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86.66% Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic) / Chapter 77: Su Moye Saves The Day

Chapter 77: Su Moye Saves The Day

After Si Ming calmed down, Feng Jiu tried to think of solutions to help him out.

"We can't just barge into their house as we would end up in jail. Should I ask Dong Hua for help?" Feng Jiu asked.

"No, we can't ask Dong Hua for help. The 'Fan Family' would definitely deny it. They are well-known to be traditional, and they absolutely cared about how people would think of them. It would make things worse." Si Ming shook his head.

"Who else can we ask then? Wait! I know someone! Su Moye would be able to help us out for sure. Technically, he is still her fiancé, so it wouldn't be weird if he asked them about it. Right?" Feng Jiu said.

Si Ming immediately widened his eyes and replied, "You're so smart Feng Jiu. That would definitely work, but I'm not close to him too."

"Don't worry! I know him pretty well, and I'm sure he would help us out. He's a nice guy." Then Feng Jiu immediately took her phone out and called Su Moye.

Feng Jiu: Hey! I'm so sorry to bother you, Su Moye. But we really have an emergency here. It seems like Yu Xi was caught by her dad, and now she's missing. We really have no idea what to do next, so I was hoping you could help us.

Su Moye: Hey, no worries about that. Really? I would definitely help you guys out, but we need a better plan before approaching the Fan Family. They are well-known to be secretive too.

Feng Jiu: We know that, and this is why we don't know what else to do other than seeking help from you.

Su Moye: Should we meet up tomorrow at 1 PM so that we could discuss about it? It would be easier for all of us to talk about it face to face.

Feng Jiu then discussed with Si Ming about taking a half-day leave, and they agreed to do so.

Feng Jiu: Sure, both of us would take half-day off from work. I know a quiet cafe where we could talk about it. I'll text you the address later on. Thank you so much, Su Moye.

Su Moye: That's what friends are for. I'll see you both tomorrow. Try to feel better, and we will discuss our plans tomorrow.

Feng Jiu: I will! See you tomorrow. Good night.

Then they hung up the call. Feng Jiu then told Si Ming not to drive since he's not in the right state to do so now. She also told him to stay at Yu Xi's place for the night, and she would take the bus back home.

"Are you sure that you'll be okay on your own?" Feng Jiu asked worriedly. "Don't worry about me, Feng Jiu. I'll be able to handle it. I need to stay strong so that I can save Yu Xi." Si Ming reassured her.

After making sure that Si Ming was feeling better, Feng Jiu left and headed back home. She thought to herself, "Hopefully, Su Moye would be able to help us save Yu Xi. It breaks my heart to see Si Ming acting this way. If it happened to me, I would be devastated too."


*Flashback to Christmas night*

Si Ming sends Yu Xi home after their sweet date at the Lang Man Restaurant. While they were walking towards her building from the car park, someone was already watching them.

Both of them failed to notice that as they were busy laughing and talking to each other. The shady man even followed them into the elevator.

The shady man waited for Si Ming and Yu Xi to press the button for their floor before pressing the one below them. Then he got out of the elevator and ran up the stairs. He hid behind the doors and spied on them. After seeing Yu Xi entering her apartment, he quietly made a call to someone while he continues to observe them.

"Sir. I think we found Miss Yu Xi." The shady man said over the phone.

Shortly after Si Ming left, Yu Xi's dad brought a group of bodyguards and headed towards her apartment.

Chairman Fan (Yu Xi's dad) knocked on her door, and they hid at the corner, waiting for her to open it. Yu Xi assumed that it was Si Ming since he just left, so she opened it without thinking.

The moment she opened the door, they barged into her apartment and locked it. "Dad?! How did you find me?!" Yu Xi yelled. Then she tried to run away, but a bodyguard blocked her from escaping and grabbed her. "Help! Someone help me!"

"If you continue yelling, I'll make sure to cause trouble for your guy friend. The one who sends you home just now." Chairman Fan said sternly. Then he walked around the apartment and said coldly, "So this is where you have been hiding? It looks shabby. Why did you have to give up your princess's life to live this way? How pathetic. Come home with me this instant, and you'll marry Su Moye."

"No! Never! I won't ever marry anyone else except for Si Ming." Yu Xi struggled to break free from the bodyguard. Then she quickly took out the ring from her right hand and flashed it to her dad, "Look at this! We are already engaged."

