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100% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Cosplaying is Awkward

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Cosplaying is Awkward

Chapter 50

Cosplaying is Awkward

Overprotective parents raise the best liars. - Anonymous

When my friend isn't at school: 5% I hope she's okay, 95% HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?! - Anonymous

Reviewer Quotes :D

And there is no way Yuni will accept Byakuran's bullshit! But I know she'll gladly accept Hibari-sama's bullshit and I will too... - Namimori-Skylark-18

*give a roll* (he he, get it? Roll, as in Hibari-sama's Box Weapon of awesome-ness?) - DNAngel512

Tsunayoshi Sawada Third-Person P. O. V.

"As the Millefiore Boss, I formally refuse." Byakuran announced, condemning them all.

Tsuna closed his eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen! Kyoko-chan, Haru... I'm sorry.

"Byakuran, I refuse to accept your bullshit." a voice cut into the silence.

Tsuna promptly whirled around, seeing a girl with relatively long dark green hair and blue eyes. An orange tattoo was bright against her pale cheek, but her eyes were so intensely blue that it overshadowed everything else. She was wearing weird clothes, an orange crop-jacket with a see-through yellow shirt covering her stomach and an orange/yellow ruffle skirt.

She looked like some kind of cosplayer.

Not another Haru, Tsuna practically groaned. But there was something familiar about her...

"As boss of the Millefiore's Black Spell, I get 50% of the decision here." she informed everyone.

The Millefiore Rain Guardian, the girl with the long light blue hair, Bluebell, made a strangled noise, recognizing the newcomer. "Nyu-nyu...she's moving..."

An orange pacifier hung around the new girl's neck, shining and connecting with Reborn's yellow pacifier.

Reborn's eyes narrowed, ever so slightly. "You're..."

WHO IS SHE?! Tsuna wanted to scream. Why did everyone know her but him?!

"Yuni..." Byakuran muttered, his expression dangerous. "Damn you..."

Yuni?! As in...Yuni-the-little-girl-who-claimed-to-be-prodig ious-and-related-to-Reborn? There's no way! Maybe it's just a coincidence that they have the same name.

Shoichi (who everyone had forgotten in their efforts to see the girl with the blue eyes) looked surprised. "Yuni-san is speaking of her own will again."

This... 'Yuni' girl seemed to have heard him and laughed, nervously. "Sorry, Glasses-Character-kun, I treated you like bullshit last time we spoke. You're actually one of my favorite people! I just love your hair."

Shoichi looked mildly offended. "Glasses Character?"

Tsuna couldn't bear to be silent any longer. "Eh? Huh? What?! The cosplayer is the other Millefiore boss?!"

Ryohei blinked, clearly confused. "There's another Millefiore boss? Let's take 'em out to the EXTREME!"

"The Millefiore was created when the up-and-coming Gesso Famiglia combined with the Giglio Nero Famiglia. The Giglio Nero had been around as long as the Vongola, perhaps even longer." Fuuta explained. "Yuni-san..."

Dino seemed slightly bitter as he spoke. "The Gesso Famiglia's boss was Byakuran. And the Giglio Nero's boss was..."

Reborn cut him off (as always). "So it was you. You've grown, Yuni."

Yuni snorted, clearly expecting this. "Oh, Reborn-ojii-san. Don't tell me you're going to be one of those distant relatives who likes pinching cheeks and talking over tea and cookies."

"EH?! Reborn-ojii-san?!" Tsuna felt a deja-vu kind of feeling. Hadn't this happened before? "You know her, Reborn?! And you're her 'uncle'?! She's calling a little baby like this-" here, Tsuna pointed, accusingly, at Reborn. "-her uncle?!"

"Shut up." Reborn commanded, twisting Tsuna's finger.

Yuni laughed. "Go Reborn-ojii-san! Kick Tsunayoshi-chan's ass!"

Tsuna seemed appalled. "Tsunayoshi-chan?! Who are you?!"

"She's the granddaughter of one of my acquaintances." Reborn introduced. "Forgetting already? You've already met her, No-Good Tsuna."

"J-Juudaime." Gokudera apparently found this an appropriate time to cut in. "Her collar!"

