-trades. Plan J would definitely work if you personally attack the target." Lian Song tried to convince Su Moye.

"But I'm a man, how would I be able to approach such topic? Since you're so shameless, you should be the one asking her about it." Su Moye replied to Lian Song.

Si Ming shook his head and replied firmly, "Lian Song would only ruin the plan. Feng Jiu will never tell him the truth since he's the biggest gossiper in this company."

Lian Song grimaced and argued back, "But she told me that she spent nights over at Dong Hua's place. You don't even know anything until I told you."

"Well, she only told you because I was away. Everyone knows how big your mouth is." Si Ming rebutted.

"I'm always the one coming up with brilliant plans, and you do nothing." Lian Song replied furiously.

"What do you mean that I don't do anything? I have done so much, but you don't even appreciate it!" Si Ming shook his head in disappointment.

"You only care about your relationship and cooked rice! What about me?!" Lian Song actually felt a little left out and empty because he was afraid that he would lose his best brother after he got married. He was also suffering from 'wedding blues.'

Su Moye then tried to break the quarrelling 'couple' up and replied confidently, "Fine. I'll sacrifice myself and infiltrate the enemy base. I won't come back until I retrieved important information from the target."

The gossip stopped arguing and stood up to salute Su Moye. "Thank you for your bravery and service."

Su Moye then whispered to Si Ming, "I think Lian Song is feeling upset about you getting married. I think it's because he's afraid to lose you as his brother once you have your own family."

Si Ming whispered back, "I didn't know that. I guess I overlooked many things because I was too engrossed with my own happiness. I'll talk to him about it later on."

Lian Song looked at them whispering, and he asked, "Are you guys hiding something from me?"

Su Moye then stood up and patted Si Ming's shoulder. "This one is for you to handle. I'll handle Feng Jiu's side, and I need to head back to my office now. I'll keep you guys updated on the outcome." Then he bid them goodbye and left the office.

After Su Moye left, Lian Song eagerly asked Si Ming, "So what did you guys whispered about?"

Si Ming smiled and replied calmly, "We were talking about you. I need to talk to you about something serious. So... Are you jealous of Yu Xi?"

"Huh? What? No." Lian Song replied immediately.

"Well, Su Moye said that you seem upset about me getting married. Are you afraid to lose me..." Si Ming said. But before he could finish his sentence, Lian Song interrupted him, "Wait. Did Su Moye tell you that I was in love with you?!"

"In love with me?! What did you and Su Moye talk about?!" Si Ming exclaimed shockingly.

"What did he tell you?!" Lian Song replied nervously.

"Wait. Let's just calm down first." Si Ming replied. Then the both of them went to a corner and faced the wall while trying to calm down.

After 5 minutes, they sat down, facing each other again. "Let me speak first." Si Ming said. Then he took a deep breath and said calmly, "First thing first, I would have to break your heart. I can't reciprocate your love, and I have zero interest in guys."

Lian Song immediately grimaced and replied with a disgusted tone, "What the hell are you talking about? That was a really weird thing of you to say."

"Wait. But didn't you mention about being in love with me to Su Moye?" Si Ming replied confusedly.

"I mean, I do love you... like a brother. I was indeed upset about you getting married since I'll lose you once you start your own family." Lian Song said.

Si Ming breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. "Phew, that was awkward. I totally misunderstood the situation. But anyway, you won't lose me even after I settle down. I have discussed with Yu Xi, and we would like you to be our child's godfather."

"What?! Really?! You're going to make me cry from happiness." Lian Song replied excitedly, and it looked like tears were welling up in both eyes.

"You better not cry at my wedding, especially in front of Cheng Yu." Si Ming snickered.

Lian Song immediately turned away and wiped away his tears. Then he replied confidently, "Why would I even cry? I'm a grown man, and it's not even my wedding. On that day, Cheng Yu would see how manly I am."

"Sure, if you say so. Let's get back to work now." Si Ming chuckled.

Then Si Ming headed back to his own office, and they both continued working.


