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66.66% Reborn as Sasuke / Chapter 4: Chapter 2

Chapter 4: Chapter 2

Once I reached the clan compound which was a 30 minute walk from the Hokage tower. Since the Uchiha Clan compound was on the outskirts of the village thanks to our favourite bijuu, the nine tails.

"Hashirama is sure a genius, even more so than Tobirama. I mean his intellect and decision making is far superior than Shikamaru. I mean the best decision he made was giving tailed beasts to each Nation which was a genius thing to do. Giving nukes to all the 5 nations is such a good idea to create peace and avoid bloodshed" I said with obvious sarcasm laced into my tone.

I went in front of a mirror in my house to see the Sharingan as this will be my first step to become the strongest.

As soon as I went to the mirror, I sent a pulse of chakra to my eyes which in turn caused my iris to turn red with a single tomoe around my pupil. I couldn't maintain the Sharingan for too long as I soon ran out of chakra to sustain it.

'I should wait till my chakra reserves are back to full capacity until I try to use the Sharingan. My chakra reserves now is quite pitiful as I only have the reserves of a second to third year academy student' I thought

in my head as I had found out that my reserves were second to third academy student level by previous Sasuke's memories.

Chakra is the combination of the spiritual energy and physical energy so all I need to do is increase my physical energy by training my body and increase my spiritual energy by doing some meditating along with some other mental exercises. Fortunately for me, I have occulumency which should help me increase my spiritual energy much quicker than everybody else.

"I'll train with my body now and until I get my body to the strength of a genin, I won't use body weights. Perhaps training under Might Guy for taijutsu would be a good idea but the problem is how" After thinking of any ways that I could train under Guy for taijustu, the only solution I could think of is showing "My Youth".

For my training, I found one scroll that had the basics exercises that would be helpful for getting stronger and since I have chakra, I will have a difference in strength if I do these exercises for a month.

There was exercises that were helping for building more stamina and improving my flexibility, speed and agility.

"I need to start practicing fuinjutsu as that has so much uses." I had to look around for any basics fuinjutsu in the clan compound which was already cleaned off the blood and the bodies which was probably thanks to Danzo.

Fortunately, I found some scrolls on the on fuinjutsu in my house which seems to be a gift from someone and is carefully preserved in a cupboard in my mom's room. After reading the scroll which was the basics of fuinjutsu, I found out that the scroll is from Kushina and was a gift from Kushina to my mother.

I don't know if I have lady luck or plot armour on my side because there were more scrolls that was more complicated which I had a hard time understanding. From these scrolls I presume that my mother asked Kushina to help her learn fuinjutsu as it had stages of learning.

"I'll do the exercises first before starting on the basics of fuinjutsu. It shouldn't take me that long as it will probably take about and hour which leaves me with 5 hours before the day end"

After doing the exercises, I concentrated on fuinjutsu as it was my priority more than ninjutsu and others. Fuinjutsu or as it is also called the "art of sealing" is basically programming where the chakra acts as the trigger for that programming.

I understood the basics which wasn't that hard to understand but I guess Kushina's explanation was easy to understand. The most difficult part of the first scroll was practicing all the symbols or Kanji which I had to keep practicing with a brush and ink.

I need to reach a stage where I could use my chakra to do the fuinjutsu formulas but that would take years of practice to being able to use the flying thunder god.


After a month of training, I reached the strength of a low genin and without chakra, I wouldn't be able to achieve that. For my chakra reserves, I have the same chakra reserves as a genin since I have a lot spiritual given that I transmigrated and have my memories of my previous life.

For sealing, I finished the scrolls which were meant for novices in fuinjutsu. I began to start advancing in fuinjutsu but the higher I get, the harder it is too understand. I still have yet to apply my skills in creating my own seals as I'm still not ready since mistakes in fuinjutsu can be lethal depending on the seal that you are trying to create. For example if you make mistake in a explosive tag then there is a chance for it to explode while you are trying to create.

"I need to increase my chakra reserves to jounin to make my own Shadow clones which would be really helpful to master fuinjutsu much quicker."

