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54% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Planes, Rings and Realtors

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Planes, Rings and Realtors

Chapter 27

Planes, Rings and Realtors

In the Ninja World, those who break the rules are scum, that's true...but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum! - Kakashi Hatake from Naruto

"Don't you find it Funny that after Monday(M) and Tuesday(T), the rest of the week says WTF?" -Anonymous

Ugh...It's SHADOW POSSESSION. Get your Jutsu right... - Shikamaru Nara (so demanding.)

LAMBO-SAMA! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! - Tsunayoshi Sawada being a pushover. Again.

That was so touching! To want to be a gigantic robot! - Gokudera Hayato about Tsuna's dream.

Today's Reviewer Quote(s)

Can I be your original reviewers? Please, please, pretty please? -ResyaAfhirsa (that just made me smile so wide, thank you.)

And I KNEW it was gonna be a pineapple! Kuhaha! What I didn't expect was the Pineapple himself... - Victory Is My Name

If she's the one who gives him the ring, does that mean she's the one who proposes? - shirokuromokona

The next night, I didn't hear from Mukuro. I assumed he was probably, oh, I don't know, blowing up people's minds, finding (read: stalking) Fran, talking to (read: perverting upon) Chrome. Either way, he didn't talk to me.

I checked on the Vongola website. The 666 Hell Ring was apparently somewhere in Namimori, Japan. What is up with that town?!

I collected my 'allowance' from Gamma, about 10, 000 American Dollars. That guy ought to know that handing a kid a wad of cash is probably NOT a good idea.

I paid 1, 000 American dollars on a plane ticket from Italy to Japan.

I hopped on a plane (with Pokemon Black Version 2 for DSi), relaxing into a First Class seat. I'm really surprised that these people haven't called me out on being all alone and all.

I finished Pokemon Black Version 2 ("FUCKING BLACK KYUREM, DIE!" "Kid, shut up!") after about five hours, and then proceeded to sleep the rest of the time away. I was exhausted, talking with Mukuro during my nap, breaking into the Vongola (again.) and spending hours patching up holes in the ultimate plan to take over the world- I mean, save it. Hehe.

When we arrived in Namimori, Japan (again.), I snatched my duffle bag off the 'Carry Ons' and sprinted off the plane. My plan for being in Japan?

1. Get on a plane. Check.

2. Get off a plane. Check.

I ran off to the curb of the street, waving my hand around. A yellow car pulled up alongside, and I hopped in.

3. Go find a taxi. Check...

"Can you take me to a Marriott?" I asked, politely.

The taxi driver gave me a weird look. "Japanese, please?"

I blinked. I hadn't realized that I was speaking Italian... "Ah, sorry." I said, switching to Japanese. "Please take me to a Marriott."

"Do you have money?" he asked, flicking his cigarette. Ew.

I sighed. "Yes."

4. Find an incredibly inconspicious hotel. Check.

I checked into the hotel, saying, "I'm checking in for my mommy. She asked me to."

The desk lady aww-ed and handed me a room key. Room 666. How ironic.

I ran up to the room, and locked myself in there, pulling out a bag of popcorn, from inside my duffle bag, tossing it in the microwave. You can't track people down without some good old popcorn.

I flipped open my laptop, hacking into the Vongola systems with ease. I could do this in my sleep, I've done it so many times.

5. Go back on computer and find out exactly who has the 666 Hell Ring. Not checked. Yet.

"666 Hell Ring." I muttered, eyes flickering over the screen as I pulled out the popcorn. "Ah, hot. Okay, 666 Hell Ring: 'This Hell Ring is also called by the name "Unlucky Ring" and it has been said that, after 666 incidents of misfortune have occurred, it will be overturned and one time of fortune will be occur, but there is still no reports of a successful event.'"

I hate to think this, but that is perfect for the illusionist we're after.

I grinned, speaking aloud. "It really is. 'One would normally think of it as a high-risk ring, but an illusionist that considers misfortune as a way of thinking does not feel misfortune as misfortune, or simply has a personality that does not care about it might wear this ring willingly.' Yeah, this is perfect for him."

