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83.33% Reborn as Sasuke / Chapter 5: Chapter 3

Chapter 5: Chapter 3

"Damn it, I have to go to the academy in a few minutes" Sasuke said while he was training with his shurikens.

While Sasuke was busy training his accuracy with his weapons, a unknown person suddenly appeared behind him.

Sasuke felt the presence of the stranger behind him which made him alert as he held the kunai tightly in his had and spinned with the maximum amount of force in his swing with his hand aiming for the neck of the person behind him.

Once Sasuke had his body turned toawrds, he saw a anbu member in front of him,holding his wrist which stopped the kunai from being embedded into his neck.

The anbu then let go of his wrist which made Sasuke immediately take back his hand and make him scratch the back of his head with a bit embarrassment.

"Haha, sorry about that" Sasuke apologized awkwardly but the anbu didn't seem bothered by the fact Sasuke tried to kill him.

"Hokage-sama would like to speak with you" The anbu then grabbed Sasuke and Shunshined to the hokage office.

To Sasuke it felt like an instant as he suddenly appeared in front of the Hokage who was reading a certain book created by the legendary Jiraiya-Sama who was certainly a "good" godfather to Naruto.

"Aah Sasuke it's good to see you here. Sit down, I would like to speak to you" The third Hokage quickly hid the book in the cabinet that was in front of him.

"Is there anything you would like to talk about Hokage-sama" Sasuke asked the old man politely as he was an authoritative figure and also was way more powerful than him otherwise he would show annoyance as he was disturbed.

"Yes I would like to talk to you about something. Anbu would you excuse us." The hokage excused the anbu and also the other anbu that was surrounding the room to protect the Hokage.

"Sasuke I heard from my anbu that you saved Naruto from some drunk villagers. Is that correct" Hiruzen asked Sasuke.

"That is correct Hokage-sama" Sasuke confirmed that he saved Naruto.

"May I know why you saved Naruto" Hokage asked as a test to see Sasuke's character and wanted to see if he has the "Will of Fire"

"He is a future comrade and also a part of this village so it's my duty to save him" Sasuke said so that the hokage believes that he has the so called Will of Fire.

'It seems that the Will of Fire burns within you Sasuke. I'm sure that Konoha would benefit from you' The hokage thought in his head but didn't know that Sasuke read his mind while he was maintaining eye contact.

'Hahaha, it's the other way round old man. I'll be benefiting a lot from Konoha' Sasuke laughed in his head at the naivety of the Hokage, thinking that he will help Konoha.

"Anyways, the anbu reported that you was following Naruto, is there any explanation for that" The Hokage turned serious when he asked that question as Naruto's identify as the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails was at risk, should Sasuke somehow find out not that all of the villagers don't known that already.

"I wanted to find out why the villagers keep giving Naruto hateful glares. May I know why Hokage-sama" When Sasuke had said that, Hiruzen began to get a bit nervous.

"People tend to fear and hate the unknown young Sasuke" Hiruzen gave a vague answer.

'Wow that sure helped a lot' Sasuke thought sarcastically.

"May I ask you a question Hokage-sama"

"Yes you may" Hiruzen thought there was no harm in answering Sasuke's question.

"Is Naruto, the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails" Sasuke asked which made Hiruzen very serious.

"May I know how you come to know of this information" Hiruzen said seriously while increasing the pressure to force Sasuke to reveal everything.

"Well Hokage-sama, once I heard father talk about some Jinchuriki which made me curious. I went to the library to find out what a Jinchuriki was and found out that they are vessels for a tailed beast. While I was following Naruto, I heard the villagers call Naruto a Demon and also a Demon Fox. I also found out that tailed beast cannot be killed despite what the academy said and the only way to defeat them is sealing them in an object or human. Once I heard the villagers calling Naruto a Demon Fox, I came to the conclusion that Naruto was the Jinchuriki of the nine tails which is the reason that the villagers seem tonnage Naruto so much." Sasuke answered calmly despite the pressure that came from the Hokage's pressure.

"Ohh I see" Hiruzen nodded calmly and released his pressure but he alsowanted to know what Sasuke thought about Naruto being a Jinchuriki.

"Can you answer my question Sasuke" Hiruzen decided to ask what's Sasuke's opinion about Naruto being a Jinchuriki.


"What do you think about Naruto being a Jinchuriki"

"For me the concept of a Jinchuriki is like a glass of water. Naruto is the glass that contains the water which is the Nine tails. Glass won't turn into water if you pour water in it so in the same way Naruto isn't the nine tails because the Kyuubi is sealed in Naruto. For me Naruto is the same Naruto that I know from the academy." Sasuke gave his answer which made Hiruzen happy at the explanation.

"Thank you Sasuke for not seeing Naruto like the villager see him. It's unfortunate that the villagers and some of my ninja don't see Naruto like you do." Hiruzen said sadly as he could have prevented Naruto from that fate.

"Hokage-sama, how did the villagers even find out that Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. I assume that it's should be a high rank secret as the other villagers could try to kidnap Naruto for the Nine Tails power." Sasuke asked as his purpose was to confirm who actually released the information.

