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68% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 34: Chapter 34: The Existence of Ron Weasley

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: The Existence of Ron Weasley

Chapter 34

The Existence of Ron Weasley

"Who you calling a pipsqueak midget who can't even go to the beach because he's so small, he'd sink into the sand and when the tide comes in he doesn't even sink or have to worry about drowning because he's so microscopic he can breathe all the oxygen atoms in the water?!" - Edward Elric

Referee: [about Edward in an arm wrestling match] Nah, I couldn't possibly ask *this* shrimp to take on the champ... [laughs]

Edward Elric: [enraged] I'm not a shrimp! [leaps at the referee, but is held back by Alphonse]

Referee: Whoa, you're a pretty feisty shrimp, aren't ya? Looks like you salvaged that automail from the bottom of a scrap heap!

Winry Rockbell: [looks enraged] Alphonse. Let go of your brother.

Alphonse Elric: [nervous] Yes, ma'am.

I'm too obsessed with that show.

Today's Reviewer Quote :D

I mean, a girl who discovers she's Yuni in the second life can't be just any Tom, Dick or Harry, right? Or, uhh, Tomsina, Dickora or Harriet?

Like how someone's name influences the whole way you see that character, if that makes sense. But then again, it might be because I like having things all mysterious and dramatic, haha. It's just my own opinion. This puny person isn't a puzzle in the big picture. But since you are the author, I'm sure whatever you do pick will fit.

...hopefully. Just kidding. I have 99% faith in you, author, sir. - CC

To: TopFroggyMagician

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

I don't need your help to fight any war, bitch. I'll be fine, thanks for your concern (or lack thereof).

Yours (or not),


I knew I wouldn't be able to make it in time. I knew I wouldn't have the knowledge to save Aria. It was impossible.

The likes of the Sky Arcobaleno curse was so much more than I was and I knew it was a hopeless case. That doesn't mean I liked it.

Should I...go see her?

She sent you away for a reason. She didn't want you to see her in her time of weakness, Yuni. If you return, all of her efforts to keep you as innocent as possible would have been wasted.

I know that I come off as a strong person, with my arrogance, and my ability to find humor in almost every situation, but I am really not a strong person. I have never been on the battlefield, and had someone die before me. I have never lost anything, except, perhaps, my previous life, but I consider being reborn as a gift.

In the world of the mafia, I am clean, innocent.

Even Fran has already been dirtied by the work of the Varia.

But I had never seen death. And I didn't want to see it.

I know, the right thing, regardless, would have been to go see Aria, to tell her that even though we weren't the closest of family, she was a brilliant mother. And perhaps I would have told her about my previous life, and everything I know to be coming.

But I was scared. I didn't want to see that. I didn't. No matter how much of a bad person that makes me seem, I didn't want to see my mother die. First or second mother, no one wants to see their mama die.

So I didn't go.

When Fran, Squ-chan and Xanxan arrived at the Vongola (I could tell, explosions were rocking the entire building), I didn't leave my room.

Xanxus threatened to blow it up, but I told him that if he did, I would tell Reborn-ojii-san to murder him for attempting to kill me. Xanxus snarled for a moment and declared me a waste of time and space.

Fran gave up immediately, not wanting to exert more energy than necessary.

Squalo just told me I was being an idiot before leaving with Xanxus.

Was I? Was I being a waste of time and space? Was I not even worth it? Was I an idiot?

I decided not to think of those kinds of things.

I fell on my bed and drifted off to sleep immediately.

"Kufufu...what makes the princess so sad?" Mukuro inquired, as we sat in his mind space.

I fiddled with the grass. "Nothing."

He frowned. "It doesn't seem like nothing, considering how you came in here, crying 'Mukuro! Mukuro!' like you were."

I pulled a rock out of my pocket (how many rocks do I have in there...?!) and threw it at him. He simply moved his head like an inch to the side, effectively dodging it.

"So what make you so down?" he persisted.

