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16.66% Bloodline: Evolution / Chapter 2: Capybaras and Quests

Chapter 2: Capybaras and Quests

In the area the centipede had once been the shrubbery has grown immensely, almost rivaling that of a young tree's height. However, surprisingly the spiders remains were still there despite the fact that there was a small group of capybara now feasting on its already decaying corpse.

Due to the evolution that took place they were much more fierce looking than their pre-evolution counterpart. Not only had they grown in size, their fur was much more dense and each strand was many times thicker, adding a type of natural armor to it. Their normally stubby and webbed claws were now long and sharp, with a thin webbing in between them.

Their teeth were the most horrifying of their evolutions however ,the teeth sticking out of their mouth looked as if they had been sharpened on a grindstone. Normally these animals would be herbivores however it seems the evolution had made them into carnivores and as they chowed down on the feast before the, a large shadow loomed over them.

Looking up they saw a black circle with a blue fire spinning along its edges, they backed up as a primal fear welled up within them. It was like they were facing an apex predator that could kill them with a thought.

However that feeling stopped whenever a shadow fell out of the circle. Its large body unraveled after falling from the height and above it the circle closed as if it never existed. The capybara that watched this scene instantly felt the fear leave them as the circle disappeared changing their moods entirely.

They began to hiss at the large shadow that fell from the circle, it had disturbed their meal and they wanted it to leave. As they hissed they began to encircle the shadow.

This shadow was naturally the centipede who had yet to fully awaken from his stupor.

Shaking his head he sobered up and looked around. 'I'm awake?'

[Yes host.]

Sighing, he spoke to Life. 'Y'know i was in the middle of talking when you put me to sleep.'

[Yes host.]

Sighing once more he spoke. 'Nevermind.'

Looking around him he noticed that he was surrounded by a pack of Capybara, the sound of their hissing harmonizing with each other. As they approached him the hissin got louder and louder until it silenced. The capybaras realized that the hissing wasn't going to scare him off.

Looking at the capybaras he felt abysmal, not because he was afraid simply because he had just woken up from a two day coma and wished to look at his new stats. However these capybara just had to be here when he was put back.

He looked at each of them and counted. 'One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. Six of them.'

They circled around him in the shape of a hexagon, slowly closing in on him as if they were sharks circling prey. As they came closer they would occasionally hiss and clack their teeth together, and when they got to around a meter away form his body they stopped.

He looked at the capybara with contempt in his eyes. 'Since you guys aren't gonna leave i guess I'll have to make you stay.'

As he said that he quickly snapped his mandibles towards the closest one to his head and before it could react it was already within his mandibles, it began to violently thrash when it realized it had been caught by him, its claws began to scrape against his carapace leaving white scars.

As the Capybara continued to struggle it slowly lost its momentum until it became stiff. It hadn't died yet but the venom that was injected in it would surely kill it eventually. TIghtening his mandibles grip around the capybara, a loud crunch could be heard. The capybara let out a weak screech as it fell limp.

[You've gained EXP.]

[You've obtained the MInor Bloodline "Feral Capybara".]

As he heard Life's voice sound in his head the capybaras eyes had seemingly shifted to a red tint. The tint then became a glow as they charged at him, their jaws opened as they attempted to bite through the carapace that covered his body. Thud after thud resounded as they attempted to bite through but their attempts only left white scars and dents.

Dropping the capybara in his jaws he looked at the remaining five. 'That kinda hurts.'

Although the scars and dents were shallow at best he could still feel the force coming through their scratches and bites. If they managed to somehow pierce his carapace he would surely die. 

As the capybaras realized that biting the top of him wouldn't work they backed away a meter once more, glaring at him. In return he glared at them as well, with a hint of pity mixed in. He had just gotten an upgrade to his agility, no matter how small it was and these small mammals would be the perfect exercise to test it.

As he thought that he dashed towards the closest one again, his many legs scuttling across the ground. The capybara attempted to flee but was unable to escape with such a narrow gap between them, as he got close enough he swung his first pair of legs onto the capybara, piercing its back and exiting through its stomach.

It felt nothing as its spinal column had been broken and its nerves severed, it looked at him with confusion as it still tried to run away but with no use, slowly its body slumped to the ground dead. 

Although the blood loss helped, a centipedes front legs were much different than the rest of them as they were used to inject a potent venom into prey. This venom can easily help a centipede kill something 15x times its size, needless to say this capybara that's roughly the same size as him.

As he pulled out his leg, covered in blood from the capybara he turned around to face the rest. The capybaras were furious and began attacking in a more centralized area instead of it being spread out like before. 

