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100% Are You K.C / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Are You K.C Are You K.C original

Are You K.C

Author: Still_Hearts

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

"Annyeong ! " I bow to the jugdes as i walk into the room. I am here to audition for a chance to debut as a soloist under BigHit Entertainment and become a successful producer and soloist. I just hope i have talent and that i make the cut. I see theres only two judges who are Supereme Boi and Homme. " oh shit. "  I turn around and try and walk out but i hear Homme yell for me to come back. " Why are you trying to leave ? " I look up to see Supereme Boi asking me this and so i think do i tell them that i am going to sing and rap ? "Um i may be a fan of one of you. " He had a oh face and them he looked down at my file i filled out. " You are miss K.C Jackson ? Am i correct ? " I nod because i don't trust my voice at the moment because i am a fan of producing and i don't want to make a fool of myself. " Okay please tell us what you are going to be doing for us today ? "

" I will be Singing To Song Ji Eun Don't Look At Me Like That." He nod for me to go ahead and start. I take a deep breath and wait for the music to start. When it dose i let all my emotions go with the song.

When the lights start to turn off, I quietly go to meet you

A flower blooms in the world that's only filled with thorns

Why? Why not?

They whisper and go against us

Why? Why not?

We're so in love

Don't look at me like that

We're just in love, that's all

Don't hate on us, however you're viewing us

We're just a little different

Just leave us alone

Can't we live in a world where time stands still?

Why? Why not?

We did nothing wrong

Why? Why not?

We're so in love

Don't look at me like that

We're just in love, that's all

Don't hate on us, however you're viewing us

We're just a little different

Just leave us alone

Tell Me What Is Wrong

Tell Me What Is Wrong

Tell Me What Is Love

Tell Me What Is Love

I want to love however I want

I won't change no matter what anyone says

Don't look at me like that

We're just in love, that's all

Don't hate on us, however you're viewing us

We're just a little different

Just leave us alone

"Alright. What will you be doing now ? " I can see Supereme Boi is not impressed by my performance so i up my game and tell him what i want to do is rap to solo by Jay Park. " Let's here it" I go and stand in the middel and wait for the music to start.

Baby I'm a be honest

You got flustered

This is the first time this has ever happened to me

I don't know what to do

I'm usually on the opposite side

They usually line up to see me

But this time you came and left me in a daze

My ego you can throw it out the window

I don't care I want you

Even if my parents say no

Even if I'm friends call me stupid

I don't care I want you

So please be solo

Not too long ago, I became single

So I want you now

So please be single

If I'm too busy and if you want me to

I'll retire right away

So please be single

Please be single, be single yeah

Be single, be single, be single yeah

You got me like o0o0 You got me like o0o0

You got me like o0o0 You got me like o0o0

Single lady? when they asked if I am

I just said I was even though I wasn't

But when your in front of me I see your sincerity

Baby I'm solo from now on

Not sure if you being real

Or if I'm mistaken

I don't know why it's me that you want

All the girls that are lined up

Trying to get at you

I do know that's why I'm unsure

It's all good just please be solo girl

Aladdin and jasmine

I'll show u a whole new world

Get on my magic carpet

Girl don't worry bout a thing just follow me

I'll show you a lot of things

This ain't puppy love I'm for sure

Don't know your name but I think I love you

Nothing on you i just wanna know yo name

Though you not my first

Be my last baby

So please be solo

Not too long ago, I became single

So I want you now

So please be single

If I'm too busy and if you want me to

I'll retire right away

So please be single

Please be single, be single yeah

Be single, be single, be single yeah

You got me like o0o0 You got me like o0o0

You got me like o0o0 You got me like o0o0

" Your good. I can tell you that. You don't have anything wrong with your performance your flow and your rhythm is on point and your amazing at singing. I don't think we need to tell anything because you got everything we are looking for as i am going to send you to HitMan-PD because you are the one we are looking for. "

Later That day:

I look at the CEO of the company i am about to sign under and  debut in a few years. " You still have to pick a name. " I look at PH for a moment. he looks like he is in his early 30s he has brown hair and his wearing a black suit. I know what i can't choose the same stage name as others or i will surely get hate. And i know just the name for my stage name. " I think i will go with K.C as my stage name. If that is okay with you. " I choose this name because  i will use D.C ( Double Crown ) Music as my producer name in the furture.

I look at him and then stand up and look around the room the room was had red walls and had a black tiles on the floor. It had records on the walls. "You know it's alright to debut in korea and not be korean. " I turn around as and look at him and reply "I know that K.C Jackson is not Korean because it is not. But i know that and i'm sorry if i am not that good when i debut." I know the risk of debuting not korean or half korean because that is just the way it is with fans. And I'm okay having haters because that is part of life.

