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80% Overpowered Fantasy System / Chapter 23: The 2nd Treasure Trove

Chapter 23: The 2nd Treasure Trove

"Sir, what do you mean you'll go and meet him?"

Completely ignoring Asil, Edward closed his eyes and travelled back to 32 BC, apparating out of Justiniad too.

Everything around him was now completely different. Red-roofed houses around him stood very close together and had plain white walls; in some of these houses people were shouting out of the windows, which were just small, rectangular holes. Chickens and other animals could be seen running around the sandy streets. Many people were rushing around, wearing loose, white robes that flapped in the warm wind.

Further down the city streets, there were market stalls with a white cover over the merchant and his wares. There were shouts of bartering and announcements as people carried their newly bought items, like clay pots, and jewellery.

This was no longer Istanbul. It was Byzantion.

Preparing to go to Commagene, Edward took a deep breath and got ready to apparate. However, it was at that moment that he realised he didn't know where it was.

So, Edward travelled back to modern day and quickly searched it up on his phone before returning to the past and setting off for Commagene.

Upon arriving at Commagene (in the city of Arsameia on the Nymphaios), Edward saw a large amount of castles and an ancient Greek palace.

He headed towards the palace, but was immediately stopped by two men in a golden armour, who pointed their spears at him.

"This is the palace of the King. You have no business here peasant."

"I think I do."

"You have no carriage. All visitors must arrive in a carriage, meaning you are not one."

"I think I am."

The guard started to get angry, but just as he was about to attack he suddenly stopped.

Edward was pointing his wand at the both of them, a yellow mist coming from it.

"Go right through sir."

Both guards moved out of the way for him, and Edward sauntered past.

'Imperio is a wonderful spell,' he thought.

Without a care in the world, Edward walked through the doors to the King's palace and announced his arrival.

"I am here!" he roared.

Everyone in the building turned to look at this strange man, wearing odd coloured robes. A couple of guards began to ready their weapons, but a man sitting on a small, curved, stone throne raised his hand for them to cease.

"And who might you be?" the man questioned, with a cautious politeness, as if testing the intruder's identity.

"Who are you?" Edward boomed, ignoring the question completely.


The man on the throne settled his guards, who were now clenching their spears hatefully.

"Me? I am Antioch Theos, King of Commagene. Now will you answer my question?"

Edward grinned.

"Edward Lyore, and I have magic."

A flicker of agitation appeared on Antioch's eyes momentarily, before quickly disappearing. However, it was caught by Edward.

"Edward is a strange name. In all my travels, I don't believe I've heard it," Antioch said, his eyes scanning Edward.

"No. You wouldn't have."

The guards were now itching to attack him, but Antioch just laughed.

"Not many would dare to speak to me like this in my own palace, Edward."

"Then I am one of the few."

Antioch smirked.

"Come with me."

Antioch beckoned Edward to follow him. However, one of the guards spat at Edward when he passed by him.

Edward stopped dead in his tracks and turned to the guard, who now had a smug grin on his face as he turned to the other laughing guards.

Suddenly, a fist smashed into his face and slammed his head against the wall. The injured guard slumped onto the floor, revealing a slightly bloody crack on the wall, where his head had crashed.

Immediately, the other guards aimed their weapons at Edward.

"Stand down!" Antioch demanded, "It was his own fault, not my guest's. Besides he's not dead."

Reluctantly, the guards stood down, as they watched Edward walk past them with a mixture of anger and slight fear in their eyes.

Antioch lead Edward to a quiet, luxurious room. Edward sat down on the Kline (ancient Greek couch that you lie down on) forcing Antioch to sit on a chair.

"Do you have any grapes?" Edward asked.

"I'm sorry?"

"Grapes? You know what, don't worry about it."

Despite still being slightly confused, Antioch began to talk.

"So you are like me? You have magic?"

"We call ourselves Wizards, but yes."

"Wizards. I see."

"I imagine your wondering why I am here."


"Well, I was told that your family has acquired many magical treasures throughout the years, and I would like to see them."

"I have no problem with another...Wizard seeing my collection."

"Good. Then can you show me?"

"Of course."

They both walked outside and got in a fancy carriage.

"To Nemrut," Antioch said to the driver.


At Nemrut - which took under an hour to get to - there was huge, 8-9 metre high stone statues of Antioch, lions, birds, and sitting Gods. Further on in, there was the actual burial chamber, covered in a ridiculously tall cone of rock to prevent anybody getting in.

"How are you going to get your body in? It's already sealed up," Edward was genuinely curious.

"Ahh, now that's the best bit."

Antioch pulled out a Hazel wand, which started sparkling as he muttered something; he then began drawing a blue pattern on each of the statues' bases.

After he had finished drawing a pattern on each statue, he tapped the floor in front of the cave with his wand.

Then there was a rumbling, and a circular part of the floor started to slowly lower, like an elevator.

"Come in then. Don't you want to see some treasures?" Antioch asked excitedly, like he was a toddle doing show and tell.

For some reason this scene felt oddly familiar, but Edward decided to follow him onto the descending circle anyway.

Lower and lower they went, until the circle halted.

Antioch muttered something and a flame came from his wand, turning it into a torch. He smirked at Edward.

"I invented this spell a couple years ago, it wasn't that difficult to create."

At that moment, Edward flicked his wand, and a bright flash of light came out, illuminating the entire tunnel.

Speechless, Antioch embarrassedly put his wand away, and they continued down the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, they saw a golden glint.

As Edward got closer, he saw that it was a huge room with gigantic piles of gold, jewels and treasures. In the centre, surrounded by golden mountains, was a stone sarcophagus, decorated with pictures of gods and a man, with a crown and holding a wand, in the centre.

"Not as cool as mine," Edward mumbled.

"What did you say?" Antioch asked, curiously.

"Hmm, me? I didn't speak."

"Oh, ok."

Edward scanned for the presence of magic, but only a couple of things had any notable amount. He found a sword, a gem, a silver goblet, and a mask. Everything else was either too weak or had no magic at all.

"What are these?"

"Oh, that gem has a vengeful spirit in it: if the spirit likes you, he may fight for you. Unfortunately, he didn't like any of my family that tried to use it."

"The goblet turns any liquid in it into a deadly, incurable poison that kills its victims in 24 hours. My Grandfather Sames found both the goblet and gem in the basement of an abandoned hut."

"The sword was created by my great ancestor Orontes: he was an avid Smith. Originally, he believed it to be a failure and discarded it. It was ignored until his son, Tigranes, discovered it had gotten stronger years later. It turns out the sword gets stronger with age."

"As for the mask, even I haven't a clue. Apparently, one of my ancestors bought it from some Egyptian merchant. He didn't know why he bought it, just that he felt compelled to."

Right at that moment, Edward sensed a strong magical signal. Disregarding Antioch, he rushed over to the direction it was coming from and found a crumpled scroll, which upon opening shocked him.

"This is..."

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Sorry if this chapter feels a little too similar to the previous. Don't worry, everything is going to change in the next one.

Shout Out -








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