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20% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Vongola is Better

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Vongola is Better

Chapter 10

Vongola is Better

The way you used 'but' there is all wrong, lightning pervert. -Fran

You're welcome.

Here's Chapter 10: Vongola is Better.

Dino was an idiot. A complete, utter, absolute, fucking idiot.

...but he was so cute!

I mean, with Dino, I'd be all mood-swingy, like I was on my period or something. (But I'm not. I'm two, after all.) I'd be rude and sarcastic (or honest, depends on how you look at the situation.) to him one minute and then happy-go-lucky, glomping him the next.

...yeah, I need to get my priorities straight.

But I was meeting CAVALLONE BOSS, DINO. If that doesn't make you incredibly jealous of me (hell, I'm jealous of myself.), then you, my friend, are strange.

"Yuni." Reborn called, walking in, with Dino.

I turned, my cheeks stuffed with food. "Wha-?"

Romario chuckled. "Kids will be kids, no matter how smart they are."

I swallowed, before pouting. "I'm prodigious, dammit."

Dino gave me a puzzled look. "Do you even know what that means?"

I snorted. "Dino, my friend, the real question here is: do you know what that means?"

Dino laughed. "Of course I do!"

I crossed my arms, expectantly. "...well?"

Dino bit his lip, nervously. " means...that you're, uhh, someone who spends a lot of money?"

I burst out laughing. "You're so...stupid!"

The mafia-boss-in-the-making looked embarrassed. "W-Well, what does it mean then?"

I grinned, cheeky. "It's a prodigy, someone who is remarkably great in size, degree or extent."

"It also means unnatural or abnormal." Reborn piped up. "Just like Yuni."

I threw a banana (dafuq...?) at him. He tilted his head, slightly, the banana soaring over his shoulder. "Missed."

I scowled. "Fuck you."

Dino gasped. "R-Reborn...t-this...this girl! S-She just swore!"

Reborn kicked Dino in the head. "Shut up, Pipsqueak-Dino. Mafia bosses don't stutter. They make their sentences calmly and coolly, with the elegance of an intelligent human being."

I scooped ice cream into my mouth. "I thwore cuth I amth prodidiouth."

"...what?" Dino blinked.

I rolled my eyes, swallowing. "I swore cuz I am prodigious."

Dino sighed, in relief. "Good. I thought you said 'I whore cuz I am the messiah.'"

Reborn smacked Dino with a ton-mallet. "Stupid, do you even know what the messiah is?!"

Dino looked like he was in deep thought. "...Yuni-chan?"

I smacked him with a cantaloupe. Well, I threw it at him and it smashed all over his head. "Jesus."

He looked appalled, covered in cantaloupe. "Don't say his name in vain!"

I inhaled. "Jesus is the messiah, at least for the Christian religion."

Dino gasped. "S-So I-I said...?!"

Reborn and I nodded. "You said that I'm the whoring messiah."

Dino began panicking. "W-What if I go to hell?! I didn't want to go to hell!"

I rubbed my forehead. I'm fucking two and already getting migraines. "Dino. You're a mafia boss. You're probably already going to hell."

Dino began sobbing, tears running comically down his face. "Now you see why I don't wanna be a mafia boss!"

I panicked. "D-Dino? Don't cry, it's gonna be alright. You're a nice person, Jesus will accept your apology. That is, if you're a Christian, or not."

...what?! I don't like it when people cry... even if it is for comical relief...

Reborn (and, reluctantly, Dino) led me on a tour of the Cavallone Mansion, constantly comparing it to the Vongola's, and mentioning how the Vongola's was superior in every way. "That's the gardens, but of course, the Vongola's gardens are underworld-reknown for their miraculous statues of Vongola Primo and his Guardians. Those are the red roses."

I beamed. "They're pretty."

Reborn shrugged. "The Vongola's roses are number one in the underworld, the scent of the flower so enchanting it can lull people to sleep."

I sweatdropped. So a rose-chloroform thing makes it number one in the underworld... "Ano...Reborn-ojii-san? When you say underworld, do you mean the underground? As in mafia and mad scientists and underground secret laboratories and things?"

Reborn waved it off. "Underworld, underground, mafia, same thing. Oh, look. Those are the fountains. Nice, aren't they?"