"What kind of cheap ring is this? He can't even give you a good life. Listen to me, my daughter. You won't have happiness with him." Her dad snatched the ring from her and threw it onto the floor. Then the ring rolled under the sofa.

"I hate you, dad! I have never once felt so happy in my life. Only with Si Ming, I'll be happy. You can try to keep me away from him, but I'll never stop trying to escape." Yu Xi said fiercely, and she was determined to be with Si Ming.

Yu Xi managed to break free, and she ran into her master bedroom. She wanted to call Si Ming for help, but it was too late. The bodyguards managed to catch her before she even managed to call for help.

While struggling to escape again, she accidentally kicked her Christmas gift for Si Ming, and it fell onto the floor. The photo frame instantly shattered, and her heart broke as well. "My painting." Yu Xi started crying. "Let me go! I won't go back with you!" She cried out loud.

Then she knew that she had no other ways to escape, but she wanted to leave a hint for Si Ming. "Fine, I'll return home with you, but I need to use the bathroom first." Yu Xi said.

"Hand me your phone. Don't think I don't know that you're going to call your boyfriend for help." Her dad replied sternly, and they took her phone away. Then they threw Yu Xi's phone onto the floor so that she couldn't call for help.

Yu Xi immediately went into the bathroom and quickly thought of a way to inform Si Ming about her dad. Then she remembered him teaching her how to leave a code for help, and he also told her to use it if she got caught by her dad someday.

Yu Xi immediately picked up her favourite lipstick and drew a cross on the mirror. "Hopefully, Si Ming would see this."

Then she heard a knock from outside. "Don't even think of trying to escape. Let's go home now." Chairman Fan said sternly.

Yu Xi wiped away her tears and stepped out of the bathroom. "Fine, let's go now. But promise me that if I go back with you, you won't hurt Si Ming."

"We will see about that." Her dad replied. Then the bodyguards escorted Yu Xi back home.

"I'll wait for you to come to save me, Si Ming." Yu Xi thought to herself, and she looked out the car window.


The next morning, Si Ming couldn't focus on work at all, and he counted down to lunch break so that he could meet Su Moye. He also barely slept the whole night, and he actually cried after he found the promise ring under the sofa.

Feng Jiu also felt bothered by it, and she didn't sleep well. When she arrived at the office, she realized that Dong Hua was away for meeting the whole morning. She only knew about it because she asked Chong Lin about Dong Hua's whereabouts.

"I didn't even check up on Dong Hua last night since I was occupied with thoughts of Yu Xi's situation." Feng Jiu thought to herself. Then she informed Chong Lin that she applied for a half-day off, and she also told him to inform Dong Hua after he's back to the office. Feng Jiu didn't want to text Dong Hua since she knew that he was in a meeting, and she didn't want to disrupt him.

When lunchtime came, Feng Jiu immediately packed up her stuff and ran towards the lobby where Si Ming was waiting for her.

"Let's go now. Su Moye said that he would be there soon. It's just a short 5 minutes car ride from here." Feng Jiu said to Si Ming in the car. Then she noticed that Si Ming had panda eyes, and she instantly knew that he didn't sleep at all.

"You need to sleep tonight, Si Ming. How could you have the energy to save Yu Xi if you don't rest and eat well?" Feng Jiu said worriedly. Si Ming then nodded his head and replied, "You're right, I need to stay strong. I'll try to get some rest tomorrow. Maybe I'll ask for a few days off at work since I still have a lot of annual leave left."

"Yes, you should do it. I'm sure Dong Hua would understand that. I'll help you explain to him if necessary too." Feng Jiu reassured Si Ming.

Then they arrived at the cafe and headed in. Su Moye also arrived at the cafe shortly after they settled down.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Su Moye asked Si Ming. Si Ming then shook his head and replied politely, "Not good at all. Thanks for helping us out. I know I stole your fiancée, but I really appreciate your help."

"No worries, our engagement was forced by our families too. Technically, we aren't even engaged yet since we didn't officially announce it. Yu Xi ran away on that day, and I'm glad that she found a nice guy like you." Su Moye smiled politely.

Feng Jiu then ordered drinks for all three of them, and she sat down after that. "So... Do you have any ideas on what we should do?" Feng Jiu asked Su Moye.

