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50% Dimensional Chaos / Chapter 1: 1

Chapter 1: 1

(A/N: This is sort of a mixed universe between Marvel and DC. I'm usually not into these or even likes them, but they have their moments.)

In the middle of the Nevada desert, under one of the very large rocks that one would find occasionally, lies a very large secret facility. Inside that facility is a very hectic day at work for the occupants.

Soldiers wearing a yellow uniform with bee-like patterns across it and an insignia of a few hexagons, similar to a beehive, were on their shoulders. The uniform looked like a mixture of a soldier uniform and a radiation safety suit. They were all holding rifles, as well.

Those were H.I.V.E soldiers, all running in groups of at least ten soldiers around the hallways of the facility as the alarms kept blaring. Loud sirens were heard all over the place with blinding red lights flashing every second at every part of the facility.

The reason for the current chaos across their base is that there are currently two intruders inside. Anyone would wonder why there are so many alarms and so many soldiers for just two intruders. However, the reason they were on such high alert is because they knew who those intruders were.

A group of twelve soldiers abruptly stopped near a door that belonged to one of the labs. They all stood with their backs against the wall, slowly creeping into it as tension filled the air. "Is he inside?" one of the soldiers asked.

"According to the scans, yes," the leader of the group, which was the closest one to the door, answered. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. But, this is the job that he signed up for. "Alright, we're going in," he ordered as he pressed his hand on the scanner near the door.

The scanner was lit with a green light before the door was opened with a mechanical hissing. The soldiers immediately started moving in one after the other. The laboratory had a few tables with chemical containers and many computers, but no one.

The soldiers were careful, standing together in a group while pointing out their weapons in every direction. Their target could be behind any of the tables, or possibly invisible using some kind of cloaking device.

However, they never bothered to look at the ceiling, where a figure was keeping themselves up, clutching the sides of the vents. When the group of soldiers was directly under him, the figure let go and attacked.

The first victim was the soldier that was in the middle. The figure landed heavily on him while grabbing his head and smashing it on the floor, effectively knocking him out while shattering the visor of his suit.

The other soldiers immediately turned around aiming their weapons at the attacker, but he proved to be faster than they are when he jumped backward and buried his elbow in the gut of the soldiers in the back, before grabbing him by the neck and throwing him forward, using his body to knock down two other soldiers.

The remaining immediately pulled the trigger on their rifles and started shooting. With one of them knocked out, and three currently laying on the ground yet to stand up, it was eight guns firing at their target.

However, using great agility, the attacker jumped over the bullets and flipped in the air landing on one of the soldiers with one leg on his chest and the other on his head. The attacker, using the leg that was on the soldier's head, pushed down while the H.I.V.E agent was falling backward, making sure that his head smacks on the ground and gets knocked out.

Before the soldiers could get the chance to start shooting at the attacker again at his new location, but he quickly pulled out a small disk-like device, barely the size of a CD, and threw it between three soldiers. The desk suddenly opened up and created a shockwave of electricity that reached the three close soldiers.

The unfortunate soldiers were shocked with high voltage, not enough to kill them, but enough to leave them knocked out when the disk closed up again, letting them fall on the ground out-cold.

There were only seven soldiers left. The three that were thrown on the ground earlier have gotten up and picked up their rifles back, ready to engage.

However, the attacker gave them no chance, for he swiftly moved in on them with unnatural speed and delivered a hard punch to the gut of the closest soldier. When the soldier bent forward, the attacker grabbed his head and smashed his knee into his face.

Normally, a strike that hard would leave more problems than just a broken nose and some messing teeth, but the visor of the uniform that the soldier was wearing prevented that, even though it cracked up. But, it didn't prevent the soldier from being knocked out.

A soldier came in from the side, swinging his rifle like a bat. The attacker saw that coming and bent down, dodging the strike that the rifle would have made.

The attacker pulled out another disk-like device, only smaller than the last one, possibly the size of his palm, and grabbed one of the arms of the soldier that attacked him before throwing him over his shoulder at another soldier.

The two soldiers collided and fell to the ground. Unknown to them, the device that the attacker just took out was stuck on the arm of the one that was thrown. The device activated and sent a shock of electricity through the body it was connected to. Being physically connected, the two bodies of the soldiers worked as a conduit and they both shared the same fate of being shocked to the point of unconsciousness.

Only four soldiers left. They realized that a close approach was stupid, so they opted to use their rifles again. However, like before, the attacker used great agility and unnatural speed to move around the shots as if they weren't bullets that broke the sound barrier.