I brushed the hair out of my face. "Wow, if Fran was here, he'd probably say something about brother-and-sister bonding time. And probably insult you a bit too."

Mukuro wrinkled his nose, in disgust. "Yuni, I regret the day I accepted Fran as my apprentice."

I shrugged. "I, sometimes, regret the day I was born."

Mukuro leaned back. "And why might that be? Does it have anything to do with your ability to see the future?"

I rolled my eyes. "Mukuro, really? We're not having therapy time with the pineapple here."

He conjured up a book (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in fact) and threw it at me. I dove to the side (my ninja skills have not been improving over the last eight years.) and escaped it. I then picked up the book, flipping through the book.

"Yes, it does have something to do with my ability to see the future." I admitted, starting on page 265. "Oh look, Ron is making Hermione cry. Again. Douchebag."

Mukuro snatched the book away from me, tossing it behind him, it disappearing into illusions. "Ron is not a douchebag. The only douchebag in the entire series was Percy Weasely, leaving his family like that."

I frowned at him. "Don't take away my book..."

"I'll do what I want." Mukuro smirked.

I considered it. "Well, I guess that's alright, considering how in this book, Ron was more or less a douche. Have you noticed he almost always pisses off Hermione?"

Mukuro shrugged. "I guess. In the seventh book, she was real fed up with the guy."

"Well, who wouldn't be? If you made me cry, almost every single day, I'd be pissed with you too." I argued.

"Ah, but then we would get married, in the world of Harry Potter." he pointed out.

I shivered. "Mukuro, don't even suggest that, you pedophile."

He waved my insult off. "Anyways. What exactly does your problem have to do with your future-seeing?"

I sighed, trying to find a good way to explain it. "Someone that I love dearly-"

"Fran?" he cut in.

I ignored him, going on, annoyed. "-is going to die soon-"

"Oh, it better be Fran." Mukuro was getting really excited about Fran's death. Great master he is.

"-and I don't want them to. I could probably find a way to prevent it, but if they live, then the rest of the plot is fucked." I finished.

"Oh!" he snapped his fingers in what he probably believed was realization. "You don't want Fran to die, but if he does live, then the future will be all wigged out?"

I facepalmed. "Mukuro, you've been in prison too long, it's affecting your brain. And no, it isn't Fran!"

He slumped. "Damn. I was looking forward to that."

"And that's why he hates you." I stated, dryly.

"I'm going to ignore that." he informed me. "And who is this person that will die?"

"My mother." I said, unhesitatingly.

And I wasn't unsure about telling Mukuro at all. No offense to Tsunayoshi, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Google Chrome-chan, Lambo-kun or - heaven forbid - Hibari-sama, but I trust Mukuro the most out of all the Vongola Guardians.

He gave me a flat look. "Is that a 'your mother' joke? I absolutely despise those."

"NO." I protested, grinning despite myself. Mukuro was so stupid sometimes. "My mother is really going to die."

He considered it. "Well, if your mother is the Sky Arcobaleno, and in order for the future to go smoothly, you need to be the Sky Arcobaleno, correct? I suggest you kill her off."

I was horrified. "I don't want to kill anyone!"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Then don't do anything to prevent her death."


"Hey, you wanted advice." he shrugged.

"I do not like you anymore. Hibari-sama is my favorite again." I announced, standing up, preparing to leave.

He snickered. "Choosing the underdog?"

"Shut up." I snapped.

"But you're the Fred to my George Weasley." he attempted, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Sorry to break it to you, but FRED DIES." I hissed. "And you're not making me feel any better, you jackass!"

He laughed, before apologizing. "Sorry, sorry. Now, I'll send you back, alright?"

"If you didn't, I'd declare you a pervert and kill you." I said, darkly (or at least, as darkly as I could be).

"Was that a threat I hear from my little Yuni-chan?" he teased.

"It was, jackass!" I snarled.

He sighed, waving his hand at me.

Turn your back to the things you treasure. (Understanding, praying)

As time goes by, the day you'll have to do without will come. (It's okay, it's okay)

As for men; what sad beings they are! (Women are that way too.)

