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Chapter 36: Kindness Pays Off

The next morning, Feng Jiu waited anxiously outside the auditorium hall for Si Ming and Xiao Yan to arrive.

"Why are those two taking so long? The test is starting soon!" Feng Jiu silently thought to herself.

At this moment, a large group of people started walking towards her direction. Feng Jiu took a closer look, and she realized that it was Dong Hua and the whole management team.

"Not again." She immediately turned her head away to avoid looking at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua kept staring at Feng Jiu as he walked past her, and he silently thought to himself, "She's really avoiding me, isn't she?"

Ji Heng saw him staring at Feng Jiu, and she bitterly thought to herself, "Why does Dong Hua seem so interested in Feng Jiu now? I really need to get her fired!"

After they walked past her, Feng Jiu turned to look at Dong Hua's back view and thought to herself, "Why am I always bumping into him?!"

Then Xiao Yan came running over, and he said excitedly, "Wait! Is that Ji Heng?!"

Before Xiao Yan could start yelling out her name, Si Ming slapped his hand over Xiao Yan's mouth.

"Ouch! Why did you slap me, Si Ming?!"

"Oh, there was a mosquito on your lips. I saved you from getting bitten."

"Mosquito?! Why would there even a mosquito here?! I hate mosquitoes!" Xiao Yan whined.

"Yeah. It was indeed a female blood-sucking mosquito, annoying as well." Feng Jiu said sarcastically.

Si Ming immediately whispered to Feng Jiu, "No prize for guessing who you're referring to, huh?" Then he raised his eyebrows and smirked at Feng Jiu, and she also smiled back.

Then Xiao Yan continued to ramble on, while Feng Jiu dragged him into the auditorium hall.


"That SOP test sure was hard." Feng Jiu said worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, Feng Jiu. I'm sure you would pass the test." Si Ming patted her back and reassured her.

Xiao Yan started yawning and replied, "I'm feeling so sleepy now! I didn't have enough sleep because we studied late into the night. I'm heading back to the room to rest, and I'll join you both at dinner time."

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little tired too, and I need to get some rest as well. What are you going to do, Feng Jiu?" Si Ming said.

"I'm going to take a walk around the resort, and breathe some fresh air! You guys go ahead and rest, and we will meet again at dinner time." Then they went their separate ways.

Feng Jiu walked to the garden and admired the flowers. "Such a beautiful place. How nice it would be if I could stay here a little longer?" She smiled and thought to herself.

After a while, she started to feel a little thirsty. "Hmm, I heard that there's a nice pool-side cafe. I think I will go there to check it out!" Feng Jiu then walked towards the pool-side area.

Feng Jiu arrived at the cafe shortly after, and it was also pretty empty. She picked a seat that was facing the swimming pool and ordered a cup of Iced Tea. Then she leaned back against the chair and started to get comfy.

She sipped her Iced Tea while she enjoyed the view. Out of a sudden, she noticed three guys harassing two girls, who were clad in bikinis. They looked familiar, and Feng Jiu immediately recognized them as employees of Tai Chen Group.

"Please leave us alone... We are not interested, and we are just trying to get a suntan here." One of the girls said nervously.

"Come on, don't be such a mood spoiler. We just want a chance to get to know both of you better." One of the guys replied with a grin.

Then they started to tug on the two girls' arms, trying to get them to sit down with them at their table.

Feng Jiu immediately stood up and ran towards them. Then she slammed both hands on the table and shouted, "Leave them alone!".

The two girls nervously hid behind Feng Jiu, and then the three guys stood up and shouted at Feng Jiu, "Who do you think you are to tell us what to do?"

Feng Jiu replied furiously, "Don't you guys feel any shame, harassing two innocent girls in broad daylight?! Leave now, before I call for security!"

Although Feng Jiu was small in size and the three guys were way taller than her, she wasn't afraid of them at all. She also couldn't just sit by and not do anything to protect those two girls.

Then one guy leaned closer to Feng Jiu and threatened her, "You should mind your own business and get lost now before we turn nasty!"

The two girls, who were seemingly afraid, thanked Feng Jiu for her help and quickly ran away.

Then the three guys immediately became annoyed, and they shouted to Feng Jiu, "Look at what you just did, you ruined our fun. Why do you have to be so nosy? Look at you, being such a prude and fully clothed at the pool-side."

"It's none of your business if I'm fully clothed or not. Stop being such a nuisance, before I report you to the management team."

"Oh, wow, look! We got ourselves a feisty little girl here. Go ahead if you want to, it's not like you have any proof anyway. Those two girls would also be too afraid to speak up." One of the guys sneered at Feng Jiu.

Dong Hua, who was strolling nearby, heard everything that had just happened. Usually, he wouldn't be bothered at all, but he heard Feng Jiu's voice, so he immediately walked over to check it out.


"Let's go, guys. We will find our own fun somewhere else." One guy said to his friends.

As they were leaving, one of them pushed Feng Jiu, for her to get out of their way. Feng Jiu instantly lost her balance and fell right into the deep end of the pool.

"Dong Hua!!!!" She shouted his name while she was falling into the pool. Feng Jiu was extremely terrified of the deep water, and she started to panic and struggle.

The three guys started laughing and sarcastically said, "Serves you right for being so nosy! Have fun swimming in the pool." They waved bye and started to walk away.

Dong Hua immediately sprinted towards Feng Jiu, upon seeing her struggling in the water. He threw his suit jacket aside and dived into the water.

He got hold of Feng Jiu and dragged her towards the edge of the pool. Then he got her out of the pool and carried her onto the lounge chair.

