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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Sleep came swiftly but as I ascended into darkness, images began to appear the deeper I went. Two girls ran, they appeared afraid and frantic. Some unknown assailant was after them and they searched for

shelter. One was tall, taller than your average girl, and olive skinned. The other was very short and pale, the very opposite of the other one. Polar opposites one might say. Suddenly a house came into view and the girls made a dash for it, clearly pushing their limbs to move much faster than they could at this point. They searched through the rooms finding no one inside the house. The last door they came to was a thick wood door which led to a bathroom. The short one sat on the edge of the tub while the tall girl slid down the door after locking it.

"How long you suppose the door will hold against that thing?" The olive skinned girl asked. The other

paused for a moment in thought.

"The door appears to be mahogany, very thick, very solid. I would say we have thirty minutes once it gets in the house." She seemed confident she was correct but the girl by the door didn't seem to be as confident that the door could hold against the thing as the other was.

"So, if you could have one last wish granted, what would it be?" The pale girl asked. The dark one chuckled, "If my last wish could be anything, it would be to finally be in the skin I belong in, a wolf. To shapeshift. So I could forever be free and so I could end that mangy . . ." She trailed off and jerked her head to the side, her ear to the door. "It's coming . . ." She breathed. They braced themselves and waited for whatever it was that had chased them. CRACK!! The door splintered inward, sending the tan girl flying forward. She used the momentum to send herself into the other girl and crash down into the tub which they coward in while they searched for a way out.

"That was the SHORTEST thirty minutes EVER!" She scowled at the girl beside her.

"Don't yell at me! I was only guessing, that fucking cat shouldn't be able to do that!" CRACK!!! The door

splintered again, sending wood flying. They ducked down for a moment. The dark skinned girl pointed to a window about two foot above them by the tub.

"That's our way out, go!" She shouted as she threw the window open and boosted the short one out. She began scrambling up the wall trying to pull herself up to get out the window as well. The door was sent

flying in a thousand pieces and now nothing stood between the "cat" and her.

"Aw fuck! Get me the hell out of here! NOW!" Two small hands reached in and grabbed her and soon she was pulled through to the outside where they both fell in a heap. Sounds of destruction came from inside the home.

"RUN!" The tall one screamed as she jerked the other to her feet and began to run even as the short one

stumbled to keep up.

"I can't keep up! Save yourself!"

"No, I will die first before I leave you to that demonic thing." She jerked the girl to her, pulling her off her

feet so that she couldn't fall behind.

"I need that spell, love! We have got to end this, no matter the consequence dammit." Said the tall girl

causing the other girl to plant her feet making the tall girl halt. A blue light shot out like a force field

enclosing them both.

"O Great Goddess of ever changing moons, I call on thee tonight whilst the Shifter's moon hang low, I ask thee to save us and transform us this blessed night!" Her voice rang out and then they repeated it together. Everything seemed amplified as they raised their voices to the heavens. They looked down at themselves and then back at each other.

"I don't think it worked . . ." The tall girl hunched as if admitting defeat. The small girl put her hand on her

shoulder and suddenly they both fell to the ground, convulsing.

I awoke in a start. The wolf's cold nose on my cheek and her voice screeching in my mind. I looked at her

confused. I patted her head, her eyes spoke a language of their own and it seemed only I could understand it, although I am probably the only human that's ever faced her long enough to know she spoke. She poked me in the eye with her nose.

*The cat and I are going to fetch some dinner. We will be back soon.* She narrowed her eyes at me. *Do not run. I will hunt you down and this time I will tear your throat out.* She winked at me and tossed a stick at the cat, effectively making her jump to her feet. I waved them farewell as they walked out. I waited a few minutes before I got up, worried that it was a trick and any moment they would run back in and attack me. Thankfully no such thing happened as I wandered out of the cave and looked around. No sight of them. Something in the back of my head said run now and I did not stop to question it. I ran blindly into the woods and tripped and stumbled on every twig and root. A root sticking about half a foot out the ground finally did me in. I lie there as a realization hit me. If the wolf tracked me before, what would stop it from tracking me now? She had meant what she said and if I continue I'll be dinner instead of the animal they bring back. It will sit in the corner and rot while they feast on my corpse. The image refused to remove itself from my brain as I sat debating with myself. Sighing in defeat, I got up and started the walk back. I hope I don't get lost. . .