Trying to shake them off and an idea sprouted into his head. The spider he killed before could shoot something out that it couldn't before, why couldn't he? He began to concentrate his venom at the tip of his front legs, soon two viscous globs of venom were gathered at the tips of his legs. 

He slammed the lower half of his body onto the ground causing the capybaras to momentarily stop. While they stopped he threw the venom globs at two of the capybara, both of the projectiles hit as they weren't expecting them. One of them hit on the side of its face while the other hit one on its hind legs. Both of the impacts spots began to sizzle as the smell of rotting flesh wafted through the area.

'Holy shit thats bad.'

Although he couldn't smell it, he could still see what was happening to them. The one hit in the face had half of it missing as it melted through its bone slowly. While the one hit in its hind legs had most of the muscles eaten through with the venom slowly making its way through its bone.

'By concentrating it, the venom itself is more potent and it gained a corrosive effect, noted.'

They realized

He knew that with his size the venom he produced could probably kill an elephant pre-evolution but the corrosive property of it was not something he expected to see, maybe it was because of the concentration that it gained that effect.

As the capybara died due to the venom he turned towards the remaining two. Realizing that they had provoked something they shouldn't they turned around to flee as his agility was higher than theirs. He rushed towards one and pierced it with his legs and once the venom was injected he then repeated the action for the second one.

'All of them have been killed, Perfect Score!' He thought to himself as he looked at the battlefield.

He looked at his notifications that he had gotten.

[You have created the skill "Venom Toss" without the aid of a talent, as a gift you are awarded with two points of intelligence.]

[You've gained EXP.] x5

[You've gained the Minor Bloodline "Feral Capybara".] x5

[You have leveled up! Congratulations on embarking on the path of unrestrained evolution. As a gift we shall award you with three stat points.]

'A skill?'

In his memories skills were classified as passive and active. Passives were skills that were activated all the time or automatically happened when an action occurred. Actives were skills that had to be voluntarily activated and then used on a target or in an area.

As he thought of the skill he made a row of text appeared in his mind. 

[Venom Toss] {Lvl 1} - Active Skill

Allows the user to create orbs of condensed venom and throw them at the opponent. Effects; Corrosive, Paralytic, Venom.

(Skill level will rise with the upgrading of venom glands.)

He took in the information of the skill. 'Ooo interesting.'


[Yes host?]

'It says I created a skill, but what does that mean exactly?'

[Skill creation is also a very large part of the system, It means that with or without the aid of a special organ or talent you created something unique only to you. Doing so will be rewarded with skill points that allocates itself dependent on the nature of the skill.]

'Show me my status then.'

Name: N/A

Race: Scolopendra Gigantea


Strength: 3

Vigor: 3

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 6

Constitution: 3

Unused Points: 3

'My stats increased that much? Was it because of the level up?'

[Yes host, every level up you have will increase your stats by three times, however this also applies to every creature you meet. This also applies to the points gained from bloodlines but it is a double increase instead.]

'Does every bloodline give the same amount of points?'

[Bloodline point increase depends on two factors, 1.) The thickness of the bloodline in their body and 2.) The strength of the beast. As an example the bloodline "Feral Capybara" is a very low concentration of a higher level entity, but id the entity who wielded it were to ger to level 10 you would be able to get a Major bloodline increase from it.]

'So strength and thickness, got it.'

Thinking of what to do next he remembered the tab he hadn't been able to access yet.

'I can access the store now right?'

[Yes, host has fulfilled both requirements to open the shop.]

'What currency is used in order to purchase things in the store?'

[Points, but not the attribute points host uses for stats. THe currency used for purchasing items in the shop is called a genome point. Host may earn genome pots by exchanging bloodlines or leveling up. The host receives 10 points every level and 10 for very bloodline traded in. The bloodline exchange price will become higher with rarer bloodlines as well as stronger creatures.]

He nodded his head. 'Thank you Life. Store.'

A window appeared before him with tens of different tabs, some were different colors while others were the same pale gold that the interface was. The most eye catching tab was one that was pitch black with a white human silhouette on it. 

Focusing on it a row of text appeared.

[Would you like to purchase a second body?]

[Price: 10,000,000.]


He looked on in horror at the price of the item. 'Wait wait wait, Ten Million Points!! How am i even going to get that many !?'

Lifes cold voice could be heard once more. [Host is also able to acquire points through the Quest tab.]

'I completely forgot about that, could you open that for me?'

The pale gold interface opened again as the quest tab this time. However this time instead of stats or bloodlines a row of text appeared. 

[You are strong enough to fight multiple enemies on the same level. Fight and kill an enemy at least one level higher than you.]

[Reward: 50 genome points]

[Accept? Yes/No]

Excitedly he spoke in his head. 'Accept!'

[Quest Accepted! Time remaining: 24:59:59]

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