I nodded. "Very prett-"

"Vongola's are better. The water in the Vongola's fountains is so pure and rich that fish die of pure happiness after being dunked in it." Reborn answered, immediately.

Dino sweatdropped. "I feel somewhat insulted..."

I laughed. "Reborn-ojii-san, since you know so much about the Vongola Famiglia-"

"You do realize we're at the Cavallone Mansion...right?" Dino cut me off.

I ignored him. "-would you mind telling me more about Vongola Primo and his Guardians? That sounded interesting."

Out of all the characters in the KHR-verse, I remembered the least about Vongola Primo and the first Vongola Guardians. I remembered their names, flames and some weapons, but that was about it.

Reborn nodded. "This is new, having a student who actually wants to learn." *cue accusing glare at Dino.* "Anyways, Giotto is the founder of the Vongola Famiglia, the first Boss. His weapons were the I-Gloves, standing for the First, a special pair of combat gloves, Mitena di Vongola Primo, a gauntlet, and the Mantello di Vongola Primo, a cloak that could nullify attacks from flames."

I nodded. "Is there any cloak, set of gloves or gauntlet like that in existence, at the present?"

Reborn shook his head. "They were one of a kind, so far. Anyways, Giotto was the ideal boss, a calm and collected leader that loved his friends and Famiglia, with a strong sense of justice, which is why he founded the Vongola. Above all, he was kind and valued friendship and bonds over everything else, a very forgiving man. One of his Guardians, Daemon Spade, betrayed him after Daemon's lover died, because Giotto was too kind. But Primo forgave Daemon."

We were sitting in one of the many 'not-as-awesome-as-Vongola' gardens around the Mansion.

"Daemon Spade was the first generation Mist Guardian for Primo. He was once an aristocrat, before meeting a woman named Elena." Reborn began, Dino listening intently. "Elena was the one who introduced Daemon to Giotto, and indirectly, the Vongola Famiglia. But things happened and Elena died, leaving Daemon in despair. In that despair, Daemon betrayed Primo, forced him to resign and became Secondo's Mist Guardian. His weapons were the Devil Lens, a looking glass, whoever Daemon glared at through it would die, a scepter, a close-ranged weapon, a scythe and a Deck of Cards."

I blinked. "A deck of cards...? What is he gonna do, Go-Fish them to death?"

Reborn rolled his eyes. "No, the card would take the form of one of the opponent's friends, having any skill the original did, the form that the opponent felt most threatened by. It was a unique, but dangerous weapon. Daemon was one of the more detached members, leading up to his betrayal. But not as detached as Alaude."

I squealed. "Kyaa~"

Dino gave me a blank look. "Why are you squealing...?"

I shot him the darkest glare I could manage without bursting out laughing. "I'll bite you to death."

The two of them stared at me blankly. "..."

"You'll get it one day." I promised, grinning brightly. "Go on!"

"...right." Reborn said, eyeing me. "Alaude was the first generation Cloud Guardian for Primo-"

"And he has an incredible resemblance to the Storm Arcobaleno, Fon-sama." I gushed, excitedly. "They have the same voice and everything!"

Reborn gave me a look. "And how do you know that...?"

"...the voices told me." I said, raising my hands, innocently. "I know nothing. Keep going. Alaude is my favorite."

"...okay. Alaude was the leader of a secret intelligence organization and the-" Reborn began, but I cut him off again.

"-first external advisor to CEDEF. His weapon of choice was 'Alaude-sama's Handcuffs' which can completely encase an opponent in handcuffs." I went on, on a roll. Get it? On a Roll? As in the name of Hibari-sama's Box Weapon? Which is the Cambio Forma version of Alaude-sama's Handcuffs? No? suck. "The weapon also had the ability to squish the opponent to death, completely crushing their body! He was a loner, like all Cloud-flame users, and preferred to be alone. But if his allies required it, Alaude-sama showed more belevolence towards his comrades than anyone else."

Reborn looked surprised. Well, he looked like he always did: bored, but I BET he was surprised. On the inside. "...and how do you know that...?"

I beamed. "Because Alaude-sama and Hibari-sama and Fon-sama are all the bomb dot friggin' com."