As I neared the mountain where they declared home I heard the rush of the river and followed its sound

back to the cave. It wasn't long before I found my way back but the welcome party had become the killer party.

*You sniveling little sack of dog breath! How dare you leave when we told you not to move?!*

*Try a different type sack of something, that's insulting to me.*

I put my hands up in front of me. "It's not what it looks like! I was just getting familiar, not running. I

wouldn't risk becoming dog chow! Or meow mix!" I tried to seem innocent and meek. Granted the plan

was to run but I came back so that fixes it, they don't need to know that that was the intention. The wolf


*Liar, perhaps your pants should be on fire. But I do not wish to see your parts for the next month or more.*

I sighed, relieved that I had passed it off even though she did threaten to set me on fire. That would have

been fantastic and a bit worse than death.

*Let me kill him now, soror! We can't even leave the nest without him attempting to run off.*

*And when he does actually run off then you can kill him, Umbra. Now hush before he starts tuning in.*

I am sure I turned pale as I stared at them talking about killing me as if I wasn't there. I stumbled back and hit the ground with a thud. The wolf looked at me and rolled her eyes. She was clearly saying pathetic as she turned and walked into the cave. The cat stayed and stared at me, her gaze piercing my soul. I twitched in the spot, unwilling to move much more. God, I am such a pansy. The wolf howled and the cat darted into the cave and their woof meows drifted out to me. My stomach dropped as I began to think about what they may be talking about. A cold sweat broke out in the middle of my back and I shuddered. I got to my feet and walked inside, hoping that by moving closer I'd be able to hear them. No such luck existed. I sat there and listened to them speak in the woof meow way, growing more and more nervous. I finally gave up and just laid on the ground and forced myself to sleep. Sleep is bliss, too bad I never get any. . .


I awoke in a start and looked around frantically. Had someone come to my rescue?

"Hello? Is someone out there?" I looked out the cave hoping to see someone come running in.

*Um, no?*

Oh, well that was disappointing. The cat, whose name I assumed was Umbra, began to growl at me.

*Well you are disappointing, you irritating little imp!*

*Umbra, hush now. Can you speak back in the same manner as we?*

"Ummmmm. . ." I'm sure my eyes were getting unusually wide. For some reason I started thinking about fur coats. . . what an odd thing. The wolf, which I decided to name Night for the moment, growled deeply.

*I will skin you first, human.* I gulped. Think before you get yourself ate, Adrian! Oh, That's it!

*My name is Adrian. I am 28 and I grew up in a foster home.* I finished in a rush worried I would make

them mad thinking directly at them so much.

*Hello, Adrian. I am Lux.*

*Oh my goddess, he actually has some capability* The cat visibly rolled her feline eyes at me.

*Are you two a. . . you know. . . a couple?* They made faces at me like I was a complete idiot.

"What?" I spoke aloud feeling awkward now. They both began to laugh at me like I had made a joke.

*No, stupid. We're sister witches.* I must have been looking at them funny because Lux began to explain

some more.

*Dear Lord and Lady, you are slow, boy. She and I are sisters. We were once like you but due to a series of

events we requested the Gods to bless us to change to our spiritual forms. So here I am explaining this to a human pet.*

I raised an eyebrow, an image of the wicked witch popped into my head. You know the green skin and warts. I shuddered.

*Does my fur look fucking green, you pathetic

lump?!* I shook my head.

"No, not at all! Sorry, that was just the first thought!" Jesus Christ, this cat is fucking touchy.

*Umbra, pleeaasse! Try to control yourself, please??? I can't have a pet if you're always all over him


Umbra, the cat, heaved a sigh like it was a tremendous burden to act like a civil person.

*Fine, Sorror.*

She stuck her tongue out at Lux. Suddenly my stomach lurched. I ran out the cave and puked my guts up. I held tight to a tree as my stomach emptied its contents.

*At least he didn't puke in here.* Umbra sneered the words.

