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4% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Giglio Nero Famiglia

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Giglio Nero Famiglia

Chapter 2

The Giglio Nero Famiglia

This chapter? The result of procrastination.

That night, I got a wealth of information.

I was Yuni. I was about a year old. Reborn was still tutoring Dino, so the show hasn't technically begun yet. Aria can't cook, so she constantly orders takeout. I didn't live with my mother or Reborn, because my mother didn't want any of the Giglio Nero Famiglia to know about me (not sure why, though.) and Reborn lives at the Cavallone Mansion. Luce was dead. Reborn didn't know that, but considering how Aria was wearing the Sky Pacifier, it was assumed. Gamma didn't know I existed.

Reborn left after eating Taco Bell with her. She paid for it, but Reborn, the little bastard, pawned off of her and ate it anyways. Little piece of shit.

Anyways, Aria left me too, eventually. She left me with a kind woman who was, apparently, named Irina. She was Spanner's older sister. I had entirely forgotten. Spanner was Black Spell in the show, wasn't he?

So Irina took care of me, since Aria had to stay with her Famiglia.

Since Irina knew next to nothing about the mafia, I couldn't learn anything from her. So I had a hell of a lot of time to think.

I was Yuni. My name was Yuni. If you asked someone who Yuni was, they'd point at me. I was a baby. I lived in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn universe. I was going to grow up to be the Tenth Boss of the Giglio Nero Famiglia. I was going to be the 3rd Sky Arcobaleno. I was going to die.

Aria visited once a week and while she visited, Irina went shopping.

When I became one and a half, I was already speaking complex sentences. I had all the knowledge of my past life, except names of the people I knew, so I developed, mentally, quickly.

Even though we lived in Italy, we all spoke Japanese. Strange...

"Mama." I called out to my mother, who was sitting in my room, reading me a book. It was about nine months after I had been brought to that world. I had nightmares about my past family, but I would always try to smile.

Aria blinked. "Hmm?"

"Why do you always leave?" I asked. This had been a question I had really wanted to ask. I KNEW why, but I could possibly pressure her into taking me with her to the Giglio Nero Famiglia headquarters and I could meet Gamma, Tazaru and Nosaru.

Aria smiled. "I have work."

"What do you do for work?" I pressured.

Aria hummed, thoughtfully. "Well, I'm the boss of a big company. A lot of people work under me. But I'm friends with them. There's Gamma, Nosaru-kun, he's so young, and then there's Tazaru."

I nodded. "Are you important?"

Aria shrugged. "I suppose so."

"Do you like your job?" I asked, rocking on my heels. This conversation wasn't going the way I wanted it to...

She smiled, albeit sadly. "I do. But sometimes, I have to make decisions that let my friends suffer. So I have to be smart."

"Whats your company's name?" I continued, sitting on the floor.

Aria closed the book she had been reading and set it aside. "Well, it's called the Giglio Nero Group. You wouldn't have heard of it."

"But I thought it was a big company." I blinked, ever so innocently. Heh, no.

Aria tried to change the subject. "Are you hungry?"

I frowned. "No. I wanna hear about your job, Mama."

The woman sighed, resigned to the fact that I wouldn't give up on it. "Well, you see, Yuni, I am actually the mafia boss of the Giglio Nero Famiglia."

I gasped, in awe or surprise. She actually told me? ...weird. "Wow! That's so cool!"

Aria sweatdropped. Then again, it wasn't the normal reaction to discovering that your mother is actually a mafia boss. "Really?"

I nodded, absolutely amazed. Well, I had already known, but SHE didn't know that. "Yeah! Can I come see?"

Aria bit her lip. "It's really dangerous."

"But, Mama, if you're there, I'll be safe!" I insisted. "And you can invite Reborn-ojii-san too, then I'll definitely be alright."

She swallowed, obviously in deep thought. "Fine. I'll bring you in tomorrow. But you can only visit for the week, before I bring you back to Irina, alright?"

I beamed. All according to plan... wow, that thought made me seem really malicious/manipulative. "Okay!"

Aria- well, I guess I should call her Mama now... Mama left Irina a note, saying that she would bring me back next week.

In the car, on the way to the place, I sat in the backseat beside Reborn.

"Hi, Reborn-ojii-san!" I grinned at him.

Reborn smirked. "Yuni. You're not as short."

I smiled. "Nope. I'm a lot taller. Mama says so. I'll be taller than you soon, Reborn-ojii-san."

Reborn scowled. "I'm not that old, you know."

I shrugged. "It's either Reborn-ojii-san or Crazy Old Man Reborn. Your choice."

