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42% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Chrome Dokuro

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Chrome Dokuro

Chapter 21

Chrome Dokuro

Xanxus - Well, according to this memo from the corporate board of directors, it seems as if I'll have to be instigating some down sizing.

Tsuna - What does that mean?!

Xanxus - I get to kill you.

Then there's Squ-chan.

"Shut up, you bloody wanker." Just imagine...British Squalo and Corporate Xanxus. I can't get over that.

That was all from good old KHR!Abridged. Go Youtube it. And I don't own it.

You're welcome.

Here's Chapter 21: Chrome Dokuro.

PS. This chapter was like 3, 000 words. You can thank Rebocon for keeping me going.

I watched Reborn completely crush Yamamoto and Gokudera's egos, saying that they weren't good enough to beat Squ-chan, and should just go home. All very canon, all according to plan. Well, I hadn't fucked that up yet, at least.

But then, he turned to me. "Yuni, you too. Go home. Its not safe here, anymore."

I gave him a flat look. "Really? Go back to Italy, the home of the fucking mafia? I'm safer here than there."

"I'm serious, Yuni." his eyes were dark. "Go home. That's an order."

"Last time I checked, I don't listen to anyone's fucking orders." I raised my eyebrows, in what could be taken as disbelief.

Reborn was getting annoyed with me. "Yuni. The Varia is coming."

"Yeah, so are the British, Paul Revere." I sneered. I exhaled, eyes closed. "Reborn-ojii-san, the Varia has kidnapped me before, and they didn't kill me then, not to mention the fact that I'm the daughter of a fellow mafia boss, so I have like...diplomatic immunity."

"..." he stared at me.

Two can fucking play this game, bitches.

"..." I stared back.

"...Varia kidnapped you?" he repeated, giving me this 'WTF/I don't believe you' look.

"Yeah. Well, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, or they'd tear off my face, or something, but whatever." I shrugged.

"...Varia kidnapped you. And you're not dead." he said, as if he needed to confirm it. Again.

"Umm, yes?" I blinked. "They're actually quite fun to chillax with, even if I was only there for like...two days or so."

"You survived two days in the Varia?! When was this?!" Reborn seemed really, really, really angry.

"Umm, two years ago?" I considered it. "Yeah, I was two then. And prodigious as ever."

"...yep, you're going home to Italy. Now."

"Ah, fuck."

So the next day, when Reborn was getting everyone all hyped up (or freaked out.) about the whole ring thing, I sneaked into the room.

I snuck up behind Tsuna and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"HIEEEEEEEEEE!" he screeched, jumping like three feet into the air.

I cackled. "Gyahahaha! Tsuna-san, you're so easy to scary the bullshit out of..."

Gokudera glared at me. "Don't scare the Tenth-"

I waved him off, addressing what I had came to discuss. "Anyways, I'm going back to Italy, and wanted to say bye to everyone."

Tsuna froze. "Y-You're going home? B-Because of the V-V-Varia?"

Look who doesn't have the balls to even say Varia.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Reborn-ojii-san has been bitchin' about it, so I kind of have to."

Reborn scowled at me. "I don't bitch. I get people to do what I want."

"Did you get me to leave when Squ-chan was beating the hell out of everyone?" I asked, bluntly.

Everyone (except Reborn, of course.) flinched.

"Thought so." I smirked. "Anyways, bye Yamamoto-san. Your dad makes good sushi. Just sayin'."

"Ahahaha, bye-bye, Yuni-chan." Yamamoto gave me a hug. "I hope to see you again, ne? ...and have you even had my dad's sushi?"

I quickly moved on to the next person. "Ryohei-san! I'll miss you to the extreme!"

Ryohei stared at me. "...have I even met you (to the extreme!) before?"

"Gokudera-san!" I glomped him. He shook me off. "Oh, I'll miss you, Gokudera-san. Even though you hate me like...a lot, I'll still miss you."

He sneered at me. "I won't miss you one fucking bit!"

"I know. I was lying about missing you." I smile, brightly.


"Gokudera-kun." Tsuna scolded, lightly.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi." I outstretched a hand, serious as I could possibly be. "I hope to be in touch with your Famiglia again. Our two Familgia, when together, are stronger than anything that the Varia could possibly throw at us. I look forward to the next mafia collaboration."