Dino's jaw was slack. "...maybe you are prodigious."

I snorted. "Of course I am. Now, Reborn, go on."

Reborn chose to continue, instead of questioning me. Eh. Not like I would've cooperated, anyway. "Knuckle was the Guardian of Sun for Vongola Primo. Because of his extreme strength-"

I burst out laughing. "KYOKUGEN."

Dino stared at me. "...what the hell are you saying?!"

"KYOKUGEN." I repeated.

Reborn ignored me. "Because of his extreme strength, Knuckle accidentally killed an opponent during a boxing match."


It was Reborn's turn to stare. "Sawada is the last name of the Vongola Famiglia's external advisor, Iemitsu Sawada. I'd like to know how you know him."

I shrugged. "Well, you are always going on and on about how kickass Vongola is. You mentioned him once, so I thought he was strong, so I think I should recruit him into my boxing club, which may or may not exist."

Dino winced, sympathetically. "...she does have a point. You do go on and on about how kickass Vongola is."

Reborn kicked him. "Going on. After Knuckle killed the opponent, he became a priest. Talk about a major change in lifestyle. But when his Famiglia came to a time of crisis, he gave himself three minutes and managed to save his friends. His weapon wasn't a weapon, it was an attack, called Maximum Break. During this attack, Knuckle was able to perform incredible feats of speed and strength."

I grinned. "You mean extreme feats of speed and strength?"

Ah, inside jokes. Reborn, you'd get it one day.

"Asari Ugetsu was the first generation Rain Guardian for Primo." Reborn seemed incredibly (extremely.) determined to get through this lesson. "Asari was a Japanese man who loved music, and played the flute."

I beamed. "I play the flute!"

Reborn raised an eyebrow. "You're 2. The only thing you can play is with your toys."

I remembered that I had played the my past life. "Err, I meant I WANT to play the flute."

Reborn's gaze lingered on me, before he continued with his story. "Asari Ugetsu wanted to do both, the flute and the sword. But when Primo was in trouble, Asari instantly sold his flute for four swords-"

I snickered. "For four swords."

"-and transportation to Italy." Reborn ignored me. "His weapons were the Four Irregular Swords, three short blades and one nagakatana, an incredibly long Japanese sword."

I couldn't help but smile. "Asari Ugetsu sounds like the best Guardian so far. After Alaude-sama, of course."

Reborn rolled his eyes, but kept talking. "G. was the First Generation Vongola Storm Guardian for Primo. He was known as the Right-Hand Man and childhood friend of Giotto. His weapon was G.'s Archey, a bow and arrow set that G. used when working for Vongola. Otherwise, he'd simply use guns."

I smirked, amused. "He's boring~"

Reborn kicked me. "He's legendary for his reputation to never miss. That is all the Vongola First Generation Guardians."

Dino shifted. "I...actually learned someth-"

I cut him off with a frown. "Reborn-ojii-san. That was only six of the seven Guardians. Giotto, Daemon Spade, ...Alaude-sama, Knuckle, Asari Ugetsu, G...what about the Lightning guy? Lambo?"

Reborn snorted. "Lambo is a Bovino-ian three year old mafioso-wannabe."

"Lampo, then." I corrected myself. "...but this Lambo kid sounds awesome."

Reborn sighed. "I don't concern myself with those who are below me...and if anyone is below me, it's spoiled brats, like you."

I whined. "Reborn-ojii-san~ I wanted to know ALL of the Vongola Guardians!"

Reborn closed his eyes. " this is how you get all of your information. Fine, be that way. Lampo was the Lord of the Land's brat, He's spoiled and obnoxious, but was known as the Lightning with hidden ferocity. His weapon, ironically enough, was a shield, the perfect weapon for a coward."

I stared. "...was there anything special about it?"

"No." Reborn said, instantly. "Shields are the coward's weapon. No, it isn't even a weapon."

I smiled, lightly. "Whatever you say, Reborn-ojii-san. Thank you."

Dino glanced at his watch. Apparently, Romario had it made for him of titanium, so it would never, ever, ever break. ...likely story. "'s about 6 PM, now. Are you going home soon?"

Reborn nodded. "Can't wait to have this brat off my hands."

I scrunched up my nose. "You mean paws?"

