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28% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Hibari Kyoya

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Hibari Kyoya

Chapter 14

Hibari Kyoya

Shamal: "We came to collect your bones."

Collonello: "We came to heckle you."

Tsuna: 'How inapproriate...'

I don't think anyone has realized, exactly, how sarcastic Tsuna really is. But he's so shy, he never voices it aloud.

You're welcome. Here's Chapter 14: Hibari Kyoya

Reborn told Nana that I would be spending the next few days or so at the Sawada household. Nana was immediately pleased, all giddy and happy about it. I kind of felt bad for her. All these children lived in her house, and she loved having them there. My assumption was that she liked being surrounded by children, because she only had one child, Tsuna. Plus her husband, Iemitsu, was a real bastard that came and went as he wanted.

Reborn disapproved of my leaving without telling my mother or Irina. "Who took you here?"

Well, I couldn't necessarily say that Rokudo Mukuro, an escaped criminal, took me here. "I brought myself here."

Reborn, since he was, ya know, a trained assassin, number one hitman and all, probably knew that I was lying to him, but he didn't ask anymore questions, except for one. "How long are you staying?"

I actually didn't know. I knew Mukuro would have to go enroll in Kokuyo Middle School, take over Kokuyo Land, kidnap Fuuta, get Fuuta to give him the ranking of who the strongest students at Namimori were, send Ken and Chikusa after them, have Tsuna go kick his ass, get arrested and all before the arc was over, but how long was that? Two days? A week? I really wasn't sure. "Until it's over." was my answer.

Reborn gave me a weird look, but didn't press on the matter. And for that, I was thankful.

While waiting for something to happen, I spent my days at home, with Nana, Bianchi (when she wasn't off stalking Reborn.), I-Pin, Lambo and Fuuta.

Fuuta was adorable. He was adorable. I mean, sure he was like five years older than me, and I was four, but he was adorable. You can't even doubt his adorable-ness. He always wore that scarf and a big sweater, clutching his Ranking Book tightly to his chest. Ah, he was so cute.

"Fuuta-kun!" I smiled. "Can you do a ranking for me?"

Fuuta loved doing rankings, that was like his hobby. "Sure!"

His eyes went all glassy, I-Pin, Lambo and Bianchi floating into the air, gravity distorting itself. "Yuni is ranked number 1 out of 15, 697 in mafia who would sacrifice themself for the benefit of others. She is also ranked number 1 in cutest future mafia boss, Tsuna-nii is ranked number 2."

I sweatdropped. "Future mafia boss? Me?"

Fuuta's eyes focused as he scribbled down the rankings into his Book. "My Rankings are always very accurate."

What kind of strange ranking was 'cutest future mafia boss'? The words 'cute' and 'mafia boss' don't belong in the same book, let alone paragraph or sentence!

Then about a day later, Fuuta was gone, leaving a note behind that said he was going to Antarctica for a vacation.

Tsuna was all worried over it, but I just sweatdropped. Antarctica? Really, Mukuro?

I volunteered to walk Tsuna to school, the next day. Reborn agreed, saying it'd be good for me to get out of the house every now and then.

When we got to the school, internally, I was having a little happiness meltdown. I mean, it was NAMIMORI FUCKIN' MIDDLE SCHOOL. Like the capitol of all the strange, amazing, mafia-related things that happen to Tsuna. Disciplinary Committee members, with their Elvis-impression of a pompadour hairstyles, were stationed all throughout the courtyard.

I nudged Reborn. "Their hair is slightly intimidating."

"Why are all these Disciplinary Comittee members here?" Tsuna muttered, watching the Committee people.

I froze. I remembered this scene. If Tsuna says that...then...he answers.

"There have been attacks on Namimori students." a cool voice replied.

My eyes widened and I spun around. There, in all his prefect-ory glory, stood Hibari Kyoya. Tall, with messy dark hair cut jaggedly around his face. Narrowed, calculating steel eyes eyed me, a dark sort of curiosity radiating from him.

"H-Hibari-san!" Tsuna squeaked, in terror.

"Hibari." Reborn nodded.

"Baby." Hibari nodded. "Herbivore. What is this child doing here?"

Tsuna blinked. "Reborn?"

Hibari pointed at me with a tonfa. "Her."

I was staring at him. It was...Hibari! "I'm Yuni." I bowed, slightly. "It's nice to meet you."

"Hn." Hibari dismissed me, turning back to Tsuna.

I sulked. "Ignored..."

