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Tora Uchiha slowly opened his pale featureless eyes, staring at the roof of his room with a rather perplexed expressio. He had just had the weirdest dream and yet he couldn't quite remember much about it apart from the fact that it was indeed a strange one. The more he tried to recall the dream, the more it seemed to elude his grasp and he eventually gave up on it.

Sitting up in his bed and throwing his legs over the side, Tora took a look around his rather small room. There wasn't much in it besides a dresser positioned next to his bed, a door leading to his closet, and a large bookcase that held his numerous books and scrolls on them. There was also a clock on the wall right above the bookcase which read 8:45.

He blinked once. Twice. A third time. Unsure if he was reading it correctly, even squinting despite being able to clearly see the hands of the clock, as if squinting would erase the fact that he was now a full 15 minutes late for class.

"Crap," Tora muttered as he stood up from his bed and ran towards the closet. Though it wasn't anything new for him to be late, he had had actual intentions to make it to class on time today. He could have sworn he had set his alarm which, now that he looked, was nowhere to be seen.

"Suna, you stole my alarm again, you kinky little..." Tora began to rant a little as he threw open his closet door and began pulling out his clothes for the day. Black pants, black shirt, sandals, and a jacket with an Uzumaki clan symbol on one shoulder, a Hyuga clan symbol on the other, followed by a gigantic Uchiha clan symbol on the back. Even while he was putting his jacket on, he couldn't help but make an evil face.

"Setsuna Yakaboshi, the moment I see your face, you're so dead," Tora said with a small laugh as finished changing. He grabbed his two pouches filled with kunai, paper bombs, and other tools and strapped them onto his legs before racing out his room door.

Darting into the kitchen, Tora began to rummage around for something to eat real quick. As he lived by himself, he had to cook for himself and since he overslept, there was no food prepared which left him with quite the problem. The only food that could be eaten on the fly were loaves of bread as the only other things he had were limited edition cups of ramen that Naruto had given to him as a birthday present, some rice, and some ham in the fridge.

Grabbing two pieces of bread and stuffing one in his mouth, Tora ran towards the door and threw it open, only to stop before he could leave. Biting off a piece of the bread, Tora slowly chewed and swallowed before finally speaking. "What the heck are you guys doing here? Aren't you guys supposed to be at the academy? Iruka sensei is gonna be super pissed at you, especially you Naruto."

Standing by his door were his two childhood friends Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto had his usual orange and blue jacket on with matching orange pants, along with goggles on his forehead and a huge goofy grin. Sasuke also had on his usual outfit of a navy blue shirt with a high collar, white shorts, and white arm warmers. He was leaning against the door and looking away from the two of them as if he were far too cool to even acknowledge there presence despite having stood out here for around a good 10 or 15 minutes.

Naruto laughed a little before answering. "We weren't just gonna leave you hanging like that. We always go to the academy together. Its not like its the first time you've been late and Iruka sensei will be mad us anyways." Naruto gave another grin before readjusting his goggles with one hand.

"Honestly I expected this from Naruto," Sasuke said, his black eyes focused straight ahead rather then looking at them. "I expected this from you as well but not as much. Anyways, lets going you losers. We're late enough as it is."

"What did you just say about me Sasuke?!" Naruto exclaimed, obviously feeling a bit offended. However, Tora put a hand on Naruto's shoulder as he walked by, telling him to calm down. He was used to the two of them messing with each other as it was how they got along, constantly bickering and competing.

"Sassssukeeee ma dude," Tora said, sliding an arm over Sasukes shoulders with a smile on his face, poking his friends cheek. "To think that you of all people would actually wait for me for this long. Normally you would up and abandon me if I was even a minute late. Its nice to see you change your tune. Thanks for waiting pal. I might cry from sheer joy."

Sasuke nonchalantly brushed Tora's arm off of him, an indifferent expression on his face as he stepped away. "I only did it because as one of the top students in our class, you should be setting an example. Try not to be such a burden, you loser."

"Uh guys, shouldn't we be hurrying?" Naruto asked stepped in between the two of them. "I mean, we are pretty late after all. If we leave now, Iruka sensei probably won't be too mad at us."

Tora grinned. "Alright then how about we head out?"

Before he could get moving though, Sasuke held out an object towards Tora, one that was quite familiar. "By the way, Suna told me to give this to you. Her exact words were 'if you steal my ramen again, I'll take more then just your alarm clock. I do love you though so no hard feelings'. She and Itana left not too long ago after waiting for you."

Tora smiled evilly as he took the alarm clock, a sinister smile that even made Sasuke take a step back. "You are SO dead Yakaboshi!! I swear that I'll end your existence."

Throwing his alarm clock into his house before shutting the door, Tora took off as fast as he could, jumping from the second story where his apartment was located. His first priority now was finding that annoying girl adn smacking her upside the head for making him late. The one day he wanted to arrive on time and she had the nerve to steal his alarm iver something as petty as ramen.

"Hey wait up," Naruto said as he jumped down from the second story. "At least slow down a little!!"

Naruto and Sasuke raced down the street to catch up to Tora who had gradually left them in the dust.

//This is the prologue....not sure if its good enough but Ill change it if y'all don't like it. Let me know what ya think in the comments

Have a great day!!! 😁😁😁😁

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