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45% Growth through Chaos / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Defeat and Division

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Defeat and Division

Chapter 9: Defeat and Division: Failure is Inspirational.

Special thanks to Leaf Ranger. A very insightful BETA reader who prevented a good number of mistakes in this chapter. Plus a great Fanfiction writer in their own right.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

Outdoors, Ussop and Nami examined the massive galleon unimpressed.

"How do you think they even get here? That ship is literally falling apart. Like a storm or something else caused lacerations in the haul," the navigator remarked.

"You're right, Nami. It's terrible. The rig might've been powerful a one time, but now the ship looks like it was almost cut into pieces. I bet anyone with a canon can sink it no problem," Ussop agreed.

"Whatever." Glancing around, Nami heard a new commotion coming from the decrepit ship. But ignored it. 'Sneaking off with the treasure stashed here might be tough with Kakashi around. Plus he can probably just run after me over the water if I try slip away. I'll have to wait for a fight or something to start, then take the Merry and sail off while he's distract-.'


Her attention was recalled, as the figure of Krieg and a large sack were blasted from the restaurant. The ruined pirate Admiral hit the Dreadnaught Sabre's figure-head, ripping it to splinters, before crashing against the foremast.

Back inside, the cooks looked on, their mouth agape.

"Hey, old man!" Luffy called towards Zeff. "If my crew fight these guys and win. Will you let us take Sanji after?"

"I'm not going with you!" the chef yelled. With a tick on his forehead, patience wearing thin.

"Hhh. That's brat's a horrible cook and a stubborn punk. It's passed time he left to fulfill the dream we shared together. The little brat Naruto would probably miss'im too much as well. Pull this off, and I'll gift-wrap him for ya," Zeff declared. Causing a spark of regret from Sanji.

"Ch-hem." Kakashi coughed for their attention. "Well, your aspiration and our agreement aside, our agreement with CHef Zeff doesn't conclude until the end of the day, today. This means I'm still in-charge of stopping any fights from damaging this restaurant. If you don't mind, captain, we…can't really leave with Krieg loitering on this doorstep. Plus, later on, you and I will have a talk about hurting my students," the Jonin motioned to the lump on Naruto's head, where Luffy had punched him to the ground.

Luffy nodded with a simple "Okay. This place looks important to my cremate Sanji. So we have to help you."

Kakashi grinned as the sous-chef complained again, before turning to his students.

"Sakura! Get back to Usopp and Nami! They should move the Going Merry away from this fight, or Krieg might just attack them to get his hands on another ship!" Kakashi ordered her, his tone commanding obedience.

"Yes, sensei!" the girl dashed from the room. While Sasuke and Zoro prepared for the coming fight, and many cooks finally began to stir.

"Hey boss! Why did you even give that guy any food at all!"

"Yeah, that guy was no different than Gato!" Naruto cried. "A liar and villain who just likes power and killing people! Why did you help him like that!?"

Even Sasuke agreed with Naruto, frowning towards Zeff. More complaints followed, until the Head Chef stomped his peg-leg, shutting them up.

"I don't wanna hear any complaints or accusations! Everyone on this boat did what they thought was right. Where it was smart or not if a different matter, and one that I don't care for," the chef glared at straight at Naruto.

"Why?" Sasuke spoke up. "Giving that food to those pirates just made them stronger. Holding on to it and keeping them weak would have been a better way to deal with them."

"Chef Zeff," Kakashi chimed in. "I'm going to agree with Sasuke here," rubbing his head sheepishly. "Why did you give those meals to Don Krieg knowing that it would lead to a fight?"

"Yeah Boss!" Patty jumped in, emboldened by the ninjas. "I bet you were just covering for Sanji again. You always take his side about feeding anyone to come in, and then kicked them to pieces at least twice a daya. They're often criminals who just give us trouble, and drag this kinda filth to the doorstep. Whena' ya gonna-"

"YOU FOOLS DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" the chef admonished them. Driving everyone into fearful silence.

"None of you have any idea of what it's like to be on the brink of starvation. To have no food or water on the open ocean. There is no way you can possibly understand what a terrifying prospect that is. It's the most difficult situation a man can ever face."

Softly, a tremor passed through Naruto's body. Joined by the boy's hand crossing over his stomach at the phantom memory.

"The difference between all of you and Sanji, is that Sanji knows…."

Some look on in confusion, while Kakashi leaned back, his body lazy yet his mind sharp with this news. 'So…that's why they feed anyone, and Naruto…'

A few tears trickled down Naruto's cheeks, travelling to the memories of lying on his bed, stomach grumbling, isolated and alone. He knew what it was to go hungry. To lie around wishing for some kind of food and comfort, without any family or care. Or to look for something he'd loved, but only to find glares and denial everywhere but one, safe haven.

Glancing around, his mind travelled back to Ichiraku's Ramen, and all the food, complements and acceptance the Baratie staff had given him over the past month. A new fire burned in him, to not let Krieg even touch the varnish on the outside deck and stand by Zeff and Sanji's words completely.

"Listen up," Sanji called out, rising to his feet with a fresh cigarette. He strode across the room, facing Gin. "I'm only gonna say this once. Feeding someone who's hungry is my sacred, moral duty. But-!" He kicked the legs a table, righting it up, then taking a seat.

