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33.33% Reborn as Sasuke / Chapter 2: Prologue Part 2

Chapter 2: Prologue Part 2

"What the fuck" Was the three words that came to Mike's mind as he was surprised of the impossible that just happened in his room.

"What the hell, how is this even possible" Mike couldn't think of any explanation on what just happened and was confused about the whole situation.

The reason for that confusion and also a bit of fear for the unknown was in fact seven orange orbs that was

glistening from the rays that were coming through the window.

Another special feature about those orbs were the fact that they had stars imbedded onto the orbs ranging from one start to seven stars. This key feature instantly made Mike recognise what those seven orbs were and also made him curious if it had the same ability from the anime.

"Why are there even dragon balls here and how is it possible for me to suddenly summon dragon balls just from doing the summoning justu" The only logical reason for the sudden appearances of dragon balls was the summoning justu he had done.

After a few minutes of deciding on what to do with the balls, he came to the decision to see if it works like the anime and if it could grant him a wish or wishes.

"I have nothing to lose so I might as well try to see if it works. If it can suddenly appear in my room like it was magic then it might actually grant me wishes like the original" Mike's only hope for it to work was the sudden appearance of the dragon balls which seemed magical.

"Eternal Dragon, by your name I summon you forth. Shenron." Mike said that words that were used to summon shenron in Dragon Ball Z but much to his disappointment, nothing had happened.

"Damn, nothing happened" All Mike's hope drained from him which resulted in a depressed Mike inside a room.

"What a bummer, I thought it would actually work but nothing seemed to happen." Mike was disappointed so he went to have the carrot cake that he had in the fridge to make his mood better.

While he was devouring the carrot cake, he stared at the dragon balls with disappointment as he always wished he could have his wish granted by shenron and this was his only chance as the summoning made it more possible.

However, lady luck was on Mike's side since the orbs started glowing with an luminescent orange which made it look mystical as it was meant to be.

The result of the orbs glowing was a eastern green dragon with glowing red eyes. It's head had brown antlers and flowing long wiskers while the rest of the body had green scales.

Fortunately for Mike that the eastern dragon wasn't the same size as the original or else he would have been squashed along with the destruction of his house. The dragon's size could be considered the size of a German Shepherd which would have been laughable to the characters of Dragon Ball.

'A mini Shenron' Mike thought in his head looking at the size of the dragon that was considered to long as around 900 meters is now the size of a dog.

'Well lets just ask for a wish or wishes if it could actually grant me one' There was no harm in asking for a wish so Mike hoped that the dragon could actually grant a wish or wishes.

"Can you grant three wishes or just one wishes" Mike asked as he was unsure if he was the weaker shenron who could only grant a single wish or the shenron that Dende remodeled to grant three wishes.

"I can grant you three wishes but they have limits" Shenron spoke out with a deep and loud voice that made it seem that it's voice could shake the earth itself.

'Phew, good thing that it could grant me three wishes but the limit is the problem which might interfere with my wishes.' Mike was glad that the dragon could grant three wishes which was way better than just granting one wish.

'Should I wish for something that may benefit me in this world or should I just ask for something like reincarnation or transmigration.' Mike was perplexed about his wishes as he couldn't decide if he should wish for something like becoming a billionaire or if he should leave this world and fulfill his dreams.

If he had parents and relatives or if he had a girlfriend then he wouldn't think of reincarnation as a wish but he didn't have none of those which made him side towards reincarnation or transmigration. However leaving this world that he had spent 20 years was strange to him as it was something he never thought that he would experience until he died but here he is now, deciding if he should take the step.

"Time is running out, do you want the wishes or not" Shenron asked impatiently which was similar to the Shenron from Dragon Ball.

"Oh, my bad. I spent too much time thinking" Mike didn't realise that he spent a good amount of time deciding if he should go on with his decision to leave this world.

'Lets just go with it, it's not like I would get this chance ever again' Mike quickly came up with a decision to follow his dreams and fulfill his desires instead of living in a normal house and working as a cashier in a supermarket.

"Shenron is it possible to transfer me to another world from this one" Mike asked the dragon who seemed to be getting more impatient than before.

"It is possible but it will take one of your wishes. Are you willing to use that wish" Shenron asked with its still deep voice.

"Yes I'm willing." Mike answered with confidence in her decision.

"Where and how do you want to transfer" Shenron asked Mike who began to think of the world he liked and the first anime that he watched which was Naruto.

He thought of the two different characters that wanted to reincarnate as which was Naruto or Sasuke. He could reincarnate as Minato or Kakashi but ultimately, Naruto and Sasuke was a better option for reincarnating due the fact that they have a huge advantage as Naruto had Nine tails and was the reincarnation of Ashura while Sasuke had the Sharingan and was the reincarnation of Indra.

He decided not to choose Naruto as he was a Jinchuriki which means that he would have a bad childhood should he choose to reincarnate but that wouldn't be an issue should he transmigrate. One of the reasons he wanted to choose Sasuke was because of the idea that he had with one of the abilities of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

'I'll choose to transmigrate as Sasuke at the night of the Uchiha Clan Massacre when Sasuke unlocks the Sharingan.' Mike those that night because that was the best moment time to transmigrate since the Sharingan would be already unlocked and he wouldn't have to unlock it himself but another reason would be that the murder of his family would leave a psychological impact on Sasuke.

The psychological impact would help out with the transmigration since he could use the excuse of his family being murdered to stay alone in the clan compound for at least 2 months at the maximum before sending a shadow clone to go to the academy while he learns inside the compound.

One of the problem that he had with the show was that Sasuke didn't seem to live inside the clan compound which he was sure that it included a library that had a lot of ninjustu and other jutsus which would be beneficial for him in getting stronger since his goal was to defeat Itachi.

Sasuke was eight when the Uchiha Clan was massacred and the beginning of the series he was 12 which means that he had 4 years to train and all he could do was the three academy justu and also a single fireball justu. If Sasuke had the Clan library then he could have probably learnt that he had already unlocked the Sharingan and also learnt more about increasing his chakra reserves which he needed.

"For my first wish I would like to transmigrate as Sasuke on the night of the Uchiha Clan Massacre" Mike chose Sasuke as he could unlock the rinnegan by the time of the pain arc and also he had lots of justu which he could learn from the Uchiha Clan library while Naruto didn't have that advantage.

"Very well, now on to the other wishes" Shenron asked as he wanted to leave as soon as possible to take a nap.

'So what would be useful to wish in the Narutoverse. I could ask for larger chakra reserves but I could achieve that just by training so I don't really need that. I could also ask for Otsutsuki bloodline but that's just a stupid wish since I don't think there's is any benefit to the bloodline when I will already have power to travel dimensions and will also have the rinnegan so it would be a waste to wish for that.'

After some quick thinking, Mike began to think of all the abilities he had wanted as a child and also the abilities he had read in fanfictions.

'Eureka, I know what to wish for' Mike thought in his head with joy as he knew what would help him with becoming powerful.

"I want to wish for Occlumency and I want Legilimency from this fanfic." Mike them gave Shenron the information about both abilities from the fanfic he read.

"You are going to have a sudden flood of information about those two abilities so be prepared. Now my job is done." As soon as Shenron said those words, Mike's vision began to fade into darkness in a incredible pace and before he even knew it, he was already transmigrated as Sasuke.

KuroHyoudou KuroHyoudou

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