I died, was reborn, was kidnapped twice, by a group of crazy (and disfunctional.) assassins and fucking MUKURO ROKUDO and still live to tell the tale, travelled across the world and I was ignored by my idol. That was all a giant waste of time.

Reborn sighed and addressed Hibari. "Yuni here is a big fan of yours."

I nodded, exuberantly. "Yes!"

Hibari stared at me. I stared back. He stared some more. I continued staring.

Didn't small animals? Wasn't I small enough? ...disappointment.

I began sulking again, in an emo corner of emo-ness.

His gaze softened and Hibari sighed. "Midget."

...ouch. A red arrow (figuratively) pierced me. That was a harsh blow to my pride...

To him, that might've been something nice (compared to when he beats people up for waking him up.), but to me, that was worse than any herbivore comment.

"Yuni knows a lot of things." Reborn continued.

I feel like Reborn was vouching for me. How nice (uncharacteristic, probably manipulative) of him~!

Reborn's eyes glinted, slightly. "And when I say a lot of things, I mean everything."

Ah. My initial thoughts were correct.

Tsuna sweatdropped. "I feel like he's plotting something."

I nodded, nervously. "I feel like his plot involves me."

Hibari narrowed his eyes at me.

I fidgeted slightly.

"Ask her anything, and she ought to know it." Reborn challenged.


"What day is my birthday?" Hibari asked, focused entirely on me.

What kind of easy question is that? And why wouldn't you ask something like 'what's the best way to cut off someone's head?'?!

"May 5th." I said, immediately. Then I slapped my hands over my mouth. He's gonna hate me and bite me to death!

Hibari raised his eyebrows. "Wao. Baby, I will be borrowing this one for a while."

OMG, HE SAID 'Wao.' AND ABOUT ME?! *dies*

Reborn nodded. "Go right ahead."

Hibari hoisted me up, gripping me by the back of my t-shirt, reading 'PINEAPPLES SUCK'. "Lets go."

I cried anime tears as I was kidnapped, by Hibari. " traitor."

Tsuna sweatdropped. "I thought you were supposed to take care of her."

Reborn shrugged. "I'm leaving it to Hibari for now."

As we got like, what, two steps away? Shamal arrived. And tried to pervert upon me.

I was four. And I had never met him.

I squeaked and clung to Hibari. Then I yelped, because he shook me off (because, well, its Hibari.) and leapt to Tsuna.

Hibari smacked Shamal with his tonfas. "I felt a malicious intent."

I sobbed, clinging to Tsuna. "Tunafish, don't let him steal me~"

Tsuna pried me off. "Y-Yuni!"

I then stopped crying. What was I doing? It was HIBARI. He can steal me all he wants~

I went back to Hibari. "Bye-bye, Tunafish!"

Hibari frowned at me. "Be quiet, midget."

I shut up. "K."

His phone started ringing. "Midori tanabiku~ Namimori no~ Dai naku shou naku-"

Hibari snapped it open. "Hm?"

He glanced at Tsuna. "You're friends with Sasagawa Ryohei, correct?"

Mukuro, you bitch.

Tsuna paled. "Y-Yes?"

"He's been attacked." with that, Hibari tossed me over his shoulder and started down the road.

"Midget." Hibari said, glancing at me. I was fiddling with a Nintendo DS that I had found in my pocket.

I looked up from my game of Pokemon Rangers. "Yes, Hibari-sama?"

"The attacks that are happening in Namimori. Who is causing them?"

I closed my DS, pocketing it. As I had been attempting to capture Entei (damn legendary Pokemon.), I had been thinking up what I would say to Hibari without resulting in my being-bitten-to-death. "An ex-mafioso named Rokudo Mukuro-san. He has escaped from an Italian prison for highly dangerous criminals that have committed crimes against the Mafia itself, two weeks ago. He kidnapped me, from my home in Italy, and brought me to Japan. I escaped to the Sawada household, as we were leaving the airport, where I knew Reborn-ojii-san would keep me safe."

It was partial-truth, partial-lie. The parts about Mukuro being an ex-mafioso was true, but the part about me being kidnapped was a lie. Well, kind of. He did take me, but I went with him? Ah, this is too confusing for me.

Hibari grunted. "Where is this 'Rokudo Mukuro's' base?"

I bit my lip. Mukuro was, honestly, luring Hibari there. But for the storyline... "Mukuro-san's base is in Kokuyo Land, an old, run-down amusement park located in the next town over. He is planning on luring you there and taking you out, so you won't interfere with his plans."

