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Chapter 51: The Art Of Jealousy

"What's taking them so long? It's been more than 2 hours!" Xiao Yan exclaimed while they were working at the Art Gallery.

Si Ming and Lian Song then raised their eyebrows at each other. Lian Song then said, "I'm getting some tea at the cafe downstairs, and I'll get everyone a drink too." Si Ming then said, "I'll help you carry those drinks." Then they both swiftly walked away.

Xiao Yan then looked at Jie Lu and said, "It's just 5 cups of drinks, why do they need two people to carry it?" Jie Lu then shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. They probably just want to take a break from working."

Xiao Yan then protested, "So unfair! Now they get to relax while we still have to work. Feng Jiu and Dong Hua were also missing in action. Everyone is slacking off!"

Jie Lu then patted his shoulder and shook her head, "Welcome to life, where life is mostly unfair. Wait till you're the manager, and you'll be able to slack too. But if you keep talking and not working, you won't ever get there."

"I'll prove to you that someday I would be promoted to a manager! And when that day comes, you owe me a meal." Xiao Yan replied confidently.

"Yeah. I don't know if I could even live that long to see that day come."

"Hey! Have more confidence in me! I'll prove it to you for sure, and you eventually see my good points." Xiao Yan then started tapping on her shoulder while she continued to walk.

"Stop annoying me, and continue to work." Jie Lu replied.

"Come on, Jie Lu! I'm not that bad!" And he continued to hop around her.

Jie Lu then picked up a box and began to walk down the stairs. Xiao Yan walked beside her and replied, "Let me help you carry this box! So you'll see how strong I am!"

"No. I can carry it on my own, get back to work!" Jie Lu said.

"You don't trust that I'm strong?! I can easily pick you up and carry this box as well!" He protested.

Jie Lu then laughed out loud, "So funny! You think you're Superman?" Then she continued walking down the stairs.

Xiao Yan felt annoyed that Jie Lu didn't believe his words, and he ran down the stairs and stood right in front of her. He stopped her, and he swiftly carried her up in his arms. "See! So easy! You're way too light." Then he proudly walked down the stairs.

Jie Lu immediately felt nervous and embarrassed at the same time, and she started struggling. "Hey! Put me down! What if someone sees us?!"

"Stop whining and let me do the work." He then shushed her, and Jie Lu's face went red.

After they walked down the flight of stairs, Xiao Yan gently put Jie Lu down. She immediately straightened her shirt and replied, "Don't ever do that again!" Then Xiao Yan replied proudly, "Now you believe I'm strong?!"

Jie Lu then stormed away, but her heart kept pounding. Xiao Yan also stood there, with a pounding heart. He then thought to himself, "Why am I feeling this way? Don't tell me that I have fallen for Jie Lu, that boorish girl?! No way! Don't think too much, Xiao Yan. You only love Ji Heng." Then he continued to reassure himself and then he chased after Jie Lu. "Wait for me, Jie Lu!"

Then they both started working on the floor plans.


Si Ming and Lian Song were sitting at an empty cafe, and they were enjoying their cup of tea. Lian Song then took out his phone and noticed that Feng Jiu replied back to his text message.

Feng Jiu: Hey! I missed your message, and we are stuck in a jam now. Hopefully, we will be there soon, so don't worry about us!

Lian Song then showed the text message to Si Ming, and they smirked at each other.

"Jam, huh?" Si Ming said, and Lian Song replied, "Don't worry about us, huh?" Then they raised their eyebrows at each other.

"I wonder what are they doing now, being alone in the car for more than 2 hours." Lian Song said.

"Hmm... I wonder too. Hopefully, they don't fight."

"Fight? You mean flirt?" Lian Song then winked at Si Ming.

Then he slowly leaned over to Si Ming and said, "Feng Jiu, your hair is so smooth. I would love to touch them." Then he held out his hand to caress Si Ming's hair, and Si Ming smacked his hand away and said, "What are you doing?!"