"For now, I'll just practice using the Sharingan which also will help increase my chakra given that it drains a genins chakra quite quickly."

I activate my Sharingan and threw the kunai that I was holding with all my power and to my amazement, the kunai flew across the air in slow motion which I knew was the enhanced sight of the Sharingan. I used the targets that Itachi used for training to train my aim in the forest near the Naka Shrine.

"I'll do the tree exercise to have a good control over my chakra and use the Sharingan to correct any mistakes I may make while trying to stick on the tree" I said to myself as I planned to finish the tree walking exercise by today.

After a few trials and errors, I managed to last 3 minutes running up and down the tree. I also felt my chakra reserves expand since I repeatedly used the Sharingan while also using the chakra to climb the tree with my feet.

"I'm going to have to go to the academy in about two weeks which is going to be a waste of my time and to top that up, I have to deal with that screaming banshee." I was annoyed by the fact that I had to visit the academy which was a complete waste of time as they learn three justu which they barely even use and some other basic ninja stuff.

'I'll just go to have some ramen from Ichiraku's and hopefully find some entertainment' I thought with a excited expression from what I was planning to do and hoped that the scenario in my head worked out.

As I was walking towards the village, I noticed that the villagers were still looking at me with pity which I'm sure would have annoyed the hell out of he original Sasuke.

I reached the small ramen restaurant which Naruto seemed to love and as soon as I reached the front of the restaurant, I could smell the aroma rushing towards me. I sat down and saw the old man Teuchi, stirring the broth along with adding various spices that I didn't recognize.

"What would you like to order" A girl asked for my order who I recognised to be Ayame, the daughter of the owner.

As I looked at the menu with my head down, I activated my Sharingan to quickly see the menu so that I don't take too long on looking at the menu. Since my plan worked as I only took two seconds and decided to try out the chicken ramen.

As expected, the ramen tastes as good as Naruto advertised in the anime. While I was having the ramen, I didn't notice the boy I was expecting to be here.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here" The boy asked me while I was busy eating the ramen. As expected, I found Naruto looking at me, confused why I was eating ramen here.

"What do you think, I'm eating ramen of course. What are you doing here" I asked the same question which had an obvious answer but decided ask anyway.

"I'm here to eat the best ramen in the world" Naruto declared in front of me with enthusiasm which was expected as he seemed to be obsessed with ramen.

"Hey old man, gimme some ramen will ya" Naruto shouted which made Teuchi come out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Naruto, I guess it's the usual" Teuchi asked Naruto which he responded with a nod full of excitement.

"Alright 6 pork ramen, 8 miso ramen and 5 vegetable ramen coming up" I was amazed at the amount of ramen that Naruto ordered despite being only a seven year old.

Once I finished my ramen, I paid for it and also gave a tip for the delicious food. I waited for Naruto to finish so that I could follow him to see if there are any villagers that may attack him for being the Jinchuriki. If they do attack him then I could test my training on the villagers and I wouldn't even be prosecuted since I would be defending Naruto and basically saving the Kyuubi Jinchuriki which is an asset to the leaf.

The best part about this plan would be that Naruto would basically owe me for saving him, I'll be in the good grace of the Hokage. I can't show too much skill or Danzo would try to recruit me in the root which could be a beneficial or it might not.

'I guess I should not show my true skills or I'll attract Danzo to me' After thinking for a while I came to the decision of not joining root since it will be harder for me to kill Danzo if he is aware of my strength and if I don't train under the root then he'll just think me as a genin when killing him which would put me in the advantage as he'll won't know my true skills.

After few minutes of waiting, I heard Naruto thank Teuchi for the ramen and left with a good bye. As soon as he went far past me, I decided to follow him without being noticed which I'm sure he wouldn't as he is just a academy student and first year at that.

'The anbu are probably following me and Naruto given that Naruto is a Jinchuriki and has to be guarded.'

After following Naruto for a few minutes, Naruto was stopped by a few men who seemed to be civilians and also seemed drunk which makes sense as no same person would attack a child with anbu patrolling . Naruto was a bit surprised of this but tried to past them but they moved in front of where he was going to stop him.

