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67.27% From Earth to Terraria: A Tough Journey / Chapter 72: Queen Bee

Chapter 72: Queen Bee

I looked at the colossal figure of the queen bee, watching as it chased my baby slime.

I tried to wrap my mind around the size of the queen, trying to rationalize it.

'Okay, so the bees are the size of my fist and the queen is the size of a car. Totally makes sense...' I thought.

I closed my eyes for a second, not believing my own thoughts for a second, and looked back at the still approaching queen bee.

'I take that back. This makes no fucking sense.'

I waited for the queen to approach me, only to spend a minute watching it chase my baby slime around.

"Huh. I thought I would be the main target." I said out loud, knowing that everything nearby was either dead or burning.

{But you weren't the one who burned the hive down, the slime did.}

"I still did it indirectly, as I was the one who supplied the torch."

{And the slime.}

"Okay, so entirely my fault."

{Shouldn't you help out your slime pet?}

"They've got it covered. They are literally immune to any piercing attacks."

{We both know that's false. You just don't want to fight the queen bee.}

"Bees are scary, especially hostile ones. I am totally justified if I am scared of them."

{You're not scared of them. You just don't want to be near it. Do your job.}

I groaned and mumbled some consoling words to myself.

"At least this can't get any worse." I said.

It was then that everything got worse.

The queen bee had caught up with my baby slime and managed to swallow it whole, and its attention turned to me.

{You just had to jinx it, didn't you?} The Gods said.

"I didn't expect things to get worse!" I yelled at the Gods.

{That's usually when things get worse though.} They calmly retorted.

I couldn't fault them at their logic, as this world lacks more logic than it actually has.

I was about to argue back, but the enraged queen bee decided to begin their assault right then.

The gigantic bee began their flight over to me, almost similar to a dash through the air.

I had to dash to the side to avoid being hit by the titanic queen, watching as they flew past me at a high speed.

I began to internalize my thoughts as I knew that speaking during a fight was not a good idea.

'So they can instantly go from zero to 100 in terms of speed. What's next.'

The bee quickly turned upwards and flew up into the air before coming to a stop in the air.

It was at that point that it aimed its stinger at me, or where its stinger was supposed to be at least.

'Okay, so it had its stinger replaced with an actual beehive. That has to be super uncomfortable.'

And then they started firing.

'AND it shoots bees. What the fuck, Gods!? This is supposed to be a bee, not a weapon!'

{We rolled dice and the bees got lucky.}

'This is why dice are unreliable! They never have a definite result!'

I had to dodge out of the way of the bee bullets (Beelets (A word I will never use as it would hurt me physically to even read more than once)).

After I dodged the bees, they impacted the ground with a very audible crunch. I looked over to see the splattered remains of what used to be a bee.


The queen continued to fire bees for a good moment, each one easily dodgeable due to the fact that they flew in a straight line without much deviation.

The only problem I had with the attack was the sounds the bees made when they hit the ground. The crunching was a very uncomfortable sound to hear, like stepping on a bag of chips with half the chips in the bag being soggy. A crunch mixed with a squelch.

Not fun to hear repeatedly, which meant I was glad to see a stinger impale the ground next to me.

I looked back at the queen bee, noting that they were no longer firing bees, and instead firing a shotgun blast of stingers from a random assortment of the holes in their hive.

'Oh thank god I don't have to hear those disgusting sounds anymore.'

I was both glad and not at the same time since I also had to focus more on dodging the shotgun blast of stingers repeatedly, the barrage going on for several minutes.

I had to quickly decide where I should dodge to over those few minutes as the stingers had no definite pattern.

I had varying difficulty dodging the stingers as some assortments were more precarious than others, with some surrounding me or even aimed directly at me. Others simply missed me entirely.

I quickly began to run into a more enclosed area to avoid being turned into swiss cheese, dashing towards one of the smaller tunnels in hopes of blocking the queen bee from reaching me.

'Damn these stingers are annoying. I need some time to catch my breath.'

My fatigue from being awake for nearly two and a half days was finally catching up to me, and I was beginning to tire quickly.

I quickly entered the small tunnel, the queen bee hot on my trail.

As I was running through the dark and damp tunnel, The queen be was quickly gaining on me.

I ran for at least a minute, hoping for the tunnel to become small enough for me to fit through without the bee coming as well.

Too bad that the tunnel ended with a stone wall.

'Stone? I thought this whole place was made of mud?'

{The jungle is mostly mud, but some places have the stone hidden underneath revealed.}

'Huh. Guess I'm screwed then.'

{Most likely.}

I turned around to see that the queen was still approaching me at an alarming rate, with no plans of stopping.

It was then that I had a last-ditch idea that was more of a gamble on the intelligence of the creature.

I based the whole idea off of what happened to the bees the queen shot.

'I might be able to make it kill itself through blunt force trauma...'

I waited for the bee to come closer, which took barely a few seconds, and I ducked as soon as they reached within a few feet of me.

I was unsure if my plan would work for a very brief moment until I heard a very wet, and very loud, crunch.

I was happy to see(hear) my plan succeed, and almost turned around to see what happened.

Too bad the bee managed to hurt me even in death by falling on top of me.

My face was buried in the mud, pressed down by the midsection of the bee queen.

So the end of the battle was still undecided, the end based on whether I could hold my breath long enough for the queen's corpse to disappear.

The next minute would decide it all.

Cold_Housefire Cold_Housefire

An interesting end to the fight I feel. I decided to go with a bit less action for this fight, so I hope it came out well.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

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