"Relax. I'm trying to imagine what they were doing in the car, and I'm re-enacting it. Come on, Si Ming, don't be such a spoilsport and play along!"

"Oh! Wait, no. It should be like this." Then Si Ming held out his hand and gently touched Lian Song's face, "Feng Jiu, your face is so beautiful. I can't wait to kiss you."

Then they both closed their eyes and slowly leaned in before Lian Song pushed him away. "Damn, that was gross!" Si Ming then laughed and said, "Sorry. I was just too engrossed in my role." Lian Song then chuckled and replied, "This proves that we are good actors."

"Wait, wait. So you remembered what 'Amnesiac Dong Hua' said when we were at the hospital to visit him?" Si Ming exclaimed.

"Oh, yes! Wait, let me get into my role." Lian Song then held on to Si Ming's hands, and he tried to mimic Dong Hua's voice. "My past isn't important as long as Jiu-er is in my future."

Si Ming then continued his act and said, "Oh, my Dong Hua. You're so sweet to me."

Lian Song then replied sternly, "Of course, my Jiu-er. You're my one and only true love. And I'll love you forever."

"Oh wait, there's one more! Remember the hotpot gathering? When Dong Hua was obviously jealous of Ye Qingti?" Si Ming reminded Lian Song.

"Of course! I won't forget that." Then he pretended to drink his tea angrily and then he said sarcastically, "Stupid Qingti, trying to snatch my Jiu-er! See, Jiu-er made 'Vinegar' dipping sauce for me, so I meant the most in her heart!"

Si Ming immediately took the small cup of creamer and pretended that it was the "Vinegar" dipping sauce. Then he showed off to Lian Song, who was now acting as 'Angry Dong Hua' and said proudly, "See! Jiu-er made a dipping sauce for me too. With loads of Vinegar as well."

Then they both couldn't continue acting anymore and burst out into hysterical laughter.

Lian Song then commented, "Dong Hua will die of embarrassment if he remembered what he did and say." Then they both snickered.

"Yeah yeah. His face was hilarious when Qingti arrived! Gosh, such a waste! If only we took videos at that time, then we will be able to make a movie out of it, featuring 'When Jealous Dong Hua meets Innocent Ye Qingti. The battle of the suitors. We will have everyone over, and then we would have a 'Movie Marathon Night'." Si Ming replied sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah. Then I'll sponsor 'Salt and Vinegar Chips' for the movie night." Lian Song replied sarcastically.

Then both laughed out loud and smirked at each other.

Si Ming then replied, "Okay, enough of nonsense. Back to serious business, we need to start working now before Dong Hua arrives. Unless you're craving to eat his sweet and sour fish."

Lian Song then made a fake vomit face and then they bought drinks for the rest and headed back to work.


On the other side, Dong Hua and Feng Jiu were about to arrive at the Art Gallery. Out of nowhere, he sneezed a few times.

Feng Jiu then laughed and replied sarcastically, "Bet someone is talking bad about you! See, this is what you get when you're so mean to everyone."

"Mean? Me? No way, I'm the nicest! And, who else would dare to talk bad about me other than you?"

"Nicest?! More like coldest!" She thought to herself, and Dong Hua immediately said, "See. You're thinking bad things about me now."

Feng Jiu then pouted and said, "How do you know what I'm thinking?!" Dong Hua then replied, "Actually, I didn't know, and I was just making a wild guess. But now I know, because you just admitted to it."

Feng Jiu then folded her arms across her chest and replied, "Hmph!" Then Dong Hua teased her, "Is that all you can say?"

Feng Jiu then pouted and replied, "Hmph Hmph Hmph! Dong Hua is the worst!" Then he chuckled and replied, "Fine. You win this time."

"Of course! I always win." Feng Jiu replied proudly. Then Dong Hua silently thought to himself, "Yeah. You're definitely a winner. You're the first person to win my heart too." Then he smiled warmly at Feng Jiu and knocked her head lightly.