So who has the ring?

"Patience, Mao-chan. 'The 666 Hell Ring has been deemed harmless to those who know not of its abilities. It is currently in the possession of...'" I trailed off, reading ahead. "Oh my god."

Mao-chan peered into my thoughts. Who is it...? ...really?!

I nodded, grimly. "Looks like we're headed to Kawahira Realtors."

Kawahira Realtors looked a hell of a lot newer than it did in the show.

In the show, it looked like it wasn't taken care of for like, what?, ten years?

That's because the old woman who had taken care of the Realtors had died and it hadn't been taken care of for a while.

Oh yeah. In the wiki, didn't it say that Kawahira was like an important guy in the series? He turned out to be the one who turned Reborn-ojii-san, Lal Mirch-san, Colonello-san, Mammon-san, Skull-san, Verde-san and Grandmother into the Arcobaleno?

I believe it did.

Should I be concerned?

But, before Mao-chan got the chance to answer, a man stepped out of the realtors, holding some cup ramen. He was muttering something about, "Ten years later" and "I-Pin" and "Soggy ramen", but I didn't hear it all.

I stared at him. He was pretty feminine, shaggy white hair that fell in layers around his face, but not old. His eyes were dark, behind a pair of round glasses and he wore a green kimono.

He blinked, noticing at me. "...hello?"

I smiled at him. "Hello there, sir. I happen to be looking for something, if you happen to know where it is."

He slurped up some cup ramen. "You are certainly welcome to come on inside. I'm sure that Merida will not mind."

I beamed, waltzing right in.

"I own the business, and Merida runs it." Kawahira explained, briefly, gesturing to the back room. "Would you like to go sit back there? I'll send Merida with tea in a moment."

I nodded. "Thank you."

He disappeared into a closet.

I seated myself at a low table, a kotatsu, I think it was, carefully.

You are usually so careful about strangers. Aren't you worried about Kawahira-san being a weird pervert or something?

I never would have expected you to use that word. And I'm not. He's supposed to protect the Arcobaleno or something like that.

I don't think that this is how it works.

He won't hurt me. I'm vital to the future, right?

I suppose...but be on edge.

A kind old woman walked in, smiling, and set a tray on the table, nodding at me. "Little miss, the master will be out in a moment."

I nodded, taking a cup of tea.

The woman bowed, slightly, and exited the room, probably to monitor the store.

I sipped my tea. Vanilla. Yum.

Kawahira swept into the room. "Sorry for the wait. So, what was it that you were searching for?"

I set my tea down, adjusting myself, to look as professional as possible. "The 666 Hell Ring."

He peered at me, over his spectacles. I got this 'Albus Dumbledore' kind of feel, like he knows sooo much more than I do. And he probably did. "And why, little miss, would you think that I would have such an object?"

I laughed, awkwardly. "I'll be blunt, Kawahira-san. I know who you really are."

He didn't get nervous or anything, he just nodded, like he expected it. "And I know who you really are, Yu-ni-chan." He pronounced every syllable carefully.

"Do you really?" I asked, tilting my head, setting him with an intense look. "Because to be honest, I do not even know who I really am."

He blinked. "You are Yuni-chan, the daughter of Aria, current Sky Arcobaleno, ancestor of Sepira, one of the last of my kind, and granddaughter of Luce, the former Sky Arcobaleno. You are to be the next boss of the Giglio Nero, Sky Arcobaleno, and also Reborn's, the Sun Arcobaleno's, goddaughter."

I smiled. "That is not my true identity, Kawahira-san, but at the same time it is. And I do know that you are not Kawahira-san, Checker Face-san, but you also are. I admit, I don't know all of the details, but I do know quite a lot."

This seemed to surprise him. "Oh? You never answered my question. Why would you think I would have the 666 Hell Ring? I have it, of course, but if I give you it or not truly depends on your answer."

I shrugged. "I hacked into the Vongola systems, to find out where it was. I tracked you down, and flew over, from Italy. Speaking of which, you should probably erase everything having to do with you from existence. You wouldn't want anyone to find out, or guess, who you really are, right? I don't want the ring for myself, I'm not much of a fighter, I want it for my new...partner, so to say."

