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19.46% Pathfinder: Sacred Order / Chapter 22: The choices we make II

Chapter 22: The choices we make II

Nine days time, just a little over a week has passed since Jacob has arrived in this world. Eight of those days were spent training hard under Oswald's guidance while Rolf was making sure he would survive to see another day.

There were days he wished the pain would go away, other times he could not get enough because his recovery had him bursting with energy. A few noticeable changes could be spotted on his body. One was the meat on his bones, Jacob's body did not show his ribs anymore. Lastly, he was beginning to see small muscle gains.

It would still take time for everything to take effect, but no one said getting into shape was easy. Even with the small progress, he has made, the stats he had were beginning to show - mostly his strength and agility stats.

Now he was able to enter the square with the other guards without tiring out within the first thirty seconds. His body was more used to reserving a portion of his stamina while using less when he acted. In fact, the changes were so drastic that all the other guards saw Jacob in a new light.

Give him enough time and they could foresee him becoming someone famous throughout the land.

Those quick one-two combo's of his now had real power behind them. No longer feeling like a mosquito bite, now it felt as if someone was throwing a medium-sized stone. He was not sure if his body was capable of using his full strength yet, but he knew it was only a matter of time before it was.

Still, these days of training were great. It did not only bring him closer to the guards, he also learned of the ongoings in various cities. Most of the information did not interest him but the one that did was news of a tournament that would be held in the city soon.

News like that was big, as tournaments only happened every so often. Everyone came to watch, even the emperor would show up. There were only sixty-four competitors, but each one would do their best to put on a show and be crowned champion. Meaning there was a chance one could win a large sum of money from betting or lose their entire fortune.

For Jacob, this was his time to shine. As long as he was able to enter and win, he would win big. Fame and fortune awaited. There would not be a soul in the entire city who would not know his name.

He could picture it now.

"Vulcan, Oswald is asking for you."

Almost, he could almost picture it as a voice called out to him interrupting his imagination.

It was the same one that always called out to him, Jack. Jack had the lowest rank so he was sort of like the errand boy. Jacob suggested Jack challenge one of the senior guards to a duel, but Jack told him it was not necessary.

The two of them got along pretty well, even if Jack was a few years older than the current him.

Jacob stopped punching the straw dummy that the guards used to practice on, and turned his attention to Jack.

His body was dirty, but Jacob was used to it by now. Sweat and dirt were a small manner, if one focused on that then they may never be able to complete a set of training.

Jack stood there with his left hand on the hilt of his blade. His silver armor had a shine to it looking like he polished it well. In his right hand, he held a wooden bucket.

When Jacob approached, Jack passed him the wooden bucket that was filled with water. Jacob took a mouthful of water replenishing his body with its sweet taste. It was strange, he was never too fond of water before but now he found it refreshing.

"Heard you managed over two hundred swings the other day, soon you'll be up there with Renold. What is your secret?"

Jacob listened to Jack as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before dumping the rest of the water over his head. He no longer wore a shirt while training as Diana complained to him how he was ruining good clothing. So the water just ran down his bare body.

Cold, just how he liked it.

Shaking his head, drops of water went everywhere, and strands of his hair fell down over his eyes.

He really needed to cut it, but he was in no rush.

"There is no secret, I just hit until I tire. All there is to it. Tomorrow, I have a feeling I'll breakthrough three hundred! That will be a story to tell."

Jacob relished in the fact that his body was getting stronger. Soon he would break Renold's record. However, what he really wanted to do was break the tree down. It withstood his heavy swings without chipping once.

How could it hold steady for so long? Did he need twenty strength to put a dent into the tree?

"I'm not sure what to call you, a monster or abnormal. You're progressing way too fast. Wouldn't surprise me if I wake up one morning and you are already as strong as Oswald!"

Jacob could laugh a little, but he knew that his stats may have already surpassed Oswald's. Unless he managed to pick up a third class then there was no way he could hold a candle to Jacob. At least, the future him whose body was fit for war.

"You can be the same as me, Jack. If you have a clear goal in sight, something to aim for then you'll try your best to see it fulfilled. Want to become stronger than Oswald or Renold? Just put in two or even three times the effort, eventually, you'll surpass them."

Jack nodded.

Watching Jacob train for these past few days stirred something inside of him. After all, what could he say when a kid who has been here less than he has suddenly beat him in a duel? Not only would it be embarrassing, Jack felt like he would lose the respect of those around him.

Jacob slapped Jack's shoulder that was protected by his armor.

"Let's go."