Reaching the remaining soldiers, the attacker swiftly dealt with one of them by first knocking his rifle out of his hands, grabbing his visor covered face, and smashing his head on the edge of a table that was behind him. A strike like that would usually be fatal, but the helmet that covered the soldier's head protected his life from being lost.

Quickly moving onto the closest other soldier, the attacker disarmed him like the previous one and kicked him on the chest sending him to the ground. Before the fallen soldier even had a chance to groan about the pain, the attacker kicked him in the head, cracking his visor and knocking him out.

There were only two remaining. The two last H.I.V.E soldiers, in a fit of slight panic, charged forward, deciding that attacking together would give them a better chance of defeating their target.

Coming from both sides, the two remaining soldiers immediately went into trying to take down the intruder. The attacker blocked a punch from one soldier, before pushing him away to duck from the other soldier that tried to swing his rifle like a bat.

The attacker stood up and punched the second soldier in the gut, causing him to stumble back. The first soldier then came back into the fight, charging at the attacker, who grabbed his fist and punch him in the visor that covered his face.

The first soldier was the first to take a few steps back. The second soldier came in from the back of the attacker and attempted to kick him. However, the attacker noticed him and sidestepped before grabbing the soldier's extended foot and started moving backwards, forcing the soldier to do the same.

The soldier's back hit one of the lab's walls, with one of his feet still grabbed by the attacker. The attacker then raised his hand and struck the soldier's head with his elbow. Despite the helmet's protection, being hit by the attacker's elbow with the wall at the back of his head was still enough to knock out the soldier.

The final soldier was charging forward despite how foolish it was, probably an act of desperation for seeing their entire squad get taken out.

Seeing the obvious despair of the final soldier, the attacker decided to finish this quickly. When the soldier got close, the intruder quickly swept his foot, causing the soldier to fall. While the soldier was falling to the ground, they grabbed his head and thrust it downwards, amplifying the fall.

A loud smack was heard as the soldier was knocked, leaving the final person standing in the room to be the mysterious target. Standing up after taking out the last soldier, their form was finally revealed.

It was a man of average height and slightly above average built. He was wearing an all-black suit made up of a metallic helmet with a Y-shaped, purple glowing visor at the front. The suit was made of bulletproof material that shaped his body. There was a wing-shaped cape on each of his shoulders. From each shoulder a purple line that meets in the middle of his chest and goes downwards to his waist, making a Y. On his forearms were gauntlets with a Y-shaped with the bottom line pointing at the arms. On his waist was a belt filled with purple glowing buttons. He was wearing black trousers with black combat boots.

This man was the Dark Heart, or as the media dubbed him, the Winged Phantom. He looked around the lab at the out-cold guards, glad that this was one of the smooth scenarios he played in his head before he attacked. He had calculated five scenarios, two of them would have ended worse than the others, which included bloodshed.

However, seeing that all had went well, Dark Heart started walking towards the exit of the lab, hoping to find his 'partner' before he causes too much damage.


Meanwhile, on another level of the facility, another group of soldiers was running through a hallway. This group was made of fourteen men, all dressed in H.I.V.E armor, most of them carrying rifles while two were carrying a large shield in the shape of a hornet along with a shock stick and one last soldier carrying a rocket launcher.

Running towards a set of metal doors that led to the armory, the soldiers wasted no time to enter and immediately hold up their weapons. Fear was obvious in their movement, but that's because they knew which of the intruders were inside.

The armory was made up of a large room with two entrances, the one the soldiers just came in through, and an elevator at the other side of the room. The room was filled with wide aisles stocked full of weapons, which didn't ease the soldiers' feelings since the enemy could have picked up all kinds of weapons.

The soldiers were slowly walking through one of the aisles, looking for any sign of their intruder. Suddenly, the very person they were looking for jumped at them, but, unlike Dark Heart, he didn't come from the ceiling.

A person suddenly burst through the row of weapons at their left at great speed. He didn't give the soldiers a chance to react before grabbing one of the shield-wielding soldiers and throwing him on the ground and stomping on his face.

Unlike Dark Heart, this attacker was going for the kill, as such he put enough force in his foot to completely crush the soldier's head, splattering blood and the remains of his brain all over the floor.

The soldiers immediately started firing their rifles at their attacker. However, the bullets seem to bounce off him with sparks coming off. The brutal intruder immediately got tired of that and went to counterattack.

Suddenly, a weapon materialized in the attacker's hands before he aimed it towards the closest soldier and pulled the trigger. From the tip of the weapon, a burst of dark red energy erupted and the soldier's chest was completely blown off, scattering blood and organs behind where he used to stand.