After Su Moye left Lian Song's office, he noticed Dong Hua was heading towards the meeting room.

"Hmm... Dong Hua is attending a meeting now? Maybe it's a good time to 'visit' Feng Jiu and ask her about it." Su Moye thought to himself. Then he decided to drop by Feng Jiu's office after he saw Dong Hua entering the meeting room.

*Knock knock*

"Come in, Chong Lin!" Feng Jiu yelled after hearing someone knocking on her office door.

Su Moye then opened the door slowly and answered, "Oh, it's not Chong Lin. It's me."

Feng Jiu immediately stood up and exclaimed excitedly, "Oh my gosh, Su Moye! What are you doing here?! Sorry, I thought it was Chong Lin."

"I had a last-minute lunch with Lian Song and Si Ming, so I decided to visit you while I'm here." Su Moye replied casually. Feng Jiu then led him towards the sofa, and they both sat down.

Right at this moment, Chong Lin knocked on the door and walked into the office. "Here's your Pineapple Buns 菠蘿包 that you told me to get for you." He said to Feng Jiu.

"Thank you, Chong Lin!" Feng Jiu replied excitedly. Then he left the bag of pastries on her desk and excused himself back to work.

"You want to eat some Pineapple Buns 菠蘿包? I told Chong Lin to buy a lot, so I can definitely share some with you." Feng Jiu asked Su Moye.

Su Moye nodded his head politely and took a pineapple bun from Feng Jiu. "Eat them while they are fresh from the oven. These buns were bought from a famous bakery located beside our office building." She said.

"Oh right, bun in the oven. I almost forget about my 'mission.' I need to find ways to ask her about it." Su Moye thought to himself while eating the bun. When it comes to romance and dating, Su Moye is an expert. But when it comes to asking awkward questions, he felt totally helpless.

"Wow, you bought so many buns. Could you even finish those?" Su Moye pointed at the bag.

"Yeah. I feel so hungry nowadays, and it's like I'm eating for two." Feng Jiu replied casually.

"What?! Feng Jiu is really pregnant?!" Su Moye thought to himself. Then he calmed himself down and replied, "So... How are things with Dong Hua?"

"Hmm... Pretty good actually. After spending that night together, we became much closer." Feng Jiu smiled.

"That night...?" Su Moye asked.

"Let me tell you a secret! So... We slept together that night after we left the hotpot restaurant." Feng Jiu giggled. Towards Su Moye, Feng Jiu somehow felt comfortable telling him about everything regarding Dong Hua. It was like as if he was her love mentor.

"You guys already slept together?! So it's true that you're pregnant?!" Su Moye exclaimed shockingly.

"No, no! Don't get me wrong! We slept on the same bed because he was drunk... Wait. What?! Who told you that I'm pregnant?!" Feng Jiu widened her eyes in shock.

"Wait. So are you pregnant or not?!" Su Moye replied.

"Of course not! Why would you think that way?!" Feng Jiu vigorously shook her head.

"I heard rumours that you are carrying Dong Hua's child, but I was afraid to ask you directly about it." Su Moye bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Wait! There are rumours of me being pregnant?! Why?!" Feng Jiu couldn't believe her ears.

"If I'm not wrong, people saw you and Dong Hua buying some baby stuff yesterday." Su Moye replied calmly.

"That's for Yu Xi! We went shopping for Si Ming's wedding gifts as well. I really have to clear up this misunderstanding before the false rumours spread around." Feng Jiu immediately explained herself.

"It's too late now, Feng Jiu. It seems like the whole company already knew about this." Su Moye shook his head.

"What?! Now it makes sense why everyone was avoiding me! A lady even said to me that I shouldn't be drinking iced coffee, and I thought she was weird at first. What should I do now?" Feng Jiu replied with a big frown on her face.

"I can't help you with that. Maybe you need to talk to Dong Hua about this." Su Moye chuckled.

"But... He might be upset." Feng Jiu bowed her head.

Su Moye laughed and thought to himself, "He wouldn't." Then he replied calmly, "Just talk to him and see how it goes."

