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85.71% Ignited / Chapter 36: Ch.36: Pain

Chapter 36: Ch.36: Pain


All I feel is pain, not just in one spot but in my entire body. This pain controls me, controls my mind, into unconsciousness… into flaming darkness. Nothing will tell me how much time has passed, not even the light. I open my eyes to see pillars of fire for light. With the state of my mind and body, I stretch out my wings to gather balance even before I raise my head from my talons because the cavern is already spinning. 

I brace my weight in my legs but before I can get up. A searing pain runs from my neck to everything else. I shudder from the pain and that hurts as well. I decide it's just better to lie down and keep still, Keeping my wings stretched wide and my tail curls alongside my body, I look around the dimly lit room. I'm on a rug of some kind, keeping my scales and talons from scraping the rugged cavern floor with some recognizable plants and some, not in pots around the room. The moving flames cast shadows around the cavern but there was one shadow that was still as stone. Someone I recognize. The dragon moves closer as I look at it. 

     I was worried you wouldn't wake, Lyra exhausted herself healing you. Kiran enters the light, allowing me to fully see him. Pain and exhaustion confuse me, I didn't understand. I think he senses my confusion because he clarifies, giving me a plate with some lizards.

Lyra is my human, my bondee. Like yours. How are you feeling, Emberlynn? I reach to grab one but the searing pain comes back but only in my neck and shoulder. I instinctively go to grab the area, but Kiran grabs my arm before I can.

No, you mustn't. You will aggravate your wound, the bleeding has just recently stopped. He looks at my neck and touches what seems to be my bandage. This moment seems to be en eternity, my confusion has run my patience. I flap my wings enough to smack him off me. 

     Alright, I get it. I won't touch it. But you need to explain to me what has happened. All I remember is the creature, immense pain and then nothing. I lie my talons on top of each other in front of me, stretching out my wings again. Letting the excess heat escape my scales. 

Kiran moves to my left, behind the bowl of lizards, sitting on his launches curling his tail around his back talons respectively.

You noticed that the Basilisk relies on its sight...your bondee saw too and tried to help you. But she didn't get to you fast enough. You were summoning your Dragon heart, hitting it in the eyes and the creature struck at you. Your hu-

Her name is Samantha! I look at him sternly, tired of the term.

Samantha….he gives me an apologetic look, 

     Points at the snake and a column of fire turns it into ashes and manages to destroy half of the arena. Our father has sent her to the dungeon caves, he seems to have decided that she has done it not by accident. Samantha unexpectedly gathered her courage to disagree with him! As though she didn't even know she was speaking to the current highest dragon here! Father didn't take it kindly afterward. I found it very amusing but don't tell him that, please.  This information floods my head at every angle, Kiran speaks as though he doesn't speak to anyone but himself for long periods. The pain has settled to just my right shoulder, giving my wing the difficulty to stretch without any sharp pains, but if I keep my wings close, I can manage. Right before I decide to request Kiran to escort me to Sam, claws hitting the stone floor freeze me in my place, both Kiran and I swivel around to see who's arrived. 

A shadow blocks a torch near the entryway, which is not possible. I feel my heart drop to the ground and my wings droop to the ground in fear. Silence fills the air and my mind. I tense when Kiran speaks to the  immoving shadow,

Ormr, I'm glad you came. I've been meaning to speak with you. But I guess now will suffice. The shadow finally moves into the torchlight to reveal a handsome black dragon, with two horns straight back, and a grey underbelly. With grey eyes with a hint of purple. His wings have dark purple at the end of the membranes. I feel intimidated by his height, he's about a head or two taller than me. I instinctively gulp when I realize this is one of the dragons that escorted me here, just without the armor. I look at Kiran, a hint of a smile on his face as he links with Ormr. My confusion comes up knowing I heard Kiran speak to this dark dragon.

