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Chapter 11: Chapter 7

Logan dragged himself to his first class, cursing his system the whole way. It wasn't that he didn't like MJ. She was gorgeous, independent, and knew what she wanted. But she was also very extroverted, compared to his tendency to keep to himself. He put a pin that train of thought and sat down in his chair. The class dragged on for quite awhile, the only eventful thing being another 'Death Stare' at Flash.

He sat down next to MJ, noticing that she looked to be waiting for a response. likely in regards to her note. He shot a quick text to her number, not giving her really a yay or nay, instead suggesting to do their formula work afterschool that day at a café or something. Actually using the formulas could wait until lab day. Her text back was a cheeky one, suggesting that it was a date. He thought for a second and sent back a thumbs up. The system never said what had to happen on the date. He mentally flipped off the system upon finding that loophole.

In his last class, history, he noticed another pair of eyes on him. He stared out of his peripherals and spotted Felicia. He looked a bit past her, but used 'Observe' using the edge of his vision so it didn't look suspicious or anything.

Felicia Hardy

Level: 5

HP: 75/75

Str: 9

Dex: 15

Con: 9

Int: 9

Wis: 7

Luck: 10

Currently feeling: Curious about you, flattered at how you reacted at your dad, grateful that you stopped the argument between her mom and your dad.

He shrugged to himself. 'That's a ridiculously high dexterity stat compared to the rest of her stats.' The class ended, and Logan went back to his locker. MJ was waiting for him, with an obviously fresh coat of makeup. Thankfully it wasn't obnoxious. She knew what she was doing when it came to her makeup.

The subway ride was relatively quiet, but that's considering he had no idea how the hell to talk to women. The system piped in then.

{You have massive charisma bonuses with her. Use them, dumbass.}

Logan rolled his eyes lightly.

The subway stayed quiet, and when they got off, they made their way to the cafe. Things picked up there, as they both ordered different drinks for themselves and got ot work on their assignment. They were almost done, when a ding rang in the corner of Logan's vision.

{Combat Trial! You have 3 minutes to prepare!}

He excused himself to the bathroom a minute later, waiting until it actually started to put on his light robes. What he came out to be greeted by was Shocker, but he and all 10 of the thugs surrounding him wore clocks. Logan narrowed his eyes and used 'Observe' on the clocks and Shocker.

ClockWatcher Cameras:

The clockwatcher watches his endeavours and escapades through the clocks his thugs wear.


Level: 6

Str: Meh

Dex: Worse than yours

Con: 10

Int: Oof

Wis: Bigger oof

Cha: 15 to command other thugs

Luck: 1

Logan sighed and pulled out his staff, thankful that his Pure-Light Robes didn't have a skill requirement. He stood off to the side to watch what happened.

The clock face hanging from Shocker's neck flipped, revealing a screen. On that screen, was a guy who went to their school. He was just as unknown as Logan was, but it appears that this guy internalized it. "Oh hiiii MJ! Where did your boytoy go? Did he leave you alone? That's okay, I can keep you company. Lots of company." He ended it with a sinister grin, and Logan leaped out just as Shocker was about to grab her wrist.

A short moment later, and Shocker was thrown through the cafe's glass window, his vibration gauntlets shattered due to their failing of the vibe check. Suddenly, 3 shimmering outlines of eagles appeared in the air and started darting between the thugs, clawing and pecking as they flew. Logan deftly changed his robe into his trenchcoat, seemlessly, and his eagles turned quickly into crows. A lot of crows. Shocker was quickly knocked out by a quick staff-shot, but Logan took the clock, stuffing it in his inventory. He also yanked Shocker's destroyed guantlets off his wrists and put them in his inventory as well. He turned around to find all of the thugs panicking in corners, covered in gashes from the birds. Upon his re-entry into the cafe, all the thugs raised their hands, crying. All of the clock faces flipped, and the sad loser's face appeared again. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But you never should have gotten in my way." The clock faces changed again to timers. Logan's face paled. Good lord these things were bombs now Thinking quickly, Logan took all of their clocks and hung them by their handles on his staff. He then melted into a shadow before he left said shadow, the clocks left behind. They exploded, the shadow getting very large before returning to its original size. He also recieved a level in Shadow Manipulation for this

*DING* {Combat Trial 4/5 completed}

Shocker and thugs defeated! + 350 coins!


1 random weapon


!NEW! Darkness Scythe:

A scythe made of pure darkness. It does no physical damage, instead targeting life essence and energy. Required Shadow Manipulation level: 5

Level Five! 10 stat points added!

Logan Taylor

Level: 5


Stamina: 90/100

MP: 150/200

Str: 8 + 2 = 10

Dex: 11 + 4 = 15

Con: 10 +1 = 11

Int: 10 + 1 = 11

Wis: 10

Cha: 10 +2 = 12

Luck: 3


Protect MJ and instill horrible fear/wrath in Clockwatcher

Reward: Item fusion

Item Fusion:

Select two items. If they can be combined into a total combination, you will receive that item. If there is no combination available, you will receive an item of a combined grade. (Grade A + Grade B = Grade S)

Logan immediately selected Shocker's gauntlets and his staff. What he was greeted with was the same staff, but it now vibrated consistently.

Vibrational Bo Staff:

The same properties of the original staff apply. Upon the staff striking the floor, a tremor will occur, invoking a 10% chance of knocking the target down. Upon a block of a weapon or normal strike, vibrations travel through the offending weapon or appendage. Upon a weapon block, there is a 25% chance of disarming the target. Upon a block to an unarmed strike, there is a 5% chance of vibrations shattering or splintering bone.

Logan grinned to himself at what he had obtained. He turned to be greeted by grateful citizens begging for his name. He stuttered for second. "I-I uh...I don't really have one. I think I'll leave that to you guys." He left, doubling back in civilian clothes to stand by MJ while the police took the thugs away.

Drax152 Drax152

I'm realizing that his item draws are way too lucky. Next chapter I'll mix that up some.

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