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40% Rainbow Knight Training Academy / Chapter 6: I Taught a Spoiled Girl Something Important!

Chapter 6: I Taught a Spoiled Girl Something Important!

031@ A misguided soul filled with envy and greed. Their motives pure and admirable, but their actions corrupted and dumb. Most people would simply ignore this problem as it had nothing to do with them or will ever benefit them in any way. However, I'm not like one of those people. I can't seem to help myself. After all, I just want everyone to be happy. @404

"So, long story short, you tricked me." Mio said

"It had to be done," I replied. "Otherwise, you would've been the same spoiled brat all the way through adulthood."

I noticed her left eyebrow lower a little, signifying her annoyance. Even so, she didn't say anything.

Maybe she knows that I'm right?

"Hey," Mio said with a more gentle tone. "I guess I sorta kinda maybe owe you an apology."

Sorta kinda maybe?

"It's not just me that you should be apologizing to," I said. "You should apologize to everyone you beat as well."

"Why though," she retaliated. "They're the ones who let me win."

"That's because they felt bad for you. You're Image Barrier is non-existent and you shout out your attacks, so of course they'd let you win. Is that what you want? All of your wins to come from challenges that weren't even official fights?"

"But...a wins a win right?"

Mio crossed her arms and averted her eyes away from me with a pouty look on her face. She had the face and attitude of a toddler.

That single sentence was enough to make me snap.

Does she not know how deep that sentence cuts? Does she feel no remorse for the knights who are constantly risking their lives to keep the entire country safe?

I understand that this girl was spoiler rotten and grew up with, allegedly, the most powerful Rainbow Knight clan organization in the world, but that was taking it too far.


With my right hand, I smacked her hard on her cheek. Her face flung to the right a little bit and stayed like that. She didn't move a single inch, completely shocked by the action that I had just taken.

I felt no guilt or remorse. I really wanted to teach this girl a lesson.

"What the wrong with you," I cursed sharply under my breath, shaking from the anger that suddenly built up inside me. "Do you think that's really what they say after defeating...after KILLING their enemies? Us knights aren't sent out their to fight against purse-snatchers or stalkers. We're sent to fight against the worst people out there: terrorists, black market organizations, cults, and Hackers. In case you don't remember, I'll give you a little refresher: WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A H GODDAMN WAR WITH OTHER FACTIONS RIGHT NOW!! Do you here me?! WAR! Kill or be killed! Break or be broken! So don't you dare treat this like it's some kind of game whenever our lives are on the line!"

Mio was dead silent. I needed to keep going.

"You should be lucky that you're a member of the Fire Dragon Faction," I said. "Without them, you would've been nothing but a front line soldier being tortured or killed in enemy hands. And thats if you're lucky! I could name things a thousand time worse happening to you. So you best better remember where the hell you're at."

The war that we were in, the Faction War, started twenty years ago, when the Snow Rabbit Faction first green kit the research on finding magic capabilities inside our brains. They found out that the hundreds of millions of neurons in our brains started to evolve with an unknown chemical. A new connection formed and awakened an unknown ability that we called Magic. Nobody knows where this chemical came from, but the components inside the chemical have the same atomic structure as all the elements on the Periodic Table.

This chemical became known as Rainbow.

As it turned out, the chemical strongly reacted to our thoughts and used a completely new type of energy to excrete magic out of the body, like blood when skin gets cut or sweat when our body temperature gets too hot.

You're Magic is very dependent on your mentality, but there are many other factors that come into play. And plus, you can only use the natural elements that exist to form magic. You can materialize metal from thin air, but you can condense wind or merge rocks together to form a shield or a weapon. You can also form your own style of armor along with your weapons. Like my WATER FREESTYLE: FELINE STANCE.


So then Magic users started sky rocketing after the next generation was born, but this also started conflict and tension began to accumulate between every Faction. Then, three years later, a leader of a Faction lashed out from fear, igniting the Faction War.

"I'm sorry," Mio suddenly said, tears rolling down her face from, probably, the stinging pain of the slap. "I'm sorry, but I can't feel the same remorse that you're feeling right now. I can't because I've never seen what this war is like. I don't know the pain that they have to go through, or the stress that they endure. I didn't even want to become a knight in the first place. I was born into the Fire Dragon Clan, so I was forced to attend this academy, otherwise I would get disowned."

So she was scared. I guess I can't really blame her or be mad anymore. We're all born into a Faction, but being born into a Clan is a whole different matter. A Faction is an entire country, while a Clan is the leader of that Faction. The Faction that we live in is known as the Devil Faction. And our Clan is the Fire Dragon Clan, the, allegedly, toughest Clan in the entire world.

Being born In that Clan must be a pain, knowing that you have to fight without being given a choice.

"I guess I should apologize," I said. "I should've listened to your side of the story first. But you should know that people in this academy will target you. There may be some merciful people, but you'll soon run into people who don't give a shit about your training wheels. Those people are the real knights, people who will do anything to win, so be careful and stick close to me. I'll train you an teach you how to use your abilities properly."

"But you're not a member of the Clan," Mio protested. "What can you do?"

I simply smirked at her remark.

"I may not be a Clan member, but I just so happen to be related to the strongest Rainbow Knight in the entire world."

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