Hibari glanced at me. "...can you fight?"

I snorted. "No. I'm four. I may be prodigious, but I have zero physical ability."

He nodded. I highly doubt he would be so cruel to make a four-year-old fight. "You will wait at the Baby's home until I return with your next orders."

I blinked. Well, I guess its a good thing that I don't have to, you know, fight Mukuro and all, considering how I'm four... "Umm, Hibari-sama?"

He didn't say anything, but I think he was listening.


Probably not.

But, hey, it was worth a shot.

"Will you not mention me to Mukuro-san? I don't want him to, you know, know of my whereabouts and all." I asked, politely, since polite-ness is rather critical when dealing with Hibari Kyoya. That wasn't the reason at all. I didn't want Mukuro to think that I was betraying him. Well, I was, but I would need him in the future.

Hibari scoffed. "Like I would tell the herbivore I had assistance. It's unbefitting of a carnivore."

I smiled, slightly. "Well, then. I'll be off to the Sawada's, then!"

Hibari grunted. "Dismissed."

As he disappeared from sight, most likely off to bite Mukuro to death, I exhaled. That was a little more nerve-wracking than I would've liked.

Tsuna seemed surprised to see me, when I waltzed into his house. "Y-Yuni!" he exclaimed. "You're alive."

I burst out laughing. "Bahahaha! Hibari-sama may be scary, but he wouldn't attack a child without meaning."

Tsuna sweatdropped. "With the way you talk, I forget you're a child, sometimes."

I flipped my hair, arrogantly. "I am prodigious, after all!" Then I ungracefully choked on the lollipop that I had. "Kaquw. Kaquw." I coughed.

Tsuna awkwardly patted my back. "There, there."






The sky is the reason that clouds can float freely. But one day, the cloud will bite the sky up, itself.

Extended Ending

I spat the lollipop onto the floor, glaring at it. "Damn evil bastard."

Tsuna sweatdropped. "It's just a lollipop."

I silenced him with a sharp look. "Be quiet, little Vongola."

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Tsuna saluted.

Lambo came wandering into the room. "Dame-Tsuna! Dame-Tsuna! Let's play- ooh, candy!"

"Lambo, no!" Tsuna cried, lunging for the boy.

But it was already too late. Lambo had stuck my previously-eaten lollipop into his mouth.

I winced. "If there was anyone I didn't want an indirect kiss with, it would be you."

Lambo laughed, oblivious. "You can all be jealous of the fact that Lambo-san has candy!"

I snorted. "That's the last thing I'd be jealous of, Lambo."

I wrote this chapter, while listening to Burning Prayer, by Lal Mirch, the first opening to KHR and some good old Maboroshi no Arcobaleno, courtesy of Mammon. Does anyone else think that Chikusa and Ken should've had a character song?


shirokuromokona - Ah, he DOES say 'me'. I didn't realize that. It's hard to incorporate that into the English language, but when I can, I'll try it. Thanks for your suggestion and review!

Asumi Ayumi - Is this fast enough for you? lol, thanks for the review!

cielovalkarie - Ahaha, I update really quickly, lol. Thanks for the review (Yuni x Fran will be such a crack pairing, it's gonna be so hard to incorporate.)

Paigecat - I'll figure something out. I've already got plans... Thanks for the review!

Meli-chan27 - I like Fran x Yuni too. Tsuna's awesome. No other way to describe it. Thanks for the review.

Hanamizuki-Kokoro - Yuni is a badass baby...because she's prodigious. It's Mukuro. He LIVES to be complicated, lol. Who wouldn't want to be kidnapped by a pineapple? The skylark. I wanted an adjective that was basically 'prodigy' in a word. And I googled forms of the word prodigy and found prodigious and I was like 'PERFECT.' so I went with it. Every good (or shitty.) heroine needs a catchphrase! KYOKUGEN. Fran is a boss. End of story. Thanks for the reviews! Seriously, you gave me like ten reviews... 0_o lol

MeLikesROFL - Not Yuni and her nicknames... 'Tunafish' 'Extreme-san'. they will come with practice. Thanks for the review.

Nekozawa Tomoe - It takes so much just to get her to Japan... If she couldn't convince Gamma, there's always good old Mukuro, who does whatever the fuck he wants. Thanks for the review.

Thanks for the support! I have like just over 20k words, and already like 80 reviews? I couldn't ask for more you guys. Well, I could.

Leave a review? (see? I just asked for more.)

Expect an update...Thursday or later. No school today! Too much friggin' snow.


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