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55.55% Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic) / Chapter 49: Fighting My Own Battles

Chapter 49: Fighting My Own Battles

The next morning, Ji Heng arrived extra early to work. The office doors were usually unlocked at 8 AM but she was already there by 7.30 AM. She felt pleased, knowing that Feng Jiu was probably still stuck in the office. "This would teach her a good lesson." She bitterly thought to herself.

The moment she reached the office, she noticed that the doors were already unlocked and nobody was in it. She was infuriated, knowing that her plan failed again. She furiously thought to herself. "Why is Feng Jiu always so lucky?" Then she proceeded to walk into her own office.

Little did she know that her plan to sabotage Feng Jiu backfired, and it indirectly caused Dong Hua and Feng Jiu to get closer.

Feng Jiu walked into the office building. The security guard that was in charge last night apologized to her profusely. He pleaded, "I'm so sorry, Miss. I didn't know you were still in the office because Ji Heng said that everyone left. Please, I can't lose my job. I still have five mouths to feed at home."

Feng Jiu told him to stop bowing to her, and she replied, "Hey, no worries. It wasn't your fault. I'll talk to our President about it and try to help you keep your job." Then the guard immediately bowed again and thanked her, "You're so kind, Miss. People like you are rare these days."

Feng Jiu then smiled at him and replied, "You're just doing your job, and you're also doing a great job! Keep it up, and don't worry about it. I'll definitely help you out."

Then she slowly walked away while thinking to herself, "Ji Heng again? She's still not letting me off, huh? I won't let her off this time." Then she clenched her fist and walked into the lift.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she failed to notice Dong Hua standing behind her. Dong Hua had overheard her conversation with the guard, and then he said to the guard, "Don't worry, your job is safe. This time, I'll let you off because of Feng Jiu. I hope that there wouldn't be a repeat of this." The guard then bowed profusely to Dong Hua and thanked him for letting him keep his job.

At the same time, the guard felt shocked that Dong Hua, who was well known to be cold and ruthless, would actually let him off because of a girl.

"Ji Heng did it, huh? I guess it's time for me to give her a stern warning." Dong Hua thought to himself, and then he went up to the Design Department's office.


Xiao Yan arrived at the office shortly after Ji Heng arrived. He was in the pantry, and Ji Heng also walked in to get a cup of water. Then he excitedly greeted her good morning, but she was in a bad mood due to last night's incident.

"You look tired, do you need my help to get you some water?" Xiao Yan asked concernedly. Ji Heng then rudely replied, "No. Just mind your own business and leave me alone." Xiao Yan felt a little hurt, but he still replied, "Hey, are you feeling okay? Let me help you with it."

Then Xiao Yan tried to get a cup of water, and Ji Heng snarled at him, "I told you to leave me alone. Get out, and I don't want to see you here."

Right at this moment, Feng Jiu walked into the office and heard her shouting at Xiao Yan. She immediately dashed towards to pantry, wanting to confront Ji Heng.

Ji Heng saw Feng Jiu in the pantry, and she got even madder. She then vented her temper at Xiao Yan and shouted at him, "You're always buzzing around me, and it's getting annoying. I won't ever like you, so just give up."

Xiao Yan then held Feng Jiu back and replied calmly, "Cool down. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you. I was just trying to get you a cup of water. Come drink this cup of water and feel better." Then he held out his hand and passed the cup to Ji Heng.

"Why won't you listen? I told you to get lost." Ji Heng immediately slapped the cup away, and half a cup of water spilled on Xiao Yan's shirt. Fortunately, it wasn't hot water, or he would have been scalded by it.

Feng Jiu instantly got furious, and she immediately grabbed the cup from Xiao Yan's hand and threw the cup of water at Ji Heng. "Take this, you evil woman!" Feng Jiu shouted furiously.

Ji Heng's shirt was drenched, and she screamed, "What do you think you're doing?!"