"Now that your crew is well-fed, I have no obligation to them. With a clear consciousness I can beat every last one of them to a bloody pulp. If anyone tries to take the restaurant…They're dead. I'll kill them without a moment's hesitation."

Many of the cooks nodded, while Naruto had stars dancing in his eyes. Kakashi and Zeff looked towards the coming fight, but Sasuke frowned in confusion over Sanji's choices.

"Don't think over it too much, kid," Zoro spoke up. "Focus on this coming fight, because it looks like we have a damn lot of guys to cut apart," the swordsman wore the face of a hungry wolf.

"Hey Gin," Luffy spoke up. "Have you been to the Grand Line? You didn't say anything about it last time you were here."

The Man-Demon looked up, with terror in his sunken eyes. "I don't know anything anymore. Don Krieg did go there, with 5,000 men to conquer that sea. But our entire fleet was wiped out in only seven days! It was fine sailing, all the way to the seventh day, then…we were decimated. All by one man. I can still feel his murderous gaze like the cold hand of death. His eyes were like a hawk's. Sharp 'nough t' cut, and murderous b'yon' belief."

Sanji was tense. He felt the truth in Gin's words, from a silent background of living with political deceit and half-truths. This story left him with fear.

"Really?" a calm, disbelieving voice called. "I may not have sailed there, but 5,000 men defeated by a single person seems quite far-fetched." Kakashi voiced his skepticism.

"Are you callin' me a lia'?" Gin exclaimed. "It really happened. His eyes…I'll never forget those eyes." Dropping all sense of pride, the broken man cradled his face, disbelieve and terrified awe ringing from him.

"Our entire 50 ship fleet…one by one. They were complete'ly eradicated by a single man. It all seems like a terrible nightmare burned into my memory. Those eyes of a predatory Hawk! His gaze...they was fear person'fied"

The Cooks were filled with amazement. Naruto and Luffy gaped at the news, while Sasuke…..

Gin's recount left Sasuke rigid as a statue. His mind, filled with the memory of his own nightmare from the massacre, recalled of another figure infamous for their eyes. The talk of this new figure's feats, his monstrous skill, and his terrifying gaze….

Sasuke didn't notice Zoro quivering with exhilaration; his hand tightening on the hilt of Wado Ichimoji, grasping to every word Gin spoke.

'Those words…..can it really be….

Kakashi frowned, slightly. "Are you certain about that? One man defeating five thousand alone many sound like a powerful feat, but even on our home no single person can accomplish that in one day alone. Even the best shinobi in our village, the Yondaime Hokage, was renown for killing one thousand single-handedly with his sheer speed and intellect. 5,000 is a tall-"

Bammm! "Kakashi!" The Jonin eyed Zeff, as the chef's foot was planted over a broke table. "Damn it, he dodged again! And worse you havn't paid attention to a single thing I've told you." Zeff leered, with a stern reproach burning in his eyes.

"Gin's telling you nothing but the truth, and you're acting stupidly for disbelieving it. The people who live on the Grand Line are far and beyond anyone you've met in your own home. There, someone can either fail and die, survive for a while and pull themselves out, or take the third option. Develop their own taste for the danger and fire, and thrive on the chaos of that sea."

"There's no doubt that this man's story is true, just from the description of the man who shattered their crew."

Turning back to the Man-Demon, Zeff folded his arms. "Your description of his heartless gaze isn't enough proof of his identity in and of itself. But the ease in which he decimated your fleet confirms without a doubt that it can only be him. His name is—"

"Hawk-eyes Mihawk…." Zoro hungrily declared. Now he had everyone's attention.

"So, you know him Zoro?" Luffy asked.

"Yes, I do. He's the man I've been looking for. Hawkeyes is the whole reason I set out to sea." The swordsman replied, with a steadying breath.

"Hmmm. I should have known," Zeff stated. "Every swordsman knows that name, unless they've been living under a rock. The man currently known as the Greatest Swordsman in the World. And one of the Warlords of the Seas. But that's not important right now."

"Everyone!" Zeff called to his kitchen staff. "Raise the fins and grab any weapon you can find. Time to give this pirate crew a good thrashin' back into the ocean! Plus, we can have one good fight with the ninjas before they leave."

Everyone roared in approval, with Patty brandishing a Lobster-shaped Bazooka.

Soon the fins were raised, everyone was armed and the growing Straw hat crew were ready for a fight. They gathered outdoors, watching for any sigh of Don Krieg, while the sounds of hungry men filled the air.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura had returned. "The Merry is alright. I gave Ussop and Nami your idea to sail the boat to a safe distance from the fight. They're now over a kilometer away."

"Well done, Sakura. Alright Team 7, Captain Luffy!" all of the Genin faced their Jonin-sensei, while Luffy glanced over curiously.

"I have a small plan in mind for this fight, if you don't mind hearing it?"

Luffy just shrugged. "Ahh. Do whatever you want-"

"Hey, you tiny brat!" a voice challenged from the wrecked mast-head. Standing there was Kreig, with a look of indignant furry on his face, and golden armour clear to see.

"You are honestly stupid enough to challenge Don Krieg?! My crew may have taken a few losses recently, but we still number over 100-strong. You have what? Five people with you, and half of them useless, stupid runts? That's honestly the best that you could scrape the barrel to follow you?"