Right at this moment, Su Moye's phone rang, and it was his assistant calling.

"I need to head back to my office now, Feng Jiu. I have some stuff to attend to." Su Moye smiled.

"Okay! Let me 'escort' you downstairs. I want to get a drink at the cafeteria too." Feng Jiu took her purse and left the office with Su Moye.


Feng Jiu walked Su Moye to the building entrance, while everyone stared at them intensively.

At this moment, Ji Heng came walking into the office building and saw them together. She thought to herself after walking past them, "Good opportunity for me to gather my 'evidence' for future use." Then she turned around and secretly took a video of them together.

After Feng Jiu bid Su Moye goodbye at the entrance, she swiftly walked towards the cafeteria.

"Hi, Miss Feng Jiu! Please hold on a second." The security guard stopped her politely. Feng Jiu immediately stopped in her tracks and smiled at him. "Oh, hey there! Is there anything I could help you with?"

The security guard immediately ran towards his counter and took out a bag of stuff before running back to Feng Jiu again.

"This is a small gift for you, Miss Feng Jiu!" He handed the bag over to her. Feng Jiu briefly looked into the bag and realized it was filled with bottles of bird's nest.

"Why are you giving me this? It's expensive, and I can't accept this!" Feng Jiu immediately pushed the bag back to the security guard.

"Please, just accept it! You helped me keep my job the other time, so just treat it as a form of repayment. When my wife was pregnant back then, my in-laws would often buy bird's nest for her. I believe it would be safe for your consumption." The security pushed the bag to her again.

Feng Jiu immediately blushed and thought to herself, "Oh my gosh, even the security guard heard about the false rumours. I wonder who else knows." Then she waved her hand vigorously and tried to clear the misunderstanding, "No, no! You're mistaken, and I'm not pregnant!"

The security guard bowed lightly and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to mention 'it'. I know that according to Chinese Superstitions, you're not allowed to mention it until you're four months in. It's my negligence, and please just accept it."

"No, no. I'm really not pregnant!" Feng Jiu exclaimed in embarrassment. At the same time, they were pushing the bag towards each other, and everyone stared at them. Ji Heng heard the commotion, and she crept nearer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's okay, Miss Feng Jiu. I totally understand why you couldn't tell anyone about your pregnancy. But please just accept this gift! If not, I'll feel terrible." The security guard was adamant about Feng Jiu being pregnant, and he assumed that she was just trying to be low profile about it.

Ji Heng's jaw dropped upon hearing what he said, and she bitterly thought to herself, "What? Feng Jiu is pregnant?! Is it Dong Hua's Child? Or maybe Su Moye? I need to get to the bottom of this." She also decided that she would 'stalk' Feng Jiu whenever she gets the chance to do so.

Ji Heng then took out her phone and looked at the video of Feng Jiu walking Su Moye out of the building. "Maybe I can convince everyone that the child belongs to Su Moye. It might actually work in my favour."

At this moment, Feng Jiu noticed people were slowly crowding around them, and everyone was subtly staring at her. To prevent more embarrassment, she quickly accepted the gift and thanked him. Then she ran towards the elevator and swiftly went back to her office. "What should I do now? Everyone thinks I'm pregnant now... I need to talk to Dong Hua about this as it concerns his reputation."


Feng Jiu thought of countless ways to break the news to Dong Hua while waiting for him to return after the meeting. Not long after, Dong Hua finally walked into his office and noticed Feng Jiu frowning.

"What's wrong, Xiao Bai? You looked stressed out." Dong Hua concernedly asked while he walked back to his desk.

"Hmm... We need to talk, and it concerns our reputation." Feng Jiu replied in a serious and stern tone. Dong Hua squinted his eyes a little and replied confusedly, "Okay...?" Then they both sat next to each other on the sofa.

Feng Jiu felt nervous, and she didn't know how to approach the topic. "How do I tell Dong Hua that everyone thinks that I'm pregnant with his child...?" She pondered.

"I'm pregnant with your child." Feng Jiu had a slip of the tongue due to nervousness.

