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2.94% Traveler X: Black out / Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Teleportation
Traveler X: Black out Traveler X: Black out original

Traveler X: Black out

Author: K_G_4335

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Teleportation

------------------------Flash Back------------------------------

Before I tell you this story I'll go ahead and describe myself

Light brown skin (African American), brown eyes, low cut hair with a part, I was heading to a store to pick up a case of water when

"Stop, and turn around, real slow-like." a random guy said from behind me

"What" I turned around to a gun aimed right at my head, the guy was was a dark-skin with short dreadlocks

"Yeah, that's right you know what this is, get on the ground puss-boy this is a robbery if you don't know." dreadhead

"Ahh, shit" I said as I got to the floor, dammit I'm only 18 I'm too young to die...fuck I got to do something, I saw his face of he's smart, which he obviously is since he decided to wait out at a not-so populated area, he's gonna silence me.

(I need to escape, I gotta figure out a way to get somewhere far away. Hell even Africa)

While thinking those things Christian envisioned Africa on a globe

All of a sudden I Saw grass, I was on the side of a road j-walking

I looked up and saw...jungle not only that I saw wild birds, trees everywhere, and a ...herd of elephants

Oh shit that man must've blasted me to Africa

----------------------Flash back ends----------------------

(Ok, ok theirs no use thinking on why this happened, I just need to accept the fact that it did happen) Christian thought to himself

(Okay, well according to rules of troubleshooting the first way to fix a new problem is to undo the new plan.) I thought to myself

(so here goes, teleport !) Christian screamed in his head... I was still here in Africa

(Transfer !) as he tried to calculate the distance between Africa and Ohio

(Come on Christian, think. You definitely don't want to be stuck here unarmed in an African jungle.) I told myself

(We are supposed to be at the store in crest city Ohio, not in Africa just because of a mugging) Christian thought to himself

All of a sudden I was in the very store back in crest city.

( Ah, so that's how I did) Christian figured out his weird power just as he used it the second time, he simply envisioned the location of the place in his mind that seems really obvious now.

(I spent seven minutes for such a obvious clue, I'm so stupid. Luckily I appeared here in the back of the store where the cashier can't see me) Christian

(Alright I'm going home)

I decided I need to figure out a way to use my newly found ability to make profit

( Okay I'm 18 and and work a job giving about $1000 a month, I live on my own apartment, because I had to move out and bills, rent and groceries leave me with less than 100 dollars a month to save.)

In this day and age where there's a camera everywhere you look using an ability that

will put on the news in less than five minutes, suddenly appearing inside a bank

trying to stuff money in a bag and then poof right out would only get you caught.


One week of daily life later, I was at work, I happen to work inside a call center as I headed to lunch from the office and on the main screen there was the news playing

The headlines said family stuck in fire out in Tijuana, Mexico, trapped inside their basement. A house that happens to be in a

small neighborhood surrounded by trees inside of a forest fire.

Now this puts me in a dilemma, do I save the family and risk my power being leaked to the public or do I take the safe route and not do anything ?

Are you stupid ! I'm definitely not going to let this power go to waste, like I let everything else in the rest of my life. Lets get it crackin it's time for action

I had to the bathroom and teleport to my apartment.

I change my clothes, I take off my white and black nyke hoodie and change into a black long sleeve, black work gloves, and old low top nyke shoes

Lastly, I head to a closet and grab a newly acquired 30 mm pistol, that I spent most of my savings on, and tuck it underneath my shirt, inside of my pants.

I look up Tijuana, Mexico online and teleport to the crowd of onlookers, no one notices me

their fire dept is still trying to put out the fire so they can get close to the house.

They family can't be seen as they're taking shelter inside of the house

I teleport within the basement

The family was huddled up together speaking things in Spanish I couldn't

When I said "Hey, daily neighborhood Christian here to the rescue." I said with my experienced customer service voice

"QUIEN ERES TU" ? The man shouted getting up standing in front of his family\

I motioned for him to wait and pulled out my Samsing universal Smartphone, get on goggle translate and look up the words "your help"

"Tu Ayuda." I say and grab his hand and his wife's hand who was perfectly holding the baby boy and teleport them to the outside of the forest opposite the direction of the crowd, so the news don't see me, and immediately regretted it

There were masked men with guns everywhere, a few of those men with flame throwers, they were obviosly responsible

I I quickly teleport the family to the crowd of people and collect myself

I gotta face them now

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