"Hey, I'm not stupid or a runt, believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna kick your ass for hitting Sanji-sensei and trying to hurt this restaurant!' Naruto challenged him. Dashing out towards Krieg to deliver that promise.

Until Luffy arm shot out, snagging the thoughtless knucklehead. Leaving him running in-place, fisting swinging wildly.

"No," Luffy answered, plainly. "There are three more in my crew! And another guy who's going to join me right over there." he said, pointing at a curly browed cook.

"I'm not joining your crew!" Sanji cried.

"And I picked all of them personally," Luffy declared with pride, ignoring the cook's denials. "You might have more men, but I can beat up all of them and you, no problem. You really aren't that strong at all from the other guys I beat-up already." Luffy spoke, plain and simply.

Kakashi cocked an eyebrow at his tone, while Zeff grinned. Both at Luffy's tone.

'That's not loud bravado, or a hallow claim. He's just that filled with genuine confidence.'

"WHAAATT! You really think you can challenge Don Krieg!"

"Yup. I've got full faith in my crew and these cooks. You're in for a big beatdown" Luffy promised, with an eager grin as his cracked his knuckles.



With cries to voice their courage, 2 dozen men made the bold leap up beside the Don, weapons out and eager for plunder.

"Naruto, shadow-clones! Form a wall between the cooks and those pirates to keep them away," Kakashi ordered him. "Sakura, Sasuke, use kunai, shuriken and fire-jutsu if you see an opening. Zoro, Luffy, let's wait back for now, or hit that push through a gap in Naruto's clones. This is just the first wave, not a real attack just yet."

Everyone nodded, while the Pirates brought forward 5 gang-planks.

"Okay. But first!" Luffy cocked back an arm, while glaring at Krieg.

"Gum-gum: Rifle!" Luffy's fist shot forward, nailing Don Krieg straight in to face, again. Watching their leader tumble back head-over-heel, all of the enemy pirates stopped for a moment in shock. "Don!"

"Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu!" 3 dozen Naruto's appeared on the deck, shocking the Kreig pirates even more.

"Devil-fruit powers!" Gin cried.

"So that one is just a lucky brat who found a strange power by coincidence," a new, disdainful voice observed. Standing by the prow was a large, round man with black, slick hair. He wore massive stone plates, surrounding oversized pearls, and matching earrings. "Still, nothing that is as soft as rubber can get through my defence. Men, use your guns to shot at the cooks, while the others charge down on those gang-planks. I will join you against such sullied drivel if needed to." Quickly, the regular pirates lowered their ramps down towards the fins as Naruto's clones fanned out.

"Captain, Genin! Target those ramps while they're all clustered together, but don't hit Naruto's clones!" Kakashi ordered, taking the familiar role of a squad-leader.

Soon kunai and shuriken filled the air, wounding most of the pirates as they charged down, or killing them. Luffy made a high jump above the crowds, grinning with glee all the while.

"Shot him!" the new officer ordered in response. "Pearl no, tha' rubber will—" Gin cried out futilely. The snipers trained their guns on Luffy as their fellow men began a melee with Naruto's clones. Only 1/2 the bullets reached Luffy, causing parts of him to stretched back. "Those won't work on me! Here, have them BACK!" Immediately, the ricochet's flew out, tearing through the pirates ranks. While Luffy spun around, stretching out his leg.

"Gum-gum: battle-ax!" The limb crashed down, shaming a gang-plank to pieces, and causing the pirates to scatter into the water.

Luffy grinned, while Naruto's clones kept the first wave at bay from the restaurant.

"Hahahaha! You guys a way to easy. Get outa here and back where ya came from. Come on!"

"Naruto, no!" but it came too late. The clones all rushed forward, launching kicks at the enemy pirates, showing the results of Sanji's training. Naruto grinned, basking in his success, before a searing pain grew from his left arm.

"Ahhh!" dropping down, the boy clutched the limb close to his chest; nursing a jagged gash in his forarm, from the wrist to his elbow.

Sakura, Sasuke, Sanji, Zoro and Kakashi were rushing forward, driven to cover their crewmate.

Sakura held a kunai tightly, her body and mind split and confused. The girl had never fought like this before, torn between natural fear and her own training. Everywhere she looked, violence and chaos filled her eyes, pandemonium dominated her ears, and the fresh Genin became aimless.

"Die, you tiny bitch!" Sakura whirled at the threat, facing a large, ugly man raising a sword before her. Her eyes grew wide, throwing the kunai up with both hands on instinct. The weapon crashed down, forcing the knife out of her grip, nearly taking a finger with it. Sakura was driven back, landing on her butt; dazed and helpless to the man's killing thrust.

Before a sudden jerk stopped him, by an arm from above closing over his throat.

"Get away from my Nakama!" THe voice caleld Sakura to look up, in time to see Luffy shooting down, pulling the man around the collide with him head-to-head and knocking him out cold. Rising to his feet, the young captain glanced at her, with disappointment in his eyes. Before turning back to deck more pirates aside, driving them away from the fallen girl.

While Sanji tore through everyone surrounding Naruto like a tornado, and yanked his wayward kohai[2] back towards their comrades. Zoro joined in by then and quickly the first wave was either killed, writhing in pain, swimming, or knocked out.

"You idiotic, rubbery bastard!" Krieg had returned to his place, with a large bruise on his cheek.