The remaining shield wielder rushed towards his target, bashing into him. However, the intruder didn't even skid back a few feet before he swung his arm, pushing the shield away and causing the soldier to be wide open.

The brutal killer then punched the shield wielder in the gut, his fist entering through before he ripped it out while pulling the soldier's organs, splattering them on the floor.

Suddenly, an explosion covered the attacker, forcing the soldiers to take a step back as a cloud of smoke covered their target. The one responsible for the explosion was a soldier who was holding a rocket launcher over his shoulder.

The soldier with a rocket launcher lowered his weapon... until an arm suddenly came out of the smoke and took hold of his throat. The soldier dropped his rocket launcher and started trying to get the arm off him while gasping for air.

A pair of red eyes glared at the soldier from the smoke as the arm raised him in the air before it started tightening its grip. A loud crack was heard and the soldier went limb as his neck was crushed.

The smoke mostly cleared out to reveal their intruder unharmed. He let go of the now dead soldier before rushing towards the rest, all while laughing like a maniac.

The H.I.V.E agents started firing their weapons, despite the previous display that proved them useless. Grabbing the closest soldier, the brutal person used him as a human shield as his former allies started filling him with holes.

Reaching the other soldiers, the attacker dropped the now lifeless body into the ground before aiming his weapon at the head of another soldier and pulling the trigger, which resulted in the inside of the soldier's head to be splattered on his two comrades that are behind him.

Naturally, the two soldiers started freaking out and gagging as the brain of their comrade was just splattered all over them, despite the armor they were wearing. The attacker saw that as a chance to attack and did so by first shooting one across the chest before grabbing the other one's head, aiming his weapon at his chest, and pulling the trigger, splattering his inside out.

Eight soldiers were left. One of them backed up and pulled out a communicator. "We need back up! The intruder is-" he didn't get to finish as said intruder's weapon was fired at his direction, blowing away his head.

The attacker put away his weapon, causing it to vanish as mysteriously as it appeared before he attacked the nearest soldier, who helplessly tried to take down the intruder by shooting him.

Like before, the bullets did nothing but bounce off the attacker, who grabbed the soldier with both his arms, raised him in the air, and literally ripped the soldier in half, causing blood to cover their form.

The remaining six guards immediately started retreating back to the door they came from, but the attacker wasn't going to give them the chance. Grabbing a grenade from one of the shelves of the armor, the attacker pulled the ring out before throwing at the soldiers, landing in the middle of their path.

The grenade exploded, killing most of the soldiers and splattering their remains across the room. The only survivor was a soldier that happened to be moving in the back, which caused him to take the least damage.

The soldier was left in his back, groaning in pain, wondering if death might have been more merciful. The intruder stepped on his chest, causing him to scream in pain.

The weapon of the attacker materialized back in his hand as he aimed it at the soldier's head. The soldier didn't even get a chance to plead for his life before the person standing over him pulled the trigger and killed him.

Now, the room was empty with nothing but the attacker and the gore-ish remains of the soldiers. With things finally settling down, the person responsible for this carnage was revealed.

It was a man with a tall, well-built body. He was wearing a pale, bone-like armor mixed with metal. The armor covered his chest where a Crimson orb was pulsing like a heart. The left shoulder was covered with three short spikes, while the left arm was covered in the same white armor and the knuckles like the shoulder bearing spikes.

The right shoulder, like the left one, had three spikes in it, but, unlike the other shoulder, their tips were broken and burned. The left arm is covered by a black, somewhat bulky gauntlet that had lava-like veins running through it with claws for fingers.

The legs were also covered by bone armor. They had spikes on the knees, and the legs covered by claws making them look like talons.

The helmet being completely white, save for the glowing red eyes that are shaped into a glare. Horns protruding from the sides of his helmet, both twisted to point at the front. The metal jaw had a somewhat cage-like shape with a pointy chin and a red glow coming out of it.

That person is the Unofficial Sin of Wrath. The person who walked through Hell killing all who stood in his way. The wielder of the Crimson Nova energy... Genocide.

In his arms was a double-barrel shotgun. The handle and trigger were black. The white barrels merging together, giving them a hexagon-shaped end.

Genocide scoffed looking at the remains of the soldiers. These people wouldn't last a day in hell in his opinion. Heck, they'd be lucky if they survived hours, and that's with them being fully armed.

Suddenly, Genocide heard something turn on and immediately looked back to see the elevator at the end of the room coming down. Raising his shotgun, Genocide aimed at the doors of the elevator, ready to shoot as soon as they opened.

