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Chapter 28: Truth Hurts

"Feng Jiu, we are back to visit you."

Cha Cha and Cheng Yu came early in the morning to accompany Feng Jiu.


Feng Jiu still refused to speak to anyone. She also refused to eat or drink anything.

"Feng Jiu, you can't go on like this! You need to eat. Tell us what's on your mind! Cry it out!" Cheng Yu vigorously shook Feng Jiu's shoulders.


Feng Jiu then turned her body to the other side, with her back facing them.

"If you're not going to talk, I'm going to go find Dong Hua and find out what's going on." Cheng Yu said angrily, and Cha Cha tried to stop her.

"No! Don't!" Feng Jiu immediately turned around and stopped Cheng Yu from leaving.

"Then tell us what happened! You look devastated after you came out from Dong Hua's ward yesterday! I'm so worried about you, Feng Jiu!" Cheng Yu sat down beside Feng Jiu's bed, and she was on the verge of breaking down.

Feng Jiu noticed that Cheng Yu was breaking down, and she immediately broke down. She wailed loudly and couldn't stop crying. Cha Cha and Cheng Yu then gave her a group hug and tried to calm her down.

"It's Ji Heng..." Feng Jiu said while trying to wipe all her tears away.

"Not her again! Why is she always hurting you like that?!" Cheng Yu was mad. Poor Cha Cha, she was busy trying to calm the two girls down.

"Well...They stopped me from entering Dong Hua's room, and I started yelling out his name. I don't know if he heard me, but Ji Heng came out of the ward and told me to leave. It seems that Dong Hua remembered everything. Why would she be there if he didn't remember her? My worst nightmare came true...."

"That witch! She drives me mad. Why didn't you tell her off?! You were always so strong, Feng Jiu."

"I can't... I'm afraid to hear the truth. What if Dong Hua told me that he loves her instead? I don't know if I could handle that..." Feng Jiu started sobbing again.

"But what if he doesn't love her? You need to go see Dong Hua and ask him about it!"

"I don't know... Lian Song said he doesn't remember me, and if he did, wouldn't he be here with me by now...?" Feng Jiu frowned.

"Let's not give up until we find out the truth, Feng Jiu! We will go and see him now, and I'll accompany you. If Ji Heng dares to do anything to you, watch what I'll do to her!"

"Fine... I guess I need to know the truth too."

Then they got Feng Jiu a wheelchair and pushed her to Dong Hua's ward.


They arrived at the lift lobby, outside of Dong Hua's ward.

"I'm afraid to see them..." Feng Jiu hesitated.

"Don't worry, Feng Jiu. We will go in together." Cheng Yu started pushing Feng Jiu's wheelchair while Cha Cha followed closely behind.

They arrived at his ward, and the bodyguards stopped them from entering. Cheng Yu argued with them and demanded to see Dong Hua.

"Miss, I already told you that Mr. Dong Hua is not in his ward. If you continue being this way, we will have to call for security. Please leave." The bodyguard said.

"Let's go, Cheng Yu. We will find another way..." Feng Jiu convinced Cheng Yu to leave.

Then they decided to wait at the lift lobby for Dong Hua to return.

After waiting for a while, they heard Dong Hua's voice from a distance.

"Feng Jiu! It's Dong Hua! He seems to be coming this way." Cheng Yu stood up and pushed Feng Jiu towards the direction that the voice was coming from.

As they got closer, they realized that Ji Heng was accompanying Dong Hua, and it was just the two of them.

Ji Heng noticed Feng Jiu in front of them, and she avoided looking at her, acting like she didn't recognize Feng Jiu.

Ji Heng immediately started talking to Dong Hua about work, to distract him from looking at Feng Jiu's direction.

Then Dong Hua and Feng Jiu crossed paths, and he didn't notice her at all. He was way too focused on talking about work with Ji Heng, and work was the 'number one' priority to Dong Hua now.

Feng Jiu was distraught when Dong Hua walked past her without acknowledging her existence.

"Dong Hua..." Feng Jiu called out his name softly.

Dong Hua instantly turned around and looked at Feng Jiu.

"Did you call my name?" He replied coldly.

"You don't remember me anymore, Dong Hua...?" Feng Jiu mustered up all her courage and asked.