"I'm not a dog." Yuni snapped, unamused with Gokudera's naming tactics. "I'm a human being. Kind of. And it's a necklace, you chain-smoker!"

"There's a pacifier hanging around her neck..." Tsuna observed. "But she isn't a baby...?"

"Stop staring at my chest, you perverted Tsunayoshi-chan." the girl scolded, lightly. "It's a hand-me-down."

He nodded, awkwardly. Then again, she did just call him a pervert. "The color...? It's orange. Don't tell me...!"

Yuni smiled (talk about a tsundere). "Nice to see you all again, Tsunayoshi-chan, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto-kun, Ryohei-kun, Lambo-kun, Hibari-sama, Google!"

Tsuna turned pink. Why is she still using 'chan' after my name?!

Gokudera swallowed nervously. She called me 'kun'. Does she know me? U. M. A. tendencies...

Yamamoto just blinked, unsure of what was going on.

She reminds me of Kyoko...except a lot scarier. Ryohei noticed.

Lambo was half-asleep.

Hibari just 'Hn'-ed.

Chrome blinked. "Are you talking to me?"

(cue Haru exploding)

"AH!" she gave Yuni a pointed look. "Tsuna-san blushed!"

Yuni-chan P.O.V

Cue Byakuran being a total weirdo and laughing, totally killing the awesomeness of my entrance. "You've got me there, Yuni-chan. Man, what a surprise. You're looking a lot better-"

"No help from you, not feeding me dinner." I commented, dryly.

He ignored what I had said. "I see you've recovered, Yuni-chan."

Tsuna (oh, Tsuna-dearest, I've missed you so~) seemed confused.

So did Ryohei, his brotherly instincts kicking in. "Was she sick?"

"Nope!" I assured them. "Byakuran just fucking mind-raped me, no big deal or anything."

Tsuna looked horrified. "W-What?!"

"BYAKURAN IS EXTREMELY DEAD!" Ryohei announced, looking more pumped-up than ever.

Reborn just cocked his gun, but his aura of death was significantly larger than usual.

"That's just how she likes to put it." Shoichi tried to calm everyone down. But the fact that he was covered in blood wasn't really helping matters. "Her soul was broken by Byakuran-san."

Tsuna gasped. "H-Her soul?! That's terrible!"

"Being mind-raped does that to a person." I gave a dramatic sigh.

I was having fun with this. I know it was like a serious moment and all, but I was pretending to be a freaking zombie for months! I get my moment!

"Don't make me sound so terrible, Sho-chan." Byakuran scolded, lightly, but the undertone of silent anger was undeniable. "I knew Yuni-chan was a big scaredy cat-"


"-so I wanted to help her calm down." he finished, with a smile.

"No." Shoichi was firm in his words. "When you met Yuni before the Millefiore came to be, you destroyed her emotions so that you, Byakuran, could have control over the Black Spell!"

"Destroyed her emotions?" Ryohei repeated, as though it was unfathomable. Then again, taking his love for Kyoko into consideration, it was unfathomable.

Yamamoto swallowed. "So she wouldn't be able to move or talk-"

"Or make hilarious jokes that no one else seems to find funny." I piped up.

"-on her own?" he finished, sparing me a weak smile.

"That's horrible..." Gokudera shook his head, shaking in anger.

"Isn't that right," Shoichi turned to me. "Yuni-san?"

I shrugged. "I was able to make hilarious jokes that no one else seemed to find funny, but I had to do it in my head, or Byakuran might've, oh I dunno, KILLED ME."

Tsuna inhaled. "T-There's no way."

"That's too much..." Haru said, sadly.

"Oh, and he made me shoot you." I added.




Everyone stared at me.

Gokudera looked like he was going to mutilate something, Ryohei was SILENT, Yamamoto stopped laughing, Hibari-sama actually looked horrified, Chrome looked like she was going to pass out, Haru and Kyoko seemed to be fighting back tears, Lambo didn't care (he was still half-asleep), Reborn seemed like he didn't know what to say and Tsuna?

He just shook his head.

I smiled, then. "It's all okay, though."

