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8% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: You So Be Varia Quality

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: You So Be Varia Quality

Chapter 4

You So Be Varia Quality.

"Wow, Tsuna. You've got some skill out there, getting yourself hurt in the hospital." -Reborn

Chapter 4: You So Be Varia Quality.

Lussuria explained the entire situation to me. I found it impressive, I mean, I'm a prisoner and they tell me all this shit? Epic win.

They wanted a treaty with the Giglio Nero Famiglia, but they're hard to get in touch with. So they kidnapped me, because someone had realized how similar I look to Luce and Aria. To be honest, that made zero sense. Why would you kidnap the person that you're trying to become friends with?

"Why didn't you just ask Reborn-ojii-san to do it?" I deadpanned, annoyed. "I was in the middle of a very serious game of hide-and-seek."

No one spoke.

"Reborn...ojii-san?" Xanxus repeated, gruffly. "What does that trash Arcobaleno have to do with anything?"

I blinked. "Well, I'm Yuni. My mom is Aria. My grandmother is Luce."

Mammon froze. "L-Luce?"

I nodded. "Sky Arcobaleno, boss of the Arcobaleno. Pretty much."

"Y-You're related to Luce?" Mammon blinked.

"Yeah..." I drew out the word. "I thought I already established that."

"Is Luce alright? Is she still the boss of the Arcobaleno? Who has possession of the Sky Pacifier?!" Mammon demanded, swarming me with questions.

"I don't know where Luce is. Mama never talks about her. Mama has the Sky Pacifier, it hangs around her neck." I said, ever the image of innocence.

Xanxus fired his gun once, into the ceiling, efficiently shutting us up. "I'm repeating myself. What does that trash Arcobaleno have to do with anything?"

"Well, Reborn is my mother's friend. He visits me a lot." I shrugged. "And he hasn't tried to kill us. So I'd imagine that he could have easily established the treaty."


I nodded. "Yep. And now, since you kidnapped me, Mama, Gamma, Neko-chan and Tazaru-san are gonna be pissed."

Xanxus fumed, whipping out a bottle of high-quality wine and downing it in seconds. He then threw the empty bottle at Squalo, breaking against Squalo's thick skull.

I clapped, lightly. "Good aim, Xanxus-san."

Squalo shoved me in a room and told me to be quiet and wait there, while they figured shit out.

I sighed, sitting on the floor.

I met Xanxus, Squalo, Lussuria, Bel, Mammon and Levi, but they probably hate me. Well, maybe except for Mammon and Lussuria, because I paid Mammon and Lussuria is my self-proclaimed mother.

I hummed to myself, waiting. What was I humming?

The best song ever.

"Kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu,

Let's dance in the mist's carnival,

In a pure and beautiful world,

The manipulated you is in the eternal samba with me."

Wait...if I was Yuni, shouldn't I be humming Yuni's song?

"I had been dreaming.

Of those distant ancient days.

Near the stars that twinkle in the darkness,

I count the days we met in that warmth that wrapped around me,

On my fingers and fall asleep."

Not the best song to sing when you're a prisoner. And of the Varia, no less! Wait...Varia.

"I don't need friendship or ability.

Glory is the thing that can be bought with money.

Come to me, all of you who have money,

I will snatch away all of it."

No offense, Mammon, but your character song is too fucking slow. Sorry.

I switched my voice to a monotone, trying not to laugh.

"The sticky blood forest is my wonderland.

Hey, catch up with the back filled with silver knives.

Let's play, my wonderland.

The real one? Try to find out with your life."

I burst out laughing when I hummed the part with the silver knives. I mean, Bel was in the building.

Squalo slammed the door open. "VOIII! SHUT UP!" then slammed it closed.

I pouted. Bitch.

Finally, Squalo came to take me from the room. I stood and stretched.

"Ahh, thanks, Squ-chan! I hated that place!" I grinned, brightly.

Squalo shot me a glare. "Shut up."

"You should get better closets." I suggested.


"I'm done, I'm done." I assured.

He glanced at me. "What the hell were you singing, anyway?"

I blinked. "Kufufu no fu,"

"The fuck?!" Squalo screeched.

"Kokoro no Hoshi,"

"That sounds so cliche." he commented.

"Maboroshi no Arcobaleno,"

"Who the fuck would write a song about the Arcobaleno?!" Squalo demanded.

"And Special Illusion." I finished. "It's about Fran."

"Who the fuck is Fran?!" Squalo asked, loudly. So basically shouting

"A top magician." I answered, mysteriously.

Squalo facepalmed. "Are you some kind of fucking idiot?!"

I beamed. "No. I'm Yamamoto Takeshi."

Squalo quirked an eyebrow. "Who the fuck is Yamamoto Takeshi?!"

"The best middle school baseball-player/swordsman in the world." I replied, with confidence.

He glared. "You ARE a fucking idiot."

"Who are you? I'm Lambo! Who am I? You're Lambo! I'm Lambo-san~" I sing-song-ed.

Squalo twitched. "If you weren't important, I would've killed you by now."

I grinned. "Then its a good thing that I'm important."

Squalo rolled his eyes. "No, its not. Now I have to deal with you."

"Can I just go home?" I begged.


"But..." I thought quickly. "You so be Varia Quality."

He snorted. "If that was supposed to be flattery, you failed."

"Fuck." I cursed. "That was all I had."

We walked down the hall, back towards the dining room. "Voi. We're gonna just dump you in the forest and you'll just say you've been hiding for a while." Squalo explained.

I blinked. "Well, how long have I been gone?"

Squalo shrugged. "A day, give or take."


Squalo scowled. "It was that shitty Boss' idea. Just go with it. And don't tell your family we kidnapped you. Or we'll come and find you and kill you."

So they just ditched me in the forest, around the Giglio Nero mansion.

I think that the Varia is just a bunch of idiots. But I was thankful that I wasn't, ya know, dead.

I trudged back to the mansion and banged on the door.

Gamma answered it. "Hello...?"

We stared at each other for a few seconds.




"'re alive?" Gamma blinked.

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "You're so good at greeting people, Gamma."

Gamma scooped me up in a hug. "Boss was gonna kill me when I told her I lost you! Where the hell have you been?!"

"To be honest?" I asked, swallowing.

"Yes." Gamma said.

I felt like Squalo was watching me from like the trees or something. Creepy~

I sighed. "Well, I am just really, really good at Hide and Seek. Now, I'm hungry. I want some dumplings."

Gamma raised his eyebrows. "I think that Boss is in the kitchen right now."

I paled. "N-Never mind. I-I'm not hungry. I'll go..umm, find something else to eat."

Gamma snorted. "Yeah, unless you want your mom's version of Poison Scorpion Bianchi's Poison Cooking."

I nodded. "Yeah, Bianchi's food might poison you, but my mom's would kill you. Instantly."

Gamma laughed. "Yeah. Let's go."

"Quickly." I suggested.

"Want takeout?"


"What kind?"

"Oh, puh-lease, Gamma."

"...fine, we'll get Taco Bell."






I wanna go. No matter how deep the wound I'll bear, I'll go through it. Don't be afraid of defeat. All things that I do for you.

There was Chapter 4?

Umm, I kind of double-updated, so if you haven't read Chapter 3 yet, go back and read it.

The review replies were with Chapter 3.

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Expect an update...tomorrow. Wednesday for latest.


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