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12% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Rokudo Mukuro

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Rokudo Mukuro

Chapter 6

Rokudo Mukuro

What did you say?! Eat Sand! - Gokudera Hayato

You're welcome.

Here's Chapter 6: Rokudo Mukuro.

Mama was very busy pretty much the entire time I was at the Giglio Nero HQ. Reborn had to leave, midway through the week, saying something about 'Pipsqueak-Dino'.

I wanted to meet Dino, to be honest. I mean, it's DINO. He was definitely in the top 10 of my favorite people from the anime.

...and in ten years, his hair would be gorgeous.

But I spent most of my time with Gamma.

Gamma was awesome, like my older brother, protective father. We bonded, almost immediately. Close as Real Yuni? Yes. Closer? Perhaps.

Gamma took me out to the town the next day (you know, AFTER he completely ditched me in the hallway.). He said it was his version of an apology.

Turns out that he really DID have a meeting. Who knew, right?

"Princess." he stopped me, in front of a fruit stand. "I'm gonna go hop into the bakery for a second, okay? Here's ten euros...knock yourself out."

I gave him a deadpan look. "Knock myself a fruit stand."

Gamma shrugged. "Your mom is big on healthy."

I facepalmed. "Just...go buy your pastries."

I turned to the fruit stand. They actually had quite the variety.

Cantelopes, apples, blueberries, strawberries, starfruit, passionfruit, oranges, grapes, bananas, melon, lemons...

"What the hell...I don't even like fruit!" I muttered to myself.

Then I saw it.




Well...I am in Katekyo Hitman Reborn, after all.

" much is the pineapple?" I asked, turning to the fruit stand guy.

I froze.

The guy standing there had dark blue, indigo maybe, hair, and heterochromic eyes, one a sharp blue and the other a deep red. I recognized the person. They weren't wearing the Kokuyo uniform that they usually did, instead wearing a suit and a long coat, similar to that of the one that they would would in ten years. Their hair was pinned up, in a familiar shape.

The shape of the fruit I chose.

Well. This is a big mind-fuck for me, now isn't it?

"Kufufu...the little princess wants a pineapple?" Rokudo Mukuro chuckled, amused.

"Err, yeah?" I replied, dumbly. "It's an excellent source of manganese. Wikipedia says so."

Mukuro smirked. "Well, are you going to buy it?"

"How much is it?" I asked, fiddling with my money. Most people would've run away by then. But I wanted that fucking pineapple.

"Enough money to pay for eight plane tickets to Japan." Mukuro said.

...what? He...already knows? About Tsuna? Being the Tenth Vongola Boss?!

"Umm, I only have ten euros." I held up my money. That's more than ten American dollars! I am NOT buying an expensive pineapple!

"Kufufu, then you can't have the pineapple." Mukuro informed me.

"It's just one pineapple!" I protested. Wait...there was another fruit stand down the road. Why didn't I just leave this one and go down like one block? Because I wanted that fucking pineapple.

"So...?" Mukuro raised his eyebrows.

I spun around, refusing to look at the damn bastard. "You're an asshole."

"Kufufu, thank you." Mukuro laughed.

I couldn't help but add, "I doubt they're even real, you damn illusionist."




"...and how, pray tell me, did you know I was an illusionist, little one?" Mukuro asked, his voice serious.

"Err, I'm secretly an Asian. And Asians know everything...?" I winced, turning around. "Wait, take that back. That sounded racist and stereotypical. And I'm not Gamma."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, the stand disappearing, fading to mist. "I think, sweet child, that you're coming with me."

"That made you sound like a pedophile." I promised him. "Or a rapist."


"Just come with me." Mukuro suggested. "And your friend with the pastries won't get hurt."

"You listened in on our conversation?" I gave him a look. "Now, thats just creepy."

Mukuro sighed. "Either way, little girl, you'll be coming with me."

"Against my will?" I confirmed.

"Yes." Mukuro rolled his eyes. "Have you never been kidnapped before?"

"Actually, I have." I shrugged. "By the Varia. They just talk big. They're not scary, really."

"Kufufu, I'll remember that." he said.

"Cool." I gave him a thumbs up.

"Stop stalling." he tossed me over his shoulder. "We're leaving."

I scowled at his back. "You couldn't have even bothered to get me a potato sack?"

I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. I held precious information and I was two. Fuuta was nine when Mukuro kidnapped him, and he wasn't injured, either.

So if me no get hurt, me no be scared.

Simple, really.

"So, child," Mukuro said, setting me down. "Tell me what you know."

I glanced at our surroundings. "Well, we're in a warehouse. A little cliche, don't ya think?"

Mukuro rolled his eyes. He jabbed the floor with his trident (...the fuck'd he get that?!) and the warehouse turned into a field of flowers, a stream nearby. "Now, tell me what you know."

I closed my eyes, my expression turning serious. It's not real, he's just an illusionist. It's not real, he's just an illusionist. I chanted that in my head a few times, before hesitantly opening an eye.

The field of flowers was gone, replaced by the cold warehouse.

Then I regretted making it go away. "Aww, I actually liked the flowers better. Bring them back?"

Mukuro was staring at me. "How did you know...?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Flowers don't mysteriously appear, bro."

"You know a lot of things for a young child." he noticed, eyeing me, wearily. "What was your name, again?"

"Uhh..." I hesitated. Should I tell him who I was? "My name is Bluebell."

THAT, MY FRIENDS, IS A WIN. Just blame everything on the Real Six Funeral Wreaths. Or Gokudera Hayato. Or Levi. But I'm not a guy, so that wouldn't have...worked...

"Bluebell." he repeated. "That isn't your name, girl. Kufufu, it's too outlandish to be anyone's name. My name is Rokudo Mukuro. Now. Tell me yours."

"Chrome Dokuro?" I blinked. I must've heard that wrong. Chrome...doesn't come in til the Varia Arc, right? "What the fuck...?"

Mukuro twitched. "My name is Ro-ku-do Mu-ku-ro. Are you hard of hearing? But that name is quite nice...I might use it in the future, kufufu."

"Well, my name is...Sasagawa Kyoko." I nodded, sagely. "Yes. That is my name."

"No, it isn't. You hesitated." Mukuro pointed out.

"Fine. Then I'm Miura Haru." I decided. "It's dangerousu desu~"

"What the hell are you blabbing?" Mukuro sweatdropped. "Your name is not Miura Haru either. You know, little girl, you are terrible at lying."

I sighed. "Whatever. My real, true, one-hundred-percent name is...Sawada Tsunayoshi." Sorry, Tunafish-san.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi is the tenth generation candidate to be the boss of the Vongola Famiglia of the mafia." Mukuro deadpanned. "There's no way in hell that it's you."

"Damn it, you're good." I admitted. "Just call me Fran, then."

Mukuro's brow furrowed. "I feel as if I'd despise anyone with that name. And because of that, you can't keep that name."

"You're annoying! Does it really matter that much?!" I threw my hands up into the air, in exasperation. "My real name is Yuni, now just leave me the fuck alone!"

Mukuro scowled, eyeing me.




"...Yuni isn't your real name either." Mukuro announced.


"Hibari?" Mukuro repeated. "Skylark? That will suffice, for now."

I crossed my arms, turning away in a huff. "At least my name doesn't mean corpse six times."

"Kufufufu...kuhahaha." he barked out a laugh. "Your name means skylark, girl. You're one to talk!"

"Seriously. Die. But give me a pineapple, first. And bring me back to the fruit stand. No, die first." I glared.






Friendships, bonds, enemies...they're all important.

Dammit, not enough time for review replies. I'll do them next chapter.

Thanks for the support~

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