The doors of the elevator opened... to reveal Dark Heart standing over three unconscious H.I.V.E agents, who were probably coming here as back up because of the soldier that called earlier.

Genocide immediately put his shotgun away and it vanished, being stored back inside the core of his armor. "What took you so long?" he asked with a deep, somewhat gruff voice.

"Long line at the elevator," Dark Heart replied sarcastically, his real voice unknown thanks to the voice modulator in his helmet. Dark Heart looked at the scattered organs on the ground and mentally face-palmed. "Could you have at least tried to not make such a mess?" despite his question, he had a pretty good idea what the answer was going to be.

And it just so happened that Genocide gave the answer he was expecting, which is shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Compared to what I used to do in hell, this is pretty clean," The Winged Phantom wanted to sigh in annoyance but managed to keep himself from doing so. "Besides, these guys knew what they were signing up for when they joined the bad guys."

Dark Heart raised an eyebrow under his helmet as he walked out of the elevator. He doubted any of these soldiers signed a contract where it said 'you would be fighting a man who killed demons', but he supposed that does not really matter now that they were dead.

Most heroes would be furious at what Genocide had done, especially members of the Justice League since they have a strict 'no killing' rule, even though the Avengers killed when necessary they still tried to uphold the same rule most of the time, but Dark Heart couldn't care less, mainly because his partner was right. These people signed up for this life, and they knew what was coming to them.

Truthfully, Dark Heart himself killed sometimes, but only when he deemed the victim without redemption. Despite popular belief, death wasn't the same whenever it happened. Every person deserved a different kind of death in his opinion.

Besides, he knew about Genocide's past about being literally raised in hell. Having to kill or be killed. Seeing that he was still alive, it was easy to guess that Genocide picked the former.

After walking through the gore that Genocide caused while trying very hard to not stain his boots with blood, Dark Heart had reached the other end of the room at the door that the soldiers first came in to the armory from. "Well, we should keep going, we can't take too much time," he said opening the door.

Genocide walked through the bloody room and followed his partner as they walked out of the room. "So, remind me why we're invading a H.I.V.E base again," he requested.

This time, Dark Heart did sigh in annoyance. His partner immediately joined him when he mentioned beating up terrorists without waiting for an explanation. "Like I was saying before you charged in and threw away our cover," he started, annoyance can be heard even through the voice modulator. He was originally planning to come in silently, but that went out the window when he brought Genocide with him. "H.I.V.E kidnapped many people from a large casino in Las Vegas, and we're here to get them out," he explained as he walked through the hallway.

Genocide noticed the annoyance in Dark Heart's voice and simply shrugged his shoulders. He gets to kill terrorists and save lives, two things he loves, so he was a little too happy to bother with his partner's annoyance.

Meanwhile, Dark Heart's mind was trying to understand why H.I.V.E would do this. H.I.V.E was mostly interested in scientific research rather than terrorism, like A.I.M. It couldn't be for ransom and money since none of the casino's stashes were touched. So, He suspects that they either were looking for someone between the people or going to use the poor victims as test subjects for experiments. He was hoping that it wasn't the latter.

Reaching the end of the hallway, they both reached a heavily fortified double door with three magnetic locks on the front. "Want me to break it?" Genocide asked. He broke stronger looking doors in Lucifer's castle, and this was nothing.

"Too annoying," Dark Heart denied which earned him a deadpan look from Genocide under his helmet. The Winged Phantom walked towards a screen near the door and activated it to see that it was encrypted. "I'll just hack it open," he said as he raised his hand and took out a wire from his gauntlet before connecting it to the screen.

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath couldn't stop himself from looking at his partner confused. "Wouldn't that take time?" he asked remembering his partner saying that they couldn't waste time.

However, just as Genocide asked that, the screen glowed green. "Done," Dark Heart said, impressing Genocide by how fast the hacking was finished.

Mechanical gears can be heard as the magnetic locks on the door moved before the door itself started opening itself. Dark Heart and Genocide stood side by side, silently getting ready for whatever was behind those doors.

When the doors were fully opened, the two partners were greeted with the sight of more H.I.V.E soldiers, six of them to be exact, all of them pointing their guns at them with a large computer, roughly the size of a small truck, behind them.

When they saw the doors open to reveal the intruders, the soldiers immediately opened fire to take them out. Dark Heart started dodging bullets left and right, once again demonstrating his speed, while Genocide simply charged in, the bullets unable to penetrate his demonic armor.

