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53.33% Rainbow Knight Training Academy / Chapter 8: I Think I’m Falling For the Short One

Chapter 8: I Think I’m Falling For the Short One

@031 I've never been the emotional type. I used to be an energetic kid back then, but ever since that day I've felt no sort of joy. I still get annoyed or upset or excited at the little things a lot, but being happy is kind of impossible for me.

I miss my mother…@404


The alarm on my clock went blaring off and woke me up from the dreamless night that I was having. I don't even remember the last time I even HAD a dream.

Probably since...


I went to the bathroom and showered up. I always started them with ice cold water so that I could wake myself up before I relieved myself with the soothing warm water.

We had five pairs of school uniforms so that we wouldn't have to keep washing the same one every day. I wrestled myself inside of mine after blow drying my hair and then cleaned my teeth.


Classes didn't start until 9:00.

Plenty of time to help Mio with her training. Except...

"Give me a break..."

Mio was still sleeping soundly. Her pink nightgown was meant to cover her head to toe, but the skirt was somehow lifted up to where it revealed her belly button as well as her white panties.

I couldn't help but blush a little after seeing her long slender legs and porcelain skin. Her pink hair was so deep that it seemed to resemble some kind of bright flame as it covered some of her face.

Her blanket was hardly covering any part of her body, so I could easily see the outline of her breasts as they pressed tightly onto her nightgown.

There she was. Mio. A noble from the Fire Dragon Clan, arguably the most powerful clan in the entire world. The girl who didn't understand what being in a war meant.

There she was, completely exposed and defenseless.

I poked at her right cheek a little.


She twitched her face a little and her whole body turned a little towards me.

Seriously, this girl is so freaking cute. If only her actions went with her looks.

This time, I placed my whole hand on her face. Her skin felt soft and warm to the touch. I couldn't help but gently caress her cheek. My hand moved left and right slowly, wanting to memorize this heavenly cheek.

Suddenly, Mio grabbed my hand and held it tightly.


I stuttered, completely shocked by her sudden action.

I tried to slowly pull my hand back, but Mio had a surprisingly strong grip.


I nearly fainted after hearing that.

I thought she was awake, but she was actually just talking in her sleep.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please stay... I don't want to be alone anymore... it...hurts..."

There was a split-second opening and I took it. Once my hand was free, I backed away from her a little.

"Seriously...don't give me that burden," I said to the sleeping Mio. "Even if it was indirectly. I can't handle things like that."

I reactivated the alarm by setting it to go off in a few seconds and held it close to her ears.



These alarms are extremely loud, so the fact that she was able to sleep through the first one surprises me.

Mio screamed as she covered her ears from the loud noise.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME GO DEAF!!!" She shouted at my face.

"That might not be a bad idea," I said. "Maybe you'll stop talking if I did so."

"Don't joke like that!"

"Who said I was joking?"

I started winding the alarm back up.

"NNNOOOOOOO!!!!" Mio screamed as she bolted into the bathroom.

Though these alarms were indeed loud, at around 115 decibels, it was completely harmless. The only reason as to why they sound so loud but not dangerous is because of the audio transmitters inside our heads. They take in all sound that is produced and keep them from damaging the cochlea, hair cells, and the eardrum. These transmitters are also unbreakable as well as hard to remove.

Unless you plan on blowing someone's head off, you won't be able to get these things off.

Fortunately, the transmitters are harmless and aren't noticeable, so there's no need to worry about things being uncomfortable.

After Mio finished getting ready in the bathroom, in quick and UNorderly fashion, we walked hastily to the courtyard, which stretched on for exactly 1.72 miles in length .83 miles in width.

"You ready?" I asked Mio.

"Yeah sure, just don't go poking around looking for any dirty secrets of mine," Mio said. "N-Not that I have any or anything."

"Establishing a Mental Field in fighting is no different than it is in training or therapy sessions. Just keep your mind stable and you'll be fine."

Mental Fields are rectangular fields, 65 feet in length and 30 feet in width, that are established by a Mental Link between a party of two or more people. These fields repel all solid and liquid matter as well as sound vibrations. All thats allowed to pass through are the natural elements found in the planet's atmosphere; nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide.

I mentioned this Mental Link earlier, but I never fully explained how it worked. A Mental Link is where the neurons in our brains are attached to the other person's neurons by an electromagnetic field created by our ID's. Once the link is established, these two or more people can find each other within the field's range.

If one person's ID were to travel to far from the range of the other person's ID, then the electromagnetic field would be broken and and neurons would detach from one another. Also, these neurons flow through the field freely, but once the link and field are broken they return back to the original brain through DNA tracking.