"You really have stupid faith in all of your crew! Once that orange idiot dashed forward, there were more holes for my men to get through than swiss cheese. He nearly ran to his own death from my men cut down those copies from behind. And that little girl was utterly helpless, completely pathetic. The fact that you saved such as useless crewmate instead of just using her as cannon-fodder proves you're no captain at all!"

Sakura's eyes grew wide at those words, while Naruto growled at the Don.

"You're right," Luffy agreed. Causing everyone to stop. Turning to their captain with confusion and betrayal; none more so than Sakura, who began feeling hollow and terrible.

"Naruto was pretty stupid, but I've done that too before. And Sakura is not really a fighter. There's no point denying she'd the weakest one we have."

"You've got that right, Captain." Zoro agreed. "She doesn't even training like the other brats do." Making the girl's confidence drop to the ocean floor. Still, Luffy wasn't done yet. "But, she's part of my crew. She's one of my nakama, and so long as that's true, I have to protect her." Luffy pledged.

"Besides…" The Straw-Hat Captain grinned up at the gold-clad Don. "I can fight plenty good just as it is. More than enough to take care of any bozos you've got."

The Don glared at his latest enemy, while Luffy grinned with anticipation and confidence. Until-

Krieg's tattered ship was cut apart.


The air filled with screams and awe.

Kakashi and his students could only gape as the ship seemed to float in the air, propelled upward by the on-rush of water between the gaps. Within seconds, it came crashing down, as Kakashi spotted the risks. "Naruto, clones! Grab everyone and grip the deck with chakra!" Naruto fumbled momentarily, unused to such immediate demands. Still, he accomplished Kakashi's orders as the Baratie was rocked by the waves.

Kakashi had unveiled his right eye, scanning the space for a source of the chaos. 'H….h…how? For a break like this to happen from accumulated damage, there would have been some indication or warning. But nothing came. I didn't sense any chakra, nor did any sounds come from the galleon to suggest someone else was nearby!' Kakashi was deeply shaken. He had never seen anyone other than a Kage-class Shinobi, a Summoning-creature or a Biju perform similar acts.

"No….no….It's…happin' again." Gin muttered, with traumatic shock. His legs gave out

"Wh-what just happened?!" Sasuke asked in shock.

"It was cut apart." Zoro murmured. A steady thump filling his ears, the man's heart racing with thrill. Johnny and Yosaku gawked, before nodding in agreement. Perceiving what the other's couldn't fathom.

"What!" "No way!" "Impossible!" "How could anything cut something that huge!"

"A swordsman. Those parts. They're cut almost clean through, flawlessly," Zoro persisted. "Only a swordsman could have done that. Two cuts…that's it took. Is it…him….?" Zoro spoke with awe and apprehension. While his former bounty-hunting partners were scared.

At his words, Kakashi's eye turned back to the wreckage, along with Sasuke's own set of Sharingan. True enough, the fragments were separated clean through, their eyes spotting no jagged or ripped fragments to deny it.

Onboard the destroyed ship, men in tattered cloths tumbled around or clung to the ship. Even the Don lost his composure.

"No, it can't be. He followed us!" Don Krieg screamed. "I don't remember doing anything to him! This is unnecessary and excessive!"

Nobody could spare a thought for the dramatic hypocrisy from him. As a figure in a large coffin-shaped boat slipped through the gaps in the ship.


"Phew. I think that's far away enough to stay safe. You agree Nami? Nami?" Ussop remarked, after slumping down from their scramble to move the Going Merry away from the battle.

"Oh," the girl turned around. "Ussop. The heat today and the scramble to move of the Merry left me all sweaty and hot. I'm just gonna change into something more comfortable. A true pirate and a brave warrior wouldn't peek at their nakama would they?" she sweetly praised him, with a strawberry-red face while grasping her top.

The sniper's eyes widened, before jolting straighter than a metal pole. Whirling out to face the sea, he began to proclaim "Uh-ye-yeah. Yeah that's right! No brave, chivalrous warrior would dare violate a woman's privacy like that! Heh, luck for you it's just me here and not Zoro or Kakashi. Naruto and the others are probably too young and innocent to even know about peeping-Toms. So what are you-AHHHHH!"



The new arrival cruised through the waters near his handiwork. Sakura followed everyone move in awe, as a broad, dark hat covered the man's face. Then it lifted, and she found his eyes.

The girl was petrified, collapsing to the deck under his powerful gaze. Sharp pupils piercing through her mind and soul, surrounded with sharp yellow irises. Her lungs were burning, the paralyzing fear even leaving her unable to breath.

Sasuke wasn't any better. 'What is this feeling?...It's like Zabuza's killing-intent…but so much stronger…and this man…he-he's so at ease.….' The Uchiha brokenly thought, his eyes locked with Mihawk's. One eye with two tomoe, the other only one.

"Hey, you! You monster! Why did you follow us all the way here!?" One of Don Krieg's men called out. Shifting his gaze, the swordsman took notice of the sorry lot and gave the Genin some reprieve. Sasuke tried listen, but only gasped for air, clutching his chest in pain and trepidation.

The man was dressed in crimson and black. With a long coat, patterns sleeves and light purple, baggy pants. And sporting a sharply styled moustache and beard. 'What kind of style or function is this meant to be?' Kakashi noted, eying him carefully.