"He destroyed your soul and you think it's okay?!" Tsuna demanded. "Not to mention...he made you kill me?"

I laughed, probably leading everyone to believe I was insane. "I managed to protect my soul, thanks to the power of the Arcobaleno."

That was true, in a roundabout sort of way. I only managed to stay un-mind-raped, thanks to Verde (an Arcobaleno) and his sciencey skills.

Tsuna seemed relieved, then, but Byakuran looked slightly more than pissed off.

"Power of the Arcobaleno?" Kikyo repeated, incredulously.

Cue epic smile. "Byakuran. It seems that I can travel to parallel worlds just like you can. I feel like such a copy-cat."

Said marshmallow-eater seemed a lot more pale and nervous than he had previously been.

"Huh?" Tsuna was so cutely confused...

"Anyways," time to get back on topic. "Since I'm, ya know, a hotshot in the Millefiore and all, I think that having a rematch would be perfectly okay." I gave a thumbs up. "After all, that whole Byakuran and Glasses-Character promise thing with the favor? Yeah, its all legit."

Bluebell sneered at me, clearly upset with the fact that I was pissing Byakuran off. "How would you know that?!"

"Prodigiousness." I shrugged. "It's alright to be jealous, Bluebell."

Something inside Tsuna seemed to click. "Y-You're Yuni-chan!"

"No shit."

"No, you're the girl I knew! The little prodigious girl!" he reiterated. "You're the boss of the Millefiore?!"

"Yep." I nodded. "Kind of."

"Now isn't the time for pleasantries, Tsunayoshi-kun." Byakuran cut in. "Now, Yuni-chan, I'm so glad that you're healthy and all, but you don't have the authority to interfere with my choices."

I unwrapped a grape Jolly Rancher, sucking on it, thoughtfully.

Byakuran looked irritated with my complacency. "I may consult with you if I'm not sure, but you're only number two. I'm the ultimate decision-maker here. End of story."

I sighed. "I suppose so. I get it, entirely. I guess I'll just..."

Byakuran smirked, clearly expecting me to give up.

Heh. NO.

"...withdraw from the Millefiore Famiglia." I finished.

"Tsunayoshi-chan, I'm going to have to force you into doing something for me." I said, turning back to the young mafia boss.

Tsuna swallowed, clearly remembering the past me. "S-Something?"

"Keep me safe from-" here, I jabbed a thumb in Byakuran's direction. "-Pedoran over there."


Have you forgotten all the grief you bear on

your shoulders has been embraced by the arms of a falling star?

The days that feel like infinite loops

can be reset with just one sigh.

Even if it's a detour that goes right and left, you will be fine.

The blowing wind definitely makes a noise when it wafts through the crevices between buildings

where you can't hear it.

The night sky is drawn with a story connected by stars.

It's an illusion my heart yearns for.

Have you forgotten all the grief you bear on

your shoulders has been embraced by the arms of a falling star.

That day when I didn't need a reason, but if the brilliance traced by my finger can

make you forget even sleep, then that will be fine.

The unrelenting rain surely mixed with the tears that flowed to your bitten lips

so that nobody would notice.

The night sky is drawn with a story connected by stars.

It's an illusion my heart yearns for.

Have you forgotten all the grief you bear on your shoulders has been embraced by the arms of a falling star.

I don't know the name of that star nor your name, but I can clearly see that brilliance from here.

The one to stop your tears, the one to share your dreams,to fulfill your wishes too won't be just anybody.

If it's not you, it can't be done.

The night sky is drawn with a story connected by stars.

It's an illusion my heart yearns for.

You haven't forgotten, have you. On that detour where the flowers that bloomed, all the tracks made

by your tears and your scars are beautiful, because it makes you what you are today.

-88 by LM. C.

Everyone stared at me, eyes wide. Except Hibari-sama, he's too cool to do that.

"P-Protect you?!" Tsuna flailed his arms. "You're the Black Spell boss! The enemy!"

I felt slightly offended. "What are you callin' me?! And its not just me that I need you to protect." I pulled out the Pacifiers. "I need you to protect Reborn-ojii-san, Fon-sama, Verde-san and Mammon too."

Reborn inhaled, sharply. "The Pacifiers..."