Kawahira smiled. "I am one of your kind, Yuni-chan. I can see the future, clearer than you can-"

"Somehow I doubt it." I muttered, under my breath.

He continued, as if I hadn't spoken. "-and your partner will end up with the 666 Hell Ring, whether you give him it now, or not."

I brushed my hair out of my face. "I'm trying the Varia heal, so to say. You know about the Ring Conflict, right?"

He nodded.

"And Tsunayoshi is going to win." I went on, not surprised. "The Varia will be dark. And his...unique personality might be just what they need to heal."

He sighed. "You sure about this?"

I gave an awkward grin. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't have flown over here."

The man reached in his pockets, digging around, and pulled out four rings. One of them had a 666 on it, like I expected, the 666 Hell Ring. The other had an image of what looked like The Scream, by that Edvard Munch guy, the Ossa Impressione. Another one had a blue gem surrounded by silver, the Orb Ring. The last one had an eye in the center, the Malocchio Ring.

I stared at them. "...I'll take the 666 one only, thanks."

He rolled his eyes. "You know who each of these will go to. The 666 Hell Ring to your illusionist-"

"He's not my illusionist!" I bristled at that.

He went on, ignoring my comment. "-the Ossa Impressione to that Genkishi fellow, the Orb and the Malocchio Rings to that criminal friend of yours."

"Mukuro?" I blinked. "How will I get those to him?"

Kawahira shrugged. "However you can, child, however you can."

I bit my lip. "This is a hell of a lot more than I bargained for, Kawahira-san. I would rather not take the others."

He adjusted his glasses. "It's what you must do."

I sighed. "Got it."

I tossed the rings (boxed, I didn't want to risk losing my soul or anything.) into my duffel bag. I had spent about three hours in Namimori, twelve hours on the plane and I was exhausted. I promptly jumped onto my bed and fell asleep.






In order to keep this promise, to cast aside this regret, I will board this train running. If we can gain happiness, then it doesn't matter the suffering. If we face things together, we can attain anything, right? Like a spiral spinning into infinity, I will walk down this road, though I can't escape. Knowing the truth of my own sins, I tremble, but I'll show you I can change that suffering into strength, no matter where I'm going.

Unfortunately, review replies are going to have to be quick.


Paigecat - Yeah, Yuni's just messed up. In the head. I am a girl. I did have a snow day!

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - Invasion of the frog hats, ahahaha! Where else shall he shit?

shirokuromokona - It was brilliant. But I expanded it a bit. SHE'S PROPOSING. (no.)

KatoKimeka-chan - Just PM me the link!

MeLikesROFL - Just cuz you don't read that, its okay. *hint* *hint*

Rikuo Nova - No offense, but you suck at guessing, ahaha! Mao-chan isn't any of those people. Sorry to disappoint.

Victory Is My Name - Holy shit, you reviewed a lot. Thanks for loving it so much, I just love long reviews and you gave me great ones. Fran is so awesome. There should be more Fran-fics. And Mukuro is dead sexy. Just sayin'. I eat up reviews like Halloween candy, so don't think you're spamming me. It doesn't matter, fanart away! Crona is adorable, true, true. Fran, Mukuro, Bel (the illusionists...and Bel.) are really good at singing. The VOI song is the best. It rocks my fucking socks. Frapple. (that sounds like a curse word.)

Unkown Being - Of course they're screwed. It's YUNI.

coldgazeproduction - I won't ever give it up! (Naruto moment, dattebayo)

ResyaAfhirsa - Yeah, of course! Your review made me smile. Thank you.


After I finish this story, should I move onto a Naruto (Itachi/OC), Harry Potter (Remus/OC or Percy Weasley/OC) or Fullmetal Alchemist story (Alphonse/OC/Ling)?

I'm really torn between these, because I love Itachi, I have all the Harry Potter books, and FMA:B is pretty short.

Leave me the answer in your reviews.

Leave a review?

Leave a taco?

Expect an update...SOON (possibly even tomorrow, if I feel up to the challenge.)


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