While making his way towards the soldiers, a new weapon materialized in Genocide's. The weapon was a bitch black Greatsword with a single, red, saw-like edge. The cross-guard looked like a pair of demonic wings with a red jewel at the center. The handle was covered in brown leather with a large fang at the bottom. That was Rampage, the sword that used to belong to the original sin of Wrath before Genocide claimed it along with his gauntlet, Crusher.

Reaching the H.I.V.E agents, the Unofficial Sin of Wrath used his blade to cleave one of the soldiers in two, the demonic blade cutting through armor, flesh, and bones like they weren't even there, causing the two halves to fall on the ground.

Another soldier tried to shoot at Genocide point-blank, hoping to get some results and probably survive. However, Genocide laughed as no such things happened. He doubted that there any weapons on earth that can actually get through his armor, which was built by the strongest Demon magic, bone, and metal.

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath swung Rampage upwards, slicing off the arm of the H.I.V.E agent that had been shooting at him, causing the now one-armed man to start wailing in pain. However, his pain didn't last long as Rampage's saw-like edge cut through his neck and ended his life.

Meanwhile, Dark Heart moved into the soldiers, one of those soldiers came in swinging his rifle, seeing that Dark Heart was too close to use bullets. The Winged Phantom stopped the weapon with his forearm, his gauntlet keeping him safe from damage.

Dark Heart used his other arm to grab the soldier's own. Kicking his legs off the ground, the black-armored man threw the H.I.V.E agent over his shoulder, where he smashed into one of the walls.

The other soldiers were ready to return to shooting at Dark Heart. But, he quickly reached into his belt and pressed one of the buttons twice, causing the nanotechnology in the belt to activate and create two, tri-starred shuriken that he threw at them.

Both yellow armored men were hit in the shoulder, causing them to scream in pain as the blade cut into their flesh. They managed to ignore the pain, leave the shuriken, and pointed their weapons at Dark Heart, who didn't make any other moves.

However, that proved to be a mistake as the shuriken in their shoulders suddenly let out an electric shock that easily went through their system from the blade that was in their flesh. Both of them started twitching before the electricity went out and the soldiers fell on the floor unconscious.

Genocide was finishing off the last soldier on his side. The Unofficial Sin of Wrath had Rampage going through the soldier's gut and coming out of the other way. Pulling out his sword, Genocide let the H.I.V.E agent's body fall lifelessly on the ground.

The Demon slaying man turned to his partner to see if he was done, only to notice the man that Dark Heart threw over his shoulder get back up and attempt to surprise attack him. "You missed-" Genocide's attempt at teasing was cut off when his partner threw a punch behind him, colliding with the soldier's face, effectively knocking him out. "... One," the Unofficial Sin of Wrath sighed remembering that his companion doesn't make such mistakes. "Show off," but that still didn't stop Genocide from making snide remarks. "So, where are the people?" he asked. He thought that the people would be here since this was the most secure room in the facility.

Walking towards the large computer that the soldiers were guarding, Dark Heart pushed the power button, turning it on to reveal an encrypted file. "How cute, they think this will stop anyone," The Winged Phantom remarked sarcastically as he started typing on the keyboard at great speed. He admitted, H.I.V.E mainframe is good, but has nothing on Wayne or Stark tech.

For a second, his hands were a blur to Genocide before the computer turned green and (File decrypting) showed up on the screen. A download bar appeared and was filled in a couple of seconds before the content of the file was revealed.

Reading through the file, Dark Heart couldn't help but sigh. "The people aren't here," he said.

Genocide looked at his partner in shock. "What? Well, where are they then?" he asked, quite bothered that they went through all the trouble for nothing.

"The people are being kept at another facility, one at the south from here, mainly made as a storage," Dark Heart had to admit that H.I.V.E made the smart decision here. Keeping the people somewhere else will make sure that saving them is harder.

However, the Winged Phantom found something very suspicious. The file contained where the people are, how many people were kidnapped, and how many H.I.V.E soldiers were there guarding them, but it had nothing on WHY the people were kidnapped in the first place, which didn't sit well with him.

Suddenly, Dark Heart's gauntlet let out a small beeb, causing its owner to look at it to see what was the problem. "Well, I guess it's time to leave," he said causing his partner to look at him curiously.

"Why?" Genocide asked. He understood why they had to go and get the people now that they know where they are, but the timing of that alarm was a little too convenient for him to not ask.

"Because we got company," was the only reply Dark Heart gave.

A few minutes later, another group of people came into the same room, but not just any group of people. These people were none other than the Justice League, being led by the Dark Knight himself, Batman.