Tsuna, I think, realized how dire the situation was. "Those are the Arcobaleno's?!"

Byakuran raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Yuni-chan, you can't take my things without my permission. Those are part of my Tri-Ni-Set Collection."

"Bitch, these ain't yours." I snapped. "They can't even be considered the Tri-Ni-Set in your slimy fingers."

I held out the Pacifiers in front of me. Reborn, Fon, Verde, Mammon, please help me.

The Pacifiers glowed, casting shadows behind us all, as a white, pure light shined over us.

Reborn... Tch. I suppose I'll have to help. Stupid No-Good Tsuna can't manage on his own.

Fon... I'd be honored to help, Yuni-san.

Verde... Only because I think that if I do this, I will get to partake in something so much more fascinating.

Mammon... I better be getting a good pay for this.

I smiled, holding the Pacifiers, carefully. "Pacifiers without a spirit will never reveal the meaning of their existence. Especially not to you, Byakuran."

"They're..." I think a little of Shoichi died just then; the power of the Pacifiers gave him a heart attack, I think. "They're able to shine so brightly?!"

Tsuna's eyes were wide. "What's going on?! I'm so confused! How can she make them shine?!"

Byakuran's frown turned into a friendly smile. "I see... that is how it is, isn't it? You're amazing, Yuni-chan."

"Oh, I know." I assured him.

"I definitely need you." his eyes shown with insane desire, for the power of the Pacifiers. "Come, let's make up, Yuni-chan..."

"Beep, beep, beep." I said, a little more than weirded out. "Oh, look at that, my creeper beeper is going off."

He stepped towards me.

I stepped backwards, the light fading as I lost more of my concentration, the connection that held me to the spirits of the Pacifiers severed. "Go away, you creep!"

He halted, in his quest of creepiness.

"I don't want to stick around with you," I informed him. "and I highly doubt that Reborn-ojii-san, Fon-sama, Verde or Mammon would either!"

"What kinds of things are you saying?" he laughed, amused by my attempts to divert him from stalking me. "If you're going to try and take my things from me, I'll have to chase you down to the edges of the earth and take them back. And I'll take you with me."

I swallowed. If that doesn't scream creepiness, then I dunno what does. "Uhh, no thanks."

"Let's return now." he said, ignoring my refusal. "Come back to me."

The Vanessa Hudgens song 'Come Back to Me' started playing in my mind, but I tried to ignore it. Talk about awkward.

"Here..." Byakuran freaking purred, reaching out a hand.

"Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko cried. Ever my savior, Sasagawa Kyoko. "Help her!"

Said 'Tsuna-kun' glanced back at the love of his life. "Eh?! B-But...!"

The shot of a gun resounded through the area, unmistakable.

A pure, pure sun flame shot in front of me, skimming Byakuran's coat. "Hmm?"

Reborn's face was shadowed by his fedora, hiding his facial expression, but the gun he gripped, smoking dangerously, was evidence enough.

"Reborn!" Tsuna exclaimed.

I gripped the Pacifiers, running away from Byakuran, towards my family, towards the people I actually cared for. "Reborn-ojii-san! Tsuna-chan!"

Byakuran simply glared at the new hole in his coat.

I could practically read his thoughts... Damn, that was a new jacket from Burlington Coat Factory! Okay, he probably wasn't thinking that, but whatever.

"Don't push your luck, Byakuran." Reborn said, his tone dead serious.

Tsuna actually shivered, at the depth of Reborn's voice.

"I don't give a damn as to who you are." I had never heard Reborn this serious in my freaking life. "But if you lay a finger on the Arcobaleno boss, I won't stay quiet."

Tsuna apparently lost his fear. "Eh?! She's the Arcobaleno boss?! How many bosses can one person be?!"

"Ask Chuck Norris." I suggested. "Then you shall know."

"Playing the knight in shining armor, aren't you, strongest of all babies, Arcobaleno Reborn?" Byakuran challenged.

Kikyo, the suckup we all know he is, turned to Byakuran. "Byakuran-sama. Rest assured; we shall all bring Yuni-sama to you, shortly." Cloud flames lit up at the bottom of Kikyo's boots. Zakuro and Torikabuto's boots both lit up with their respective flames, and they immediately began attacking us.