"Yes, I thought about it last night. I'm not sure if our plan would work, but we don't have any other way now. So I'll try to talk to the 'Fan Family,' pretending that I was interested in Yu Xi, and I want to announce our engagement officially. Then I'll ask them to let me spend time with her so we could build up our relationship before getting engaged. Once I get to see Yu Xi, I'll secretly let her know about our plan, and we would put up a good show for her parents. Then we would gain their trust slowly, and I'll ask her out on a date, with just two of us."

"Sounds like a plan. Then I'll find a way to save her while you guys are on a date." Si Ming nodded his head in approval.

"Smart. But I'm sure they would make a few bodyguards follow us on our date." Su Moye said. Feng Jiu then came up with an idea, "I know! She could try to excuse herself to the bathroom, and we could switch clothing. Then she would leave by the back door, and I'll hide my face and "continue the date'. Once they found out that we switched, it would be too late too."

Su Moye then replied, "Good idea." Then he looked at Si Ming and said, "Did Yu Xi told you about the 'cook the raw rice' plan? Just get married without approval. Knowing how traditional her parents are, they would be forced to accept you."

"I guess it's time to use our final resort. Initially, I didn't want to rush her into marriage, but this time we are left with no other choice. I mean, I want to marry her too." Si Ming replied firmly.

Feng Jiu then told Si Ming, "After you both escape from the date, I'll help you book a hotel so that her dad wouldn't be able to track you both down."

"Don't worry about it. I'll find you a safe place to hide for a while." Su Moye smiled.

Si Ming frowned and replied to Su Moye, "Thank you so much for helping us out. I really mean that. We will go according to your plan." Feng Jiu then patted Si Ming's back and reassured him, "Don't worry about it now, Su Moye would be able to help you out. He's really nice. Sometimes I think he shouldn't be called Su Moye, he should be called Su-perman!"

Su Moye laughed out loud and replied cheerfully, "I'm glad you think that way about me."

Then they continued talking about their plan and about the Fan Family.


Dong Hua returned back to the office after lunch and realized that Feng Jiu's desk was empty. Chong Lin came into his office after having his lunch.

"Good afternoon, Sir." Chong Lin said politely, and he passed Dong Hua some business proposals to look through.

"Where's Feng Jiu?" Dong Hua asked calmly. Chong Lin immediately replied, "Sorry, Sir. I forgot to inform you that Feng Jiu took an urgent half-day leave."

Dong Hua thought to himself, "What? Xiao Bai didn't even tell me about it. What is she doing?" Then he nodded his head and dismissed Chong Lin.

Then he took his phone out and texted Feng Jiu.

Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, I just got back to the office after my meeting. Where did you go?

Feng Jiu was engrossed in talking, and she didn't realize that Dong Hua messaged her.

After 1 hour, she still didn't reply, and Dong Hua kept looking at his phone. "Yesterday Si Ming's girlfriend didn't reply to him, today Xiao Bai isn't replying to me. Wait. Maybe I can check with Si Ming."

Then he called Chong Lin into his office. "Get Si Ming to come up to my office now." Dong Hua said.

"Sorry, Sir. Si Ming also took an urgent half-day leave." Chong Lin replied politely. Dong Hua nodded his head and dismissed Chong Lin again.

"Huh? Both of them taking the day off. Maybe something happened to Si Ming's girlfriend. I guess I'll just wait for Xiao Bai's message." Dong Hua thought to himself. Then he decided to continue working.

Soon, it was time to end work, and Feng Jiu still didn't reply back to his message. Dong Hua then tried to call her once. It turns out that her phone's battery went flat again and it switched off.

"It seems like I'm missing Xiao Bai more and more. I feel so uneasy whenever she's not around me." He thought to himself.


Dong Hua left the office at 7 PM since he was feeling a little exhausted and decided to continue working at home.

While he was driving home, he noticed a familiar-looking car in front of him. "Wait, isn't that Su Moye's car?"

Dong Hua then noticed that Su Moye was heading in the same direction as him. "Oh? Someone is sitting beside him." Dong Hua saw a girl sitting beside Su Moye while driving behind him.

"Must be another girlfriend of his." Dong Hua wasn't the type to be nosy, so he didn't pay much attention to who was beside him.

Suddenly, Su Moye parked at the side of the road and got out of the car. Then he opened the car door for the lady that was in his car.

Dong Hua drove past them without thinking. But he briefly glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that the girl beside him was Feng Jiu. "What?! Xiao Bai is with Su Moye?!"