Mio and I were using this Mental Field that we established for training. Nothing can distract us while we're in it and we can train for as long as we can. I wanted to help her with her lack of ability to read the attack of her opponent as well as helping her create her own Mental Barrier.

A Mental Barrier is basically what keeps the neurons in our brains from merging, which keeps me and her from being able to read each other's memories as well as their current thoughts. However, establishing a Mental Barrier to keep your neurons from fusing with your partner is as easy as a simple math problem in kindergarten, so Mio can do that with ease. Establishing one to keep your attacks hidden is indeed much harder, but that only takes as long as a few weeks of training with a therapist.

So why is she having trouble?

We activated our ID's and established the link and field around us. After that, I activated my WATER FREESTYLE: FELINE STANCE and went to a prowling stance. Mio looked like she was struggling a little, until-


"Hey, you do realize that you could just whisper it to yourself," I said to her. "That way, it's be a little bit harder for me to know what you're attacking me with."


Mio's face turned red.

"Sh-Shaddup! I'm just...warming up is all."

So that must explain why she's bushing. It must be because of the heat in her flames.

That thought was complete sarcasm by the way.

Mio charged at me with her fists held high in the air and took a swing with her right. I simply leaped back and flipped over to the right side. I then materialized water and formed it into larger claws.

Materialize is kind of a strong word. I simply merged the elements around me, hydrogen and oxygen, and formed them into millions of water molecules. Then, I condensed them tightly enough to feel like a sharp, solid matter.

Mio stretched her hands out and found them outwards. I felt the intense heat of her flames inching closer to me, but I simply just ducked to where it felt the least hot.

Though we can't see what our opponents attack looks like without breaking the Mental Barrier in our neurons completely or visualizing their attacks, other senses are still viable in combat. I guess you can say I used my sense of touch, though I still don't think that's what you call it considering I didn't really "touch" anything.

I formed and condensed a stream of water around me and flung that stream straight to her. She should be able to hear the stream coming closer to her and just simply dodge without struggle.




She took the full force of the attack and got knocked down on her butt.

Her uniform was completely soaked and she started trembling violently from the cold water.

The water wasn't really that cold though. She was just so used to the heat of her flames that something cold suddenly splashing her must've felt like icicles piercing her skin.

The Mental Barrier and Link were both broken, so the battle

was already over. I soaked up all the water in her uniform out and threw it at the grasses.

"Are you deaf or something," I asked her. "That stream of water is extremely loud, so you should've dodged that easily!"

"I-uh...I just didn't know where the sound was coming from, that's all!" Mio said.

"Your sense of direction is what needs help."

Sense of direction is more of a mental feeling than it is a physical one, but it's still equally important when it comes to combat.

"I see you guys are still on different levels of compatibility." A voice said.

I knew that voice, and I immediately started blushing after I heard it.

"Oh...h-h-h-hi Lynn..." I stuttered.

"G-Good t-tiding to you t-too Ayden..." Lynn said.

We both stood there, only glancing at each other before we completely gazed into each other's eyes.

"W-Well, I should be heading to the Food Court for my morning nourishment," Lynn said. "I-I just thought that you two were a little parched. Here, I'm unfamiliar with your preferred tastes, but I hope it's acceptable for you."

What she gave me were two bottles of cold green tea.

"Green tea gives positive results to the brain," Lynn said. "Plus, it's m-my most preferable taste."

"I-It's my favorite too." I said.

I wasn't saying that just to make her happy. It really was also my favorite drink.

"Well, I'm most pleased to hear those vibrations of sound leave your mouth."

We both had on an awkward smile for a little while longer until Lynn suddenly started running off, her face completely bright red.

I stood there with a weird look on my face as well as two cold bottles of green tea. They started to feel lukewarm.

"Hey, can I have my drink now!" Mio said, cutting my trip through space short.

I tossed her the bottle and opened mine up, taking a sip of the cool, refreshing beverage.

"Mmm, this stuff isn't bad." Mio said.

"Just the simple pure taste of natural green tea with a small hint of sugar and honey is something I'll never get sick of." I said, still keeping the same stupid look on my face.

"Hey, what was up with your attitude? It completely changed when that girl came here."

"I guess you could say that I have a hopeless crush."

"I see...wait, WHAT?!"

Yep. Ever since that crazy introduction I had with Lynn during the opening ceremony, I couldn't help but think about those soft feelings around her body. From her lips, to her cheeks, then her breasts. I couldn't help but think about the amazing feelings I got from touching all of them.

So, long story short, I'm falling for the short one.

Kuro_Kaen Kuro_Kaen

I love sci-fi, so I want to implement fiction with actual science. I hope you find this stuff interesting and entertaining.

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