Reborn kicked me. "Go home."

I sighed. "Well, Romario-"

Romario (creep.) stepped out of the corner of the gardens, where he had been watching after his boss-in-the-making. "Let us go, Yuni-san."

"Bye-bye, Reborn-ojii-san!" I waved, as Romario led me away. "Try not to break any bones, Dino-chan!"

Dino sighed, standing up. "It's about dinner, Reborn. We going?"

Reborn nodded. "Hurry up, Pipsqueak-Dino."

Dino took a step before tripping over...a piece of grass and landing on his wrist, breaking the titanium watch.

Reborn stared at him. " that even possible? You're so stupid, you defy the laws of science."






The sky may seem big and empty, but it isn't. Aloof, drifting clouds bring the never-relenting storm, letting a gentle rain wash over everything, before striking down the darkness with the bright lightning, before the sun comes out, warming all and keeping the sky full. But the sky is never empty. Because there is always someone of which whom the sky has accepted.

There was chapter 10.

On facebook, there's this page called Rebocon and I can get all the Rebocon videos there, instantly. It's awesome. My favorite one so far is either Rebocon 5 or Rebocon 4 BLUE Special where Spanner and Byakuran sing Gyoza Gyuudon Setto no Uta and where Bel and Fran sing Tanoshiku Nacchau Uta. It's kickass.


GreenDrkness - Definition of Not Yuni: Bipolar. Thanks for the review! Be sure to vote on the poll on my profile.

xXxMentalPancakesxXx - Her catchphrase makes me grin everytime. During school, someone was like 'Leo, you get A's on everything' and I was just like '...I'm prodigious. Got a problem with that?' before busting out laughing. Self-personal jokes me smile. Because no one else gets it but me. I feel like calling you Mental will be, I got a tardy today, and my Asian mom was all over me 'WHAT THE **** DID YOU DO?!'. truth, I was getting food and ended up late to my Algebra class, but whatevs~ Thanks for the review! Be sure to vote on the poll on my profile.

MeLikesROFL - ...I didn't get that at all, lol. Thanks! Did you vote on my poll? If you haven't, go vote (who will Not Yuni be with...? NO ONE KNOWS!). Thanks for the review.

Michiyo - It's a secret~ I got tons of updates today from my favorite stories, so I wanted to join the party...Not Yuni's name will never be revealed, because she doesn't remember any names from her past life. OR WILL IT?! Thanks for the review! Go vote on the poll on my profile.

KatoKimeka-chan - Well, I want her outside, if that's alright, lol. And Not Yuni on the cover. Not Yuni looks just like Real Yuni, cuz, they, ya know, have the same body. Otherwise, it's up to you! Thanks for the review and go vote on the poll on my profile!

Meli-Chan27 - Girl, I am the definition of prodigious. Dino's hair is not just beautiful...ITS AWESOME. Thanks for the review! Go vote on the poll on my profile, if you haven't.

Current Poll Standings-

Fran - 2

Belphegor - 2

Rokudo Mukuro - 2

Sawada Tsunayoshi - 1

Superbi Squalo - 1

Irie Shoichi - 1

Spanner - 1

Sasagawa Ryohei - 1

TYL-Lambo -1

Gokudera Hayato - 0

Yamamoto Takeshi - 0

Xanxus - 0

Other - 0

Of all people that you all would vote for, I didn't expect Squ-chan to have a vote. Or Spanner, Shoichi, Ryohei, TYL-Lambo or Belphegor. I expected Fran (cuz I mean, who DOESN'T love him?!), Mukuro-san (PINAPPLES ARE TOTZ KEWLZ.) and Tsuna (tunafishies are my favorite animal.) to have votes. Wow. You all really surprised me. But the poll is still up, so if you haven't yet, go vote, RIGHT NOW. It's on my profile, and I'm not sure how much longer it'll be up, but probably for a good while. Go vote, though!

Thanks for all the support. So many reviews, like I'm at 40. My other story didn't have 40 till I was at 50, 000 words. I'm not even at 20, 000 yet.

Leave a review?

Expect an update, eh, tomorrow or Sunday. Okay, 10 reviews for an update tomorrow, any less, it'll be Sunday. (I ask so much of you.)


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