But it was too late, Dong Hua already took the exit to the highway, and he couldn't stop or do an u-turn. The next exit would be in 15 minutes. Then he tried to call Feng Jiu again, but her phone was still switched off.

Dong Hua decided to take the next exit and head back to look for Feng Jiu.

On the other side, Su Moye was actually sending Feng Jiu back home. "Oh! Would you mind dropping me to the nearest supermarket? I need to get some ingredients to cook my dinner tonight." Feng Jiu asked.

"Sure. Just let me know which store you want to go to. I'll accompany you since I'll need to buy some stuff too." Su Moye smiled. Then they continued driving, and Feng Jiu told him where is the store.

Su Moye parked the car and opened the car door for Feng Jiu. "Thank you, Su Moye. You're such a gentleman." Feng Jiu smiled.

"Well, I learned how to be one with Aranya." Su Moye smiled at Feng Jiu. Then he added on, "Sorry, I kept mentioning my ex-girlfriend."

"It's okay! I mention Dong Hua all the time as well. I mean, you're the only person who knows about it other than my friends. But they are afraid to talk to me about him since they are afraid of me getting upset." Feng Jiu replied, and both of them headed into the supermarket.


"What are you getting?" Feng Jiu asked Su Moye.

"Oh, I'm just getting some Spaghetti and some organic vegetables."

"Wow. Spaghetti! I love carbonara!" Feng Jiu said excitedly. Su Moye smiled and replied, "I'm actually quite good at making that too."

"Oh! So you cook a lot? I know Dong Hua doesn't even know how to cook! His cooking is horrible!" Feng Jiu giggled.

"You must really like Dong Hua, huh? Your face lit up whenever you talk about him. I mean, it's nice, and I totally understand how you feel since I feel the same way when I talk about Aranya. And yes, I do cook a lot. I learned how to cook from Aranya too." Su Moye smiled brightly.

"Is it that obvious?! Sorry! I didn't mean to mention him all the time. I'm sure you really loved Aranya too. It's okay, and we can always talk to each other about it since we are friends now!" Feng Jiu smiled.

"How about you tell me more about Dong Hua and you?" Su Moye asked.

"Well... He said that he treats me as his family now. It makes things even more complicated since it would be harder for me to find out how he feels about me. He probably feels comfortable around me since he never had any family. I'm not sure where we are heading even though I'm enjoying his company now." Feng Jiu frowned.

"Maybe I should help you out then." Su Moye had a big smile on his face.

"How?!" Feng Jiu widened her eyes. They also started to pay for their grocery and left the supermarket.

"To be honest with you, I noticed that he only shows his emotions around you. The other time in the Cafe, he seems to be hinting me that you belonged to him." Su Moye smiled.

"Hmm... Actually, he did mention it to me. I mean, he said that he's afraid that you'll replace him. I think it was because he grew up alone and abandoned, so he's afraid that I would do the same to him." Feng Jiu replied.

"You're so naive, Feng Jiu. I think he means that he's afraid that you'll fall for me instead of him." Su Moye laughed out loud.

"What?! How do you know that?" Feng Jiu replied shockingly.

"Did you forget that I'm a 'womanizer'? Those girls acted that way too." Su Moye chuckled. Feng Jiu giggled and replied, "Are you trying to say Dong Hua is one of those 'girls'?"

"We never know. Although he looks like he's emotionless, I think he's the jealous type." Su Moye laughed.

Feng Jiu laughed out loud, "Dong Hua being jealous?! No way! That's the last thing he would feel." Su Moye shook his head and thought to himself, "Feng Jiu is really dense." Then he replied confidently, "I have seen enough to know that he's the jealous type. Do you still want me to help you out or not?"

"Oh yeah! Tell me about your plans. Both of us are pretty similar in this way. We are always coming up with such plans." Feng Jiu chuckled.

"Well. Remember that I'll be heading over to your office sometime this week? I'll look for you in the office, and we will have lunch together. If Dong Hua knows about it, he would be jealous, and he would definitely do something about it." Su Moye said.

"Oh! But I don't think he would. What do you think he would do?" Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "It's still hard to gauge his feelings for me since Dong Hua isn't the type to show or talk about it. He might just be jealous of our friendship and not have special feelings for me. Sometimes I really can't understand him. I wish he could be more like Su Moye."