"You…you followed us here. Why? What did we ever do to cross you!?" a member of Krieg's pirate crew asked.

"Nothing. Just killing time," the figure replied, nonchalantly. Making the Konoha ninjas gape at him.

'He seriously wreaked that galleon, and decimated an entire fleet, just on a casually whim? That's either impressive or dissapointingly petty.' Kakashi thought.

"You bastard!" the enemy Pirate fired two pistols at Hawkeyes. Within the span of a blink, Hawkeye's hand grasped a Giant Black sword, pointed at the Krieg pirate. Naruto and Sakura couldn't see what happened, but Sasuke and Kakashi did.

'Wh…he….he didn't even look at…..only my Sharingan could follow those bullets…but he deflected them…Is this man, that fast!?...' Sasuke was amazed, following the bullets shift along the tip of the blade, angled elsewhere the cut through another piece of wreckage.

"Hey, who do you think you are!?" "Holy Shit! He has Three Swords! It couldn't be?" "That's Roronoa Zoro!" Someone gasped, backing away as the green-haired swordsman stepped forward. "He's the Demon Butcher of the East Blue!"

"I've never seen a swords handled so gently. Or with such grace!" Zoro called out to Hawkeyes. The rest of the cooks, pirates, and ninjas watched the two exchanged words. Luffy and Sasuke the most animated among them.

"I set sail for only one reason. To find you!" Zoro announced, now tying a bandana around his head.

"And what is your goal?" Hawkeyes replied, his hands casually folded.

"To beat you!" Zoro declared. Hawkeyes smirked, condescendingly. "How foolish."

A soft thump. Sasuke felt the exchange strike a chord in his consciousness. The man's words echoed in his ears, draw him to feel a deep anger. His hands curled into shaky fists, teeth grinding together. As Zoro drew his swords, and Hawkeyes hopped aboard the galleon wreckage, Sasuke didn't even blink…..eager and hesitant to see the results of this encounter.

'a foolish creature'….'the disparity is clear'…'is it because of courage, or ignorance'….. 'I made a promise I intend to keep'…

"Shut up! He will defeat you!" Sasuke's voice cut between Hawkeye and Zoro's confrontation. "Zoro, you have defeat him and fulfill your goal!"

Everyone turned to face Sasuke, none more surprised than Kakashi. Zoro eyed his young training partner, keeping Hawkeyes in his peripheral. "Heh. No worries there, Sasuke. I didn't expect to run into him this soon, but I will defeat him today. Plus, I have to beat him for our captain."

Now the Santoyru swordsman faced Luffy, as did Hawkeyes and Don Krieg. "Luffy. You said it yourself. The King of the Pirates would need to have nothing less than the best as part of his crew to find the One Piece, right!"

The Straw Hat grinned, fiercely. "Uh huh, that's right! I've got full confleedence that you'll do good, Zoro!" Everyone sweat-dropped. 'What the heck is confleedence?'

"There isn't anyone alive who can beat Big-bro Zoro!" Yosaku and Johnny cheered.

"Yeah, you're gonna beat that weirdly-dressed guy, Zoro! Believe it!" Naruto joined them.

While Kakashi noticed Hawkeye's gaze lingering on Luffy's Hat. The man spoke up. "Hmmmmmm. You really think it's that simple? Regardless of your exploits here, the East Blue is by far the weakest of the Four Blues. Such attitudes like that will lead you head-long to your own defeats elsewhere," he spoke, somewhat condescendingly.

While Sasuke blinked in surprise, just now realizing he had fallen to his knees. 'When did I fall? Why did I drop like this from that man?'

"Huh?!Umm…What's he doin' with that knife?" At Naruto's voice, Sasuke's attention returned to the fight. To see Hawkeyes holding a tiny dagger before Zoro's katana.

"This will be more than adequate. You wouldn't use a cannonball to kill a fly, now would you? This boy may have a reputation here. But that doesn't mean much to me." Hawkeye's voice was calm, despatched, and matter-of-fact. Only stating a simple fact, to leave Zoro irked.

"I've had enough of your attitude!" He dashed forward! "Oni-Giri!"

Clang! Zoro's blades were stopped, deadlocked. Neither opponents moved, but the Sharingan's noticed Zoro's body straining against the tiny knife. Unable to press through it.

"What! Nothing's stopped Big-bro's Oni-Giri attack!" Johnny shouted. Sasuke's mouth was gape. 'So fast! He barely moved as Zoro was bearing towards him, then the knife moved faster than a kunai right to the exact point when the blades crossed each other…'

After several moments, Zoro began a new attack. Each of his blades slashing in wild patterns, each deeply powerful and all in futility. It seemed little more than a toddler flailing about, led by the nose each time Hawkeyes moved. The looming figure of Hawkeyes stayed untouched with only a small butter-knife, deflecting each swing with an occasional sidestep.

A pause came, as Hawkeyes thrust forward, knocking Zoro backwards head-over-heels.

"You can't be that much better than me!" Zoro cried, angrily. Sasuke felt a growing hole in his stomach. A sinking fear tied in with the belief that whether Zoro would succeed or fail could be a premonition of his own inevitable fight with Itachi Uchiha.

Zoro recovered his swords and began to attack. Darting forward with great balance and focus. Three swords cut through empty air, as Hawkeyes leaped overhead and landed gracefully behind him. Zoro spun around, following his enemy with cross-cuts and sweeps. Followed by a overhead cut that Mihawk easily blocked.