Tsuna paled. "I-I don't even want to be a mafia boss!"

I laughed. "I'm keeding, I'm keeding."

They all stared at me.

"What? Never seen that movie? Jack and Jill?" I blinked, surprised. "I would call it an American classic, but it really isn't."

"...JUST FUCKING GO HOME ALREADY, GODDAMMIT!" Gokudera shouted, at me.

"Fine. Bye-bye, Dino-san. I'll see you soon. Kufufufu~" I turned into a butterfly, and disappeared into mist. "Oh, and tell Hibari-sama I love him and will miss him. Farewell~"

Dino stared at where I had once been, paling significantly, shaking. "...what the hell?!"

Behind the building, I handed Chrome some money. "Thanks for the help."

"Umm, thanks for the practice...?" she blinked.

I shrugged. "It's all good."

"Uhh, I have a question." she began hesitantly. "How did you know where to find me?"


I quietly snuck into Kokuyo Land. It was mere hours after Squalo had left. I would have to be quick about this.

I heard muffled sounds from behind me. I dashed into a corner, hiding behind some old theatre seats. I was in the movie theatre, where Mukuro and Tsuna had had that whole...showdown thing.

A girl, wearing an eyepatch, with purple hair, a Kokuyo uniform and a trident stumbled into the room, surprising Ken and Chikusa, who I hadn't even noticed.

"Who are you, byon?" Ken demanded, quite rudely.

"I-I'm Chrome Dokuro. I'm the only one who can communicate with Mukuro-sama at the moment."

"Don't screw with me!" Ken shouted.

A mist filled the room, a eerie laugh cut through the air. "Kufufufu~ Ken. Are you bullying my Chrome?"

"M-Mukuro-san!" Ken gasped. Chikusa stood, sharply, at attention.

"Oh shit." I whispered.

Mukuro continued on to Ken and Chikusa, either not noticing me or not giving two shits. "Ken, Chikusa. This is Chrome Dokuro. She is my vessel and my way of communication. Take care of her or there shall be consquences..."

"Double shit." I muttered, in awe.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was at Kokuyo Land. Probably just to make sure that Chrome was, well, there and she would be ready for the Ring Battles.

"Of course, Mukuro-san." Chikusa nodded.

Ken groaned. "Fine..."

"And Yuni-chan? Please do take care of my sweet Chrome as well." Mukuro called out.

I froze. "...fuck."

Ken looked startled. "Yuni? The little kid? She's here, byon?!"

Chikusa adjusted his glasses, reminding me eerily of Yakushi Kabuto (Kabuchimaru) from Naruto. "Shall I dispose of her, Mukuro-san?"

Mukuro frowned. "Of course not. Little Yuni-chan is my informant, after all. Even if she did, in fact, betray me for the Vongola trash."

"Mukuro-san, you do realize that I am a mafia boss' daughter, right?" I asked, springing up from behind a chair.

Ken spazzed. "SONOFA-"

Chikusa just scowled at me. "..." Emotionless bitch.

"I do know that, Yuni-chan." Mukuro laughed. "Kufufu~ It just makes this all the much more fun. You're betraying me and your family at the same time. Whose side are you really on?"

"...I'm on Tsuna's side, always, Mukuro-san. But you are, too." I said, firmly. "Would you rather join Xanxus, whose rage controls him, who will turn the mafia into something darker than what the Estraneo would? Or Tsuna, who doesn't even want to be a part of the mafia, but has good intentions and an even better heart?"

"...neither." Mukuro's smile dropped. "But what I would like to know, Yuni-chan, is how you knew about the Estraneo."

"I'm Jesus." I shrugged. "...that was a lie. But I am very intelligent. I know things that you don't. I know things that Xanxus doesn't. I know a lot of things that Tsuna doesn't. I'm one of the most powerful allies you could want. And you'd be smart to be on the side that I'm on."

"Ken. Chikusa. Leave us." Mukuro ordered, feeling that the argument was gonna escalate.

Sensing the tension, they both left, immediately.

Mukuro eyed me. "Always? On the side you're on? You will always be on the side that turns out on top?"

"...I could think of a thousand perverted things to say, but I won't say anything." I said, quickly, before going serious again. "In ten years, I will be, by force, on the wrong team. But I want you to be on the Vongola's side then. No matter what."

"Will your side win? Or the Vongola?" Mukuro challenged.