Carrying on their backs inerasable memories... (That's true, that it is.)

Oh, boy, hold steadfast to your ambitions!

Deepest darkness in your right hand; in your left hand a dream!

If you hold on to them...



The illusion waves its hand


A memory of that person?

Enough of your outcries! (Become strong)

Futility, break through it! (Become grand)

Towards a place of light

I doubt that you care to understand me (Trusting, yearning)

Just fall silent as you have and remain close for me (Stand by me, Stand by me)

As for steeling your determination,

that is your own battle with yourself (True victory!)

I'd told you not to touch me, didn't I?

That you'd only get burned (That's right, isn't it?)

Oh, boy, hold steadfast to your ambitions!

Through those empty nights,

sleep, clutching a flame in your heart



Oh, illusionary smile


Do you think that you could forgive me?

The answer is in the wind (Become the wind)

Stick to your vow, (Become a flower)

on the road of no return

Oh, boy, oh, trusted companion,

on those cold, frozen mornings

proceed, clutching a flame in your heart!



Running with a trembling hand,

someday... (BYE)

will I become that illusion?

We've come so far since then (Become strong)

What's come has already come to pass, but (Become grand)

for now, we go on living

-Boy, Comrades Who Believe, by Toru Okawa, accompanied by Roy Mustang's Military Team

I awoke, breathing hard.

Yelling at Mukuro takes so much out of me these days...

I crawled out of bed, fixing my fucked up hair and stretching.

I dug through my wardrobe and tossed on some black dress.

It's appropriate, I suppose.

"You look like shit." Fran informed me.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I rolled my eyes. "Jackass. You and Mukuro are the exact same. Bitches."

"Don't compare me to the pineapple fairy." he deadpanned.

I laughed, almost bitterly. "I'll do what I want." I turned away, towards the kitchen. Time to indulge myself in ice cream.

"Are you going through a teenage rebellion stage?" he asked, falling into step with me. "You are, after all, wearing black like it's a uniform, heading towards the kitchen and you seem to be PMS-ing."

"Fuck you." I smiled, in response. "And no, I'm not. I'm just...tired."

"Tired of what?" he questioned. "Tired of my devilishly good looks? I find that hard to believe."

I cracked a weary smile. "Tired of being here."

"You considering suicide?" Fran wondered. "I don't think you'd have to kill yourself. Levi-sempai would probably kill you for you."

I rubbed my temple. "I'm not considering suicide, thank you for your concern, Fran, dear."

"Ooo, you're pulling out the 'dear' card? Yup, something is definitely wrong with you." he decided.

I sighed. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired. I want to go home, but I can't."

"You're homesick?" he asked, his voice hinting at disbelief. "If anyone would be homesick between the two of us, it would be me. I'm an entire country away from my home."

"You didn't like home." I shot back.

"So?" he puts his hands behind his hat, staring at the ceiling as we walked. "Doesn't mean I don't miss it."

"But you don't." I pointed out.

"I guess not." he shrugged. "But there's always going to be a 'what if' from every decision. The what if I hadn't come with you when you recruited me for Varia. I would probably be at school right now, being a bastard to all the girls that would inevitably fall in love with my-"

"-devilishly good looks?" I finished for him, a small smile on my face. "I think not. Your personality would cancel out any good looks that you had...which you don't have, by the way."

He snickered. "You're one to talk, girl that looks like she just went through a washing machine."

I flipped him off.

Fran sighed. "There's always going to be a what if. But I think that I made the right choice back then. After all, I wouldn't have Lussuria's cooking or your unexpectedly impressive ice-cream scooping skills."

I laughed, flipping my hair, arrogantly. "What can I say, it's a gift!"

He glanced at me, as if to say 'Yeah, your only gift'.

I yawned, trudging along. "Your rudeness always makes me feel better, for some weird reason. I think it's because I know you don't mean your insults."