I see something on the wall behind him. " PD What is that ? " I ask him as i walk past him as i am walking i see it is all of his artist album's all of Homme, and BTS TXT. " Ah i see you found all of the albums of Artists under BigHit. " When he finish i can't help but pick one up and open it. It was BTS album Wings i love there album Wings because this was one of my favorite because there song Blood sweat & Tears was my first song i listen to by them when i found them on YouTube one day.

My first song that introduse me to K-pop was Boddy Dolls By Song Ji Eun who was a member of Secret a group who is all about Ballad. And dang an they sing but they haven't released anything yet from the past year. It turned out she left the group and 2 other members followed after her when she left. A few years after the 3 members left. We don't know why they left but i think they were not treated right.  Anyway when i was done looking at it. I look at PH and ask him" PH can i ask you something ? "  i sit down down after i was done talking and look at him. " Ah yes."

I take a breather and think about what i am about to say but i can't help but smile and get a feeling of happienss about what i am about to say and see if he will let me because this is something he may not let me do. "I want to  say this before i sign the papers."

Oh yeah i forgot to tell you i did not sign the paper yet because i may have issues when i sign then in the furture and i want to have freedom when it comes to music and i want to produce my music and help produce music for others and i want to date on my risk and not look behind me every mintue worring about my life as a idol and watch it go out the window like Hyuna.

I feel sorry for Hyuna and E'Dawn or anyone who dates in secret. I am worryed about my dating life as a bisexual female about to be a idol and i have to tell him that i am bisexual before signing the papers before i get jugde when they find out i am dating a girl or worse. And i also want to tell him that i don't want to sign these papers if he dose not let me have freedom. I take a breather and look down for a mintue and see him nod for me to continue. I just hope i can be myself and not anyone else behind the walls before my debut.

" Okay so you know how some idols are...

You know.. Um gay and lesbain."

Look away when when i say this and then look at him for a moment then look away. I just hope that he dose not hate this when i let him just by that hint i said to him. And then he replies something i would never guess he would say. " We don't care if you are Gay, lesbain, Transexual, or Bisexual. We don't care if you date a dokey as long as if you are happy then we are okay with it. Now if you want to tell your fans that you are um Lesbian or Bisexual then that is on you we don't want to make you feel rushed and make you feel like it was a mistake in the end. No. We just want to to stay safe and happy in the relateship

you are in with the person you are dating. "

 In the end i laugh at the part when he said f you are dating a dokey. Like who says that to someone who is telling you that they are Bisexual " OMO PD ! No ! Okay just no. "I end up laugh and crying in the end. it took me a few mintues to quit laughing " Thank you ! But yes i am Biseuxal and i want to ask you one more thing before i sign the papers." He nodded for me to continue. I feel bad for asking a  lot of things from him before signing the papers but i want this to be more than in my life but with more freedom to do anything i want like go on a show or produce my own album or show. But mostly to write and produce my own music and do what i want with out a problem from anyone.

"Okay. I want to also tell you that i would like to request to produce music on my own free will. it's just that i want to have freedom with my music and i want to be myself with my own music and not hide behind cute concepts all the time when i don't like the album i have to perform. And i am sorry that i am requesting a lot it's just these are thing i want to do on my own not hide behind some walls that aren't even there. And it's just thing i espect from my company. I am i about to sign and be under this company  for years until the next time i sign under BigHit." I see him nod as i say this to him. After i'm done talking he waits for a minute before he speaks.

" Okay. I will give you the same freedom i have given BTS and TXT. I will let you date who are you want but you will have to beside if you want to tell them when you think it's time for them to know or if they find out you are dating someone. Is there anything you want to add to this ? " I think for a moment and then look at him for a moment. "I think i want to sign now that i got everything off my chest. "I watch as he gets up and get the contract and gives it to me. i look down at it and read through it.

This is what it saids: The artists who is about to sign this contract shall be able to produce any artists she/he would like if requested by the artists or would like to and request to the CEO at any time. Shall be able to produce any comeback he or she may have at any time he or she shall like.

Shall be able to date who are he or she would like without asking anyone from the conpamy. Shall also date anyone who is in the conpamy with or without a dating band.

The artists who is signing will be having a tv show once he or she signs as a debuting artists and will not be cancelled when debuting at anytime. And shall be able to go on any tv show at anytime after debuting.

And shall be able to move in the company's dorm's after signing.