Together, the two of them walked over to Oswald who just dismissed two guards. Upon seeing Jacob was set, Jack bid his farewell as he would see him later. Mostly to hang out, but another reason was for his revenge.

Four days ago Jacob found a board game in the mansion. It was a game Jacob was familiar with as he played it in his previous world, Go. The game itself was fun to kill time with, but it had another perk. One would be able to increase their intelligence if they won enough games against their opponents.

Go was one of the various mini-games in Pathfinder a player would be able to enjoy.

Jack himself never played the game before, but once he learned from Jacob the two began to compete against one another. Sometimes the other guards would join in and play a round or two, but in the end they always lost.

None of them could figure out how they were losing to a kid who came off the streets. Not only was he younger in age than them, he proved to be smarter than them as well.

For some of the more experienced Go players, they studied how Jacob played the game and figured they could win after watching him for a bit. Yet, the only thing that they felt was bitterness.

A few guards began to suspect Jacob was cheating. He was a street urchin for crying out loud, he had to pick up a trick or two. That was the only reason that Jacob was winning against them. With that conviction, some guards refused to play against Jacob. However, Jack stayed and always played.

"I'll be frank with ya, ya have a lot of potential. More than I have seen in a long time, what do ya say about becoming my disciple? I'll teach ya all my skills, even throw you in a sword to match."

Oswald was not one take in a disciple or any mentee of sorts. His skills were his own believing that everyone should develop into their own person. Renold mastered skills far above his own at an earlier age, but Oswald was never far behind him.

Overall, Renold was the better soldier as he could pick up any weapon and use it as if it were an extension of himself. For him, Oswald was capable of using his sword and shield. He knew it like he knew his own body.

In a fight between the two, no one could truly say who would win.

The only reason he brought this up was due to his feelings for Jacob. The lad reminded Oswald of himself when he was younger, but with more talent. Talent was something you were born with, but talent could also be wasted.

Renold might not have an inkling of the kid he brought in, but he sure did.

Jacob was silent for a moment, not something that Oswald believed would happen. His face changed slightly as it did hurt his pride, but still, there was no rush.

"Ya need not answer me now, take ya time. I'll be here waiting for ya."

With a nod of his head, Jacob walked off. The sun was beginning to low anyway, his training for the day was over.

Today marked his ninth day of training, so he gained another five hundred experience points and stored it with the rest. The amount of proficiency points he obtained lowered as he became more adept at using one-handed weapons, but it was still going up at a steady pace.

Instead of thirty points, he was now receiving one-third of that for a day's work.

In total, he netted himself one hundred and eighty one-handed proficiency points. Add on the twenty he started out with, he had a grand total of two hundred.

While he walked away, he thought of Oswald's offer. In hindsight, it seemed like a really good offer, but with the information he knew, Jacob feared what may happen if he agreed. Oswald wanted to take Renold out while getting himself into a better position.

Whenever the two of them clashed, Jacob did not want to be on the wrong side.

"Little one, you're early!"

Rolf's voice was loud, easily drawing Jacob's attention.

Today he was roasting more of that rare wolf meat from the Great plains of Elune. His outfit was mostly the same, tan shirt with dried bloodstains on his apron and black trousers. Rolf rotated what apron's he wore, but they all had one thing in common. The dried bloodstains.

Jacob nodded.

"Finished early, I think the training is becoming easier."

Rolf raised his eyebrow slightly.

"So it does if one's body gets into the routine of things. Change it up a bit, you'll see the benefits. Give me some time, and I'll have your soup sent to you."

Jacob knew from prior videos he watched the importance of switching up your training routines. It was not that Oswald was not doing that, it was just becoming easy. Even now, his body was not nearly as sore as it was previously seeing as he could walk and talk without a hassle.

"No need, I'll just settle with some of that wolf meat. My body still remembers that subtle taste and those juices."

Rolf smiled but did not comment, instead he changed the subject.

"Renold was searching for you, told him you were in the midst of training. Said when you're finished meet him in the study."

"What is he looking for me for?"

With furrowed brows, Jacob asked in a hurried tone.

Renold has not called for him for the longest time. He was not too enthusiastic about meeting Renold, for it may speed up the plan for him to die in the lord's place.

'Don't tell me I'm fated to die already?'

Jacob was worried.

"Why don't you go find out little one, some answers can only be sought from the source."

Jacob groaned slightly but still moved his legs.

Maybe he should just agree with Oswald, at least then he'll have someone for protection. It would lower the chance of him dying.

VanishingDust VanishingDust

Fridays 2 Pm Chapter. (Won't post any chapter Friday!)

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