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Chapter 22: Shining Light

There once was a merchant who had three daughters; Sophia who is four, Maya who is five, and Callista who is five as well. Their father loved them very much. However, the three fought constantly. One day while the three, the merchant's wife asked, "What is the matter, dear?" The merchant sighed as he held his wife's hand. "It's nothing. I just want the girls to get along." His wife thought then whispered her plan to her husband. He smiled and nodded in agreement. The next day, the merchant left. His dear wife bid him good-bye. Once the girls started up again, their mother called them. "Girls, your father and I agreed that your fighting needs to end. So, until further notice no one will be given any presents from your father's trips." Sophia stiffened as her sisters laughed. Sophia was the youngest but not the dumbest. She knew her father already agreed to this.


As their mother said, their father never brought them presents again. The twins fought even more blaming each other. After a few months, their mother surprised everyone with a new daughter. Sophia liked her immediately; while the twins hated her more than each other. Their mother named her Ellen meaning "shining light". Everyday Sophia taught and played with Ellen. If Ellen had a question, she went to Sophia first. Until Ellen asked one important question. At five, Ellen tugged on her sisters' blouse and asked, "Where do babies come from?" Sophia knew the answer but not how to give it. So, she ran to her mother and father. "Mama! Papa! Ellen has a question for you!" "What is it, dear?" Mother asked. "Where do babies come from?" The merchant spit out his tea in shock. "I see why you brought her to us. Dear." She said calmly. "No, my little light doesn't need to know!"


"She does though. Sweetie, what brought this question up?" "Some boys outside the school said that they have a baby. I told them I wanted to see. Then asked where did it come from. The boys said papa and mama know so I should ask them." "I see, Ellen would you like papa or I to teach you from now on." Ellen smiled and nodded. From that day on Ellen and Sophia learned together. Ellen was prepared for anything, except marriage. You see once Ellen turned sixteen, men came left and right to marry her. They ended up scaring her. Her father made a deal. "Whoever can talk to my light, without making her cry for three days will be my son in law." He said and spread the word far and wide. So, far in fact the king even heard of it. This king always liked a challenge. Dressed as a beggar, the king went to see the merchant.


Once the king met him, he said, "I wish to marry and had heard of your daughters. May I marry one of them? I promise to be kind." "You may but make my light cry and its back to the streets with you!" Then the merchant called his daughters down. Only Callista and Ellen were left to marry off. "Daughters this is Alexander. Alexander this is Callista and Ellen. They are the only unmarried daughters I have." Ellen was the one Alexander wished to marry. However, she had to prove herself worthy of him. Callista was obviously disappointed. "Father, next time you call for me, let there be a noblemen." Callista said and stormed off. The merchant sighed. "Don't you worry, Papa. I love you and will always come to your call." "Thank you, Ellen. You are excused." Ellen curtsied and left.


Alexander spoke with the merchant for a few hours, and then wondered around. The sound of the piano played so sweetly. I walked closer as the song ended. He opened the door to see Ellen flipping through the pages. She stopped as she looked over a piece more carefully. Alexander was going to leave as she began to play. "Is that… Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven?" He whispered as she played the first movement. He walked in and sat down as Ellen played it perfectly. Alexander was calmed by her playing. For a moment, he was back in his castle, enjoying his garden. The only place where he had any peace. "What are you doing?" Alexander was snapped back as the song had ended and she had noticed him. "Sorry, I heard you playing Beethoven and didn't want to disturb you." He said scrambling to his feet. Ellen giggled, "My Papa does the same, I don't mind. Alexander, may we speak over tea?" "Of course."


Alexander and Ellen laughed and talked. He even got to listen to her play the full song. After three days, Alexander admitted that he wished to marry Ellen. Her father approved; however, Ellen didn't. "I will only marry you when you tell the truth." She said sadly. Alexander chased after her. "Ellen, I love you. I'd do anything for you." "Then, tell me the truth and never lie to me again. Then and only then, will I be yours. You have three days." Ellen left Alexander to think, "What lie have I told?" He went back home to think long and hard. The first two days past with no luck. The third day he got it and raced back to her. Callista saw Alexander as a king and prepped herself for her father's call. Alexander knocked on the door. "My dear sir, I wish to marry your daughter." The merchant bowed and let him in. "My lord, I have two daughters."


"I am aware; fore I was the beggar that wished to marry Ellen. I promise never to lie to her, to treat her gently and justly." The merchant smiled, "You know where to find her then." Alexander ran up the stairs to the music room. She was staring at sheet music. She placed it and prepared to play. Then, picked it up again without playing. "What is wrong, my love? Is the song upsetting?" Ellen looked at him in surprise. She looked him up and down. Then, smiled, "I like the real you more." "How did you know?" "You never really hide it. First of all, most men don't like or know that piece. However, you talk to me none stop about the piece and Beethoven. That plus how you eat, drink, walk, and talk all say I have power. I linked that to your name and by the end of day one I knew you were King Alexander Maximus the third."


Alexander smiled, "I picked a smart woman." "There is only one thing I don't understand. Why come here? Why chose me?" Alexander took her hand and kissed it. "Because I love a challenge. You were the unexpected, amazing bonus. I came to see your father's light and found mine instead." Ellen laughed at that. "Will you marry this foolish king? He will never wonder, never lie." "Yes, my lord! My dearest!" Alexander picked Ellen up and spun her around. Within a week they were married. Callista hated that Ellen got the king. However, Ellen asked a prince to be with her. Alexander did his best to balance his wife and his work as king. Ellen didn't mind if he was busy as long as she got him to herself at night. At night, she'd play whatever her husband requested. A few years later, she gave him an heir. The little prince, like his father loved to hear his mother play the piano. The royal family lived happily ever after.


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