"You look familiar." Dong Hua sternly replied.

Ji Heng immediately interrupted into their conversation, "She's just an Intern who used to work under Tai Chen Group."

"Oh, I remember now. Your name is Feng Jiu, right? It looks like you broke your leg while trying to save me the other night. Ji Heng, settle all her medical bills under Tai Chen Group's account. Be sure to compensate her well too. I'll leave this small matter to you to handle." He replied in a cold and stern tone.

"Small matter...?"

Tears welled up in Feng Jiu's eyes, but she held it back. She stared into Dong Hua's eyes, and all that she saw was pure coldness.

Dong Hua then walked away, and Ji Heng quickly followed him.

"Don't stop me! I'm going to beat up that b****!" Cheng Yu was all ready to confront Dong Hua and Ji Heng.

Feng Jiu immediately grabbed onto Cheng Yu's sleeve and begged her to stop.

"Please, don't. Let's just leave. I want to leave now! Please, Cheng Yu!"

Cheng Yu turned over to see Feng Jiu already in tears, and she immediately went over to hug Feng Jiu.

"Don't worry; we will leave now!" Then Cheng Yu quickly pushed Feng Jiu back to her ward.

Feng Jiu silently sat on her bed, as there's wasn't any tears left for her to cry. She also had a massive headache from all those crying, and she eventually fell asleep.

"Let her rest, Cheng Yu. Let's wait outside." Cha Cha dragged Cheng Yu out of the ward.

"Call Lian Song now, ask him to come to the hospital later, and see what is going on with Dong Hua."

Then Cheng Yu called Lian Song and told him everything.


Soon, Lian Song arrived at the hospital and went to check on Dong Hua.

Then he came over to visit Feng Jiu.

"Well... It seems like Dong Hua really doesn't remember anything about Feng Jiu. He's tied down with work, and he's back to his usual cold self. I didn't even get a chance to talk to him because he's too busy." Lian Song said to Cheng Yu and Cha Cha, while they were standing outside of Feng Jiu's ward.

Then they went back into the ward to check if Feng Jiu was awake.

They found Feng Jiu sitting on her bed, facing out the window. Cheng Yu and Cha Cha immediately ran over to check on her.

"Are you feeling better, Feng Jiu?" Cha Cha worriedly asked.

Feng Jiu had a blank expression on her face, and it appeared that she was deep in her thoughts.

She looked coldly at Cha Cha, and replied, "I knew this day would come. It hurts me a lot, but I can't be so selfish now. Ye Qingti sacrificed his life for me, and I can't waste it away like that. I need to stay strong for Qingti."

They were taken aback by what Feng Jiu just said, and they didn't know if they should feel happy or sad about it.

"I'm hungry now. Would you mind getting me some food, Cha Cha? I need to eat more so that I can recover faster and take care of Qingti."

"Sure! I'll go get it now, Feng Jiu." Cha Cha immediately left the room to get some food.

"Are you sure you're okay...?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I'll be lying if I said that I'm okay. But like I said, I can't be selfish now. I have more important things to worry about. Qingti doesn't have any close family, and he won't be able to afford the hospital bills. My main priority now is to work harder and pay for all of his bills. I need to stay strong. Don't worry about me, Cheng Yu."

Lian Song told Cheng Yu not to worry as well, and that he would find a way to help her out too.

Lian Song then turned to Feng Jiu, and said, "Feng Jiu, I think I should let you know that Dong Hua will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, at noon."

"Thanks for telling me, Lian Song."


Soon, visiting hours were over, and they had to leave the hospital.

"I'll come again tomorrow morning, Feng Jiu. Promise me that you'll be okay?" Cheng Yu said, and Cha Cha also replied that she would visit later in the day after she ends work.

"I promise." Feng Jiu then urged them to leave and to get some rest.

Feng Jiu lay back in her bed, and she thought to herself, "This day finally came. Ultimately, Dong Hua still belongs to Ji Heng... I should have known better. But I need to stay strong for Qingti. Sleep now, Feng Jiu. Tomorrow will be a better day, and I'll visit Qingti as well."

It hurts me to know that you're gone, Dong Hua.

But I have to stay strong for Ye Qingti now.

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