"Ouch! I'm suing you for 'Voluntarily causing hurt' to your victim." Feng Jiu exclaimed.

"Oh? Now you want to sue me? At this rate, I'll definitely end up a bankrupt." Dong Hua replied calmly.

"Serve you right for always teasing me! Unless you decided to give me free meals, if not you shall wait to receive my lawyer's letter, and I'll see you in court then!"

"Oh. Now I have to sue you back for 'Extortion'. Unless you prefer a private settlement out of court."

"Hmm... What do I gain out of it, if we agreed on a private settlement?" Feng Jiu stared at Dong Hua with squinting eyes.

"Hmm... I don't know, you tell me." Dong Hua shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"I know! So... remember you said that you'd consider giving me free meals for lunch? I want you to approve it immediately!" Feng Jiu replied excitedly.

"She really doesn't need much to be happy, huh?" He thought to himself, and he smiled. Then he replied sternly. "Hmm... but would I be making a loss here? Just checking first before I sign the contract."

"Of course! You would need to make a loss to make it up to me. I'll eat five lunch sets every day, so you'll be broke!" She replied confidently.

"Oh no. Tai Chen Group would collapse and go bankrupt because you're eating so much. I also won't be able to afford to pay my employees. Guess all your good friends have to lose their jobs too. Such poor things." He replied sarcastically.

"Wait! Never mind. I'll make a fair deal with you, and I'll just order one lunch set. But occasionally two set meals. What do you think about that?"

"Hmm... That's better. I think I could just skip meals and pay for your two lunch sets then."

"Who said you could skip meals?! You're not allowed! I'll use your money to buy two lunch sets then I'll force you to eat one." She replied firmly.

"Oh? You're too kind, letting me off so easily. I'll accept your deal. From today onwards, just order whatever you want for lunch and I'll inform the cafeteria to put it on my bill."

"Of course! I already told you, I'm a forgiving and kind person! Fine. I'll draft a private settlement agreement form when I'm back at the office, and I'll email it to you. You need to sign and stamp your thumbprint on it, and then send it back to me within three working days."

"Wow. So professional! Are you afraid that I'll go back on my words? I'll give you my word now that I will give you free meals."

"Of course. I need to play safe, just in case! I don't care, and you need to sign it and send it back to me. So I can use it against you if you went back on your words! Words are empty, but I'll accept it for now. Let's make a pinky promise then!"

"Pinky promise...? What's that?"

"You don't know what's a pinky promise?! Where have you been your whole life?! In a cave?" Then she started to laugh, and Dong Hua replied, "I don't know, nobody ever taught me that."

Feng Jiu then held out her pinky finger and then she pulled on Dong Hua's pinky finger. Then she said "Now, we hook our pinky fingers together, and then we make a 'stamp' with our thumbs! And now you made a stamp, and it means that you can't break it and it's a promise."

Dong Hua struggled a bit, but eventually, he got the hang of it, and he replied, "Oh, this is easy. Okay, so now, you'll know that I'll keep my promise."

"Good! But I'm still doing up an agreement." Feng Jiu smiled brightly at Dong Hua, and he also smiled back gently.

At this moment, they arrived at the Art Gallery. Dong Hua quickly parked his car at the VIP parking lot, and they both swiftly walked into the venue.


Lian Song saw them walking in, and he whispered to Si Ming, "Let's applause and welcome the couple." Then he hummed to the tune of a wedding song.

Then Dong Hua walked over to them and said, "How's the work progress?" Lian Song then chuckled and whispered to Si Ming, "We should be asking him how was their progress instead." Then he raised his eyebrows at Si Ming, and they both smirked.

Si Ming then replied to Dong Hua, "Everything is going well. We still have a few more points to go through with the owner of the Art Gallery."

"Good timing, the owner is here." Lian Song said, and he looked over Dong Hua's back. Dong Hua then turned around to meet the owner.

"Hi. You must be the President of Tai Chen Group, Dong Hua. I'm the owner of Zhi Yue Art Gallery, Cang Yi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Cang Yi then held out his palm to shake Dong Hua's hand.

