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100% The Lone Survivor / Chapter 3: Strong Winds

Chapter 3: Strong Winds

We left Brussels with no complications just in terrible weather.

We where approaching  the Belgium Germany border when i got a bad headache and fainted. When i woke up i was in the ER wagon. I was told to take it easy and drink more water.

After i returned to the wagon we where staying in there was a fancy dinner waiting for me with my wife.

After the dinner i starter getting strong stomak pains and headed to the toilet. Where i spent arround 30 minutę trying to shit oft a massive log.


I heard same shots bening fired i stod up fast whitch was a huge mistake as almost instantly i fainted basicaly baricading the door with my limp body.

When i wokeup i saw a huge hole in the door right above my head as if someone shot a shotgun into it.

I scramble my way up and walk out the toilet. I walked down the aile to our box. I walk up to my wife and give her a kiss when i realised that it tasted really irony so i took a Look at my wife and realised that she has no face. Just a dark red mess of flesh and blood. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and run out to chek the other passengers and shure enough they're all dead at that moment i realised that the train is not moving.

I instantly Fall to my knees and crawl to my wife's laifeless corpus and grab her in my arms.

Time passed as i sobbed in greef whilst Clining to what was my wife. I hear helicopters and sirens but i stay by my wifes corps.

3 SWAT oficers burst into my room After the heard my sobbing the try to pull me away from my wifes body but by that point my fingers where dug Deep into her flesh. Even at Gunpoint i wasn't releasing my wife's dead body so the took her with me.

I get dragged into the back of a blacked out armored truck where there was a guy waiting for me with syringe full of a tranquiliser.

It took a solid half an hour for the tranquiliser to work. The amounts of  adrenaline in my system gave my body something in the form of a Incredable power i saw everything in slow motion, i could hear every Little noise. 

Them outoff nowhere i faint my vision just turns into a black screen. And eny noise instantly faded.

Thats when the tranquiliser kicked in.

I woke up in a holding cell at a military base where I get a translator to help me communicate with the officers.

After an hour of pure confusion the reality kicked in and my memories faded back to me.

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