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53.33% CATMAN / Chapter 16: Level Up

Chapter 16: Level Up

"Oh? You're here?" The monster said as he looked beneath the bed.


"Just because you farted at the wrong moment..."

Auden looked at Froy and released his hands from Froy's mouth saying, "You'll make up for this next time."

Froy nodded and slowly said, "Sorry Boss!"

"Just wait till we get out of this house..." Auden said as he glanced at the monster who was trying to get to the Froy and Auden.

Auden then pushed himself out from the side of the bed as Froy followed cause.

"Grrr...even if you managed to get out of the bed, you won't be able to escape from me." The monster said as he slowly started pulling his body out of the bed.

Deck~ Deck~

" guys out there. Help me get out of this, I'm stuck." The monster said as he tried his fullest getting out of the bed.

"Eh...?" Both Froy and Auden were dumbfounded.

Both of them looked at each other as an evil smile covered their faces with hideous sparkling eyes.

"Hehehehe, " Both of them laughed heinously.


"Hey Boss, I think we should take some revenge on him for scaring us like that. What do you say?" Froy said as he cracked his paws.


"Just for this one time...I like this idea of yours," Auden said stretching his leg.

The monster gulped when he heard that. He slowly asked, "You guys...what are you going to do?"

The duo didn't say anything but stood behind the stuck monster as Froy asked looking at Auden, "Boss, what do you say about giving him hell before killing?"

"Sounds good," Auden said as he transformed himself in CatMan. He was just like a cat but standing in two legs and wearing clothes.


The dagger-like nails appeared on both of his paws and Froy prepared his sharp nails as well.

"Let's do this!" Both of them said.

[Indiscriminate Claws (Activated)]

"Cat Society's Secret Move: Don't let the enemy sit for thousands of years."

Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" "Stoppp~"

Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~

The monster cried in agony as the duo carved his two cheeks with their claws. Red blood started gushing out of his cheeks but the duo didn't have any plan to stop.

Realizing that the duo was not listening to him, he used his trump card.


Gooey substance flowed throughout his body totally covering it. The blood gushing out of his buttocks stopped as well as he slipped out of the bed.

Immediately covering the exit, he looked at the duo with murderous intent.

"You guys sure are an artist. Painting my buttocks like'll pay with your lives." The monster said.

Looking at the face of the monster, all gross like that, Auden was on the verge of throwing up. But controlling himself and his stomach, he immediately put up his guard.

"You...Who are you?" The monster said looking at Auden, "...No, let me rephrase it."

"What are you?"

Auden grinned, "Why don't you guess?!"

"'re a human because you have the scent of one...and you are a monster as have the scent of our kind as well but it's little different than ours. Just smelling it makes me nauseated. What are you?"

"A human? or a Monster?"

"It's be specific, I'm human with some changes. You can call me CM, it'll be the last name you'll hear before you die." Auden said. as Froy hid behind his leg all shivering.

"So you're a Chinese Master." The monster said licking his lips, "If you are then you might know some kung-fu as well. It's going to be fun killing you."

"First of all, how the hell is this possible that all the guys I meet are dumb. Don't you have eyes...don't you have some sense? Do you have a brain on that gooey head or is it just grass that's growing inside?" Auden shouted, "It's CatMan!"

"I know you're a Chinese master...don't hide it. I can guess from CM, or are you saying I'm dumb?" The monster said.

"You are dumb!" Auden said solemnly.

" you have done it. I might have let you die just by ripping you apart but now I will feed your flesh to the dogs after I kill you." The monster said as he jumped towards Auden.

Auden also dashed at the monster finally making his mind to attack the monster. [Indiscriminate Claws (Activated)]

Slash~ Slash~ Slash~

"What?" His eyebrows rose.

Tens of slashes hit the monster in seconds but not even a scratch was made on his flesh. Auden's nail couldn't even cut through the gooey substance leaking out of the monster's body.

"Are you done?"


He was bitch-slapped by the monster making him slam headfirst on the floor.

"Aaargh~" Auden groaned as he only heard *Ting* from his cat ears.

"You're weak..." The monster said as he looked at Froy, "You are the one who used the secret move from cat society, aren't you?"

"Meow? Meow...meow? Meow Meow Meow" Froy said as he tilted his head.

"Don't act like you can't hear and speak... I know it was you." The monster said as he walked towards Froy.

"Wait...wait...wait...calm down dude. Let's talk things out." Froy said as he subconsciously took a step back, "It was on impulse so don't take it on the heart."

"Like I care about that crap. Die, pathetic creature!!!" The monster said as he raised his fist at Froy.

Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~

The monster's fist stopped mid air as he slowly moved his eyes looking back.

"You sure don't give up, do you?"

Auden jumped back as he touched his nails using another paw.

'It's sharp like always...but can't I cut him?'

"Haha, you're sweating too much. Thinking why you can't cut me like before? The reason is this..." The monster said pointing at the gooey substance leaking out of his body, "This layer of mucus oozing out from every pore of my body acts as natural barrier for attacks "

"No matter how sharp your nails are, it can't ever cut through my mucus...even if it looks soft, it's very tough. Especially for weak ones like you." In but a spur of moment, the monster appeared before Auden again bitch-slapping him in the face.

Even though he was slapped hard, he wobbled for a moment but didn't fall down like before.