The baby hitman snorted. "You've got sarcasm, brat."

I beamed. "I'm your favorite brat."

Reborn scoffed. "As if."

"Then who is?" I challenged.

Reborn didn't even have to think about it. "Myself."

"You're your favorite brat?" I emphasized.

"I'm my favorite person in everything." Reborn said, knowingly.

I sighed. "You're mean."

Mama laughed. "Reborn, stop bullying Yuni."

Reborn rolled his eyes. "Aria, we both know that's never gonna happen."

"We're almost there, so stop arguing." Mama sighed, ever the pacifist. "Reborn, I trust you won't give away my Famiglia's location."

Reborn shook his head. "Of course not. I'm the greatest hitman in the world. I don't need cheap tricks to win."

I giggled, slightly. "Reborn-ojii-san, you're crazy."

Leon crawled onto his hand, shifting into a gun. "Wanna repeat that, kid?"

I smiled, but didn't say a thing.

We finally arrived at my mother's mansion. It was a large, white mansion with a red roof.

I nudged Reborn. "I wish I lived there." I whispered.

Reborn scoffed. "That's nothing compared to the Vongola HQ."

My eyes widened. If I could go there and possibly tell Timoteo-san about everything that would happen in the future... "Can I visit there one day?"

"Maybe." said Reborn, not revealing anything more.

I leaped out of the car first, excited. Reborn followed, immediately. Mama told us to go wait in the entrance, while she gathered her purse. When I got out of the car, thoughts raced through my mind. What if this screws up the timeline? What if because of this, Nosaru, Tazaru, Gamma and I die earlier?

Something pressed against my head, immediately. "Who are you?! What are you doing with Boss?! Tell me!"

I froze, immediately. That was Gamma's voice. If this was Gamma, then what was pressed against my head...?

Reborn pointed his gun at Gamma. "If you don't put down that gun," he began, his tone dark, dangerous. "I'll kill you in a second."

I paled. Gamma was pointing a gun at my head. Gamma was pointing a GUN at my head. GAMMA WAS POINTING A FUCKING GUN AT MY FUCKING HEAD.

Gamma snarled, "If you hurt Boss, you'll die, little girl."

I tried to stay calm. "Gamma-san. I'm not even two yet. Please put down the gun."

"Where's Boss?" he demanded.

I, to be honest, was terrified. I wasn't the real Yuni. I didn't have the calm, stellar disposition that could make Gamma incredibly loyal in a second. I was just me, a dead girl with a sarcastic personality and a lot of knowledge.

Reborn took a step closer. "Gamma. If Aria found out you killed her daughter, I think she'd kill you faster than I would."

Gamma grabbed my shoulder, shifting me so I faced Reborn. "Boss has no daughter!"

"Take a closer look before you pull the trigger." Reborn suggested.

Gamma snarled, but spun me around. I blinked up at the man, eyes bright and calculating.

So this is Gamma. He was good looking, I suppose (well, I'm not even two years old. How am I supposed to know what good-looking looks like and doesn't?), with short blonde hair slicked back and grey eyes. I mentally scowled at that. I don't like grey.

He stared at me. I stared back. He stared at me some more. I stared some more.

"Are we having a staring contest?" I suddenly blurted out. Then I cursed myself. Yep. Goodbye world. You were nice. For like nine months. Time to die again. Oh, maybe this time, I'll be Kuchiki Rukia from Bleach! Yeah, that wouldn't be too bad... but then I'd have to deal with Byakuya as a brother. And he was a real asshole, fifty percent of the time. Ahh, this life sounded so much better than that.

Gamma's eyes narrowed, taking in my bright, sharp blue eyes, identical to my mother's.

"See the resemblance?" Reborn smirked.

Gamma released me with a sigh. "I suppose. But when did Boss get a daughter?"

"Almost two years ago." Mama called, her voice cutting into our conversation.

Reborn's gun disappeared, Leon blinking on his fedora innocently.

"B-Boss!" Gamma exclaimed.

I sniffed. He is sooo Mama's bitch.

"Hi, Yuni." Mama said, smiling, waltzing up to me. "I see it that you met Gamma? Was he nice?"

He held a gun to my head, threatened to blow my brains out, manhandled me before having a staring contest. Yeah, we'll be the best of friends. is what I WANTED to say, but a lot of Real Yuni's future depended on this guy, on our relationship. But I wanted to tell this guy off... Oh fuck what I want.

"Yep!" I chirped, cheerfully. "He was very nice."

Reborn glanced at me, suspiciously, but I ignored him.

"He introduced himself and everything." I lied, brightly. "You've mentioned Gamma-san this the same guy?"