"The Vongola." I said, immediately, with ease. "I will be forced to join the other side, but my loyalties, I assure you, will always lie with the Vongola, Reborn-ojii-san, Tsuna, the Varia, just not now, of course, the Giglio Nero and your Kokuyo team. I can't go into detail about the future, but I do know."

"Yuni-chan, we will speak about this later. But for now, what have you come for?" Mukuro allowed, questioning me.

"Err, can I borrow Chrome?" I laughed, nervously. "I need some high quality illusions, to pull a prank over on the others..."

"Illusions aren't for pranking." Mukuro frowned. "What have those stupid mafia taught you?"

"I'll pay you." I offered. "1000 yen? And some ice cream."

"" Mukuro sighed. "I feel like I might regret this, later."

"You might." I shrugged. "Anyways, stupid Iemitsu ought to be coming soon. I hate the guy, he's a total asshole, but he's gonna make you a deal."

"...a deal?" he repeated, giving me a weird look.

"Yes. He's gonna try and make you the Guardian of Mist for Tsuna." I began, explaining everything. "Xanxus is gonna start this big fight over the Vongola Rings. They are very, very powerful. They are probably amongst the strongest rings in the universe."

After all, Enma had his Rings of Badass, A.K.A the Shimon Rings. But those only came after the whole Future thing. Not to mention, I hadn't read the manga. So I had only the knowledge of what I'd gleamed from the website and some fanfictions.

Not to mention, I wasn't sure if I was in the anime or the manga yet. Well, I could always ask Yamamoto if he committed suicide, but that'd be a strange question.

"But this fight will be referee-ed by the Cervello, some pink-haired bitches. Don't worry about them. I think they're aliens." I laughed. "Anyways, there will be seven fights, for the seven Vongola Rings. The Sun Battle will be first, then the Lightning, Storm, Rain, Mist and then Cloud. The Cloud Guardian is Hibari Kyoya-sama."

Mukuro snickered. "Yeah, I met your Hibari-sama. What a joke! Kuahaha!"

Fuckles. He's turning into a Rokudo Mukuro/Yamamoto Takeshi. Yakado Tukashi? Thats the new name. Just sayin'.

"Don't disrespect Hibari-sama, or I will kill you." I promised. "Anyways, as much as it pains me to admit it, he has anger issues. The Varia Cloud Guardian is a Gola Moska, this giant robot thing. So Hibari-sama totally PWNs it, but then, as a result, the robot goes homocide. And then Tsuna PWNs it, a second time, and guess whose flames were powering it?"

"Whose flames?" he demanded.

"Timoteo, the Ninth Boss of the Vongola." I said, sharply.

Mukuro froze. I think he just realized how dark shit was gonna turn out, and that he was already waist-deep in it.

"Tsuna critically injures him." I added. "I'll tell you more later."

"...of course. I would like to hear the end of this wonderful story." Mukuro smirked. "Chrome will tag along for your little foolish prank, though."

"Thanks~" I grinned.

Mukuro disappeared, leaving a confused Chrome. "Umm, who are you?"

"Your new employer. Lets go."

Music randomly started playing, happy and cheerful. "Kufufu~ Kufufu~ Kufufu no Fu~ Let's dance in the mist's carnival. In a pure and beautiful world, the manipulated you is in the eternal samba with me"

Chrome sweatdropped as I flicked open my phone. "Hello?"

"Yuni. Are you on your way back yet?" Reborn asked.

"If I was on a plane, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'm having ice cream with my friend, Chrome-san." I said, with a shrug.

"Chrome, as in, Mukuro's vessel, Chrome?" he said, in disbelief. "I haven't even told Tsuna about her."

"That's just the prodigious talking." I shrugged. "I owe her ice cream for the whole mist shit, earlier."




"Fuck, he hung up."

"So, Chrome-san," I smiled, turning to her. "What ice cream do you want?"

"Yuni-chan..." she blushed, slightly. "You don't have to worry yourself. I don't need any ice cream..."

I waved her off. "I promised, Chrome-san. It's all cool."

"T-Thank you." she smiled. "Umm, the pineapple flavor, if thats alright."

I ordered one super-duper-extra-large-to-the-extreme sized pineapple ice cream (in a cone) and a medium vanilla ice cream in a bowl.