Feng Jiu immediately replied even more furiously, "You really think you can get away with all this? I already knew what you did last night, and you're lucky that I didn't get you fired. But I'm not going to stoop down to your level. Also, you better mind your words around Xiao Yan. Just because he likes you, it doesn't give you the right to abuse him like that. This time, I'm letting you off by only splashing you with water. If there's a next time, it would definitely be a cup of hot coffee. You better watch out and stop playing dirty tricks."

Ji Heng then screamed, and she stomped out of the pantry and headed back to her office.

Feng Jiu grabbed some napkins and wiped the water off Xiao Yan's shirt, and he noticed that she was still visibly upset.

Xiao Yan then tried to calm Feng Jiu down, "Hey, it's fine. She's probably just in a bad mood. Don't be angry anymore. I will buy you some food, okay? Thanks for standing up for me anyway."

Feng Jiu then calmed down a little and smiled at Xiao Yan. "No worries, that's what friends are for. I actually wanted to confront her about other things, but I don't want to talk about it now. But don't be so stupid, Xiao Yan. There should be a limit as to how much you should give. Ji Heng is not good enough for you. Anyway, you were talking about food?"

Xiao Yan then smiled back, "Food never fails to make you happy, huh? I'll buy you lunch today, and you can pick whatever you want to eat! You don't have to save money for me, pick two lunch sets if you want to!"

"Thanks, Xiao Yan. That's really nice of you. I feel better now, and we should head back to work."

Dong Hua, who was also in the office, heard everything that had just happened. "Wow, my girl is sure brave and feisty. She could even fight her own battles, and she didn't even need my help. Guess I was worried for nothing."

Right at this moment, Feng Jiu walked out of the pantry and bumped into Dong Hua. She didn't expect to see Dong Hua standing there at all. Then she quickly bowed her head, avoided eye contact, and walked towards her workstation. Then she thought to herself, "Dong Hua must have heard everything! I hope he won't fire me since I scolded his beloved Ji Heng. But she totally deserves it too."

But what she didn't know was, Dong Hua was impressed by what she had just done, and he started to fall for her more.


Si Ming then walked over to Feng Jiu's workstation. "I heard about what just happened in the pantry. Are you feeling okay, Feng Jiu?" He asked concernedly.

"Thanks for checking up on me. I'm fine now, don't worry about me. I just hate how she treats Xiao Yan, and she really went too far this time. Did you also know that she tried to get me locked up in the office last night? I was terrified, but luckily someone came to save me."

"Wow, Ji Heng is going too far. I need to report this to Dong Hua. She needs to be punished."

"Nah, don't bother. Dong Hua already knew about it, and I don't want to cause more trouble because the guard who accidentally locked me in, would lose his job. It's so satisfying when I threw that cup of water at Ji Heng, though!"

"What? How did he know? And he didn't punish Ji Heng?"

"Yeah. He was the one who saved me last night. Luckily he was working over-time too. If not I'll probably be stuck in the office for the whole night, and I would probably faint from the fear too."

"Ah. Yeah, Dong Hua is always working late into the night. Luckily, he was there."

"Oh, right! I still have to make him a cup of coffee. I'm going to the pantry now, let's talk later!"

Feng Jiu then brisk walked into the pantry area and started to make a nice cup of coffee. She also didn't want Dong Hua to think that she was going back on her words. Then she swiftly brought the cup into the meeting room.

Dong Hua looked at her with his side-eyes when she walked in, then he quickly looked back at his work documents as she put down the cup in front of him. "Oh. I thought you forgot all about it." Dong Hua replied calmly.

Feng Jiu thought to herself, "I knew that he would think this way!" Then she replied casually, "Of course not, I always keep my promises. I said that I'd make a cup of coffee for you every day, so I'll make sure to do it every day without fail."

"Oh? Hmm... But I don't remember drinking your cup of coffee yesterday." He teased her.

"That's because you didn't even come to the office! I waited for you to arrive until the coffee turned cold. Do you expect me to personally bring it to your house, and serve it to you?" She replied sarcastically.