"I mean them when it comes to Bel-sempai or Shishou." he deadpanned, seriously.

I grinned. "Who doesn't?"

To: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

From: TopFroggyMagician

Of course I care. Who else would scoop the perfect ice-cream for me? Not Bel-sempai, that's for sure. He just...eats and eats... and eats.



Thank you all for suggestions on Yuni-chan's real name. It won't be revealed until the Final Battle, with Byakuran, but I think that that will be coming up very, very soon.

Reviews :D

Lanaught - Angelina? Hmmm... the offering for Fran-sama, lol.

icecreamsundaes2013 - Yuni for Yuni-chan's real name... /deadpan/

RikiRenaH42 - Erika is my sister's name... I actually might use this one, thank you.

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - I'll definitely take Elena into consideration.


coldgazeproduction - Mao-chan's reassurance skills are on a scale of 0 to Fran (-35469563745).

Yuki28 - Reborn and the others are not in Adult! form, because Byakuran isn't on their side just yet, for the Arcobaleno Battles. And remember, how in the manga, when Yuni comes for the Arcobaleno Battles, she is in her TYL! form? And if he isn't on her side TYL!, then he cannot be, in the Arcobaleno Battles yet. And no, Enma and the others are not there. I am going along with the anime, not the manga.

Asumi Ayumi - I feel like I steal your quotes, but they're awesome and I love them. Who did Byakuran merge together? I think Yuni will give the ring to the Cervello, to give to Byakuran... thank you, so much, for pointing that out. Diana? Hmmm...

ResyaAfhirsa - No, they're American-Asian-Mexican, kind of like my family, ahaha. But I like the name Eliza...

Irisgarden799 - I like the name Verita. It means truth? Thank you for the suggestion, it will definitely be put under careful consideration.

TheParadoxicalOtaku - Apparently, I'm a nigga too. -.- Kayci? Maresa? I'll add those to my epic list of epic names to consider to the extreme.

Furionknight - I'm really glad that you always review, it makes me smile, so much, thank you.

CC - ALPHONSE-SAMA IS MY TRUE LOVE. Probably. If he was real. And I'm a ma'am to you, recruit. Everyone is taller than Ed-

"Who you calling a pipsqueak midget who can't even go to the beach because he's so small, he'd sink into the sand and when the tide comes in he doesn't even sink or have to worry about drowning because he's so microscopic he can breathe all the oxygen atoms in the water?!"


Paigecat - Riza or Maria... I definitely see the pattern here. OMG, go Youtube search 'Trance to Homunculus', the song, it's so awesome, I'm DYING.

shirokuromokona - Lily, because of the Giglio Nero. Kazuhiko Inoue's voice is awesome, right?

MeWubFranxx - Ethel or Alexis, ahahaha, thanks :D

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - Soundin' like Grandma is alwawys good, lol.

Michiyo - No name for Yuni-chan? That's alright, lol.

Lifespire - I'm so glad to know that you like it :) And let me just say, I absolutely love your picture. Lan Fan...ROCKS.

CrimsonSkyTamer - Something that translates to sky... time for... GOOGLE TRANSLATE!

Ingmina - Maybe it was your inner... Mao-chan!

The Ice Sorceress - I don't wanna kill Aria off, but I'll give an explanation below.

A lot of you reviewed that you think that I shouldn't kill Aria off, but this is why she has to die.

Aria is the Sky Arcobaleno right now, and has possession of the Sky Pacifier. After she dies, Yuni will inherit the Sky Pacifier and become the Sky Arcobaleno and boss of the Giglio Nero. If she wasn't boss of the Giglio Nero, then Byakuran would have drugged Aria, not Yuni. Then Yuni never would have saved Tsunayoshi during the Choice Arc, and they would have lost the Vongola Rings and died. Which would suck.

If you have any questions, leave them in your reviews.

New question!

What is your favorite KHR! fanfiction you've ever read?

Leave a review.

Leave an offering for Yuni-sama.

Expect an update soon :D


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