Dong Hua then shook his hand and replied sternly, "It's a pleasure to meet you too. I hope the event goes well and we will have a great time working together. Do let my managers know if you require anything on our end."

Cang Yi then noticed Feng Jiu standing behind Dong Hua, and he immediately fell in love at first sight with her. Then he held out his hand towards Feng Jiu and said, "And who is this beautiful lady?"

Feng Jiu instantly shook his hand and replied politely, "I'm Feng Jiu. I'm just an Executive Assistant, working alongside with my whole team for this project." Then she smiled sweetly at Cang Yi.

Cang Yi then smiled back at her and replied, "Guess we will see each other a lot more since you'll be working on this project."

Dong Hua instantly felt jealous, and he cleared his throat. Then he replied, "Let's get going, Feng Jiu. Come with me to the exhibition hall, and we need to discuss something there." Then Feng Jiu nodded her head and followed after Dong Hua.

Cang Yi immediately said to Feng Jiu, "I'll see you soon!" Feng Jiu then waved goodbye and replied, "Sure! I'll see you around." Dong Hua then said sternly, "Come now, and don't waste more time." Then they both walked towards the exhibition hall.

Si Ming and Lian Song then went to 'get more tea' from the vending machines.

Lian Song raised his eyebrows and said to Si Ming, "Another victim fall prey to the beautiful Feng Jiu. Poor guy, he doesn't know who he's messing with. On normal days, Dong Hua is already scary enough. And now that he's jealous, it's definitely the end of Cang Yi." Then he shook his head and said a small prayer for Cang Yi. "May he die a quick death, and not by the 'sweet and sour fish' way."

Si Ming then replied sarcastically, "Hey. On the bright side, we will finally get to see his true feelings for Feng Jiu. And the bonus part is, we get to watch a 'good drama series'. I'm already excited at that thought!"

Lian Song smirked and replied, "I can't wait to see this 'good show'." Then he caresses Si Ming's face gently and "acted" out his role again, "Jiu-er. You're so beautiful."

Then Si Ming sarcastically replied, "Get lost, Cang Yi! Jiu-er is mine! If I can get rid of Qingti, I can get rid of you too."

Then they both started laughing and then they went back to work before they were caught 'getting tea'.


"So what do you need to discuss with me about?" Feng Jiu asked curiously.

"Oh? Did I say that?" Dong Hua replied.

Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "But he just said that! Was he using it as an excuse to escape from the crowd? I know he hates being around many people." Then she replied, "I know why you said that!"

Dong Hua then recalled that he only said that to get Feng Jiu away from Cang Yi and he nervously replied, "Oh? Why..?"

"It's so obvious! It's written all over your face!" She pointed to his nervous face. Dong Hua then had an inner panic attack, "Wait? Is it that obvious that I'm jealous? What should I say now?" Then he nervously cleared his throat.

Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "See! I also know what Dong Hua is thinking. I'm such a good mind reader as well." Then she proudly replied, "It's because you're afraid of the crowd! You get nervous when there are many people around, right? I knew it, that's why you're cold to everyone."

Dong Hua then felt a sense of relief and thought to herself, "She's really so silly but cute at the same time. So she thinks I'm nervous because I'm afraid of people. I'm cold to people because I don't bother about any of them." Then he replied sarcastically, "Oh wow, you're so smart. You totally caught me there. Yeah, you're right, and that's why it's better if it was just the two of us. In this way, I feel more comfortable."

"Oh! That's fine. The next time there's too many people around, I'll drag you away by coming up with an excuse! Don't worry; your secret is safe with me." Feng Jiu felt proud that she could help Dong Hua out, but Dong Hua was actually outsmarting her.

"She actually fell for that? I'm merely teasing her, and she believed me. I guess it's good as well, so I don't have to get rid of Cang Yi by myself. And I'll get to have more alone time with her." Then he smiled and replied, "Yeah, remember to drag me away when there are too many people."