Dong Hua smiled, and he thought to himself, "She waited for me? Did she miss me? Oh. That's a good suggestion. It would be a good excuse to see her at least once every day." Then he replied shamelessly, "Sounds like a good idea. If I'm not in the office, then you'll have to bring the coffee to me wherever I go."

"He actually took it for real?! What did I get myself into?!" Feng Jiu thought to herself, and then she folded her arms across her chest and replied, "Hmph! You're so troublesome!"

He looked up at her briefly and replied, "Oh, I see. Someone is going back on her words. I knew it. I can't trust your words." Then he shook his head lightly.

Feng Jiu immediately countered, "Who says I'm going back on my words?! Everyone knows me as someone who never fails to keep her promises! Fine. I'll bring you coffee every morning, no matter where you are. But how would I know your schedule, and what if I'm late to work because of that? You can't use that as an excuse to deduct my salary! You're lucky I didn't ask for a pay raise for my transport allowance!" Then she pouted.

Dong Hua smiled to himself, knowing that his plan succeeded, and he thought to himself, "Knew this would work on her. She looks so cute when she's pouting and being petty, though." Then he replied calmly, "Hmm... So I'm a bad boss now, someone who doesn't pay you for transport. If that's the case, I'll give you an extra 10% pay raise, and I'll give you special permission to be late at work. Also, I'll get Chong Lin to update you on my daily schedule. Would that work now?"

Feng Jiu felt a little surprised, and she thought to herself, "Wow, he actually agreed to a pay raise so easily? I should have asked for more, like free meals! Oh, wait! I shouldn't be so greedy. This is good enough." Then she replied with a satisfied smile, "That's more like it."

"That's all? You're not going to praise me for being a good boss?" Dong Hua said shamelessly.

She thought internally, "Dong Hua is not only Iceman, but he's also the king of shamelessness!" Then she replied sarcastically, "Yes, your majesty. You're the best boss in the whole wide world. I'm so lucky to have you as my boss. Do I get free meals now?"

Dong Hua smiled to himself. Even though he knew Feng Jiu was sarcastic, he was enjoying her praises, and she also looked cute while doing so.

"Hmm... I'll consider the free meals if I'm satisfied with the coffee. But I'll need to at least try it for a few days, in case you slack off and stop making me good coffee." Dong Hua smirked.

Feng Jiu's eyes lit up immediately upon hearing free meals, and she replied excitedly, "Really?! Don't worry! I'll promise to keep up with making good coffee! Okay, quickly drink it before it gets too cold. I'll head back to work now. We have to head over to the Art Gallery after lunch to check out the venue and to execute our floor plans properly. Enjoy!" Then she ran towards the doors.

"I'm coming to the Art Gallery as well." Dong Hua replied. Feng Jiu immediately replied, "Huh? Aren't you busy at work?" Dong Hua then looked down at his schedule of the day, which was obviously fully packed. And then he replied, "Not at all, I'm free today. At the same time, I also needed to meet the owner of the Art Gallery."

Feng Jiu then replied, "Oh, I see. Alright, I'll see you later then!" Then she smiled and closed the doors behind her. Dong Hua then called Chong Lin to shift his full schedule to tomorrow, as he needed to settle some stuff at the Art Gallery.


Lunch-time arrived. Si Ming had already ordered takeaway lunch for everyone as they needed to head over to the Art Gallery after that. Everyone then started to eat their lunch, and Feng Jiu noticed that Dong Hua wasn't eating again.

She then asked everyone if they wanted drinks because she wanted to head down to the cafeteria to get some. She was also using it as an excuse to leave the pantry area to check on Dong Hua without others knowing about it. Then she left after taking down their orders.

She then walked into the meeting room to look for Dong Hua. She popped her head into the room and asked curiously, "You're not eating again?"

Dong Hua then turned over and look at her, "Oh, it's already lunch-time? I was so busy that I forgot to look at the time." Then she asked, "Chong Lin didn't bring you some snacks or food today?"

"No. He's out of the office, running some errands for me. He won't be coming back to the office." He replied.