Their current team was made of the Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern(Hal Jordan), the Flash, Green Arrow, and Cyborg. Aquaman was not available currently due to some problems in Atlantis. Batman looked over the room and saw Genocide standing beside Dark Heart in front of the computer.

"Damn," Cyborg cringed at the sight of the carnage that Genocide created. He started regretting having a big lunch.

"You're late," Dark Heart said.

After looking at the bloodshed, Batman glared at the two partners. "What did you do?" he demanded, motioning to the corpses around them.

"Well, we're trying to save lives, obviously," Dark Heart shrugged, unaffected by the famous Bat-glare that the Dark Knight was giving him.

"You call THIS saving lives?!" Wonder Woman cried out motioning to Genocide's victims.

"This isn't saving lives, this is ending them," Superman said glaring so hard at the two partners, that the other members of the Justice League thought that he was trying to use his heat vision for a second.

Much to their anger, Dark Heart simply shrugged. "I honestly don't care what you think. We are doing it our way, and you do it yours."

"Well, your way ends now," Batman said as his glare intensified. "You're both coming with us."

The Winged Phantom chuckled, the voice modulator making it sound more ominous. "Then, by all means, arrest us," he said, making it sound as if they were surrendering.

Flash took a step forward, ready to go and handcuff them, but was stopped by Batman raising his arm. The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He didn't believe that Dark Heart would simply surrender like that. He then realized that Genocide hadn't moved or said anything at all. And then, it finally clicked in his head. "They're not here," the other Justice League members looked at Batman in confusion. To prove his point, he pulled out a Batarang and threw it at the two partners. The bat-shaped weapon simply passed through Dark Heart as his and Genocide's forms started blurring, revealing it was a hologram. "Cyborg," Batman immediately turned to the ex-football player.

Cyborg knew that Batman wanted him to trace where the holographic call was coming from, so he immediately activated the system in his robotic eye. "Don't bother, this is a recording," the hologram said as its form started to stabilize. "I suppose you're wondering how I answered your question?" the League didn't bother replying, knowing that he wouldn't even hear them. "Well, I didn't. Think about what I said, and you'll understand," with that, Dark Heart and Genocide's holograms vanished to reveal a small mechanical box with a lens on top of it where they used to stand. The box suddenly self-destructed in a small explosion.

Batman couldn't stop himself from taking a deep breath. Thinking back to Dark Heart's responses, he understood what he was talking about. Dark Heart always responded with answers that would have been acceptable no matter what they said, the only thing he had to do was time them right.

The Dark knight was going to go into the large computer and see what was on it with Cyborg, but just before he could, another group of people came in through the door. This group was also made up of great heroes, The Avengers.

"The Avengers has-" Tony Stark, AKA Ironman, started an unnecessary and flashy introduction, only to stop seeing the state the room was in. "... Arrived?" the armor helmet opened up to reveal Tony's confused look.

The Avengers were currently made of Ironman, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, and the Hulk. The two latter simply smashed through one of the walls, unlike the rest of their team who just walked through the door.

"Stark," Batman noted. He had half-a-mind to complain about how the Avengers were late, but he felt that he would be a hypocrite for doing so since Dark Heart has said that the Justice League themselves were late.

"Batsy," Ironman replied causing Batman's frown to deepen. It wasn't just that the nickname that the leader of the Avengers would use on him was annoying, it was also something that the Joker used from time to time, which isn't a pleasant way to get a nickname.

Captain America strapped his shield on his back. He had pulled it out in case of any hostiles, but he can see that it wasn't needed anymore. He knew the League doesn't kill, and he didn't know many that can use such brutality. "Genocide?" the Super Soldier asked looking at Batman.

"The Sin of Wrath was here?" Thor asked holding up his hammer. Everyone in Asgard has heard legends about the human that had killed the primordial Demon, Satan himself. Diana was also on guard. Amazons are also told about Genocide, but in a more frightful way since he defeated Hades.

The Batman nodded, confirming their suspicions. "Dark Heart was with him," he added.

"That explains why not all the guards are in pieces," Tony said seeing that some guards were simply unconscious, but not dead. Looking over to the computer, Ironman smirked. "Want me to hack that for you?"

Batman knew that saying yes would only fuel Tony's already large ego, but he also knew that Ironman was better at technology than he was, not that he would admit it, knowing Tony would never let him live it down. "Work with Cyborg, we need to get this over with quickly before Genocide gets out of control," Batman said moving aside. They already wasted enough time with the hologram that the Winged Phantom left them.

What Batman said still didn't stop the smug smile that found its way to Tony's face. "Whatever you say," Ironman replied as he walked towards the computer with Cyborg coming to his side. "Hey, Victor."