"Where do you think your going, demon brat" One of the man spoke out to Naruto. Naruto seemed to be a bit affected by those words but soon ignored it.

"I'm going to be the next Hokage so you better treat me with respect" Naruto shouted out to the group of men and without any warning, the man who spoken those words earlier attempted to attack Naruto with a punch but since he was a civilian, Naruto was able to dodge it.

'I'll step in now so that Naruto doesn't beat up any of my testing dummies' I planned to intercept Naruto before he beats the civilians up which I'm sure he could do since he is a ninja in training and they are just ordinary weak civilians.

"Why are you attacking him" I stepped out of hiding and asked cluelessly.

"Sasuke what are you doing here" Naruto asked noticing that I was here.

"Scram kid, our business is with the brat there" The man tried to threaten me into leaving but to annoy him, I still stood there so that he could attack me first.

After waiting for a few seconds for me to go away, the man seemed to lose his plot as he quickly attacked me.

'What the hell, is he seriously trying to fatally injure me. This guy really has no patience.' I thought in my head while dodging the pitiful attempts to injure me.

He threw another attack at me which was aimed for my face which I easily dodge. Soon I got bored of dodging so began to start to seriously injure these guys.

He tried to throw a punch to my stomach which I duck as I was much smaller than him. While he was unguarded, I threw a punch with some of my power towards his stomach which made him wince in pain and stumble back. I then jumped in the air and gave a kick towards his head which knocked him out.

The other four was easy to deal with as they were much easier to deal with since they were weaker than the guy who he had just humiliated.

{ Third Person POV }

Unknown to Naruto and Sasuke, the ninjas hidden in the shadows were contemplating if they should step in the fight or not.

"Shouldn't we step in and take them to Hokage-sama" Uma said to the rest of his small team that were responsible for the safety of Naruto and if they found anyone trying to attack Naruto, they had to take the culprit to the Hokage who decides their fate.

"Hokage-sama ordered us to step in only when Naruto is in clear danger. As of now he doesn't seem to be in danger given that they are just ordinary civilians" Tori who was the leader of their little squad replied.

"What about Sasuke Uchiha who was following Naruto" Uma said to Tori as he was curious to why Sasuke was following Naruto.

"We'll report about that to Hokage-sama" Tori replied as she had to report anything that was related to Naruto.

{ Sasuke's POV }

While I was beating the last guy that was left, I noticed something shine on his hand and as he brought it closer to my face, I realised that he was holding a knife.

'What the duck, is he seriously trying to kill me' I was surprised that he was that irrational to actually attempt to kill me.

I quickly brought up a kunai which I brought with me just in case and blocked the attack with my kunai. He began to attack me without any sort of plan as his attacks were all random and wasted a lot of his energy as I dodged most of them.

I decided to end the fight as I got nothing out of it other beating the crap out of some morons. To end the fight, I ran up to him and simply gave him a tornado kick to the face and that's it. Some times simplicity is the way to go.

I made sure not to use enough force that would knock him out as I had the a special technique that I had planned out. I walked to his body as he was laying on the floor, clearly can't get up.

"I've fallen and I can't get up" The man said to no one but himself

"Since you tried to kill me, you can be the first person to test my new technique" I said to the guy who seemed afraid on what I was planning to do.

"Secret Taijustsu Technique: A Million Years Of Death" With those last words, I powered my kick with chakra and aimed it at his little brother.

With that, a loud painful scream came out of the man's mouth and resonated throughout Konoha. That scream made all the men of Konoha cover their little brother in fear.

'I'm such an evil person. I wonder if I should do that to Naruto and then we will have no Boruto' I looked at Naruto who flinched at the eye contact.

"I'll see you at the academy Naruto" I walked back to my clan compound as I completed what I came for so there was no purpose in staying there.

KuroHyoudou KuroHyoudou

This is my attempt at bashing the villagers so some scenes may seem unrealistic. Peace out and enjoy the chapter.

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