"O-ho?" he threw pointed needle...things at us, the points sharpened by the Cloud Flames.

"Fast." Ryohei muttered, preparing himself.

"We won't make it!" Gokudera cried.

Pellets of packed gunpowder flew past us, exploding as they came into contact with the needles. "VOIIII! You get to deal with me!"

I laughed, tears springing to my eyes, I had really missed him. "Squ-chan, dearest!"

He smirked, holding his sword out in front of him. "Kid. I've been itching to let loose!"

Hibari-sama, ever so awesome, stood beside him and poked Squalo with his tonfa. "Out of the way. That is my prey."

"Hibari-sama!" I cheered, clapping my hands together. Everyone was here.

Squalo didn't take to well to being poked at. "What the hell are you doing?! Don't poke me!"

"Squalo and Hibari-san!" Tsuna shouted, in relief.

"O-ho." Kikyo muttered, floating in air, propelled by his boots. "You fools never learn."

"Wait!" Tsuna cried, ever the pacifist. "What are you guys doing?!"

My dearest Hibari-sama raised a tonfa, prepared. "Bring it."

Kikyo smirked. "Very well."

"WHY IS EVERYONE GEARING UP TO FIGHT?!" Tsuna wailed, clutching at his head.

Byakuran glanced at his Cloud Guardian. "Now, now, let's calm down, Kikyo-chan. Yuni-chan's been more or less asleep for a very long time now-"

"No, I haven't!" I protested. "I've been awesome! That's it!"

"-and must be cranky from waking up from her long slumber." he finished.

Kikyo straightened. "Yes, Byakuran-sama."

I shuddered. "To think... I had to act like that for months!"

"How about this, Yuni-chan? You come with me, and bring the Pacifiers. In exchange, I let Tsunayoshi-kun keep the Vongola Rings."

I blinked. "That's an awful deal."

"Huh?" Tsuna seemed confused. "But Byakuran really wanted the Vongola Rings...right?"

"Byakuran." for once, my expression was dead serious. "I know why you want me. And that's exactly why I'm not going with you."

"Then the Vongola Rings are mine." he replied, easily. "I have no intention of giving such a weapon to those who protect you from me. Even though, of course, your prince on a white horse seems quite terrified by the prospect of protecting you."

"That's only because you are such a monster." I smiled, reminded of childhood stories that I had been told, back when I was Riza. "The prince won't ever be 100% confident when he faces the dragon. Right?"

He simply stared at me, clearly getting the pun.

"The Vongola Rings will never belong to you, Byakuran." I told him. "Pacifiers go with the Arcobaleno, the Vongola Rings go with the Vongola. That's a fact, bro. It's in the freaking name. But you, cue evil music, forced poor Tsunayoshi-chan to go through with your Choice bullshit, named the Tri-Ni-Set as the prize, just so you could get your paws on it fast and easy."

"As long as I'm here, being a fucking badass," I went on. "I'm a part of the Tri-Ni-Set, the Sky Arcobaleno. And I won't allow your bullshit to go, undisciplined. So basically, this Choice battle? I don't find it valid."

"Unvalid?" Tsuna repeated.

"Meaning...?" Yamamoto urged.

"And so...?" Gokudera seemed unsure.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Ryohei shouted.

"You don't have to give him the Vongola Rings." I said, with ease.

Byakuran, despite all my awesome accusations against him, started laughing. "The Sky Arcobaleno definitely holds a lot of power over the Tri-Ni-Set. But you don't want to anger me, Yuni-chan."

I swallowed, knowing what was coming next.

"Do you not care what happens to the remaining Black Spell members, after you, their boss, betrays me?" his voice was dark.

Gamma... Nosaru... Tazaru... everyone.

I took a shaky breath.

"Well, they're definitely devoted to you and would probably enjoy being boiled or grilled for your sake." he admitted, with a shrug. "Doesn't matter to me."

"Wha-?" Tsuna gasped. "You're using them as h-hostages?!"

I stared at my toes. "They all..." I looked up, meeting Byakuran's eyes. "They all understand."

