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Chapter 5: Chapter 2

Light came back to his room a few hours later, along with Logan's consciousness. He slowly picked himself up to his hands and knees, groaning at the pounding headache and dizziness. It didn't help that what sounded like a ping of some sort, or a beep, was sounding through his head like a siren. Groaning, he pulled himself to his feet, only to lean against his bed to steady himself. Groaning, he rushed to get ibuprofen from his bathroom. He knocked back two, and then addressed the pinging in front of him that he had blissfully ignored. In front of him was a giant screen, reading "Congratulations! System successfully installed! Beginner's pack delivered to inventory!" After he tapped the screen, he was greeted with another giant screen, more a grid than anything. He groaned at how damn small the font was, picking up his glasses from the floor to read. Along the top of the grid, there were tabs, like "equipment", "consumables", "miscellaneous", and such. Off to the side was what looked like a menu of sorts. At the top of the list, "exit", which he assumed meant to exit the menu thing he was being presented with. Following that, was "stats", then "inventory" which was where he was now, and under that, "Abilities & Stats". At the bottom was an options tab. He clicked options to check for an "uninstall" option. No such luck. Instead, there was an option that read "graphics" and he decided not to mess with it. If 18 years of life had taught him anything, it was that if a video or a game offered to raise the graphics or resolution, the performance usually suffered. He then heard yet another ping.

What he was then greeted with was a notification next to "Abilities & Skills". He decided to check his stats first, since he wanted to see just how shitty the system deemed he was. He was not surprised.

Name: Logan Taylor

Reputation: Unknown

Level: 1

Hp: 25/30

Stamina: 60/60

XP: 0/300

Str: 3

Dex: 5

Con: 4

Int: 7

Wis: 7

Cha: 3

Luck: 1



Logan raised an eyebrow at the reputation thing but let it slide. He then checked the notification in "Abilities & Skills" to be greetred with this;


!NEW! Observe lvl 1:

Concentrate on a person, place, thing, or idea, and obtain more information on it. More information available as the ability levels.

Current rank: 1

Ranks Needed to Level: 10

Gamer's Mind:

In situations where normal people would be shaken or feel negative emotions, you keep your cool. Some situations, abilities, creatures, or people can override this ability.


Musician-Guitar lvl 6:

Can play the guitar with some proficiency. Music that you hear, you can decipher into beats and rhythms. Dexterity +2, Charisma +1

Karate lvl 1:

Slight knowledge on karate techniques, thanks to your mother. Your knowledge on it is very small, but enough that you could attempt to use the knowledge.

Current Rank: 4

Ranks Needed to Level: 10

Logan shrugged to himself and returned to the inventory screen, blinded again by a bright silver light in one of the slots. He tapped it so he wasn't blinded anymore, greeted by a giant silver chest dropping onto his bedroom floor. His gamer's Mind was the only thing keeping him from freaking the hell out. Instead, he opend it. He was greeted by a small silver-colored cylinder with a latch on one side and two screens floating next to it. He used 'Observe' on the cylinder to be greeted with the information about it.

!NEW! Retractable Steel Staff:

Basic steel staff, deployable by releasing the latch. Durable, save for superior metals. On a successful hit to a limb: 25% chance to shatter bone or destroy joint. On a successful head hit: 10% chance to knockout instantly, if not the target is concussed and their functionality decreases.

He tossed it onto his bed and used 'Observe' on the two screens to see what he was dealing with.:

!NEW! Shadow Manipulation:

Can attack with shadows, blend/melt into a shadow, or blast a bolt of darkness at a target. Melting into shadow takes items on your person into the shadow with you Damage increases at higher levels. New applications available at higher levels. Magic Ability meter added to stats!

Current Rank: 1

Ranks Needed to Level: 10

!NEW! XP Increase:

Gain 100xp or 6 ranks in a skill or ability.

Logan shrugged at the shadow manipulation. 'That's nice I guess.' He immediately invested the xp into his karate skill, sending it to level two.

Karate lvl 2:

Your knowledge of this fighting style is better than it was. You can recall other techniques and movements, some that were never taught to you.

Current Rank: 1

Ranks Needed to Level: 15

He shrugged, satisfied vaguely with whatever the fuck was happening. Suddenly, an uneasy feeling swept over him, as a new screen appeared in front of him.

