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86.66% Rainbow Knight Training Academy / Chapter 13: I Face a “Hacker”

Chapter 13: I Face a “Hacker”

@031 I'm not really used to having enemies, unless it's the people I fight. But even if I did have enemies, they usually weren't my enemy for very long. @404

Every other class had their own pre-test ready. And I always had the same results. I was able to answer how every magic functioned correctly, I kept getting held back after class so that my teachers could discuss my answers on the second half of the test.

I found it annoying, but I guess they do have a point. Maybe finding a career to focus on after the war will be fun.

Then again, becoming a Rainbow Knight had always been my dream ever since I was a kid. Maybe I can just stick to that.

Yeah. I can live out on my own for a couple of years until I'm 21. Then I can join the Fire Dragon Clan along with my mother and fight with her. Even if the war ever did end during that time, I guess I'd still want to be a Knight. Whether I'm fighting in a war or some petty criminals, I'll be a Knight.


I was walking through an empty hall to a nearby bathroom, which was just around the corner, until I heard a noise from where I was heading to.

"What the..."

I rushed on ahead to see what made that noise and saw Lynn standing there, her legs shaking and her face wet from tears.

And standing right next to him was a blond haired boy with a nasty look on his face, a warped smile with eyes widened and wrinkled streaks across his face.

"Hey, what is he...?"

I realized right away that this guy was the same person that harassed Lynn during the Entrance Ceremony.

The blond prick place has right hand under Lynn's chin, lifting her face up to his. His left arm was extended to the wall where his hand was placed, a poor, yet effective, attempt at keeping Lynn from running.

"I already explained...I...I have a significant other..." Lynn said, pleading to the guy standing in front of her.

"Bullshit," the blond prick said. "You wouldn't be blushing like that if you had a boy-"


I sent the blonde prick flying with a roundhouse kick straight to the side of his face. I couldn't stand listening to this.

"She isn't blushing you dumb ass," I said to the blond prick, who's nose and mouth were bleeding from my kick. "She's red from all the crying you made her do. How about I make your face turn red like that!"

The blonde prick stood up, a little dazed and unbalanced, but his smile didn't leave his face.

If anything, it actually got bigger.


Bright waves of light suddenly appeared and headed straight for Lynn and I.

I quickly pulled out my ID and yanked up a wall of water to reflect and refract the light coming towards us. The light burned through bits of the wall and ceiling, causing some degree to fall in between us.

"Damn. Of course you would be a water user." the blond prick said, cursing my ability.

A smooth and shiny surface, like polished metal, glass, and water, can easily reflect light the same angle as it had traveled previously. The special thing about water however, is that it can also refract light, causing it to bend at different angles.

A combination of light and water magic can be deadly if used at precisely the right moment.

I looked at the charred walls and ceiling that the light hit.

"UV rays huh?" I said to the blond prick.

"I prefer to call them lasers," the blonde prick said. "It's quite amazing to see how far we've come with technology. Being able to control light even though it moves faster than 13 milliseconds, the maximum speed of a frame that our eyes can capture."

Something isn't right. People who use light can't control it because it's too fast. Instead, they use the water in their brains to reflect and refract the light to the desired direction. The downside to this is that it can cause problems with your vision, your mood, and can cause the worst headaches ever recorded on the planet.

Light users have to constantly drink water as they fight, so they always have either a water user nearby to assist them, or a huge container of water strapped to them with long, bendy straws up to their lips.

Most light users use light to blind the enemies, and the ones that reflect and refract UV rays have to use a larger amount of water, but this guy doesn't have any water with him, and he's controlling the light itself, not the direction it travels.

So how the hell is he doing that?

"Wanna know," The blond prick asked me, as if reading my thoughts. "Controlling light is, indeed, impossible since our eyes can't keep up with its speed. Buuut, what if we could give our human abilities...a...little...boost."


"No...there's no way."

"Oh, but there is! The Clan may think that only one Igniter has been found, but there are a lot more out there than you think."