Tsuna looked outraged. "That means that you're going to let your own friends die!"

Reborn finally spoke up. "The rest is up to you, Tsuna. Yuni asked you to protect her. What'll you do?"

"B-But... her friends will be..." Tsuna glanced, unsurely, at me.

"Yuni-chan." Byakuran called. "Your prince on a white horse doesn't seem very reliable to me. Come back to me. I'm still willing to forgive you right now."

I took a step forward, towards Byakuran.

A hand grabbed my arm. "Come with us!"

My blue eyes met brown ones, and tears welled up in my eyes. Sawada Tsunayoshi...

"Join us!" Tsuna insisted. "Everyone! We're going to protect her!"

Kyoko and Haru beamed. "Tsuna-kun!"

Ryohei pumped a fist. "Well said, Sawada!"

Gokudera gave a nod. "Yes, Juudaime!"

Basil grinned. "Yes, Sawada-dono!"

"Yeah..." Dino gave an unsure smile. He now knew that I was forced into killing Tsuna, but he wouldn't be sure of me for a while.

The smirk on Reborn's face told Tsuna all he needed to know.

I smiled at Tsuna, grateful. "Thanks, Tsuna."

He flushed, clearly not used to girls treating him so nicely. "Huh? Oh... I-I, uhh..."

("AH! Tsuna-san is blushing again!")

"Idjit." Zakuro snorted. "Like I'd let that happen."

"Byakuran-sama." Kikyo glanced at his now pissed off leader. "Give us permission to attack and take back Yuni-sama."

Byakuran's face was shadowed, and his expression was murderous. "Granted."

"Time for destruction." Torikabuto noted, flying towards us.

Squ-chan shot off some more gunpowder pellets. Out of the smoke, he came, riding on his Shark Box Weapon, yelling. "VOIIIII! That's more like it!"

"Salmon!" Lambo prattled, happily.

Haru paled. "It's a shark!"

"Not any shark." I beamed. "Grande Pioggia Squalo...Alo-kun!"

"Squalo!" Tsuna glanced up at the swordsman.

Dino unfurled his whip. "He's going to buy us time. Tsuna, we have to fall back and regroup!"

"Fall back?!" Tsuna gestured around him. "We're surrounded by buildings!"

"Lets use the Flame Ring Transportation System thing!" I pointed at the white thing in the sky.

"The white thing that brought up from Namimori?!" Tsuna reiterated.

I nodded.

"She's right." Spanner (who I have still never spoken to) agreed, glancing at his computer. "It's above Vongola Base."

"If we use the System, we can probably make it back to Namimori." Reborn acknowledged.

"I won't let that happen!"






I've been reunited with people I actually care for.

800 reviews? Bloody hell.

Queen Amanda - I think Arceus was a good choice, too.

Kufufu no Fu - Pirates of the Caribbean was the definition of a badass movie.

a simple fan - I love trolling everyone through Yuni-chan.

coldgazeproduction - I love Lion Kind 2: Simba's Pride! I like the 'Not One of Us' song, it was awesome!

TsubakiTwilight - Yuni yelling at Byakuran would be hilarious... but I prefer the sarcastic response, lol.

Echo Andalice - The marshmallow Yuni found in Byakuran's desk? She left it...there? lol, I dunno.

anyandeveryanime - The awesome horse from the Percy Jackson series? Blackjack, wasn't it?

Khorale - You're the second Pirates of the Caribbean fan, lol. SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN, EVERYONE.

Almendra del sol - Yuni's there everyone and she's going to scare everyone.

Furionknight - Great :D

QRed - I love that movie! I don't know. It's my favorite movie as well. Thanks for the birthday wishes :D

Nazo-san - See Fran and die. That's probably the saddest plan in the entire world.

palmtoptiger-san - Yuni's Box Weapon has extreme facial expressions, lol.

.556 - I swear, during Twilight, the newest one, it was the definition of racist. I mean, the Irish vampires were all gingers...and fat. Like, really, Stephanie Meyers? REALLY?!

FreeWeirdGal - Lord of the Rings? There were too many of those. -_- I'm still not sure about the Future Arc, lol.