A lot of people assume that Danzo was the one to release the information as they are right to do so but some people don't consider that the Third Hokage could also have been responsible for the information being released. In one of the early chapters of the manga, Hiruzen tells Iruka that the Fourth Hokage wanted the villagers to see Naruto as a hero so it was possible for Hiruzen to release that information so that Naruto was treated as a hero but that plan backfired.

"I released the information" Hiruzen said with a lot of regret. The answer made Sasuke dumfounded as he thought that Danzo was the one but it seems he was wrong.

"I released the information so that Naruto could be seen as a hero for protecting the leaf from the Kyuubi as it was the Fourth's wish for Naruto to be seen as a hero by the villagers." Hiruzen knew what Sasuke wanted to ask so before he could even speak, he gave his reason.

"I see, it was a foolish decision" Sasuke said with sadness but inside his mind was something completely opposite.

'Hahaha. Poor Naruto, he was crying over the death of a person who fucked up his childhood' Sasuke laughed inside his mind but didn't show it.

"It was indeed a foolish decision" Hiruzen said with a lot of regret and Sasuke commenting on that didn't help either. Instead it was like rubbing salt on an open wound.

"May I leave, Hokage-sama. I need to go to the academy" Sasuke asked as he didn't want to be in this depressing situation and he didn't even bother comforting Hiruzen as he actually didn't give a crap if he regretted his decision or not.

"Yes you may" Hiruzen excused Sasuke out of the room so he could wallow in regret.

In one minute, Sasuke arrived at his classroom which he was assigned to and could hear the loud noise that was emanating from inside the classroom. He arrived quickly at the academy due to the fact that the Hokage's tower is right next to the academy and with a bit of walking, he arrived under a minute.

'Well this is the moment, I meet the rookie 9' Sasuke was a bit excited to meet the characters that he watched since his childhood.

As soon as he entered the classroom, the loud noise that he was hearing disappeared and silence filled the room. Everyone's attention was on Sasuke as they were informed about the Uchiha Clan massacre and felt pity for Sasuke.

"Good to see you here Sasuke." Iruka said with a smile to make Sasuke feel better.

"Can I graduate to genin" Sasuke asked as he wanted to quickly get battle experience and also didn't want to waste his time learning useless information which he already knows about.

Sasuke's question sparked up surprise in every student and even the teachers as they didn't expect that from Sasuke.

"Ehh" Came from Iruka who was equally as surprised as the other students.

Iruka got out of his stupor as he answered Sasuke's question.

"Sorry Sasuke but you have to wait another month until you are allowed to apply to be a genin" Iruka said to Sasuke apologetically as the genin exam is every 4 months so he had to wait another month to apply for genin.

Sasuke was disappointed by the fact but soon went towards his seat and sat there waiting for the class to begin.

Iruka quickly adjusted to the situation and started to teach like normal which Sasuke ignored for the most part and only listened when Iruka called out his name.

His progress with Legilemency was coming along as he finally began to start being able to see people's memories. He already knows how to read people's memories and read their mind but he needed more practice until he could copy people's memories.

He also began to work on the mind palace as he wanted to have his mind palace looking like a empty white void with all the memories that he wants to show freely moving for a mind reader to see but for his real memories there is a hidden switch that only he knows about and that changes the whole void into a large library with sections for Justus and other memories. He wanted his initial mind palace that shows his normal memories such as his childhood, a bit of his training and his daily life. The white void with memories floating would make any mind reader think that he doesn't have access to his mindscape which would make his fake memories more believable.

Sasuke was interrupted from his mind training as a booklet of paper was handed in front of him and it seemed like it was a test.

After flicking through the pages, he found the questions too easy and knew that he could get 100 percent in the test.

'This is too easy, I'll add more details to the answer to increase my validity to become a genin' Sasuke answered his questions under record time and also added detail that was beyond his age group.

'Looks like I still have 1 hour 35 minutes left' Sasuke put his hand up in the air to call Iruka.

"Yes, is there any problem Sasuke"

"I've finished the exam Iruka-sensei" Iruka was baffled by the words that came from Sasuke and doubted his words a lot.

"Do you think Sasuke want a bit cuckoos after his clan incident" Kiba whispered to Chojj who was eating his chips. Kiba doubted that Sasuke completed the test in just 25 minutes and thought that Sasuke was mad to think he completed the test already.

"Can you bring it here" Iruka asked as he wanted to confirm it with his own eyes.

After scanning through each page, his eyes were wide open in surprise since Sasuke had answered each question correctly and even showed a deeper understanding.

"Can I go home sensei" Sasuke asked since after the test, the children would be able to go to their homes so there was no point for Sasuke to stay in the classroom.

"Huh?" Iruka asked with confusion as he didn't seem to hear what Sasuke had just said.

"I asked if I could go home sensei"

"Sure" Iruka let Sasuke go as he had already answered everything correctly and it was also the last lesson so there was no point in Sasuke staying.

'My first goal for now is too become the youngest jounin surpassing Kakashi' Sasuke had a clear goal on his mind and being a genin would be the first step towards that goal.

KuroHyoudou KuroHyoudou

There is some Hiruzen bashing so some information might be false

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