"Wait, what?! Since when did we ..." Dong Hua exclaimed shockingly, and he jumped up to his feet while staring at Feng Jiu intensively.

Feng Jiu immediately shook her head and vigorously waved her hands, "Wait! It was a slip of the tongue. Let me explain!"

Dong Hua cleared his throat anxiously and sat back down. Feng Jiu then took a deep breath and tried to explain the whole situation to him. "So... Remember how I told you that I met a weird lady this morning, and she told me that I shouldn't drink Iced Coffee?"

"Uh-huh." Dong Hua replied calmly and nodded his head.

"The security guard also gifted me some bird's nest while I was getting a drink before you came back." Feng Jiu replied.

"Hmm...? What does that have to do with what you just said?" Dong Hua replied confusedly.

Feng Jiu then furrowed her brows and replied softly, "Well... I just found out that everyone thinks that I'm pregnant with your child. I'm not sure who it is, but someone saw us shopping for Si Ming and Yu Xi's wedding gifts yesterday. What should we do...?"

Dong Hua immediately thought to himself, "What? Now everyone thinks that? I don't even know if I'm happy or mad to hear this." Then he replied calmly, "I think it's true. You do have a baby."

"What, no! I don't have a baby! You already know, I'm still a ..." Feng Jiu exclaimed, and then she bowed her head in embarrassment.

"You have baby." Dong Hua chuckled. Feng Jiu then laughed out loud and replied, "You're right! Talking about food baby, I just remembered something." Then she ran towards her desk and took out the bag of Pineapple buns.

"I bought some buns for you, Dong Hua. It's cold now, but it's still edible." She handed the bag to Dong Hua. Dong Hua immediately took a bun and started eating it. "You're the best, Xiao Bai. I was actually feeling a little hungry, and this tastes so good."

Feng Jiu then sat back down beside Dong Hua and replied shyly, "So... What should we do about the false rumours?"

"Just ignore it." Dong Hua replied casually. Feng Jiu frowned and replied, "But! People would misunderstand, and it would ruin your reputation."

"They already did. You're indeed pregnant with food, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua snickered and teased her again.

"But....." Feng Jiu hesitated.

Dong Hua then lightly grabbed her hand and replied lovingly, "If it bothers you that much, I'll hunt down the people who were spreading rumours about you and fire them. I'll also issue a stern warning to everyone else."

"No, no! Don't do that, Dong Hua. I'm sure they didn't mean any harm. I was more worried about what people would think of you since you're the President of Tai Chen Group." Feng Jiu shook her head.

"I never once cared about what people think of me, except you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, Xiao Bai. Are you sure you don't want me to do something about it?" Dong Hua replied lovingly.

"No, it's fine! If you don't care what others think, I won't care too." Feng Jiu smiled warmly. Then she added on, "Oh yeah! Si Ming's wedding would be held next week. I heard that it would be hosted in the countryside, near to a small beach. I'm already feeling excited, and I can't wait to attend their wedding!"

Dong Hua smiled and thought to himself, "Oh? A beach? That sounds romantic. I often watch romance dramas, and the main leads would walk along the beach under the stars. Sometimes, they would even hold hands and hug each other. I wonder if I could do that with Xiao Bai too? I'm already feeling excited thinking about it." Then he continued 'fantasizing' about how he would spend the day with Feng Jiu on Si Ming's wedding day.

Feng Jiu noticed Dong Hua deep in his thoughts, and she asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?" He immediately snapped out of his thoughts and replied casually, "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking of work."

"Oh. If you're busy, you should quickly head back to work. I still need to practice my presentation speech since it would be coming up real soon. I guess attending Si Ming's wedding would take the stress off my mind before round two. I'm sure we would have lots of fun!" Feng Jiu smiled.

"I'm sure it would be fun." Dong Hua replied with a huge smile, and he continued fantasizing about kissing Feng Jiu at the beach.

Then they both headed back to work and tried to finish up their remaining work for the day.

"Will Dong Hua's Dream Beach Date come true?"

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