TNM-Writer - I love 'Sakura' by DarkPetal16! It really inspired this story, to be honest with you.

LifeIsARayOfSunshine - I love Shrek, its so cute :D Arceus is a fun Pokemon! he's so cute, I just needed him in there.

CuteDork - Trolling Byakuran? Oh, just wait until the Final Battle. I have shit prepared.

DNAngel512 - roll, Hibari-sama's Box Weapon, bahahaha! Despicable Me is really cute, isn't it?

o-o - Yuni has 2 Boxes, a Sky and Cloud. Arceus was the Sky, just wait for the Cloud.

ChubbyBubs - Great :D

Eurwen de Vrill - Spirited Away?! I saw that when I was like 5 and I started crying, because it was scary as shit back then. I mean, her parents turned to fucking pigs!

catrinebatrine - Byakuran's shit? Who doesn't hate it?

NAO-chan33 - Everyone had to treat her like a traitor...because she kind of was one. -_- The only one who saw through it was Mukuro. Genius boy, that Mukuro is. She's probably going to do something dramatic for the whole hair-cutting scene and then at the end of it be all like 'I feel like Sakura, hahaha'.

Yuki28 - It was a little longer, aahaha.

Memory25 - I like your story the best out of all KHR! stories. So write a chapter, would ya? Ahahaha, no, you don't have to worry about anything.

Guest - I'll do a double-update sometime this week. Pinky promise.

Eulphy Whitlock-Lupin - Yuni-chan is TOO awesome? Don't tell her that...she might get a big head.

Chocolate-Tama - the High School Musical song? Impossible!

xoKuroNoTenshixo - I love reviews. They make me smile.

Namimori-Skylark-18 - If you wrote a Pokemon/KHR! crossover, I'd read it. Just sayin'. They HAVE to make a KHR! movie! and maybe the video games, too, in English!

Guest - I write short chapters, that's true... but I update every three seconds.

MeWubFranxx - ALPHONSE-SAMA! (he is my greatest weakness) My Xanxus-kitty? I had to cage the poor sweetie... Tunafish came over and Xanxus-chan tried to kill the poor fishie.

happytth - I can't wait til Road to Ninja comes here, kyaa~ I mean, Neji's a perv, Shikamaru's an idiot, Naruto's evil and Sasuke likes girls.

ResyaAfhirsa - Thanks for the pocky! *consumes it in seconds*

Ingmina - When I reach my eternal goal? Holy shit, I dunno. Triple update, lol, maybe?

CrimsonSkyTamer - I loved the one-shot you wrote up for me! Gokudera-kun... *sobs*

Unkown Being - Byakuran's expressions are always either a smile or a pedo-smile or a weirdo-smile. *shrug* Take your pick.

TheParadoxicalOtaku - I wonder how this story became popular every freaking day, Otaku-san. I've never seen The Matrix... I update every freaking day, I swear. See ya later, sistah.

MeLikesROFL - THANKS FOR THE STRAWBERRY POCKY, MY HOME SKILLET. Finding Nemo is so freaking cute, I have cavities.

The Ice Sorceress - Byakuran was mostly canon and mostly creeper, I think. If Yuni acted toooooooo non-canon, he probably would have responded tooooooooo non-canon.

Thekouhai193 - I am a boss of updates, but not of chapter length. *sobs*

Autore Raita - Why would she throw lunches at him? She should throw bricks.


Lanaught - No, the Reborn's spirit in the Pacifier thing is referring to Future Reborn's spirit. Don't ask, I'll get so confused, ahaha.

I think I'm making a facebook page for this story too... And again, there's a poll on my profile for what story I should write next. 'Kind of' is in the lead, hahaha.

Kind of summary:

I'm Sasagawa Kyoko. Kind of.

I think it's going to be interesting, if I end up writing this one.


What is your favorite Reborn! opening?

Leave a review (800 reviews? DAMN STRAIGHT. Someone asked me what I'd do if I made it to 1000 reviews. I'd do a triple update, all of them extra-long, or a ton of omakes)

Leave a Sanders' chocolate bunny. Those are love.

Expect an update soon. I'm planning a double-update for this week.


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