Feng Jiu exclaimed, "How can you go on an empty stomach?! It's not healthy! Wait here! I'm heading down to the cafeteria to get some drinks, and I'll get you some food as well."

"No, it's fine. You don't have to...." Before he could finish his sentence, Feng Jiu already closed the door and went off. Then he thought to himself, "Silly girl. She's the first person who truly cares about my health. I mean, people would often advise me to eat, but they wouldn't dare to force me to eat." Then he smiled to himself and continued reading his documents.

After a while, Feng Jiu came running back up to the office. Her hands were full, and she was holding on to the drinks. She first headed into the meeting room and left the food that she bought for Dong Hua on the table.

"What's this?" Dong Hua looked into the bag. Feng Jiu then put down all the drinks on the table and replied, "Oh. It's herbal chicken soup. You need to replenish your body since you're always working so late and skipping meals." Feng Jiu also knew Dong Hua liked drinking soups, as he used to enjoy the soups that she made.

"How did she know I like soup?" He thought to himself, and then he replied, "You know my taste well." And she immediately replied, "Lucky guess." Then she hurriedly picked up the drinks and ran towards the pantry.

"Sorry for waiting, guys! It was such a long queue at the cafeteria." She then sat down and started to eat.

"Don't worry about it, let's eat now and then head over the Art Gallery after this." Si Ming replied. Feng Jiu then casually said, "Yeah, Dong Hua said he would be coming with us too."

Lian Song and Si Ming then looked at each other, and their minds telepathed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Then they raised their eyebrows at each other.

Lian Song then replied, "Oh? I thought he's busy today? Why is he coming along?"

Feng Jiu replied casually, "Oh, he said he's free today, and he also needed to meet the owner of the Art Gallery."

Lian Song immediately shot an electrifying gaze to Si Ming, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking again?" Si Ming then nodded his head to answer Lian Song.

They both knew instantly that Dong Hua had his motives for joining them.

After everyone finished their lunch, Lian Song said to Si Ming, "Wanna get some tea?" Si Ming then nodded and they went into his office.

"Getting tea in Si Ming's office?" Xiao Yan asked curiously. Feng Jiu then shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe Si Ming was hiding the best tea leaves in his room and didn't want to share. Let them be, and we have our own drinks anyway." Then they both got up and went to throw out the trash.


"So... Dong Hua is coming with us. Time for Plan D?" Lian Song said. "What's Plan D?" Si Ming replied.

"Okay. So Plan D is... I'll come up with an excuse that my car was sent to the workshop for some maintenance. So I'll have to sit in your car, and there's only a maximum of five people in the car. In this case, Feng Jiu wouldn't have a choice but to sit on Dong Hua's car." Lian Song explained to Si Ming.

"Oh, wow! That's actually really smart, Lian Song. But you're only smart when it comes to such things, and not on Cheng Yu." Si Ming replied sarcastically.

"That's different. It's because I'm a romantic at heart. I will move her with my heart, and not with my brains." Lian Song replied.

"Yeah. You're more like a playboy than romantic." Si Ming smirked.

"Talking about chasing girls, how's the progress with Yu Xi? Can't wait to meet her on Saturday." Lian Song winked cheekily at Si Ming. "No progress at all." He replied calmly.

"Huh?! How is that possible? You spend so much time with her. Cooking and cleaning for her. Are you friend-zoned?!" Lian Song exclaimed, and Si Ming tried to shush him.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just subconsciously shutting her out, and I just feel like I'm not good enough for her." Si Ming replied sadly. "Hey. That's so unlike you. You need to have more confidence in yourself. It's okay! I'll matchmake the both of you on Saturday."

"You can't even chase Cheng Yu, how would you be able to help me?" Si Ming replied sarcastically.

"I may be bad at my own relationships, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad matchmaker! Just look at Dong Hua and Feng Jiu, they are progressing fast!" Lian Song replied proudly.

"Talking about progressing fast, what stage do you think they are at now?"

"Hmm... Good question. Maybe a kiss? Wait, no. I think a hug."

