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Chapter 47

Ultear let out a few drops of tears when she saw the person that saved her, "Natsu."

Liem glance at Natsu and frowned, he let go of Ultear as Natsu also let go of his wrist, he then retreated a few steps back.

Natsu glance at him fiercely and helped Ultear and brought her close to the celestial mage trio.

Natsu then slowly walk towards Liem with his flames covering his body.

"You," Natsu said as the heat of his flames increased that it cause the temperature to rapidly rise, "You'll pay for making her cry."

Liem just let out a cocky smirked, "Hoo~ how do you plan to do tha-?!"

He didn't get to finish his words as Natsu suddenly appeared in front of him and send a punch to his face.

"Orf-!?" Liem stumbled back, he was caught off guard by Natsu's speed and strength.

"I'll burn you to crisp," Natsu said with his eyes fiercely glaring at him, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!!"

Seeing the wave-like flames heading towards him, Liem remained calm, he waved his hands and the titan behind him moved, with the wave of its hand, Natsu's flames were dispersed.

It also created a strong gust of wind that blows away a couple of rubbles and buildings.

Suddenly, three person appeared behind Liem, each were releasing a magic power equal to a Saint.

Then, a large metallic bird suddenly landed on the ground with four people riding it, each person were also releasing an aura equal to a saint.

Seeing those people, the mages nearby sighed in relief.

'They're finally here. The Ishgar's strongest mages.'

"Well, who knew that the dark guild like you have a lot of Saint-class mages," Fiana suddenly jumped down from the bird and slowly walked towards Natsu and stood beside him.

She was wearing a sleeveless blue shirt and and black sexy-shorts, a pair of blue fingerless gloves on her hands, she also wears a pair of blue socks thay reaches up to her thighs along with a pair of black boots.

"Well, they certainly hid their strength that even us are completely unaware of it." Kylla said as she sat at the head of the metal bird while swinging her feet.

"It doesn't matter, we'll just have to beat them up," Julius stood beside the sitting Kylla as he gaze at the dark mages disdainfully.

"Haha~ It will be hard to do that Julius-dono, especially with that thing there," Jura walked towards Natsu and stood not to far away from him as he glance at the towering titan.

"Hoho~ You young people can fight to your heart's content, let the old men deal with that titan."

Hearing the voice, everyone look around and saw three people standing on top of a destroyed building. One looks like a tree, the other looks like a dwarf, while the last looks like a vampire.

Seeing them, Liem narrowed his eyes and a slight fear appeared in his heart, though it quickly went away when he thought of the titan behind him.

'The Gods of Ishgar, this will be troublesome.'

On the other hand, when Natsu heard the old men's words, he grinned and bumped his fist to his palm, as a powerful flames covered his body.

"Ultear, evacuate everyone here, this is no longer a fight an ordinary mage can participate," Natsu ordered without turning his head.

Ultear was about to say something as she opened her mouth, but ended up closing it and nodded her head.

She helped the celestial trio as they started to ran away from this place. However, Ultear suddenly stopped and her head to Natsu,

"Be careful." As she continue to run, even though she only said in a low voice, Natsu managed to hear thanks to his superior hearing.

He let out a small smile as he muttered, "I will."

Natsu suddenly grinned as he glared at Liem, "With the Gods of Ishgar keeping that thing occupied, I can now burn you to crisp without interference. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, you'll pay for making her cry."

However, Liem just grinned, not taking Natsu's threat seriously at all. Suddenly, Liem waved his hands as the titan began to move, with a single step, it is already half towards the shore.

Seeing this, the Gods of Ishgar finally made a move, they nodded at each other as they disappeared from their position.

Natsu, using his flames, boosted his speed as he instantly arrived in front of Liem.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Liem just grinned as he caught Natsu's fist, surprising the other saints, even Natsu was surprise, but it did not last long as he attack once again.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Liem let go of his fist as he dodged Natsu's attack.

"....die." Apollo took out his two guns as fired at Natsu.

However, before the shots could hit him, a wall of rock emerged from the ground and blocked the 'bullets'.

Apollo narrowed his eyes as he glance at Jura, who is calmly walking towards him with a smile.

"I will be your opponent for this fight, gun mage-dono."

Apollo frowned as he started to sweat, yet his face still remain stoic, "....troublesome." saying this word, he quickly retreated, as Jura followed after him.

"Hehe~ I will be taking you then," Fiana suddenly appeared in front of Luscio as she grabbed his face before they disappeared.


The large metallic bird suddenly flew over with a man with shaggy blonde hair and emotionless face on its beak.

"Well, well, looks like its just the two of us." Liem smiled as he stared straight at Natsu's eyes.

"Looks like it,"

Suddenly, Liem's eyes narrowed as his smile disappeared, he disappeared in front of Natsu and reappeared behind him with his hand covered with orange aura with a shape of a sword.

Liem swing his hands with an aura blade, aiming Natsu's neck.

However, Natsu managed to duck and countered, "Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

This time, Liem did not dodge, as a large arm made out of orange energy sprouts just above his buttocks ans blocked Natsu's attack.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Despite being shock by the arm, Natsu still attack quickly.

However, another arm made out of orange energy sprouts and blocked Natsu's mouth.

Then, the other arm transformed into a sharp blade and stabbed Natsu on the stomach.

"Grgh-!?....Blrgh-!?" Natsu's eyes widened as he coughed a large mount of blood.

Gritting his teeth, Natsu attack once again, but this time, its much stronger, "FIRE DRAGON GOD'S ROAR!"

Liem was shocked, two others arms sprouts from his back and blocked the attack. He was forced back by the pressure of the flames, but received no damage.

Meanwhile, Natsu was half kneeling and was coughing a mouthful of bloods.


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