He immediately covered her with his dry suit jacket and gently pushed her wet hair out of her face. Feng Jiu was shivering with fear at this point, so Dong Hua pulled her closer to his body, and patted her back softly to calm her down.

The three guys, who were afraid after seeing Dong Hua, tried to run away. But Dong Hua immediately stopped them from leaving.

They continuously bowed down to Dong Hua and apologize profusely, "We are sorry for what we just did, Mr. President. We were just having fun with her, and we didn't expect that she would be this scared. We are sorry, and we won't do it again."

"You're all fired." Dong Hua stared at them with cold, stern eyes.

"Please give us another chance. We know our mistakes now." The three guys started begging. But Dong Hua totally ignored their pleas, and he stared intensely at them without saying a word. Then the three guys left because they knew that it was hopeless, and they had already lost their jobs.


Dong Hua then turned towards Feng Jiu, and his eyes instantly softened. He was worried about her, and he was still rubbing her back gently, trying to calm her down.

Feng Jiu calmed down after a while, and then she pushed Dong Hua away. She immediately took off his suit jacket and returned it back to him as well.

"Why are you here?" Feng Jiu asked Dong Hua, but she bowed her head to avoid eye contact.

Dong Hua avoided her question because he wasn't used to people questioning his actions or whereabouts, and he also didn't want Feng Jiu to know what he was thinking of.

Then he quickly changed the topic, and calmly asked, "So you don't know how to swim?"

"I know how to swim, but I almost drowned when I was a little girl. This is why I have a phobia of deep water now." Feng Jiu replied softly.

"I see. So why did you saved those two girls?" Dong Hua asked curiously.

"Because my parents taught me from young, that I don't need to be the smartest or the strongest, but I should always try to help people in need. If I don't help them, then who else would help them? If I needed help, I would also want someone to come to save me."

"Oh? So... this is why you yelled out my name?" Dong Hua smirked.

"Uhhh... Uh... You misheard it! It must be because I was choking on the water! I didn't yell your name at all!" Feng Jiu replied nervously.

"I see. I guess I misheard it then." Dong Hua gave a half-smile. He knew that she was just trying to cover it up, but he didn't want to expose her. At the same time, he didn't understand why he felt good about it.

Dong Hua then tried to cover Feng Jiu with his jacket again, as her clothes were soaked through. Feng Jiu immediately pushed it away and said, "I'm fine, and I don't even feel cold. You can keep your jacket." Then she shivered.

"Take it." Dong Hua pushed it back to her.

Feng Jiu immediately frowned and yelled, "I don't want your jacket!"

"Oh? Do you have a problem with my jacket?" Dong Hua stared at her.

Feng Jiu immediately replied, "No, but it's too troublesome. If I take your jacket, I'll need to wash it and then return it. You're a busy man, so I don't want to bother you."

"I see. You can keep it as a souvenir then." Dong Hua then gave a half-smile to Feng Jiu.

"Why would I want a men's jacket as a souvenir, I can't even wear it!" Feng Jiu pouted.

"So if that was the case, shouldn't you be washing the jacket for me, as a form of repayment for saving your life?"

"Dong Hua is so shameless!" Feng Jiu thought to herself. Then she replied, "Why are you being so unreasonable?!"

"Unreasonable? You think so? If I were really unreasonable, I would make you wash everything that I'm wearing now. My clothes got soaked through because I jumped into the pool to save you." Then Dong Hua teased Feng Jiu, and he slowly unbuttons his shirt.

"Wait! Stop unbuttoning your shirt here! If people saw that, they would misunderstand!" Feng Jiu exclaimed, and she quickly turned her head away to avoid looking at Dong Hua's body.

"Do I look like I care about what people think?" Dong Hua smirked.

"Fine! I'll wash your jacket and then pass it to Chong Lin so that I don't have to bother you again!" Feng Jiu turned her head away from Dong Hua and started pouting.

Dong Hua smiled to himself secretly, as he was feeling pleased about the whole thing. Then he asked, "Since when did I say that you're bothering me?"

Feng Jiu immediately turned towards Dong Hua, and then she thought to herself, "Why does Dong Hua seem so different from his usual self today? He's usually a man of few words." Feng Jiu was taken aback, and she also didn't know how to reply to his question.

Feeling embarrassed, Feng Jiu immediately stood up and grabbed Dong Hua's jacket. Then she ran away after saying to Dong Hua, "I'm busy now, goodbye."

Dong Hua smiled to himself and shook his head lightly, while he looked at Feng Jiu running away. Then he thought to himself, "What a silly girl. And she said I was the busy one."

Then he lay back against the lounge chair and enjoyed the cool breeze for a while, before heading back to his room to shower.


Feng Jiu ran back to her room, with her clothes still dripping wet. She took a quick shower and then she started to hand-wash Dong Hua's jacket in the bathroom basin.

Then she started mumbling to herself while washing Dong Hua's jacket, "Stupid Dong Hua! Why do I keep bumping into him? And now, I still have to wash his jacket!"

Then she remembered that Dong Hua saved her life once again, and now she felt like she was indebted to him again.

"Hmph, I don't care! This time, I am not going to repay him. I had already repaid all of his kindness, by shedding all those tears back then! I guess I need to start avoiding Dong Hua even more, from now on, so that I won't get a chance to be more indebted to him! Now, I just need to focus on earning more money."

Feng Jiu was determined to avoid Dong Hua at all costs. She decided that she would pretend not to acknowledge his existence, and turn to leave if she sees Dong Hua.

But what Feng Jiu didn't know, was that Dong Hua would be even more interested in her due to her avoiding him.

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