"T-Thank you, again." she continued thanking me.

I sweatdropped. "It's fine, Chrome-san. So how have you been recovering?"

Chrome sagged a little. "Much better...Mukuro-sama tells me that you have a habit of knowing the kinds of things that you shouldn't."

I shrugged. "Eh. It's a Sky Arcobaleno thing."

Chrome blinked. "Arco..baleno?"

Wouldn't hurt to tell her a few things. "An Arcobaleno is, basically, one of the seven strongest babies in the world. I'm not a baby, obviously, because the Sky Arcobaleno pacifier -which is like the symbol of your Arcobaleno-ism- has been handed down my family. The Sky is usually the leader of the group, be it Arcobaleno, Mare Rings, which you really don't have to worry about, and the Vongola Rings, which you will be fighting for."

"Mare...Rings?" she repeated. "What are those?"

I shrugged. Can't get into too much detail for these, because she's obviously fishing for information for Mukuro. Not to mention the Future will be screwed up, probably, if I told her. "Basically the Vongola Rings, but different. My family has possession of them."

She nodded. "Okay."

I checked my phone. "Ah. My plane is leaving in an hour. Gotta run." I shoved the rest of the ice cream down my throat, outstretching a hand for Chrome. "Thank you for your little help with my prank thing."

Chrome blushed. "I-It was nothing."

"It was practice." I corrected. "I'll see you soon, k?"

I boarded the plane, sitting down in First Class.


I shot out of my seat. "Squ-chan!"






Even if I'm weak, even if I'm small, even if I'm young, my love, I will never stop trying to get to you. I will never stop trying to help you. I will never stop. Because unlike the others, I am not stupid. I can analyze things. Unlike the others, I am not blind. I can see clearly, the pain that you are going through. And I will lift you out of it. Because I can harmonize with your thoughts. Like the Sky that you always knew I was.


What happened when Dino passed along Yuni's message for Hibari?

"You know that little girl?" Dino asked, dodging a tonfa attack. "Yuni?"

"What has the midget done now?" Hibari questioned, actually quite calm.

"'I love you and I miss you, farewell.' was the message." Dino shrugged.

Hibari's eyes gleamed and he smacked Dino across the face, blood trickling down the boss' chin. "Do not speak fondly of me, herbivore."

Dino facepalmed. He took that the wrong way...

I am sick. SICK AS HELL.

...actually I just have a fever. So I'm not at school, and got to write :) background.

Reviews...with my Dying Will

catrinebatrine - This ring is so sugoi! lol, I just died laughing. And then there's Gokudera, with his lisp. AND EMO BIANCHI. HELL YEAH. What was wrong with fanfiction? That happened to me too...

KatoKimeka-chan -Yeah, I think Fanfiction was being a bitch. I wonder what was goin' on...

shirokuromokona - I'm using that as this chapter's quote. Corporate Xanxus...hellz yeah. British Squalo makes me laugh, so hard, lol. Then there's also Chikusa, with his rapidly changing accents. Oh, thank you.

Toumei Ai - Is it really unique? I'm always like 0_o what if people hate my soul?! Trying to get through reviews, by ignoring and hot...Mukuro in the background...

cielovalkarie - Yeah, regular chapters are a hell of a lot easier to write.

Michiyo - M&Ms are my favorite candy ever. They be da shit. Of course. Blame Squ-chan, lol.

Paigecat - I'm sick today, so I got an update in at...12:13 PM? And I'm watching Rebocon. Best sick day ever.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - Your name is now 50% harder to type out. lol, Fran is awesome and I love him and yay!

Meli-chan27 - Betrayal~ *tear* Squ-chan is the bitchiest bitchy bitch of the bitchest. *breathes* Since Yuni is going back to Italy, Dino, Reborn, Varia and some...'others' will be the only people who will be visiting. I just saw this video, and they wrote 'Sakura Addition' instead of 'Sakura Addiction' and I was like OH HELL NO. I'm so tired, lol.

New question! (wow, you're just full of questions today, Leo.)

What is your favorite character song?

And what character would you like to see more of?

Leave your answer in your reviews.

Leave a review.

And some drugs (lol, jk.)

And Yamamoto-san.

And Fran-san.

And Ryohei.

Just leave the entire cast.

Expect an update...whenever. Ugh, my updating schedule is all fucked up.


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