Gamma, on the other hand, was absolutely gobsmacked. "'ve mentioned me before?"

Mama developed a slight blush on her cheeks. "Oh, yes, once or twice. I also mentioned Nosaru-kun and Tazaru. Have you met them yet?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Well, let's go introduce you." Mama said, taking a step forward. "I'll lead the way-"

"Boss!" a man came running up. He only glanced at me and Reborn, before saluting Mama. "There is a stack of paperwork in your office."

Mama paled. "Let's go before they find me."

Reborn sighed. "Aria and I will go to the office. Gamma, I'm trusting you to take care of Yuni, alright?"

Gamma nodded, snapping his mouth closed. "Y-Yes! I won't fail you, Boss!"

I met Nosaru next.

Nosaru gave me a once over, before turning to Gamma. "Who is this? You babysittin' this brat or somethin'?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't be mean, neko-chan."

"N-Neko-chan?" Nosaru scowled. "Don't call me that! And don't tell me what to do, I'm my own person! Bro, who is this kid?!"

Gamma looked amused. "Boss' daughter."

Nosaru gaped. "I, umm, uhh... I'm sorry?"

I sighed. "Wanna just start over."

Nosaru nodded, embarassed.

"I'm Yuni." I stuck out my hand.

"I'm Nosaru. Uhh, nice to meet you...?" he offered, shaking my hand.

"Ahh, don't be so stiff, Neko-chan." I waved it off. "Can I call you that?"

Nosaru winced, but sighed. "Fine..."

"Yay!" I glomped him. "I love you now~"

Gamma managed to drag me away from Nosaru, who I was now firmly attached to.

Nosaru would be my best friend! Well, until I made more friends, like Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Hibari-sama~

Yeah, I kind of had a miniscule, tiny, itty-bitty, small, scarce, barely even there crush on Hibari, which was creepy considering how I'd never met him, he was like 14-15 and I was almost two. I know Hibari likes small animals, but I highly doubt he likes small animals like that.

Damn, and I was probably looking forward to that most since arriving in Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Fuck, now who was close to my age...?

Well, there's Fran, but he lives in France (I think.) and was a Varia-ian.

And you know how Mama feels about Varia-ians. Varians? That sounds like a Star Trek species.

"Varians~ Varians~" I sang, skipping alongside Gamma.

He shot me a weird look. "What are you singing about?"

"Varia." I sing-songed, easily.

He raised a blonde eyebrow. "Oh? And how, exactly, do you know about Varia, the Vongola Familgia's elite assassination squad?"

Umm, shit? Well, time to do what all Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters do when faced with a difficult question.

Blame it on...

"Gokudera Hayato." my reply was instant.

Gamma blinked. "Smoking Bomb Hayato? That rookie?"

"Yep." I grinned. I am so genius, coming up with a person to blame it on-

"And how do you know him?" Gamma smirked.

Double shit.

"Well, I can read his mind, because you know, it's in the blood," I began to explain. I was the queen of MadLibs. This couldn't be much harder than that. "And so I was just, ya know, strolling to the park with Irina, that's my caretaker. And then he walked by. And his mind was all like 'Fuck!'"

Gamma snorted.

"Hush." I scowled. "I'm telling a story."

Gamma smiled, slightly. "I'm sorry."

I beamed. "You're forgiven. Anyways, his mind was all 'Fuck! Varia didn't let me in either!' and then he went on to list all the Varia members."

Gamma looked impressed. "You remember that?"

That was a true story. I had been walking with Irina to the park and Gokudera Hayato had walked by. I stopped and stared at him for a moment, but he shot me a glare, before walking on. Of course, I hadn't REALLY been reading his mind, but the part about seeing him was true. And I wouldn't forget it, because well, OMG, I JUST SAW GOKUDERA HAYATO AND DAMMIT, HE LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER IN PERSON THAN HE DOES ON TV~ JUST IMAGINE WHAT MY PRINCE, HIBARI-SAMA, WILL LOOK LIKE, KYAA~ Ahem.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Mainly because he was so handsome."

Gamma's eyes narrowed. "I'll kill him."

I laughed. "I'm kidding, Gamma-san. I'm not even two yet."

Gamma then looked thoughtful. "Yeah, since you're so young, how can you speak and walk so well?"

I went with the story I'd always go with. "I'm just that prodigious."

Gamma snorted. "Sure."






We stand today on the edge of a new. We stand today on the edge of a time. To the never-disappearing light, I vow in this heart that I believe in you.

Gamma makes an appearance. And so does Hayato, in a way.

Thanks for the support~

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Expect an update, eh, tomorrow or Monday.


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