Lian Song then wrapped his arms around himself and rubbed his hands up and down his arms. He acted like a couple hugging each other, and he lovingly said to himself in a girly tone, "Oh, Dong Hua. Your arms are so strong and those tight muscles, I can't resist it." Then he quickly switched his standing position to the other side and replied with a manly voice, "Yes, Feng Jiu. Don't resist if you can't."

Si Ming then rolled his eyes, "Only you can come up with such nonsense. I don't think they hugged yet. It's a miracle that they could even talk to each other, and you'll be 'lucky' to hear him say more than five sentences. But every time he says more than five sentences, it also means danger. Oh, I don't even want to remember the time, where he was reprimanding the management staff during a meeting along with that stern, cold eyes. Brrr, this man's heart is literally made out of ice."

"Yeah... so true. And those staff got fired right after the meeting. Indeed cold and ruthless. Wait, what do you know?! You don't have a girl! Wait... I forgot about Yu Xi, but again, I bet you didn't hug her yet!" Then Lian Song smirked and added on, "Oh..., or maybe you did?!"

"Fine, fine. You win. Let's just get ready to leave before it gets too late." Si Ming quickly changed the topic because he had indeed hugged her once. But it was only because she got startled by a loud sound, and they 'accidentally' hugged for a brief second.

"See! You can't out-talk me, Si Ming!" Lian Song replied sarcastically, and Si Ming immediately rebutted, "Yeah. Nobody can, except for Cheng Yu. You're doomed to fall under her control." Then he smiled and walked out. Lian Song then said to him while he was walking out, "I love a challenge." Then he also smiled and left the office.


It was time for Plan D-rive Feng Jiu to the Art gallery.

Everyone waited in the lobby, while Si Ming went to get his car.

"Lian Song, you're not driving?" Feng Jiu asked curiously. Then he replied, "Oh, my car was sent to the workshop for maintenance. I'll be taking Si Ming's car."

"Huh? So how would the six of us squeeze into his car?" Feng Jiu said. "Oh, that's easy. You can just take Dong Hua's car." He replied casually.

Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "But... it's an hour drive, wouldn't it be awkward? I mean, I did take his car last night, but it wasn't a long drive."

Before she could speak, Dong Hua came down from the office and he was heading towards the car park. Lian Song then stopped Dong Hua in his tracks and said, "Hey, Dong Hua. My car is in the workshop for maintenance, and we have six people here. Would you mind taking Feng Jiu in your car to the Art Gallery?"

Lian Song then raised his eyebrows at him. Dong Hua immediately thought to himself, "I'll definitely approve Lian Song's pay raise." Then he replied calmly, "I guess there's no other choice then. I'll take her there."

Lian Song immediately pushed Feng Jiu towards Dong Hua and told her to follow him. Feng Jiu quickly replied, "Why can't Lian Song go with Dong Hua?" Then she stared at Lian Song.

Lian Song immediately replied, "Oh, no. I need to accompany my best friend, Si Ming. He is also not good with directions, and I need to guide him."

Then Lian Song silently thought to himself, "Plan D... Ditch and Dash."

At this moment, Si Ming arrived at the lobby entrance. Lian Song rushed everyone to quickly board the car, and then he pushed Si Ming to drive off immediately.

Feng Jiu stood there looking at them leave, and she thought to herself, "I guess I really have no other choice but to take Dong Hua's car." Then she turned to look at Dong Hua.

"You don't like sitting in my car?" Dong Hua asked coldly. Feng Jiu immediately gave a nervous smile and said, "No, no. It's not about that." Dong Hua then looked at her with his side-eyes and replied, "Then why are you hesitating?"

Feng Jiu immediately rebutted, "Hesitating? Me? No way! What are you waiting for? Let's go now." Then she walked towards the car park and gestured Dong Hua to follow her. Dong Hua then looked at her, and shook his head, "She must be feeling nervous about spending one hour in the car with me. But thinking about it, I'm actually feeling a little nervous as well." Then he told himself to calm down, adjusted his tie, and he followed after Feng Jiu.

"Why am I feeling this nervous?"

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