The artists shall sign here _________________________

When i read having a show that can not be canelled ever i stared at PD like he was crazy. I nocited that he was grinned. " Are you serious and you did not tell me that i was being record. Omo. " I cover my dance when i heard the door open and the camera man came in with the camera. I guess they found out that i was Bisexual already and i will be having hater already. Seriously he could have told m--" K.C you don't have to worry about them finding out. They are going to cut that part out so you don't have to worry about that. " I let out a sign and the then thank him " Okay. K.C you should introduce yourself to your viewers. "

i look at him like he was crazy and then look at the camera and then black at him. " Can i this be one of the shows were it's in English and Korean ? " PH walked over to me and put a hand over my shouder and said " This show is all about you and your life and so have the say on what goes on in your life so that is why i made you the boss on when your show end and what goses on in your show. " I nod at him and the look at the camera and then bow and say " Hello my name is K.C Jackson ! I am from American and i was born in Canada and i am about to sign to BigHit Entertainment. I hope you look forward to my debut and to what happens on the show and as Hitman-PH said i am the boss of my own show and for those who do not know korean i will talk in English and teach you Korean and try to speak English as much as i can." I turn and walk to my seat and sit down and sign the contract and the show it to the camera and give it to PH. I hope i made the right choice and not be aduse and hurt being under this company" Okay you are offical a part of BigHit Entertainment and now you have to meet your manager and the boys. " I nod and the look at the camera nerious and look down and play with my hands. PH walked out of his office and i followed him along with the camera man who was right beside me. " Okay for those who did not understand HitMan-PH he said that i am now a part of BigHit Entertainment and that it is time to meet my manager and the boys. I'm nerious about meeting the boys because i am fans of one of them. Now i want to tell you that i will start quizs about my self like right now i want you to guess which group i am a fan of. It's one of the two BTS or TXT i will let you guess and then the next episdose will air which one you got right. This will be a daily thing on the show i will ask questions and you have to guess which  is the answer." After i translate for my korean fans i nocited we were here i look at the camera and clap my hands and then walk in the room. i saw PH was talking to woman and then looked back at me and the walked to me when he was finished and the woman followed him. " Annyeong i am Kim Sarina ! " She bowed to me and shakes my hand and i bowed with her. " It's nice to meet you ! My name is K.C Jackson. " I smile and ask her if she would like to sit with me and get to know me. ' ah it's nice to meet you ! I'm wondering were are you from ? You don't look like you are from here ?

" I nod at her as i felt my phone ring in my pocket i take it out as i answer her. " Oh ! my bad i am from American i was from in Canada. " I look at my phone and see it was my Mom. She was in back in American she couldn't come with me when i got access as a trainee. "I'm sorry it was from my Mom. - I'm sorry your what ? " I laugh and put my head on the table as nocited i said Mom in English. I have a habit of saying Mom in english it was because it was a habit i could not break. " I'm sorry it's just i have a habit of saying it like that. Oh i forgot to ask you do you speak English ? " she nodded when i asked her after i quit laughing " Okay so here's the thing i forgot to tell you that you can speak English ? If you want because this show is going to be based on English. If thats okay with you. "  I then heard my phone go off. I hit myself for forgetting to answer it. My Mom was calling this time and so i answer it.  "Hello ? " I turn on the speaker on my phone and set it on the table just in time when my mom spoke.  "K.C why didn't you answer the phone when i called you "  I look at the camera and sign and reply " I'm sorry Mom. It's just that i..". I sigh and contiue to tease my Mom with a long pease " For heavens sake did you get access. I am worried about you if you did not because i know it will hurt you sweety. "

" Yes i got access Mom and i sign already and i am talking to you beside my manager and i got my own show ! " You could heard her scream of happyeniss when i told her. My Mom was very supportive of my dreams to not be like her and let something get takened away from her because she let something get in the way. And she dose not want that to happen to me. " I'm so happy for you baby. I'll let you go so you can finish getting to know your manager and be safen ! i love you. "  i told her bye as i felt like crying and look down for a moment and wipe my tears. I miss her because it is hard to be away from her and my family and i am happy to be doing my own thing. But sad that i can't be there if something happens and i can't get there in time. And i am so happy that i have my career on the road and is just waiting for me to be the driver. " Okay so the reason i am crying is because i miss my Mom because she is in a American and i am here. Anyway This is my manager Sarina and we were talking about were i was from and stuff. Bye guys i will see you later ! " I wave goodbye and ask my manager to take me home so i can sleep.

Still_Hearts Still_Hearts

This is a story about a girl who wants to make it big in the music industry in Seoul South Korea. She wants to meet her role models who are BTS EXO BLACKPINK. BTS is a 7 member boy band that makes their own record with their new music everytime they release music along with EXO and BlackPink. These 3 groups are my favorite because they make history everytime they release their music and because i love there type of music

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