"Such ferocious swordplay," he commented, before Zoro swung out with Wado in his mouth. A gust came forth where Mihawk blocked the unconventional attack, then he asked a question.

Kakashi followed every move, his respect for Zoro's enemy growing by the second.

"Zoro is a master swordsman, but this Hawkeyes is almost living perfection. His timing and speed are flawless, and even his strength is visibly greater than my green-haired comrade. Against Zabuza, I could barely hold off his Executioner's Blade with a kunai, and that weapon was designed to magnify the force of a blow it delivers. But this Mihawk can meet all of Zoro's swords strength-to-strength with a smaller weapon. All of this empowers his techniques, and are perfected to a millisecond. I've only seen such skill from sensei….'

'But one dangerous thing in extremely clear.'

The pair of swordsman clashed, a green-haired novice against the Best alive. Mihawk casual, serene, balanced and effortless. He left Zoro's powerful wild and unpredictable style an excessive waste Zoro's strength and technique intensified, while Mihawk began to frown, slightly. Their eyes were opposites: one set narrow and focused, only seeing a common slight; the other wide and desperate, their vision filled by that one, tiny knife.

Out of nowhere-Zoro stumbled forward, as Hawkeyes gave him a solid neck-chop.

Kakashi nodded, watching his premonition realized. 'Zoro's even more out-matched than any previous Genin hopefuls I had against me for the Bell-test. Zoro can't win through skill, strength, speed other anything else in a direct confrontation. What will his response be?'

"Zoro!" "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Hawkeye's eyes widened with surprise. Dozens of copies from a single person appeared, a few even standing on the water and all running over to him.

'Good Naruto, helping your new comrade,' Kakashi smiled with pride.

"Yeah, we'll help you Big bro!" Johnny and Yosaku drew their own weapons and launched forward. "Hang on, we're coming to-!"

"Gum-Gum: Whip!" Now everyone was shocked. Aside from watching a gaggle of orange shrimps running on the water, Luffy's leg shot back, extending to impossible lengths. With a pivot, it swung across the battleground, hitting many different pirates and smashing the remains of the galleon. Every Naruto clone was hit, dissolving into smoke. While Kakashi snatched the real one, Johnny and Yosaku out of the way, and back to Luffy's side.

"Captain Luffy! Can you be a touch more careful with that move? You almost sent Naruto and these two flying." Kakashi asked.

"Hey! Wh-what are you doing, Luffy!" Naruto shouted at the Straw Hat. "Zoro's in trouble and he needs our help!"

"No, all of us are stay put!" Luffy commanded them, pinning Johnny and Yosaku down. "Nobody do anything. This is a fight Zoro wants to take himself. It's a challenge between men! We can't jump into it."

"Captain, Luffy!" Kakashi frowned at the captain. "If Zoro is outmatched then we should-"

"Naruto!" Sasuke's voice rang out, as the Uchiha pinned his teammate to the ground. "This is his fight! Stay out of it!"

"Kakashi, Naruto! Don't either of you dare do anything!" Slowly, the outmatched teen rose to his feet.

"I've driven myself towards this day all my life. This is a duel between swordsmen, that is paramount. If anybody intervenes then it would be a cowardly escape or a dishonourable forfeit. Johnny, Yosaku, you know that!" Both of his former partners looked ashamed. Then Zoro's eyes turned to Naruto and a grey-haired scarecrow, murderous and desperate.

"The only way to complete my ambition is to defeat Hawkeyes one-on-one, with my own skill. If you intervene in any fight between me and another swordsman, I will kill you both. He replied. Then took a new stance against Hawkeyes. "If I retreat, or if any of you step in the middle of this fight. Then you would take my honour from me. You see, without that, there would be nothing left for me here." Their fight resumed.

"Come on, that's just stupid!" Sakura cried. "You know you're outmatched, so just retreat and fight another day! Or wait until you're ready then look for him again. This is just stupid manly pride, with no logical—"

"Sakura!" a voice boomed, filled with disapproval. Zeff seize her shoulder with his firm grip, stomping his one good foot down.

"Pride may be foolish in hindsight. But in the end, it is often the only thing that can never be taken from someone. The only way a person can be without any pride is should they choose to give it up. Zoro was the one who challenged Mihawk, and for a matter both men have striven their entire lives to own and uphold."

The older man glared piercingly at the ignorant child. "Ridiculing or ignoring his struggle is the worst thing you can do here. And if anyone does interfere then it would insult all the effort and sacrifices Zoro has made in pursuit of this dream. Show him and Mihawk the respect they deserve and encourage your crewmate to win."

Meanwhile, Zoro was panting, nearly exhausted, under the watch of Hawkeyes gaze, untouched and unperturbed. Slowly, the challenger took another step towards his opponent. Stumbling forward, an off-balance overhead slash was dodged, and Zoro tumbled over.

"What is it? What weight do you carry on your shoulders to challenge me?" Mihawk inquired.

"Speak up, weakling!"

"I won't lose. I refuse to be defeated," Zoro replied. He tried another attack: "Tiger Trap!"

It didn't even reach Mihawk, stopped by the man's dagger piercing through and straight into Zoro's chest. The stab punctured his lung, just above the heart.