" 'Sub, Tony," Cyborg gave Ironman a fistbump, causing a metallic clanging to ring through the room from the former's metal arm and the latter's armored one.

When Victor Stone got his accident, Tony Stark was the first person to offer help. True, the Justice League also helped a lot, but Tony's more advanced knowledge on technology helped Victor more than the League could, and they became friends along the way.

While the two worked on decrypting the computer, since apparently, Dark Heart returned the encryptions, the two hero teams started speaking. "Hey, Hulk, how's it hanging," the Flash said walking towards the large green man, who replied with a grunt. "So, when will we have our rematch at that eating contest?"

The Hulk actually smirked. "Whenever you want to lose," he replied in his usual, gruff voice.

Between the Flash's super-fast metabolism, and the Hulk's appetite that was as big as he was, the two found a common love for food. In fact, their first few matches against each other already caused a few restaurants to go bankrupt.

"Urghh, men," Wonder Woman groaned hearing the conversation of the two.

"Tell me about it," Black Widow agreed as she stood beside the Amazon.

The two women also found something in common between each other, which is complaining about their male teammates. True, Diana can do it with the other female League members, but Natasha couldn't since there aren't any other female Avengers.

"Good to see you again, soldier," Captain America greeted shaking Green Lantern's hand.

"You, too, Sir," Hal might be arrogant in many aspects, but he knew when to respect someone, and Captain America had his respect since he was a little kid. Truth to be told, Steven Rogers is one of the reasons Hal has joined the military.

"Ah, man of steel," Thor greeted in his usual proud voice. "It is good to see you again!" the God of thunder hugged Superman.

Thanks to his godly strength, Thor managed to actually cause the Kryptonian to grunt slightly, but still smile. "You, too, Thor," Superman replied returning the hug as much as he could.

A few years ago, some Frost Giants had came to earth, and landed in the farm that belongs to the Kent family. Superman did his best to protect his home, but since Kryptonians have a weakness to magic, he wasn't able to do much against the Frost Giants' ice sorcery.

However, Thor had then appeared, and defeated the invaders, protecting the Kents in the process, and gaining Clark Kent's gratitude, which his parents repaid with a large feast that Thor wholeheartedly accepted.

"Clint," Green Arrow greeted his fellow archer.

"Hey, Arrow," Hawkeye greeted back before looking at the quiver that Green Arrow had. "New arrows?"

Green Arrow smirked as he took out one of them. "Oh yeah, got them today. This one is a new ice arrow."

"Nice," Clint chuckled amazed at the technology his fellow archer had.

Considering their fighting style and personalities, one would think that they would be competing against each other all the time. But, they actually got along pretty well, especially when it includes showing off their arrows.

"Okay, we got it," Ironman called out as he and Cyborg finished decrypting the file. "Are you kidding me? The people aren't here!?" he complained, angry that his date night with Pepper was ruined for this.

"Do you know where they are?" Batman asked getting to the point.

"Yeah, we got where they are," Cyborg confirmed as he downloaded the location into his database.

The Dark knight turned around, fluttering his cape behind him. "Good, let's go," he then looked at Ironman over his shoulder. "All of us," he was pretty much ordering the Avengers to follow him.

"Sure, whatever," Tony sighed as his helmet covered his face again. He didn't really care since the sooner they were done with this, then the sooner he can get back home and probably make it to his date with Pepper. "But I'm driving," Ironman said as he walked outside.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Nevada desert, an armored motorcycle was riding along the sands. The bike was covered in black armored with dark purple highlights. The armor in the center was lighter than the front and back, but still durable. The wheels were large and each had a line in the middle, making it seem like the bike had four wheels. A small rocket engine was at each side of the back wheel. The windshield was short and black, with a screen under it between the handles.

Riding on that bike was Dark Heart with Genocide sitting behind him. "This is humiliating," the Demon slayer groaned, not enjoying sitting in the back of a bike like a damsel in distress.

"You're welcomed to walk there, if you like," Dark Heart offered, looking over his shoulder at his partner, not worried about looking at the road, mainly because the worst thing they can crash into in the desert is a cactus.

Genocide groaned again but otherwise stayed quiet. It wasn't the heat of the desert that was the problem. After all, he walked through hell. A day in a desert on Earth is like a beach-day compared to that. What bothered him though was the distance. He really didn't feel like walking through Sands for miles.

After another minute of traveling through the desert, a rather large boulder appeared roughly the size of a football field. There wasn't any particular about the rock except its size.