"He would definitely find a chance to join us. If that happens, I'll try to dig out his feelings for you. Trust me; I'm good at talking." Su Moye smiled proudly.

Feng Jiu chuckled, "I already knew that! Hmm... I think there's no harm trying that? I work in Dong Hua's personal office, so he would definitely hear about it when you come to look for me."

"I'm surprised that you'll agree to it so readily." Su Moye replied. Feng Jiu laughed out loud and replied, "That's the way I am. I'm only hesitant when it comes to Dong Hua. I'm just too afraid to get hurt."

At this point, Feng Jiu arrived at her apartment, and she bid Su Moye goodbye. "Thanks again! Keep me updated on Yu Xi's situation too. I'll see you soon." Feng Jiu winked.

"Alright. I'll text you whenever I have updates on her. I'll most likely see you in two days." Su Moye gestured her to head up to her apartment.


On the other hand, Dong Hua drove back to the spot that he saw Su Moye with Feng Jiu. "There's only a wine store and supermarket here. Wait... Are they drinking?! Xiao Bai can't hold her liquor, and Su Moye is a womanizer. Is Xiao Bai going to kiss him too?!" Dong Hua had a mini panic attack. Then he quickly went into the wine store.

It was a small store, and it was empty. Dong Hua went straight to the cashier to fish for information. "Just wondering, did anyone come here within the last 30 minutes?"

"Yes, Sir. Just two guys." The cashier replied politely. Dong Hua breathed a sigh of relief, "Luckily, Xiao Bai wasn't here with Su Moye." Then he left the store and headed towards the supermarket.

He walked around briefly, but he couldn't find Feng Jiu and Su Moye. "Maybe she went home." He thought to himself.

Right at this moment, he received a call from Feng Jiu, and he instantly picked it up.

Feng Jiu: You called me? Sorry, my phone's battery went flat again.

Dong Hua: Yes, I was just wondering where you went since you didn't reply back to my messages.

Feng Jiu: I'm at home now, and I'm about to cook dinner. Are you still at work?

Dong Hua: No, I just left the office. What are you cooking?

Feng Jiu: Just some light dishes, I'm not too hungry since I ate a lot just now.

Dong Hua: Oh? What did you do today?

Feng Jiu: *Sounds of plates dropping* Oh my gosh! I'll talk to you tomorrow, Dong Hua. I can't talk while I'm cooking. Sorry!

Feng Jiu then quickly hung up the phone and went back to cooking. At the same time, she didn't want to let Dong Hua know about their plans to save Yu Xi yet since Dong Hua worked a lot with Yu Xi's parents. She figured that the lesser people know, the safer it is.

Dong Hua thought to himself, "Is Xiao Bai avoiding my question? I promised myself that I'd be more mature about my jealousy, but it's hard... I need to try to ask her about it tomorrow."

Then he slowly thinks of a plan to find out the truth. He was going to act like a private investigator and dig out the truth about their relationship.

Once again, he went online to search up more about Su Moye. But he ended up searching, "How to chase a girl without being obvious?"

Then he clicked on the first link 'Pick-up Chicks 101,' and he read through the article. "Oh? First, I have to start with something casual and be a good listener? Well, we already did that. We talk freely, and I always listen to Xiao Bai."

Then he continued scrolling down the page, 'Be funny and make her laugh. Throw in some jokes if possible.' Dong Hua pondered, "How do I be funny? Maybe I need help from the three musketeers?" He was referring to the gossip duo and Chong Lin.

Next, he saw that he should give her a private nickname. "Check that off the list. We already have that, my Xiao Bai."

"Huh? I have to talk to her about other girls to make her jealous? But I don't have any girls. That's useless." Dong Hua then decided that this wouldn't work, and he skipped to the next point.

'Make physical contact.' Dong Hua immediately shook his head, "No. I'm a gentleman. How could anyone just touch a girl like that?" Dong Hua misunderstood that the article was teaching him to touch her inappropriately.

'Don't be needy and available for 24/7.' Dong Hua thought to himself, "Am I needy? I mean, I work a lot too, so most of my time is given to work. Hmm, this is definitely not me. I'm not needy at all."

After reading for a while, Dong Hua yawned, and he decided to go to bed and continue his work and 'research' tomorrow. "

"Will the 'Pick-up Chicks 101' tactics work on Xiao Bai? - Dong Hua

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