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25% I’m Harry Potter (MCU Xover) / Chapter 10: First Lesson

Chapter 10: First Lesson

(Authors note: Just to clarify in this story the Hallows didn't exist when the founders were alive. That's why they don't ask if he's using the resurrection stone. They just think he did some ritual or something.)

An hour later the founders returned to me looking extremely pissed. I would too if the school I built was being ruined. Hogwarts boasts the title of the best school for witchcraft and wizardry in the world but really it's not even top three. Only the people in the United Kingdom (UK) believe that Hogwarts is still number one. The top three magic schools from one to three are Ilvermorny in America, Koldovstoretz in Russia, and Mahoutokoro School of Magic in Japan. Then in fourth place comes Hogwarts with a participation award.

This all started happening when the ministry started banning certain magics and labeling them dark. Elemental magic, blood magic, sacrificial magic, rituals, and Alchemy. All banned and books on them burned. What happens when something is banned? People do it illegally and without proper training. Leading to injury and even casualties when they are done wrong. This then leads to the ministry publishing articles about how dangerous these dark magics are. Enough time goes by and it becomes common knowledge that these things are dark magic and dangerous.

"I see you didn't like what you found out." I said.

"Didn't like is an understatement. It's bad enough that some Professors aren't fit to work at our school. Now we learn that portions of our curriculum have been banned." Salazar said.

"How dare they ban classes from my curriculum. Do they know how long it took to make the perfect layout for classes? We were the first-ever school of magic, there was no guideline to follow. And how dare they burn the books in the Hogwarts library." Rowena shouted furiously.

"Now you see why I need teachers. I could learn by myself my family didn't burn their books but it would be reassuring to have people who know what they're doing guide me. Theirs only so much I can learn from reading books." I said.

"We already decided we would teach you before coming back. We only ask one thing to fix our school. Your young now but you have potential. We will teach you everything we know but in exchange, you must swear on your magic that you will bring our school to its former glory." Helga said and looked at me expectantly.

"I Harry James Potter heir to House Potter and Black swear on my magic that I will work to bring Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to its former glory. On the condition that the founders of said school teach me seriously and to the utmost extent of their ability." I said and my body lights up for a moment as if confirming my oath. If I break my oath I'll lose my magic.

"Hahaha truly a Slytherin because of that little condition if we don't teach you seriously and to the utmost of our ability you'll be free of the oath." Salazar exclaimed.

"Well, of course, I'd add that to the oath. This way you can't swindle me and slack off in my training." I said.

"Since you've made the oath you'll be our apprentice from this day forth." Godric said.

"what do each of you specialize in? Not much is known about you guys." I asked.

"I'm good at Dueling, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures, and Swordsmanship. My element is fire." Godric said. Every witch and wizard is born with an element they can control. You just have to do a ritual to see what yours is and train it.

"When I taught at the school I was the professor for Potions, Herbology, and ancient runes. My element is water." Helga said.

"I specialize in Charms, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and alchemy. My element is wind." Rowena said. Damn, she really was the brightest witch of her age. I'm sure the Diadem helped a lot.

"I taught Blood magic, Sacrificial magic, and Rituals. Since your a Parselmouth I will teach you Parselmagic and if you're interested I can teach you Legilimency. My element is blood." Salazar said.

"We can start the lessons tomorrow as long as you don't have anything to do on the other side." I said and they nodded in agreement.

"We'll split up the teaching time each day one of us will teach you. So call me tomorrow and I'll do your first lesson." Salazar said.

"Alright, do you mind if I keep one of you here so I can test how long it's healthy to stay here?" I asked and Helga volunteered. The rest of them went back to the other side while Helga hung out and watched tv with me until she started to get irritable. She lasted a good six hours so let's be safe and say five hours is a healthy amount of time to summon souls. The next day I summoned Salazar and he went into teacher mode.

"Today all you have to do is listen so get comfortable and listen up." Salazar said I nodded and sat on the sofa.

"let start with blood magic. Blood magic is simply the use of a few drops of magical blood weather from ourselves or other magical beings and creatures to strengthen your spells, potions, wards, rituals, etc. Blood magic can be used on almost any type of magic. An important thing to know about blood magic is it doesn't have to be gory or messy. You're not going to slit your wrists and bleed everywhere just to power a spell." Salazar explained. Reminding me of the goblins with the dragon blood ink.

"Sacrificial magic is what it sounds like sacrificing something to get some sort of result. It is Illegal and heavily looked down upon to sacrifice intelligent beings such as humans, goblins, house-elves, etc. Your knowledge in Care of Magical Creatures will help immensely in maintaining your sacrifice before their timely death. Sacrificial magic is usually used with rituals and warding. We're not inhumane either we stupefy our sacrifices and do our business while they're unconscious."

"Rituals are a little harder to put into words because you can do almost anything with them. Think of rituals as advanced controlled magic that needs certain steps to achieve. These steps could need knowledge in sacrificial magic, blood magic, runes, potions, herbology, arithmancy, alchemy, and even astronomy. Sometimes the stars literally have to align for you to complete a ritual. You need months and sometimes years of advanced preparations to complete a ritual. As you need to be well versed in almost everything that was taught in Hogwarts you won't be doing any rituals any time soon."

"Parselmagic is just saying your magic in Parseltongue. When a spell is said in Parseltongue it's power doubles. It can also be used for rituals if their's some sort of words that need to be said during the ritual say it in Parseltongue. The power and effectiveness of your ritual will double. Parselmagic isn't too hard just learn the spells normally convert it into Parseltongue and get used to the new pronunciation."

"Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through another person's mind. A person who practices this art is known as a Legilimens. You need eye contact in order to initiate Legilimency. If you haven't gotten passed the targets occlumency shields by the time eye contact is broken you've failed and must wait until eye contact is made again. There are two types of Legilimency a probe and a full invasion. The probe is only reading surface thoughts while the full invasion is entering the mind to find something specific." Salazar explained. I had some questions until the five-hour time limit. Before leaving he went to my library and assigned books for me to read.

(Thanks for reading!)

AlienWarlord AlienWarlord

This one took a bit of research, enjoy. I really appreciate everyone that saved this novel to their library and gives power stones. Which element do you guys think he should have. Give me ideas and I'll do a straw poll next chapter. Just don't give me OP shit like chaos or cosmic elements. I'm partial to lightning or darkness. How do you guys feel about the HP girl being the Patil twins? Twins are buy 1 get 1 free so I'll count 2 as 1 girl. Just an idea. Keep giving ideas. Thanks for reading!

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