I could see a small object in the blond prick's hand. It glowed for a short period of time before suddenly going out.

"A lightbulb?"

"Using this bulb, I can capture the laser light and send them straight at you in whatever pattern I want. No need to create it or dehydrate myself to a dying state. I can just capture and control whenever I want!"

He sent another beam of light straight at me. I yanked another wall of water in front of me and sent the light somewhere else. It collided with the ground and left charred streaks behind.

"Unfortunately I can't send them at you at the speed of light itself, but I still have an advantage over you."

"What would that be?" I asked.

"I don't need an ID, which means I don't have to worry about my mental state."

The laughter that escaped his mouth before he said his next line sent disturbing chills down my spine.

"Hehehe...but you do."

He's really gone insane now.

"HAHAHAHA!!! SCREW SCIENCE!!! Who needs science when you have Igniters like THESE?!?! It's all BULLSHIT! Science may have saved lives, but it CAN'T PROTECT THEM! It could never protect anyone. There will always be people who can use their so-called 'protection' against us! All of these super computers, all of this security, all of this comfort, and yet...they...they..."


Behind the blinding light and menacing face was a sad boy crying his eyes out.

"...they couldn' little sister..."

The wave of light that he sent at me started to grow faint. I took that opportunity and sent a condensed ball of water straight at his body. The ball collided straight at his stomach, causing him to fall backwards and drop the Igniter.

I created a path of water and slid straight to the Igniter before the prick could pick it up again.

That amount of force should've knocked the wind out of him for a moment. He won't be able to get back up until he's able to catch his breath.

Lynn pulled out her ID and formed iron cuffs that locked onto the prick's hands.

"Iron?" I asked Lynn.

"My mother is a cop." She said.

While knights were given advanced abilities, like the ability to use water, fire, earth, wind, and light, the police were given abilities to control iron. They could bend them into handcuffs and form bullets that can be sent at high speeds. The entire world banned guns as well as the manufacturing of them.

"So you're a part of some kind of training unit?" I asked Lynn.

"Correct. Just a simple kid's fantasy. I witnessed my mother succeed as a cop, so I wanted to succeed as well."

Guess we have a lot in common."

"Why are you in a Rainbow Knight Training Academy," I asked her. "There are plenty of training academies for people who want to become cops."

"I've already acquired the knowledge and training I need to be a cop," Lynn said. "I, apparently, also required a gene from my father that comes with an impressive Fire ability."

A cop and a Knight? She'll definitely become famous one day.

We turned our attention to the prick who was lying down on his stomach, unable to get up from the painful hit.

This was my chance to get some answers that the entire world wanted. I could help us get closer to figuring out who these Hackers are.

"Are you a Hacker?" I asked the prick.

"No," he answered. "At least not an official one."

"How the hell do these Igniters work?"

He didn't answer.

I lifted his head up and slammed it to the ground with a little force. Not hard enough to give him a concussion, but hard enough to wake him up.

"These abilities that the Igniters give you. How the hell are they this powerful?! No amount of science could ever HOPE to explain the power behind this!"

"Nothing about these Igniters follow the logic of science," the prick said. "They can't be explained by a bunch of simple, close minded people. That's all you're gonna get from me. So please, step...aside..."

I noticed a trail of blood was leaving his mouth. In fact, a large pool of it was growing right underneath him.

I realized that he bit his tongue. I thought I caused it by accident, but then I disregarded that after I remembered how I slammed his head. I slammed it on his side, not his chin.

Which means that he bit off his own tongue and bled himself to death.

"Dammit... DAMMIT!"

I slammed my fist to the wall out of anger.

What so important about these Igniters that you have to kill yourself to keep it a secret?!

Nowadays, we have computers that can scan the neuron activity inside a criminal's brain and form them into a first person POV video. We could, basically, see their memories.

The price must've known about this and killed himself so that we couldn't read them. Everyone would assume that nobody would have the courage to do that to themselves, but this prick did it. And without a second thought either.

Who the hell are these Hackers?

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