"Ahhhh~ It hurts. My whole head is shaking. You're strong, yes, but not fast and nimble as me. Just because that coat of armor, you're alive till now." Auden said, "If it can't be cut, does it even has weakness?"

"Hmph...It has, but I won't tell you that after getting in touch with water, it will come off for a mom..ent....What did you make me say, you cunning bastard?" The monster said.

"Boss didn't make you say's just that you're too dumb." Froy said solemnly.

'Wow...even Froy told the monster that he's dumb, so how much dumb can this monster be?' Auden thought.

But since he knew the weakness, he grinned, "Just water, it's easy."

"I won't let you...look at me," The monster said as he got close to Auden.

"Heh... trying that weird hypnosis again? I am well prepared for that."

[Skill: Allure (Activated)]

The monster was stunned seeing Auden and stopped right in it's track.

Auden took the chance and got in front of Froy and said, "It seems we can't just kill him like this. Let's follow the plan B. I will go search for the water and you stay here diverting the monster's mind."

"No, I don't want to stay here with this monster. Boss, I'll go fetch the water while you engage with the monster." Froy said.

"If you don't want to then let's not follow plan B. Let's follow plan C. You'll stay here and I'll fetch the water, how about it?"

"Yes, I like it...wait...wait, its the same plan, you just rephrased it. You're cheating me into diverting the monster, but I don't want that." Froy replied.

"Tsk...then let's decide it with rock paper scissors." Auden said as he transformed into normal human.

"Okay," Froy agreed on the idea as well.

Rock. Paper. Scissors

"I win. It's you who will be staying here." Auden said as he smiled.

"Damnit! Why do I always lose in this game?" Froy cried but he had already said that he would comply by the rules, so he was the one staying in the room while Auden got out of the room in search of water.

"Why do I always lose in this game?" He said as he looked at his paws. He then realized, "Wait...I can't use anything other than paper with these paws, that's why boss always win using scissors. Damn, boss got me good this time as well."

Froy then looked at the body of the monster which had started shaking after whole two minutes.

'Boss has a good ability. If only I could stun other female cats with my handsomeness. Sigh~'

"Dieeee, bastard...wait, where's he?" The monster tilted his head in confusion.

"You just realized? Boss is already gone leaving me here with you in charge of providing you with entertainment." Froy said as he patted his paw at the floor,

"Here, sit here. I'll tell you a short heartbreaking story. It is about a white kitty who even though she's white has a very very black heart."


When Auden entered through the door, he was dumbfounded by the scene. The monster was sitting cross-legged in front of Froy carefully listening to him.

"And then she said that she doesn't like cats..." Froy said.

"What? She doesn't like cats? Then with whom is she going to make babies with? ...with dogs?" The monster exclaimed.

"Right...I felt so too but couldn't speak in front of her." Froy said.

"She's really a black hearted devil like you said." The monster said.

Just hearing them talk like that made his lips twitch. What had happened when he was gone?

"Oh, boss, you're back." Froy said noticing Auden at the door. "That bucket in your right it water?"

"Yes." Auden said.

"Then boss please don't come near me while you're still holding that. I hate water." Froy said.

"I know, I know...since I hate it as well." Auden said.

"Oh? You're back." The monster said standing up. Looking at Froy, he said, " That story was good, so I'll kill you after him."

"What? You'll still kill me? I thought we were friends." Froy said looking at the monster with kitten eyes.

"It is because we're friends, I am going to kill you. Nothing beats seeing the face of your friend when they are about to die because you kill them. Just for that, I've killed other friends who were living here in the mansion with me."

Froy felt a chill run down his cat bones as his fur stood up.

The monster looked at Oslo and seeing the bucket full of water in his hands, he laughed, "What are you going to wash with that little water? My leg? But let me tell you mucus will again start flowing after five seconds, so even if you manage to cut one of my limbs, you won't be able to do anything."

"And...Do you really think that I would let you cut one of my limbs as well?" The monster said as he leapt towards Auden.

"Heh...I have the move from earlier. I'll just stun you." Auden said.

"Hahahaha...after so thinking very much, I came up with an idea that won't let that attack of yours work again." The monster said.

"Oh?" Auden squinted his eyes.

[Skill: Allure (Activated)]

The monster immediately closed his eyes and said, "Hah... can't affect me now can it?"

"Haha...You really are an idiot, and not just any idiot but a huge one at that." Auden said as he threw a bucketful water at monster's neck as the mucus slowly washed away from his neck.

"Transform my hands partially quick."

[Affirmation. Transformation complete.]

Without wasting any moment, he sliced his dagger-sharp fingernails through the neck of the monster, making his head fly in the air.


The body of the monster fell at floor as head followed the cause.

"Idiot, if you close your eyes in battle then it's all over. Did that monster really think that he had some Earth shattering sixth sense or something." Auden mumbled as he looked at the headless corpse.

His eyes then fell upon the head of the monster, which was gross, but he still had a smile of triumph over his face as if he had the perfect counter for Allure.

Just as a sigh of relief left his mouth, he heard a ring inside his head.


[Demon beast minion has been killed. The host has leveled up.]

[5 attribute points have been awarded to the host as a reward for achieving a new level.]

DizzyIdea DizzyIdea

Dumb way to die for the monster... I know...but I was just thinking of a quick and dumb way and it popped into my head. Nothing beats seeing a strong dumb monster dying a dumb death...or so I think.

But in story after this mansion I'll try adding more actions as it progresses.

Thank you for reading:)

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