Zoro collapsed, while everyone that knew him shouted in worry. Everyone but Kakashi.

'That strike. It was a warning blow. Hawkeyes could have easily gone through Zoro's heart, ending his life right there. So now…what will happen?' The Jonin had never seen one man, so driven by their ambition, have such a deadly failure before. Each of his figures tingled, eager to execute any jutsu to aide the younger man. Struggling against his own principles to help Zoro and the truth behind Zeff's words.

While Mihawk whispered to Zoro. "You are defeated. Yet you won't step back. Why not?"

"I don't know," Zoro answered. "But what I do know. Is that if I retreat just a single step. Then I'll be shattering the promises I made."

"You said before that you would have nothing remaining should you lose your honour. Defeat is precisely what that is." Mihawk admonished him.

"Hhhh. Then I won't accept defeat," Zoro replied.

"Then you will die," Mihawk declared.

Zoro smirked, raising his weapons again, with no trace of fear in his being. "I'd rather die than give up!"

Sasuke and Naruto both froze at his words. While Kakashi felt a pang from his memory, of his left eye's original owner saying the same. Even a new glint came in Mihawk's eyes.

The Greatest Swordsman withdrew his blade. Took three steps back, and sheathed the knife.

"Sir, state our name," respect clear in his tone.

Zoro stood tall, defying the logic of his wounds, and driving Kakashi's respect even higher. "I am Roronoa Zoro."

"I'll remember it. No one as strong as you has come around for quite some time." Hawkeyes promised, as he reached back and drew the giant sword from his back.

"So as a Swordsman's curtesy. I will use the world's strongest black sword to finish you."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Zoro nodded. His swords beginning to spin in his hands, while Mihawk crouched down.

"This is the last move of this duel," Kakashi murmured. While Sasuke's hand tensed in desperation. Everyone held their breath.

"Santoryu Ogi!: Sanzen Sekai"[3] "Fauge!" The two swordsmen made a final clash together.

Crasgggggggg! Zoro sank to his knees, the swords in his hands cut to piece and a long shallow cut over his chest.

"Zoro-san!" "Big-Bro Zoro!": Naruto, Johnny and Yosaku cried in fear. Sakura's hands flew to her mouth, and Sasuke gasped, with a look of disbelieve and defeat.

"That fool. Why?" Sanji whispered as he looked on.

Kakashi looked on. 'So…this is how powerful one of the best of this world can be. And that was unquestionably just a fraction of this his skills. This man may not have any chakra, but some form of compressed energy must have produced those air-waves that cut through the galleon. Zeff was right, I have underestimated just how dangerous this world can be….'

"Zoro!" Turning back to the fight, Kakashi looked on as Zoro stood tall, facing Mihawk to await the final blow.

"But why?"

Zoro grinned, meeting his fate. "Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame."

"Fine." With that, Zoro was cut down.

"Zoro!" Luffy Roared. Sasuke was no better, though his emotions were internalized, almost ripping him apart.

"You shouldn't rush these things, young man," Mihawk remarked.

"Don't be stupid! Give up your ambition and live!" Sanji's voice cut through them, as Zoro sank into the water.

Team 7 look on, the Genin each on their knees. Mihawk's words and this outmatched fight sunk into Sasuke's consciousness. Naruto look on, struggling to deny what he'd seen and how someone that dedicated could be completely outmatched. Sakura couldn't understand anything.

'Why…why give your life for such a distant goal, when the impossibility is literally right in front of him?' she thought. "It's just stupid and pointless. Sanji-san is right, and Zoro-san is just throwing his life away for nothing. This is what would happen to Naruto from chasing his dream to be Hokage. At least Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke don't have those kind of stupid thoughts or goals.'

While Luffy-"Naruto, Kakashi! Zoro's fight's done. Now we can get this guy! Back me up!" His arm shot back, lifting one leg with his momentum. The arm shot out at Hawkeyes, to grab the deck. Then Luffy launched himself forward at Mihawk, while Naruto rushing forward, but sank under the water as distraction caused his chakra-grip to fail.

Mihawk gracefully evaded Luffy, who shouted before crashing into the ship. "Basta—"Craskkkk!

Then the sound of birds chirping filled everyone's ears, nearly a thousand of them.

As Hawkeyes turned away from Luffy, he found a new figure blocking him. Wearing dark clothing and a padded vest, the man had wild grey hair and mismatched eyes. One trained on him, unblinkingly, with the promise of death.

Mihawk's eye brows rose slightly at the man's eye, coloured an unnatural red with 3 tomoe surrounding it's pupil.

Kakashi stood before Mihawk, crouched down as his one original Jutsu, Chidori, crackled in his hand. "Do not take another step. You may be the Best Swordsman alive, but touch one of my comrades, and you will not leave here alive," Kakashi threatened him.

Mihawk's eyes relaxed, his form uncaring and composed. "This duel is over, so I have no further business or interest in your crew. You care this much about that young warrior?"

Kakashi nodded at Mihawk's question, as Luffy become unstuck.

"I'm impressed at you both for not interfering further. And there is no reason for either of you to be upset. He will live."

Now Kakashi was surprised, but kept his eye on the swordsman, and his Chidori ready.

