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100% My Hero Academia: the lottery / Chapter 5: prelude before the fight

Chapter 5: prelude before the fight

As Raizel walked by, you could see everyone looking towards a certain boy… he had jet black hair and handsome features with a slender body… with crimson eyes… this was Raizel…

He was casually walking forward through the academy entrance…

Many of the girls looked towards him, and went all moe as they saw him…

"Who is that?"

"Oh my hes so hot!"


He could hear them all, but he simply ignored them, as he silently went forward… it was at this moment that a certain mature looking girl, ran with a flushed face behind Raizel…


Now was not the time for antiques momo…. Too bad i cant kill her… it would too much of a waste of beauty…

I glanced towards her, my eyes looking at the two rabbits of her casual one piece dress…

I simply stoically looked at her, with boredom… while she huffed and huffed… she had ran here to catch up with her beloved 'nii-sama' but would a little sister, really be found holding sniffing and licking her 'big brothers' under wear and shirts?

I found her doing this six times in my room on my bed, as if she were in a trance, we never spoke of it… and now she was incredibly open about it, in the bad that carries is no a neatly wrapped fresh pair of my under in her hand bag right now.. I can guarantee it…

Now i often find, her freaking masturbating on my bed.. It escalated quickly… and she seemed to have formed some kind of reliance on me as well…

Not good not good at all…

As i was thinking such things… now was the time, we had to do a written test here, but this was merely a hoax, im sure if i simply slept inside the exam, they would pass me anyway due to the power level i displayed.

Be that as it may…. Ill do my best. And try not to kill this freaky girl next to me as well.

Exiting the building the written test was done and dusted… me and momo left the building…

A few months were left before the beginning of U.A

Its been some months, and the beginning of U.A was finally here… i was placed in 1-A witch didnt surprise me, all the best students are placed in that class… and as such it was time to begin…

Walking with momo following close behind me…

The likelihood of me replacing a character is rather high… but i could care less…

Now was my time. Not anyone elses…

I haven't really met any heroes, other than a few odd ones, during my 'hunts' and no one knew about me either someone just knew that someone, has been cleaning up the streets…. However a few sightings have been given… and that was when i was wearing a mask, a clown mask… using my immense strength, i killed the villains… all in a bloody manner… hence they labeled me as [ Bloody Joker ] a vigilante that has been cleaning the streets. Someone with strength boosting quirk.

Now was the time…

I had finally arrived at the class 1-A

Opening the door, i saw the one that reminded me kakashi, ejiro? I think thats his name, i may be wrong, then theres todoroki, and saw the guy with yellow hair…

Me and momo entered the class… and i couldnt be bothered dealing with any of them…

In fact id rather kill them all, and then move onto the next batch, but i wont, id rather have some inside the cannon… not to mention gaining some skills and letting my body mature would be a good thing… and izuku may become the greatest hero, but it would be best to make my move when all might and all for one go at each others throats the last time.

I took the protagonist chair next to the window muahaha while momo sat behind me…

Then things started to develop just like cannon

Katsugi came in and gave me a fearful look, seems i traumatised him, but he couldnt accept it, as his look changed to one of rage… but he subtly suppressed it, and sat at his seat… placing his feet upon the desk…

While lida came in and started to argue with him about it…

Than finally chubby cheeks ochako came in and was standing by the door, then finally my 'little brother' came in, and saw me…

We had barely interacted with each other lately, as he was always off training at the beach improving his already great physique… also he has a full cowling 20% now, so he got first place… by destroying a zero point villain and others…

In the public exam that is.

Many gave me looks, and many were chatting amongst themselves… the ladies were giving me looks and many had gathered around momo mostly the ladies…

This was when her bag fell to the floor and i saw my underwear come out of the bag… knew it…

Everyone looked at her weirdly and love hearts could be seen in her eyes, unable to control herself, she took up the underwear and smelled it while looking at me…

And the vibes in the room instantly got weird…. Real F****ing weird….

Everyone commically backed away from her, and looked at her as she was doing something unhealthy, and then they looked at me…

Wondering what did i do?

Ignoring that everyone simply began to ignore her antiques, the guys were no longer giving her stares and instead were looking at me weirdly…

Then finally i noticed that i replaced a certain bubble headed midget…

Eh who cares? Id kill the kid.

As that was said… finally Aizawa came to class…. In a purple sleeping bag…

As he made his presence known…

"If your looking for someplace to hangout with your buddies, do it somewhere else." a tired voice came out of the sleeping bag catching everyones attention…

The three kids that came out and made way for him….

"This is the hero's course…" the man said as he got out of his sleeping bag

It went on just like it did in the cannon… with a disappointed sigh, aizawa

"Im youre home teacher, Aizawa shouta… nice to meet you." his expression was tired and utterly bored…

He begun to hand out tracksuits to everyone present… than told everyone to go onto the field


Just like how it was done in the cannon, except… for one large change my brother, looked at me as if he wanted my acknowledgement, and he was called up to by Aizawa…

My brother went up first got his score, while this got everyone excited, Aizawa imposed that the last one will be expelled from the academy…

So on and so forth…

I begun to think about how i was going to throw the ball….

"Raizel Midoriya."

When everyone heard my last name they begun to talk to and swarm izuku as they held the last two names… being how he was he began to stutter at their questions…

"Hes adopted into the family, and no i cant answer any questions about his quirk."

Aizawa looked Raizel who was casually walking towards the circle…

'I wonder what you can do…'

He was there at the recommendation students exams, and not much was really known about his quirk other than 'control and manifest blood' and finally 'telekineses'

These were rather self explanatory, but the extend of witch he can do so was insane….