Feng Jiu nodded her head and smiled warmly to Dong Hua, "Don't worry, you can count on me for that! I'll make you a pinky promise now." Then she held out her pinky finger and then they "stamped" their thumbs and smiled at each other.

Feng Jiu then started walking around the exhibition, looking at all the art pieces from aspiring artists.

"I wish someday I'll be able to showcase my talent to everyone like this. I want to stand on the stage proudly, and people would then appreciate my work." She said to Dong Hua.

Dong Hua smiled gently and replied sarcastically, "Why don't I just make you into an artwork itself and place you into one of these glass boxes. Then I'll put you in the main exhibition so everyone would be able to appreciate your beauty?"

"My beauty...? Is he praising me?!" She nervously thought to herself, and she replied sarcastically, "How about we frame you up and then hang you here then? Then everyone would be able to appreciate your good looks too! I'll make sure to hang you around the neck!"

"Is she praising me...?" Dong Hua felt his heart beat faster. Then he replied back sarcastically, "Oh? But if I die, who would give you a salary raise? And how about those free meals?"

Feng Jiu immediately interrupted, "I changed my mind! I'll keep you alive, for now only because I need money and free food. So don't think too much."

"Oh? Think too much? Like what? That you have feelings for me?" He joked sarcastically, and then he immediately went quiet because he knew that he said the wrong thing.

"Feelings for him...? He's joking, right?" Feng Jiu pondered. Then she replied, "Yeah, you think too much because you're shameless! I only like free food!" Then she ran away nervously.

Dong Hua then looked at her back view and thought to himself, "I guess she doesn't like me then..." Dong Hua then reassured himself, "I won't give up. I finally found someone that I love, so I won't let her go." But at the same time, Dong Hua didn't know how to love. This will also be the reason why it caused so many misunderstandings between them in future.

Then Dong Hua followed after her, and they continued to look at the different art pieces.

"Hey, this one looks like you!" Feng Jiu pointed at the painting of a man with an expressionless face. They were actually at the "facial expressions" part of the exhibition.

Dong Hua took a brief look at the painting, and he lightly knocked her head. "This is what you get for comparing me to that painting." Then he flashed his pearly white teeth at Feng Jiu and added on, "See. We don't even look alike."

Feng Jiu then murmured under her breath, "Dong Hua is cheating! He usually has no expression on his face."

Dong Hua then replied, "Are you thinking about silly things again?" Then he pointed out to another painting of a girl with a pouting expression, "See that? That's you."

Feng Jiu turned to look at the painting, and she pouted instantly. "No! I don't even look like that." Dong Hua then pointed to her face and said, "See. What's this face that you're making then?" Then she crossed her arms and turned away, "Hmph! At least I'm cuter than that painting!"

Dong Hua then mumbled under his breath, "That's true." But Feng Jiu didn't hear it and continued pouting. Dong Hua then proceeded to tease her, "What you mean it's not you? It's totally you in the painting."

"No, it's not! It doesn't look like me at all." Then she turned her head away, and Dong Hua moved his head too, trying to look at her pouty face.

Dong Hua then said, "I'll take a photo of you pouting, and you'll see how alike it is." Then he took out his phone, turned on the camera, and started to take a picture of her.

But Dong Hua accidentally turned on the video camera instead. Feng Jiu immediately turned to look at the camera and then quickly cover the lens with her hands. "You're always teasing me! Turn it off!" Then she tried to snatch the phone away from Dong Hua, but he held it up high, and she couldn't reach it at all.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop teasing you and keep my phone away." Dong Hua said calmly. Feng Jiu then said demandingly, "Delete the photo! It must be a horrible one!"

Dong Hua then looked down at her and briefly touched his phone. He quickly emailed the video to himself, and then he deleted it off his phone.

"Okay, I deleted it."

"Show it to me. I need to make sure that you deleted it."

Dong Hua then showed her his phone, and she looked through his photo album briefly, making sure that the photo was deleted. Then she returned the phone to Dong Hua.