The Winged Phantom sharply turned his bike, sliding it through the sand to a hard stop. When the bike finally became still, Dark Heart looked at his gauntlet where a holographic screen appeared that showed a map of the desert. In the map, there was a small purple Y, which is where Dark Heart and Genocide were, near a red dot.

"This is the place," Dark Heart confirmed getting off the bike.

"Finally," Genocide groaned as he also got off. When he did, his partner turned to the bike and pushed a button near the handles, causing the bike to slowly go invisible. "You have some pretty fancy toys," the Unofficial Sin of Wrath admitted as he saw the bike cloak itself.

"Says the guy with weapons that are a mixture of technology and magic," The Winged Phantom remarked causing his partner to chuckle. "Remember, we need to be careful. There are hostages in there," he said to his partner, thinking about the possibility of one of the guards using the civilians as a human shield.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Genocide might be about killing more than saving, but he still wasn't stupid enough to not know who to shoot. "So, how do we get in?" he asked not seeing any point of entry.

Opening the hologram in his gauntlet again, Dark Heart looked over a copy of the file from the H.I.V.E facility. "There should be an entrance right..." he trailed off before stepping forward and pressed a certain rock, causing it to be pushed in like a button. "here."

A buzzing sound was heard before one side of the wall beside them split in half to reveal a hidden gate. When the gate was fully opened, it showed a corridor made of metal platings with a few wires on the walls.

"Something isn't right," Dark Heart said suspiciously. "There's no alarms or guards, but the file said that this place should be heavily secured," truth to be told, the Winged Phantom has been getting more wary about this mission each second. Too many things didn't add up here.

"You're paranoid," Genocide dismissed his partner's worries as he walked in. "Let's go and get these people out of here," as much as he didn't want to just walk in, Dark Heart knew that the faster they get the people out the better.

Remaining cautious, the Winged Phantom followed the Unofficial Sin of Wrath and walked through the corridor. An eerie silence loomed over as the only thing they can hear is their footsteps through the hallway.

The two partners made it to a set of double, metallic doors with a tiny screen on the side. Walking towards the screen, Dark Heart pressed the button on it, causing the doors to activate.

When the doors started opening, Genocide summoned his shotgun while Dark Heart pulled out three tri-bladed shurikens, ready for what's behind those gates. However, what they saw is something neither of them expected.

"What the f*ck!?" Genocide cried out as he gazed at what's behind those gates. Dark Heart was equally shocked, but his expression was hidden behind his helmet.

What they saw was a large corridor full of not people, but corpses. Bodies of both the hostages and H.I.V.E agents were ripped apart and scattered all around, blood covered the entire place, and not a single person was left alive.

"What happened here?" Genocide asked as he walked inside the chamber.

Dark Heart also walked inside while raising his hand and pressing a button at the side of his helmet, activating the scanners in his visor to scan the room for gunpowder, signs of explosives, or leftovers of weapons of any kind, but didn't find anything. "No signs of any weapon, this was done by hand," he then turned to his partner. "Genocide."

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath knew his partner was asking if the cause of this massacre was supernatural since he was more informed on these things than Dark Heart was. So, Genocide knelt down near one of the bodies and started inspecting.

Demons mostly use fire elements, and since there aren't any signs of burns he rolled them out. Other supernatural beings that could have done this are carnivores, and while the bodies were in pieces, none of the remains seemed to be missing or have been eaten from. "This isn't magical work either."

The Winged Phantom narrowed his eyes under his helmet. If this wasn't done by a weapon or a supernatural being, then it means that this was done by a man. But, he knew that the only man that has the ability to do something like this in the current area was...

Suddenly, Dark Heart's eyes widen as he realized what was going on. "We need to leave, now!" he said urgently catching his partner off guard.

Before Genocide can ask what was wrong, one of the walls to the room was blown off unanticipatedly, causing dust to cover that entire side of the chamber. When the dust was cleared, it revealed both the Justice League and the Avengers.

When Batman got a look at the room and who was currently alive in it, he gave a glare that he usually would give to the Joker to the two partners. "What did you DO!?" the fact that the Dark Knight raised his voice in anger is more than enough to scare most people in Gotham.

In the meantime, the pieces finally started falling together in Dark Heart's mind. Why random people were kidnapped, why they weren't in the facility, and why the file didn't contain the reason they were kidnapped. It was all a setup. Knowing that, he can say only one thing. "Shit."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, about the OCs, you can find their backgrounds in the previous chapters.

Second, I hope I got the interactions between the Justice League and the Avengers right, and that you weren't disappointed.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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