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Late Night Talks

Chapter Four

                Like I expected, wala akong natanggap na tawag o text the whole day. Pero that night, while I was updating, I received a chat again. It was from Corvan.

                "Hey, I just read your latest update, why did Jameson need to die? I'm very confused, to think that Michael and Irene are already married, you don't need to kill him anymore to give way for the main characters' love story," is what he asked. Agad na napakunot ang noo ko. Well, he's not really annoying me, and I'm not gonna break some rules I set to myself here if I answer his question. Afterall, this is still RP related.

                In Old RP, base on my research and what Yve said before, is all just about RP. No OP related at all. OP is the short term for Operator, which means the person behind the account and the screen. However, if you wanna efficiently do RPing, you have to make your port, or the person you are role playing to, alive and forget about the real world. That's why I set some rules so I can clearly draw the line between me, as Ara, and another me, as Sunny.

                "I have to do it. Doesn't mean that Irene and Michael are already married, their life and story are already over. So I have to leave a snippet of how their lives are gonna be after the marriage. Which is a life with an emotionally stronger Irene and a very dependable Michael. Even though Irene was so set on hurting Jameson for Michael, he was still her first love. He was there when she was an emotional wreck when her parents died, he was there when she was driven to depression, he was there when no one's there for her. Through the story, even though Jameson was still hurting, he was there when Michael and Irene's relationship was still shaky and they always fight. He was one of the reasons why they both reached the happy ending, that's why he's a significant character in their lives. Killing him would mean Irene has no one to depend anymore aside from herself and her new husband, so she has to be stronger, especially that Michael has problems in the company. Not only that, he's death was also important to other characters. Cristine realized her wrong doings when her brother died to save her and Irene from the mess. She asked for their forgiveness and they forgave her. Though she had to live her life in regrets, she had a very significant development. In short, I need to kill him if I want a not so perfect happy ending. A life lesson, I guess," I answered. It was not long when he replied.

                "So you want to portray Cristine as "Be careful what you wish for" or "Never do unto others what you don't want other do unto you" or "Don't do things you might regret"? 

                "Kinda. She wanted Irene dead and planned for it. However Jameson sabotaged it and died in Irene's stead. Cristine saw how much her brother loved Irene. Cristine might be a villain, but she's a protagonist on her own. Her love for Jameson is greater than her love for Michael. When she saw how deep her brother's love is, she set her life to now protect her and her brother's love on her. How she loves Jameson can be seen in how she regretted it. It will show in the next chapter." For some reasons, hindi ko mapigilan ang ngumiti. For once, I felt excited talking about my future plans with my stories without Yve in the convo. I felt happy talking to someone I don't know without feeling awkward. For some reasons I don't wanna think about, I liked talking to someone online and want to talk to him more. I slammed my face down my pillow and screamed through it. What's wrong with me?!

                Tumunog na naman ito tanda ng isa pang notifications. And as bad as it gets, agad kong kinuha ang cellphone ko at nagmamadaling binuksan ito. 

                "Hmmmm. I see. With the way you think, you might like the storyline of Maleficent and Wicked," he said. Muli na naman akong napangiti. Realizing it, I immediately tried to frown.

                "Yeah, though I still haven't watched any Wicked shows before, and still haven't seen the new Maleficent movie. I've read their synopsis though, I indeed like them." Napapikit ako pagkababa ng phone ko sa kama. Why the hell am I enjoying this?

                A notification once again rang. "You should watch me. It's really cool. Though I also still haven't watch Wicked before, but I already watched Maleficent 2. How 'bout Descendants? Do you know that? Disney movie?" What's this? Is this coincidence or…?

                "Yeah. How do you know that movie? Now that it's not famous, but I'm surprised you know it!" I typed in.

                "Well, let just say I'm quite the man to know this kind of movies." I bit my lower lip to stop from smiling again.

                "Hmmm… I guess. Who's your fave character?"

                "The new king of course, Belle and the Beast's son, Ben!"

                "For what reasons? He's kinda insignificant, for me.

                "Wow, should I be disappointed to think that I was expecting you'll get me after your speech about Cristine awhile ago?" I should be offended, but I'm way too curious now to get annoyed. "No offense meant, by the way."

                "Everyone says 'no offense meant' but says or said something offensive. What's the point? Anyway, I'm not offended, rather I'm curious as to why did you say he's not insignificant."

(A/N: For those who want to watch Descendants (1), you might as well skip this following paragraph, or you'll be spoiled big time.)

                "People say 'no offense meant' because they know what they said might come off offensive but they didn't want to say it like that. Other people just say in sarcasm that's why people misunderstood the context of it nowadays. Chatting through the screen is really hard when you can't see their faces, so it's rather safe to say 'no offense meant' to clear misunderstandings before it happens," he replied. Three dots pop again, indicating he's still writing something, so I waited for it. "Ben is the reason why there is 'Descendants'. The story focused on Mal and the other three, yes, however, the story won't progress without Ben in the picture. Not only he is the key for Mal to steal the wand, he's the reason why Mal decided to turn against her mother. The other three, Evie, Carlos and Jay, follow Mal and see her as their leader, especially the boys. Even though they also found their space and peace in the school, they might still follow Mal's command and steal the wand if Mal proceeds with the plan. However, Mal found hers beside Ben and fell in love with him. This triggers her will to go against the plan and persuade her friends to do so, too. This love for Ben also made her powers stronger to actually win against her mother and turn her into a lizard or something at last. So I say Ben is the very reason why there is 'Descendants'. He's almost like Jameson in your story. He triggered the female main character to become stronger, and also pushed the 'villain' to become good at the very end."

                Napataas naman ang kilay ko sa sinabi niya. "You do know some stuff."

                "Yeah. How 'bout you, though, who's your fave character?" The night goes on with us talking about different movies and what we like about it and their characters. It was a very sensible night for me, and a very weird one, for me not to freak out talking to a stranger over the phone. But I had fun, I really do. 


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