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Francine had learnt from her past she didn't want to get bullied as a weak little girl anymore, so she cut her hair very short it's a boy style. She changed the way she dress up to be like a boy style also with jeans and hoodie leather jacket. She had been practicing her karate very hard lately to forget those embarrassing moment. She told her mom that day, she would go to big city to find a job.

Francine :"Mom, I've graduated from high school now, I want to find a job in the big city just like brother. I've called him to find me some jobs in there."

Her mom :"When will you go ?"

Francine :"I'll take morning bus tomorrow."

Her mom :"OK, just take good care of yourself well."

Francine :"Don't worry mom, I've grown up now. Please don't be lonely if I left you, you still have Li Wei and Xiao Jun here."

Her mom tried to hide her tears, but she saw it, she hugged her from back, and they crying together.

Francine :"I love you mom ! Please don't cry, I won't leave you forever. I want to help brother and you to earn some money for you, Li Wei and Xiao Jun. I want to study at university also someday."

Her mom :"I know my child, if you had set up a goal no one can stop you. I just hope the best for you. I'm sorry I can help you more."

Francine :"No mom, you've helped me a lot, you've raise me up till now with your hard effort, I thank you for all that you've done to me. Now let me do it for myself though I can't pay back to you for now, but I will someday."

Her mom :"Don't think about me I can struggle for myself well, just think about yourself."

The next day Francine had packed her stuff and she told to Li Wei and Xiao Jun to take care of their mom.

Wendy Xu Li Wei and Jerry You Xiao Jun were taken to their house six years before because their village got flood and they lost their parents. Ethan had saved them both from float off, their mom was too soft heart, she couldn't bear to see them suffer, so they've been taken to their house and raised up by their mom.They were still nine and seven years old at that time.

Ethan as the first son had helped his mom to earn some money to live since he was a child cause their father got into gambling one day and he had to pay back his lost by working on the mining all these years, he came back only once a year at new year, his father couldn't sent them much money since he had to pay for his debts. Unknown to his father he had been used and fooled by those gangster all these years. Since his father getting older, he's getting weaker also, now the gangster had an eye to recruit Ethan by cheating to replace his father. Ethan knew their bad intentions that's why he ran away to big city to earn some money to study in the university, he wanted to be a lawyer to punish those people who had taken advantages of their father so many years. Ethan had been studying Law for a year now, but he still working in the morning as a driver and he also taught karate for kids twice a week. He used to work at the bar before, but he quit since he took night classes at the university.

Francine got into the B city in the afternoon by bus, she knew his brother was still busy, so she decided to looked around the city by herself "Big City I'm coming !" She got his brother address, she tried to learnt about public transport to get into his apartment. She texted him that she had arrived, she left her luggage in the living room then left again to looked around the neighborhood. She walked around to see if there was a vacancy for her, suddenly a man in a suit walked fast and crashed her, his coffee got spill out to her arm "Ouch it's hot !" her arm got red. He got shock "Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt you ? Let's go to the hospital you got burnt !"

Francine :"No, no need my arm got burnt a little, just find me some ointment for burnt wound."

The man :"OK let's go the pharmacy there." The man took her to the pharmacy near by, he told to the shopkeeper to buy medicine for burnt wound.

The man :"I'm really sorry I didn't mean it I was in the hurry actually, what's your name ? Let me apply the ointment to your arm"

Francine :"I'm Fran... Franky. Thank you"

The man :"I'm Marco Wang, here is my name card. If you need me about your wound just call me."

Francine :"OK thank you Mr. Wang."

Francine continued her walked again to the neighborhood, she stopped in front of a flower shop, she came inside to look for the owner. The owner was very old.

Francine :"Excuse me ma'am, I'm here to look for a job, do you need a helper ?"

Madam :"Yes, I need a helper, can you help me to arrange the flowers and do some deliveries ?"

Francine :"Yes ma'am my name is Franky Lin."

Madam :"You can call me Madam Yang or ma'am. You may start working tomorrow or do you want to look around now ?"

Francine :"Yes, can I ?"

Madam :"Sure, I can show you about your job here."

Francine had spent some hours there until the shop was close, it was already late afternoon, so she decided to go back to see her brother. She was taking shower when her brother got back.

Ethan :"Hey what happen to your hair ?"

Franky :"I cut them, and from now on you call me Franky outside of this house. You can call me Xin Xin if just the two of us here."

Ethan :"Hahaha... why ?"

Franky :"Have you heard about my prom night ? I don't wanna to be fooled again by men ! Beside I think it's saver for me to dress up like a boy isn't it brother ?"

Ethan :"Do as you like, I don't care ! But for you to know I always there to protect you cause I'm your brother."

Franky :"I know you always be my caring big brother !"

Ethan :"Xin, you asked me some job right ?"

Franky :"Yes, do you have one ?"

Ethan :"I used to work in the bar, the pay was good, but I can't anymore cause I have night classes now. Do you want to work there ?"

Franky :"Yes of course, but teach me first brother, I don't want to get scolded all the time."

Ethan :"Don't worry I'll teach you well and introduce you to my best friend there. Let's go there tomorrow evening. I'll inform my friends first."

Franky :"Oh I've forgot to tell you, I've got a job too in the morning at the flower shop nearby."

Ethan :"Oh at that old lady's place ?"

Franky :"Yeah, you know it ?"

Ethan :"Yeah, I just past through it sometime, and I know her too. She's a friendly old lady, just help her nicely will you."

Franky :"Don't worry bro, I know."

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