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10% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Gamma

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Gamma

Chapter 5


"You know, I've been thinking, senpai, your head isn't really screwed on right." - Fran

You're welcome. (I love giving those quotes. It's fun.)

Here's Chapter 5: Gamma.

I eyed the man standing nonchalantly beside me.

He was Real Yuni's closest person, she loved him. But me, Not-Yuni. I would never be able to love him, like she did, due to his unrequited love for Mama. Was he just using me to get closer to her? Or did he genuinely look upon me as a daughter, a friend?

How to test it...?

"Gamma?" I called out, hesitantly. "A-Are we friends?"

Gamma blinked. "Well, yeah."

I gave him a look. "Really?"

He sweatdropped, but nodded, slightly baffled. "Yes."

"Really?" I pressured.

He rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Yes."

"Prove it." I challenged.

Gamma raised an eyebrow. "And how, Princess, do I do that?"

"Umm...take me to Japan!" I blurted. Wow. I'm stupid.

Gamma stared. I stared back.

"No." he said, firmly. "Japan is dangerous, with their ridiculous cosplay and mini everything."

"Yeah, that was kind of a stupid request." I admitted, scratching my cheek in embarrassment. "And Gamma? That was pretty stereotypical of you, wasn't it? Not all Japanese people cosplay. Just Miura Haru. And well, kind of Rokudo Mukuro, with his school uniforms...and Reborn, too."

Gamma snorted. "And how do you know who Rokudo Mukuro is?"

I blinked. Didn't think that one through, either. "I can see the future."

Gamma hummed, thoughtfully. "That wouldn't be the strangest thing I've heard from your family. What was in this future you saw?"

Might as well tell the truth. It's so weird, no one will believe it. "Rokudo Mukuro was fighting a guy with spiky white hair and three blue tattoos under his eye. And then there was another scene, where Rokudo Mukuro was repeatedly stabbing this adorable guy with a frog hat on, through his hat, even though they were friends."

Gamma swallowed, awkwardly. "Princess, that is probably the strangest future, ever."

I shrugged. "It's the truth, bro."

"Bro?" Gamma repeated, an amused expression on his face.

I waved it off. "It's a modern thing. Old people like you wouldn't get it, Gamma-jii-jii."

Gamma raised his eyebrows, in disbelief. "Old people? Gamma-jii-jii? Do you really wanna go there, Princess?"

I laughed, nervously. "Err, yes?"

Gamma hoisted me over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. It all comes back to the potato sack, doesn't it?

"Dammit." I cursed, realizing something.

"What is it?" Gamma asked, glancing at me.

"I forgot my potato sack in the dining room." I snapped my fingers. "Dammit."

"Potato...sack?" Gamma repeated, giving me a weird look.

I nodded, grimly. "I don't think Squ-chan will give it back. Damn bastard."

Mama appeared, from around a corner. "Gamma..." her eyes were hidden, but it was clear to all that she was pissed. "You're still teaching my sweet, innocent Yuni bad words?"

Gamma paled, significantly. "B-Boss! If anything, Princess here is the only teaching me bad words!"

I scowled. "Pin the blame on me, will ya? Way to throw me under the bus."

Mama's eye twitched. "GAMMA!"

He adjusted me over his shoulder, before spinning around. "RUN LIKE HELL!"

Gamma and I stopped about 5 hallways down. We were both panting.

He shot me a weak glare. "Why are you panting?!"

"I'm not even two yet! It takes a lot of strength to stay on top of a running man's shoulder!" I shot back.




We both burst out laughing.

I wiped away a tear. "Ahh, that was fun, Gamma."

Gamma nodded, smiling. "Yeah..."

"So, how are you gonna prove our friendship?" I asked, a bright grin adorning my features.

Gamma blinked. "You're still on that?"

"Yeah...?" I quirked an eyebrow. "That topic began like 10 minutes ago, I ain't droppin' it. Anyways, what kind of things do you get to do?"

Gamma tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "I have to explain EVERYTHING around here. What kinds of things do you get to do, as Mama's right-hand man?"

Gamma ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, I get to go with her when she goes on diplomatic missions with other Famiglia. I get to go to parties with her-"

"OH MY HIBARI-SAN." I squealed.

Gamma stared, confused, again.

"You'll get it one day." I promised. "Anyways, can I go to the next party with you? Or diplomatic mission? They sound like fun...!"

Gamma scowled. "They're more dangerous than Japan."

"Please~" I begged. Time for the most violent weapon in my arsenal: Puppy dog eyes.

Gamma winced. "P-Princess, I can't-"

Increase attack to full power...

Gamma glanced away for a second. "But..."

I sighed. "Fine...don't take me..."

Gamma looked up at the ceiling, probably praying. "I'll take you to the next one..."

I clasped my hands together. "Really?! Oh, please let the Vongola Famiglia be there. They're my favorite mafia family!"

He stared at me, blankly. "Why isn't the Giglio Nero Famiglia your favorite?"

I waved it off. "I can't be biased. Plus, that Famiglia had Vongola Primo, Giotto, and his Guardians, Asari Ugetsu, G., Daemon Spade, but he was kind of a bastard, Lampo, Knuckle and Alaude. You know how good-looking Vongola Primo and his Guardians are?"

Gamma gave me a look of exasperation. "How do you know these things?!"

I smiled. "I'm a top magician..."

"You're so weird." Gamma chuckled.

"And the Vongola Famiglia has Xanxus-san, Squ-chan, Lussuria-san, Levi-hentai, Mammon-san and Ouji-sama." I listed. "I think that's it, for now, at least. Froggy-san comes later, when Mammon-san leaves."

"X-Xanxus-san" Gamma repeated. "Squ-chan, Lussuria-san, Levi-hentai, Mammon-san and Ouji-sama."