"Ghhhuuuuuuhhhhhh! Hey!" Usopp's voice came from the water. "Hey, somebody help me! I've got Zoro!" Sure enough, the cowardly sniper was holding on to his bloodied nakama, struggling to keep them both afloat. "Naruto just dropped into the water right in front of me, then I saw Zoro covered in blood! What the heck happened here!"

"Zoro!" Luffy cried out. "Sasuke, Sakura, help him!"

Naruto broke the surface too, then climbed up to help Usopp. The other Genin ran out to meet them, hauling the wounded swordsman and an exhausted Usopp towards the Baratie.

"Usopp, why are you here and not on the ship? Where is miss Nami!? Did something happen on the Merry?" Sakura asked, once they arrived.

Usopp jerked, suddenly.

"Oh no! Nami, she stole the Merry! She-she pretended to be changing her shirt and asked me to give her some privacy. Then knocked me overboard by whacking the back of my head with her bo-staff. After that she said something about not dying against Don Krieg like we wanted to and sailed off before I could climb aboard!"

Most of the crew were shocked. A moment passed, while a flicker of anger came in Kakashi's eye.

"It's still far too early for you to die!" Mihawk's voice rang out across the water. Calling their attention to him.

"My name is Hawkeye Mihawk. You're Strong, but there is much for you to learn. No matter how many years it takes. I will hold this title as the Greatest in the World. And wait for you. Until that day you must hone your skills. Then…"

"—Seek me out, Roronoa Zoro!"

Sakura looked up, bewildered by Mihawk's challenge to Zoro. Naruto was amazed. Sasuke could barely move. Every detail of the duel were forever etched into his memory: those words from Mihawk, Zoro's unwavering strength and commitment, Luffy's choices over the fight.

Kakashi was the most in awe, as he could comprehend the weight and meaning behind Mihawk's challenge, and the significance they would have to both swordsmen.

Then Mihawk turned to Luffy and Kakashi. "You, the captain. Roronoa stated your goal is to become the King of all Pirates. If that is the truth, what is the purpose you have to fulfill that goal?"

Luffy looked up, unhesitant. "To fulfill a promise I made to Shanks. That man who gave me this hat," he said, patting the Straw Hat on his brow.

Mihawk's eyes grew wide, as understanding flooded into them. "Then you have a lot to accomplish, to live up to his words. Such a lofty goal will demand much from you."

"You just let me worry about that," Luffy answered, sticking his tongue out at Hawkeyes.

"And what of you?" Mihawk eyed Kakashi.

"I'm not inclined to share that with you. But whether it will be accomplished within my lifetime is up to me to decide," he casually spoke.

Hawkeyes narrowed his gaze at the man. "A fair enough statement. But without the motivation or the aspirations to match those you sail with, then you will be a great obstacle to them, or drag them back from their full potential from a lack of investment."

"Luffy!" Everyone turned, as Zoro's voice called their attention, to see him raising a white sword to the heavens. "Can you hear me, captain!?"


"I'm sorry, for failing you. I know you need nothing less than the Best in the World beside you! I've let you down! Please-ghrr-please forgive me!" Pain was clear and strong in Zoro's voice, from his body and his pride. Coughing blood, the man ignored Yosaku, Johnny, and Sakura's pleads for him to stop.

"I solemnly swear!...From this moment forward….That I will never lose again!" the man vowed, with tears of shame in his eyes.

"Until the day comes that I can take his title! I...will never…never be defeated again! Is that ok, King of the Pirates!"

The swordsman waited, for Luffy's reply. As did Sasuke and Naruto, recalling their own goals and the struggles each carried from their separate losses and failures, respectively. Especially Sasuke, recalling every time Naruto had failed at the Academy, and how he ridiculed him for swearing to continue despite clear futility.

A strange emotion flickered within the Uchiha prodigy, joined by new feelings of admiration and inspiration for the man he had seen fall.

"Yep!" Luffy gave a simple answer. With a clear laugh that the last Uchiha couldn't fathom or understand.

Kakashi nodded, ending his jutsu and placing a hand on Luffy's shoulder. "Good to hear, Captain Luffy. Now that this is settled, maybe we should talk about the problem with Nami stealing our ship. Oh, and maybe deal with the sad remains of Don Krieg's crew."


Author's note=a few people have commented on Kakashi's skepticism towards Hawkeye's decimating Krieg's Armada. To recap Naruto, beings such as the Second Hokage were killed by a platoon of 20, while the Fourth Hokage defeated 1,000 Iwa Shinobi likely between Genin-Jonin. While with the 3rd Raikage, he faced-off against 10,000 enemies across the course of 3 days, and died. It never stated if he defeated that entire army, only that he bought enough time for his own subordinates to escape. In One Piece, Mihawk defeated half that number head-on within 1 day; from the math, a single person pulling that off and living to talk about opposed to getting killed in the process could leave anyone doubtful. Readers know about the Grand Line and Mihawk's reputation; but in-story, the characters lack that context, and took it as a grain of salt.

[1]-Don Krieg did fancy himself as the Strongest man in the World, at least in term of military strength and numbers. The man may have been dangerous for the East Blue, but since he failed to recognize Hawkeyes, the fool was likely oblivious about Whitebeard too. The man truly was an ignorant, egotistical dumbass.

[2]-"Kohai," a Japanese title that reflect a junior student or subordinate under the same sensei. Opposite to a senpai.

[3]-Three-Sword Style: Secret Technique: Three-thousand Worlds!"

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