Wait, how did I hear you Kiran? I thought dragons can speak to only one… Kiran doesn't hear me or decides not to listen to me since he's having such an important conversation with this stunning dragon. Upon closer inspection, I notice that the scales have shades of purple and green reflecting in the light. My eyes seem to wander over Ormr's body without my meaning to. My mind seems to wander as well because I find both dragons staring at me expectantly. I shake my head slowly and steel myself of what just happened. I can't quite bring myself to look at Ormr in the eyes. So I lay my sight on Kiran and keep my mind calm so he doesn't sense my irrational anxiety.

I apologize for that. I don't know what came over me, please repeat what you said?... Kiran glances at Ormr with an all-knowing smirk added with I'm guessing a small comment as well. Ormr nods subtly gazing at me, keeping an uncomfortable attitude, like he was put on the spot. I suddenly become restless but I keep a calm, confident demeanor. Acting like I'm not noticing his gaze. 

I was informing Ormr of your bondee. And of you being my older sibling. But I think he already knows that. He looks back at Ormr. This time, both of them grin. As though they're sharing a well-known joke. A joke I'm not involved in. This presses my patience. 

What do you mean he already knows? Can you do what you did before? Talking to everyone? And actually, include me in the conversation I don't bother to hide my frustration. There's no need for me to hide my emotions in this situation. Kiran looks at me then Ormr,

Oh no, she's getting upset. You mean like this, communicating to multiple dragons at the same time? You just widen your barriers, your walls. Until you sense your intended others there inside those barriers. Then, whenever you speak, they'll hear. At the same moment I am doing as he says, a sharp pain stabs my mind, like a muscle that's been stretched too far. But my barrier willingly widens, and a new awareness enters my body. 

When you communicate to one dragon, it's connected with everything; share emotions, messages, memories, and more. Now, with more dragons multiply those effects by two. I'm guessing the others sense me because a moment after me sensing it, both dragons glance at me. They seem to have finished a quick conversation before I could overhear because when Kiran senses me he slowly gets up, swishing his tail lazily and starts for the opening of the cave, which I'm guessing is around the left corner, where all the talonsteps and small chatter of humans. I tilt my head wondering what he told Ormr. Speaking of Ormr, I look over at him, catching him looking at me, head to tail.

I saw what happened, with your bondee. He says in a quiet voice, He walks slowly to my right, cautiously as if I'll bite if he gets too close, his eyes graze my wound to meet mine. Eventually lying down within wing reach.

It was impressive you would stand up to the King like that. It's impressive your bondee would have that much power and that much courage to do the same for you as well. I can't help but sense awe in his voice, my pride growing. 

Sam and I, only have been Bonded for a few days. I don't know what she has done. Where is she, do you know? My heart drops suddenly when I realize she not within the range of my mind, even with me widening my barriers. Ormr shakes his head,

I do not but I think my own Bondee knows, I will call him...he starts to close his eyes but realizes something and looks back at me. 

Unless you mind meeting him?... His question takes me back, it seems like ever since I've arrived everyone has been deciding for me. I shake my head because I don't have an answer. Humans don't bother me, some fear me and others makes me annoyed by their arrogance. I don't dislike them. I kind of just ignore them. I move my wings in a shrug. Ormr tilts his head,

You don't have a preference? I shake my head and explain myself.

I don't mind. I don't dislike humans, I really just ignore them. But I am curious about the subject in Bondees. And on humans not trying to kill dragons. So… yes I do not mind. He nods calmly and closes his eyes. His doing reminds me of Sam, without closing my eyes, I attempt to reach for her a second time. Finding that she's a few minutes away from me. I feel her presence… but I can't feel her mind. I can't speak to her. She seems alright as far as I can tell, but my somewhat attempt at contact can't or show me everything. So I might as well ask about her. My vision focuses back into the cave and I see the same daze in Ormr's eyes, I'm assuming he is having a full conversation with his human. I can't leave without hurting my wounds further. So the only thing I can do is sit here and wait. Great.

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