I nodded. "I think Xanxus-san, Squ-chan, Mammon-san and Ouji-sama are my favorites."

"Why?" was all Gamma managed.

"Xanxus-san shot Levi-hentai, which is good, because Levi-hentai would probably try to perverse upon young girls." I said, pointing a finger, to emphasize the topic. "Squ-chan's face makes me laugh. And in ten years, Squ-chan will have very pretty hair. Mammon-san is adorable and gave me flowers- FUCK. I left those with the potato sack! and made me fireworks. But I had to pay him seven euros... And Ouji-sama and Froggy-san are very funny. But Froggy-san is very cute too. And Ouji-sama, Xanxus-san and Squ-chan have amazing hair in the future."


"Well, Dino-san too." I said, blinking. "But Hibari-san will always be my favorite. But Mukuro-san has the best hair ever. Pineapples rock."

Gamma closed his eyes, shaking his head. "We went from parties, to the Vongola Famiglia, to hairstyles to pineapples. You're one of a kind, princess."

I snorted. "Of course not. There are at least two Yunis out there."

And there were. I can list two. Real Yuni. And me, Not Yuni.

"So who is this Hibari-san you always mention?" Gamma asked, taking a seat on the floor.

"Hibari-san? He's my future husband." I replied honestly, going criss-cross applesauce beside him.

Gamma's eyes narrowed, immediately. "I'll kill 'em."

I laughed. "You're just like a very protective father, Gamma."

Gamma scratched his cheek, in embarrassment. "R-Really?"

"Yeah. Anyways, Hibari-san is so...handsome." I swooned. It must've been strange for Gamma, to have his Boss' not-even-two-years-old daughter, talking so fluently about her future husband. "He's the leader of the Disciplinary Committee, at Namimori Middle School."

If you're thinking to yourself, 'Yuni! Why the heck are you telling Gamma this?! He might go after your husband (that will never love you...) and kill him!', then if you think about it, I've given Gamma so many names, he will never remember any of them. Except, well, maybe Rokudo Mukuro and Xanxus. Mainly beause those are the only ones he should know.

"But there are other handsome people." I said, thoughtfully. "Like Irie Shoichi-san in ten years, Ouji-sama in ten years, Tsuna-san always, Yamamoto Takeshi-san, wow, he is good-looking, Rokudo Mukuro-san, Xanxus-san always, Squ-chan in ten years, Gokudera Hayato-san always, wow, damn, he is good-looking, Lambo-san in ten years, heck, even twenty years."

Gamma looked uncomfortable. "C-Can we change the topic now?"

"Sure." I said, grinning mischievously. "We can talk about how you love Mama."

Gamma spluttered. "B-Boss?! H-How did you...? I don't-"

I held up my hand. "Oh, Gamma. Gamma, Gamma, Gamma..." I began, a devious smirk appearing on my face. Smirks of deviousness don't belong on almost-two-year-olds. "I know. You know. Let's just talk about it."

Gamma stared at me. "You're kind of amazing."

I laughed, like Lussuria...oh god, Gamma must've been emotionally scarred. "I know, my friend. I know."

"We can go back to the other topic." He suggested, nervously.

I laughed, brightly. "Gladly! So there's also Froggy-san, he's so cute and funny. And the whole monotone thing? Extreme! Oh, I haven't mentioned Sasagawa-kun. He's extremely strong. Lussuria-san would be ALL over him..."

Gamma sighed. "Is this how our conversations will go?"

I snickered. "Of course not. Eventually, you will 'fess up about Mama."

Gamma closed his eyes. "No thanks."

"But you don't have time." I said, looking at him, seriously.

His eyes snapped open. "What do you mean, I don't have time?"

"You know how the Giglio Nero Bosses can see the future?" I asked. I am SO lucky that I'm Yuni and we Giglio Nero folks can see the future. I can just play off my past knowledge as that.

He nodded.

"I've seen yours and Mama's." I said, sadly. "She gets sick. Really sick. And then she dies, without every knowing you loved her."

Gamma's jaw went slack. "B-Boss? N-No way..."

I nodded, blinking tears. "It's how fate's design has painted your canvas."

Gamma stood, turning away from me. "T-Thank you, Princess. I...have a meeting to go to. If you will excuse me."

I stared after him, sadly, as he walked swiftly down the hall.

Don't be afraid to cry in front of me. We're friends.






Sadness and loneliness. Imprisoned on your shoulder, I'm the one who touched it. Never ending, always the same. Between truths and lies, shaking that group of yours. I'm the one who'll show you the way, endless eternally.

I've updated like seriously, three times today. I AM GOD. (okay, I had to go all Kamichama Karin on yall.)


xXxMentalPancakesxXx - Thanks, ahaha! Thanks for the review!

TheParadoxicalOtaku - Yes, bro. I've been holdin' out on you. Well, if Yuni is two, everyone would be two years younger than their present age. Except Mammon, cuz he's, ya know, ARCOBALENO, MOFO. They care for both of them. Aria's companions don't only follow Not Yuni because of their Boss' orders. They don't follow Not Yuni really, because A, Not Yuni isn't a mafia boss yet and B, she hasn't ordered them around... Yuni has their trust already, I mean, she's two. Like how can you not trust a baby? (well, except Reborn. No one can trust that sketchy guy.) She can't manipulate Genkishi, because she would eventually need him to well, get Yamamoto serious about swordsman-ness and get Hibari off his fucking ego. Thanks for the review.

I've been listening to End:Res by Rokudo Mukuro for like the entire day. This is like my favorite song, ever now.

Thanks for the support :3

Leave a review, please? For Yuni?

Expect an update sometime this week.


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