The sky had become red when he used his first quirk he named… and he had labeled it 'blood demon' and apparently the quirk has 'higher stages of activation' he was curious as to that was…. So he was most curious person towards Raizel Mirdoirya, not even his brother knew what his quirk was truly capable of…

He watched as Raizel simply held the ball on the palm of his hand then it began to float up into air without him touching it, then finally, with an incredible amount of pressure exuded into the surroundings… seemingly gathering in front of them.. Around the ball as electromagnetic lighting began to generate around the ball… and then it shot off… creating a massive gust and wave force just like a rail gun! It sent a massive pulse of wind in all directions fluttering everyones clothes and sending shocks through their minds… as everyones hair stood on end… literally from the electricity in the air…

"So COOOL!" a yellow haired individual shouted

While everyone else seemed to be afraid… afraid of their class mate that held so much power…

'So this is his telekineses… i feel more like psychokinesis….'

As he was thinking this… he himself was shocked at the power display… the ball itself had been disintegrated into dust, but that was that…

"Sensei… can i try again?:

Intrigued… and ultimately he agreed… this time… he simply threw the ball as a massive air shockwave sent it forward….

During this time… a green haired boy was watching this, and he looked at his brother, as he was massive unsurpassable mountain….

Many others thought of him as this way, with a simple show of his mind power….and hadnt even displayed his 'blood quirk'

'Is this what his telekinesis quirk is truly capable of?' to put it bluntly he was terribly shocked that the amount of power he was displaying was immense…. He even saw the ground cracking under the pressure….

Thinking thus far…. He didnt know what to feel with all that power in the hands of untrained individual… but tthat would change….

The students however, found out that their existances were small compared to that crushing power they felt from the energy they felt before…

Than the 50 meter dash… Raizel seemed to move so fast that their eyes could barely follow him… completely wasting the engine legged boy… witch shocked him…

Witch made everyone think he had a second or third quirk, but in the end it purely just speed…

Aizawas eyes were good and realised this… and were shocked as a result…

Then finally for the grip test, he utterly destroyed the machine, witch was accepted…

And towards the end of it, he had gained the attention of everyone in the class… and midoriyas inferiority complex seemed to have grown, and he was fighting it…

Everyone felt inferior towards Raizel, for his power was easily demonstrated… super speed? Mind powers? Whats next oh right, power to manifest and control blood like it was nothing!

Power to control ones mind? Oh great how weak are we?

Watching all this, from far away, was none other than all might the current number 1 hero…

He was mostly worried about his successor as he knew, that he had a complex towards his brother…

"Is thats who you were talking about midoriya? Tough one indeed…" even he was having trouble following his speed… tough competition… but he guessed it was to do with his ability to control blood… he could possibly enhance the blood inside his body to enhance his over all strength… witch was shocking… not mentioning the things he can do with his mind…

Aizawa pressed the button and the results were as expected…

Raizel Medoriya

Momo yaoy

Shoto todoroki

Izuku midoriya


While the last person witch was the yellow haired boy… clenched his fist and prepared himself to leave…

"Well, what i said before about expelling was obviously a lie…"

What a jinx… or rather, that in itself was a lie.

Momo went on to say how obvious it was, but i simply glanced at her… i could kill for her being so stupid…

My red eyes met hers, for a moment and she blushed…

Everyone knowing how bat shit creepy she is didnt say anything…


Raizel was casually waiting in the class… and still no dared to approach him, the power he displayed before was simply shocking…

As a result…

Everyone was looking at him… and in particular bakugo and midoriya were struggling and dealing with some past issues related to him…

Bakugo looked at his hand, witch had a scar on it… the imprint of a heel, and he gulped remembering the fear he had at that time…

While izuku inferiority towards his big brother was growing… and he was getting angry at himself…

While todoroki was unsure on how to deal with such a thing…

Everyone else, felt like the pressure was simply too much as the disparity between himself and the group was known…

His super speed and mind quirk were really phenomenal… and incredibly power, he was possibly the strongest in the class…

But they didnt know that, not mentioning he was incredibly handsome being raizel from nobless… it wasnt shocking…

Just when ochako was about to speak to Raizel, the tension was cut in the room, as someone appeared in the room…

"Coming through the door like a normal person!" all might came running through the door making some people jump, and then became gleeful at his arrival…

"All Might!"

"Wows hes really at U,A and teaching us!"

They shouted whle chattering amongst each other…

"HERO BASIC TRAINING! This class will-" i zoned out as he went on… till he finally said "youill be doing a battle trial!"

"And for that you will need costumes! Once you are finished getting dressed go to ground beta… and meet me there…"

So he said and he walked out…


Everyone was wearing their usual costumes… apart from momo, her costume was less slutty but more sporty… at due to the fact that i helped her design it…

I also suggeste a few designs to izuku back at home, witch he took and now had the look of a real hero in training compared to before… compared to the past in the anime…

As such… as for me… i took a cut out of ken kenei's book, and wore his guise when he raided cocklea… i also had the bottom half of his mask… witch made me look evil… but badass….

"Damn you look cool Raizel!" a certain red haired teen said

Everyone else agreed on this.. And they couldnt help but get the image he was more a villain than someone that looks like a hero…

But still he looked good… hot even….

As he wasnt wearing his mask at the moment…

Underneath was a skin tight, battle suit but nobody needed to know that…

All might faced everyone "looking good everyone!"

Everyone had stars in their eyes as they looked at all might… all besides me of course…

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