"Standard issue combat trial! Transported to a parallel dimension! Prove yourself worthy of the system!"

Logan panicked for a split second, before Gamer's mind took over. Then he began to question. 'What am I fighting? How many are there of the thing I'm fighting? Why does my system hate me?'

His first question was quickly answered, when a random dude in really torn up medieval clothes barged through his door. "What the fuck!?" Came from Logan's mouth in a shout, before he lashed out with a bolt of shadows. The random dude flew backwards and fell over the side of Logan's stairs to the floor below.

Rushing forward, Logan peeked over the railing to see the bandit digitizing and turning into xp points to collect. Flinching at a sound, Logan pulled a 180 degree turn to find another dude abut to cave his head in with a club. His life was only saved because the guy's shadow was being casted on him, so he raised his hand above his head, shadows rising up and slamming the guy against the ceiling. Logan immediately rushed into his room and snatched the staff off his bed, releasing the latch and spinning around, swearing to never be without it if shit like this was gonna keep happening. When he spun around, his staff clocked a guy in the temple, concussing him. Logan's karate came to his mind, as he shot a snap-kick to the guy's nuts followed by a slam on the top of his head with his staff. Before he digitized, Logan used 'Observe'.


Level 1

HP: 0/20

The bandit dissolved, leaving behind xp points that homed in on Logan and small, pixelated coins. Logan didn't have any time to think, as he shot another pulse of shadow at his door, blasting two bandits down the stairs. A ping sounded in Logan's head and he turned his head to regard a screen floating there.

"10 bandits remaining!"

"Oh for fuck's sAKE!" He punctuated his last word by jumping backwards and blasting a pulse of shadow at his window, sending another bandit down to the lawn and bushes below. "I'm out of here! More room please!" Logan dashed out of his room, blocking a club with an end of his staff before sweeping the other end across to the back of the bandit's head, triggering the 10% chance of knockout. Interestingly, the system digitized them of they were knocked out or dead indescriminately. It didn't seem to care if they died or not.

Logan made it down his stairs and to his living room, using his staff planted on the ground to propel himself into a bandit's chest feet first, sending him tumbling into the glass coffee table. Spinning down low, another bandit found his legs sweeped out from under him, receiving a quick blast of shadow to his back while he was down. "6." Logan muttered to himself, as he ran to the kitchen. He found two bandits waiting for him with knives in their hands. Totally denying the idea of facing those knives, Logan tried to blast more shadows. Unfortunately, his magic meter was depleted. Cursing, he engaged with the two bandits, taking a cut to the arm and a gash across his side. All was well though, since he crushed their hands with well-aimed staff strikes followed by two more strikes, one for each bandit's head. One was knocked out, but the other was leaning against the kitchen counter. Grabbing the bandit by the back of his head, Logan slammed his face into the tile counter, breaking the counter and knocking out the bandit at the same time. He returned to the living room to find a TV sailing towards his face thrown by a bandit ad his other bandit buddy. He threw himself in the opposite direction, hitting the wall particularly hard. He got up, his HP at 7/30, and took a more cautious approach. He checked his magic meter, finding it steadily regenerating. Slowly. Oh so slowly. But the minor applications of his magic could still be used. He melted into a shadow of the stairs, rushing his shadow under his couch. When the bandits were in range, he attacked the couch using the shadow, toppling the bandits with the couch. Logan perched on the couch above them and sharply jabbed them in the temples with his staff, eventually knocking the both of them out after enough jabs. "2." He turned around, seeing nobody, and went back up the stairs. He heard pounding behind him, and spun, taking a bandit in the side of the head and bashing him into the wall with the momenum. He followed that up by kicking him into the bandit behind him. They both tumbled down the stairs, disoriented. They were quickly dispatched. "0."

Moments later, the system shut down the combat scenario, and Logan found himself back in his room, the whole house back to normal with no evidence of any home invasion ever having happened. Logan quickly, very very quickly, went about trying to fix his gashes and slices himself. They weren't too deep, so he figured wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and cover with bandage pads to absorb the blood. It didn't work as much as he wished it did, but it was enough. He then passed the fuck out on his bed, ignoring his system's notifications.

Drax152 Drax152

I was almost done with the chapter and then it reset me to the start.

Kill me.

If the quality of the chapter feels a little rushed, that's why.

This way of fighting will be very very prevalent, at least until he learns other stuff or finds other weapons and such.

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