*I second that, I would make him sleep outside if that happened. Better yet, I would make him sleep in here. I wouldn't be able to stomach the stench.*

*True, Sorror.*

They trotted out of the cave and began horse playing. Lux grabbed a snow covered branch and shook it over Umbra, covering her fur in a pure white blanket. She laughed and shook her coat out, unfazed by the cold wet snow. I felt a familiar and unwanted prickle on the nape of my neck.

*Adrian?! Wheeerreee arrre yoouu?!* Lux silky voice sounded through my mind as she stuck her nose to the wind and followed the unmistakable stench.

*Speak now, human.* Umbra's firy voice was demanding. I looked between Lux and Umbra, confused by her demand. Lux gave me a sympathetic look as if she understood my confusion.

*Let's go back to the den.* Lux bumped into my legs and I dropped down onto her back, for a moment I was concerned my weight may be too much but she walked without hesitation, as if my 180 something pounds was nothing to her.

She dropped me down onto my pile in the den and paced in a circle before laying down beside me.

Once again Umbra's firey voice demanded I speak. I stared blankly at her. Jeez, my stomach wasn't right.

*Please, Adrian?* Her voice lost all its demand and she just sounded like a four year old begging their mom or dad for a puppy. I sighed, losing the battle of will.

"What do you want from me now?"

*Yay, I get to hear a human and understand him. You can still hear us, right? Use your voice not your mind.*

I started to respond but was taken aback by Umbra cuddling up to me as well.

*Getting warmed up too quick for his liking, I think.* Lux directed her thoughts to her sister but I was

allowed to hear. Something passed between them and the tension in the air became palpable. Umbra

moved in a quick motion and licked my hand. I quivered but held my ground. The last thing I needed was for my hand to be bit off by the cranky cat. Her tail swished behind her as she got happy by my reaction.

*Adrian, do you like it here? With us? Use your voice, it is beautiful.* Lux asked. Her question stunned me so much that I studdered out my response.

"Y.y.yyess." She sounded so vulnerable and for a moment I wondered why. She bounced into my lap and wagged her tail.

*That is great! We love you, we won't ever let anything happen to you. We will kill before anything hurts you.* Her silky voice turned to a low, aggressive growl as she thought of the possibility of something happening to me. Lux stretched out protectively over me, as if she could stop all possible threats. Umbra meowed and stretched.

*If he goes insane from lack of human interaction, I blame you, sorror.*

Lux jumped up and barked at her.

*Hey! You consented to the idea so it'd be your fault too. Besides we are human enough.*

Lux stuck her tongue out and plopped back down on me. Umbra chuckled in her animal voice, sounding


"Ummm, guys? I can still hear you, you know? You're not really trying to hide anything."

Lux hurmphed at me.

*Hmm, I suppose you're right. Also, human, shut up. One you are a human, two you are a male.* She narrowed her eyes at me as if that made any sense.

*Now there is a thought. What if we revert to our human bodies? How in bloody hell will we get any

clothes?* Lux whined and nuzzled into me.

*I prefer wolf form.* Umbra seemed to agree with her. Lux headbutted my hand, clearly wanting to be

petted. They both whimpered and had sad eyes.

Umbra nuzzled close to Lux, licking her snout. I began silently petting them both. Time passed as the silence grew and my ears began to ring from it. Suddenly Umbra made a scoffing noise, breaking the dead silence.

*You should be lucky to be living here with two wild women like us, Boy.* She sneered the word, nice insult. . .

Night made a happy huff.

*I think he is, sorror.*

*Do you really like here?*

I leaned back on the cold stone. I thought for a moment, slightly stunned by the question but trying to play it cool so I would look less like a loser.

*I think I love it here. I mean, just look at you two. . . You are magnificent creatures. I don't think you two

would allow me to run even if I tried. . . Besides you two seem to need me more than you let on. You ain't fooling anyone with the tough I can do it myself charade." They both stuck their tongue out at me.

*Watch it, we might string you up just to teach you a lesson speaking out of turn like that, Boy.* I laughed at Umbra and relaxed back. Umbra began purring loudly and with Lux stretched out across me, keeping me warm, and Umbra making noise I drifted into a light sleep.

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