"See? I deleted it." Dong Hua said calmly.

"Good. Now you can't threaten me to do things with an ugly photo of me! Imagine someone else seeing it. It would be so embarrassing! Hmph!" She pouted again.

In his heart, he would rather not let anyone see the video. It's his own personal video to view, and he would definitely not share it with others.

"Your photo album is so boring." Feng Jiu said.

"What do you mean boring?"

"You only have like less than 50 pictures, and most of them are work documents. Don't you take photos of yourself and the scenery at all? You could even take a photo of food!"

"I don't even go out; all I do is work. And I don't know how to take a selfie."

"You don't know how to take a selfie?! Who doesn't know how to do that?!"


Feng Jiu then laughed out loud and said, "at least you know that."

"Teach me then." Dong Hua said calmly.

"Okay, fine. But you need to repay me for that. Come on, pass me your phone again. I'll teach you how to take one now!"

"Repay? You're not only a glutton, but you're also a greedy glutton." Dong Hua smiled.

"Hmph! I'm not! Fine, you don't have to repay me then."

Dong Hua then handed the phone to her, and she turned on the front camera. She then asked Dong Hua to get into the screen and taught him how to hold the phone and take a photo.

Dong Hua struggled for a bit, and then Feng Jiu chuckled, "You're good at everything, but you're so bad at taking selfies!"

"It's not easy, but I'm trying. Come show me how to do it then." Dong Hua was actually baiting her to take selfies on his phone so that he could keep them.

Feng Jiu took a few photos and then showed it to him, "See. This is how people take selfies! Now you try it."

Dong Hua then tried to take a few before saying, "It feels weird to be taking it alone." Then he dragged her into the screen and started taking more photos.

"You're still so bad at this!" Feng Jiu teased Dong Hua then she took the phone and started taking selfies with Dong Hua. She had unknowingly fallen into his trap.

Then he looked down at her and smiled while thinking to himself, "So silly. She fell into my trap, and she still doesn't realize it." He continued to stare at her, and he zoned out eventually.

Feng Jiu then turned back and said, "Where are you looking at?! Were you looking at my ....?!" Then she looked down to her chest area.

Dong Hua immediately turned his head away and replied, "Huh? No. Why would I do that? I'm a gentleman." Then he thought to himself, "Hmm... but her figure is good. I remember back then in the hot springs. Her towel came loose..."

Feng Jiu then loudly interrupted his thoughts, "Good! You better not be thinking dirty thoughts!"

Dong Hua nervously cleared his throat, "Don't worry, I won't think that way of you. Are we still learning how to take selfies?"

Feng Jiu immediately thought to herself, "Think that way of me? What did he mean by that? Oh, right... He only has eyes for Ji Heng. Never mind, I don't care anymore." Then she also partly zoned out while deep in thoughts.

"What are you waiting for? And where are you looking at?" Feng Jiu was actually looking down at the floor, but Dong Hua's legs were in the way." He teased her back.

"I'm not looking at anything! Okay, let's just continue to learn how to take a selfie."

Then they both started to take a few pictures. Out of the 15 photos that they took, only one was of Dong Hua smiling, and Feng Jiu also looked good in that.

Feng Jiu then said, "Okay, this one looks nice. Can you send it to me? Don't worry; I won't upload it on social media or anything. I just think my face looks nice here."

"Yeah, sure. You can do it yourself."

Then she keyed in her phone number into his phone contacts and sent the picture to her phone.

"Thanks! Oh, I think we better head back to work. I don't want to work overtime tonight!" Then she happily hopped out of the exhibition hall and joined the rest. At the same time, she totally forgot to ask Dong Hua to delete the photos on his phone.

Dong Hua then looked down at his phone and quickly emailed the pictures to himself, as he wanted to make sure that he saved a copy of it. He was afraid that he would lose those photos someday. Then he swiped through all 15 pictures and then smiled widely to himself.

"You won my heart."

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