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10% Overpowered Fantasy System / Chapter 2: The Overpowered Fantasy System

Chapter 2: The Overpowered Fantasy System

"Hello, Edward," a warm voice called out to him.

Staring up at the glowing figure, Edward felt like kneeling just from the aura that the being dressed in long white robes radiated.

"Don't worry, you're not here to be punished or anything. I'm just amused that someone literally tried to fight death."

The figure smiled at Edward.

"You read a lot of anime and manga, huh? Some movies and books too?"

Edward blushed upon thinking of all the things the being could be looking at inside of his mind.

"As you probably realised, I am God. I'm the second in the position, promoted from Archangel only 2000 years ago, but I don't think the job suits me much, in fact I'm thinking of stepping down."

"But, God-"

"Please, call me Michael,."

"A-alright, Sir Michael, what does this have to with me?"

A smile full of warmth appeared on his face.

"I see something in you, I don't know quite what, but I see something. You may not be perfect but I will give you the chance to succeed me as God."

Jaw hanging open, Edward was dumbfounded.

"But first, to let you have a bit of fun with your life and prepare to have powers, I'll send you on an adventure with a system."

"Thank you, Sir Michael, thank you so much."

Michael laughed.

"Calm down, I haven't even told you the details yet."

Instantly, Edward quietened down and listened attentively, like a schoolchild.

"The system will give you whatever power or item you desire from the world you are in, the ability to create and modify anything and the ability to control time and space."

"That's, quite overpowered, Sir."

"Yes, I know," Michael laughed. "But it comes with some conditions. To travel to a different world, you have to complete the mission of the world. It's not difficult considering the strength you have, but I've added it for a little fun."

Michael winked.

"Well you best be off. Go have some fun out there."

As a white light surrounded him, Edward waved goodbye to Michael and kept thanking him until he finally disappeared.


Taking a large breath, Edward opened his eyes to see towering trees all around him. Emerald patches of grass decorated the ground - where there was not grass, the mud was adjourned with scarlet leaves. It felt great to finally see something that wasn't just darkness or light.

"Right, let's get to it then," his breathing hastened as he prepared to dive into this new world.

"System," he called.

There was a moment of silence before the ringing of a mechanical voice.

[Booting up the Overpowered Fantasy System]

[Ready to go, Host]

"Holy shit, this is so cool," Edward gushed over his newly acquired 'toy'.

"Ahem, where are we right now system?" he cleared his throat and attempted to contain his excitement.

[Harry Potter Universe, the year is 2020]

He was slightly disappointed at the answer.

"Why would he send me to 2020, there's nothing going on in this world right now?"

[Reminding Host to check Status]

"Oh, ok, Status."

[Status -

Name: Edward Forde

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 10

Spirit: 10

Intelligence: 10

MP: 100

Bloodline -


Skills -

[Time Control] [Space Control] [Creation] [Modification]

Passive Skills -


Spells -



"Of course! I have control over time, so I can just go back to whatever period I want," Edward punched the air with excitement.

"I'm curious, though. What's an average person's stats?"

[The average adult has 5 in everything]

"Looks like Sir Michael gave me another little present before I left," Edward repeatedly thanked him in his head.

Looking all around him, he admired the world around him. He wondered why it was him, of all people to be given a second chance.

Enough of that, now it was time to be a badass.

"System open Shop!"

[Shop -





Excitedly, Edward flicked through pages of spells and skills from the Harry Potter Universe like it was a toy catalogue. It seemed the Shop also had general abilities that weren't from any world in particular like the 'Instant Mastery' skill.

"Select 'Instant Mastery', all spells in Harry Potter, 'Immortality', 'Dual Casting', 'Wandless Magic', 'Wordless Magic' and all the 4 Hogwarts founders' bloodlines."

A warm sensation rose up inside of his body and knowledge flowed like a river through his head until it was ingrained and impossible to forget - as if it had been there all along.

Then, he used 'Modify' on the Killing Curse to negate the damage on the soul completely.

"This is so OP!" he cheered.

To test out his new power, he flicked his hand and thought of the spell 'Incendio'.

A small flame spat out from the tips of his fingers and into a tree, partially turning it black.

"Is that it?" Edward asked disappointedly.

[Reminder - Host's Intelligence is that of a First Year towards the end of Hogwarts]

"How can I change that?"

[Modify can modify anything as the name implies]

"No way. It can modify stats too?"

[Would you like to Modify stats to the highest possible in this world?]

"Hell yeah!"


[Stats -

Strength: 1,000

Dexterity: 1,000

Constitution: 1,000

Spirit: 1,000

Intelligence: 5,000

MP: 25,000]

"That's amazing, but why is intelligence so high compared to the others?"

[This world is focused on magic and so its upper limit has been increased by the amount of people learning magic]

"So, because people had a higher intelligence, the world decided to increase the limit of intelligence?"

[Yes, something like that]

"Well, I guess I'll try that spell again."

Once again, flames spurted out of Edward's hands when he flicked them but this time the flame was huge and didn't stop.

The whole forest was engulfed in a blazing inferno that stretched for longer than the eye could see.

"Holy shit, that was just a casual spell, what would've happened if I tried?" Edward jumped in shock.

[A city or more would probably be destroyed, just from that weak spell]

"Get me the 'Ultimate Control' skill too please," a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his head.

Edward reversed the damage done to the forest with time magic and decided to open the System's Missions.

[Meet Merlin]

[Establish yourself as a powerful wizard]

[Attend Hogwarts with Harry Potter]

[Kick Voldemort's ass]

"How am I going to attend Hogwarts as a child in 1991 but also meet Merlin - he was born in 982!"

[You can change your appearance Host]

"What's that sup-" Edward paused and thought about it.

"Right, let's go meet Merlin then!"

He activated Time Control and blue clocks surrounded him as he faded from 2020.

[Bloodlines -

Slytherin - All spells 50% more powerful, Dark Arts and Legillimency is 75% more powerful, Parseltongue

Gryffindor - All spells 50% more powerful, Charms and Counter Spells are 75% more powerful

Hufflepuff - All spells 50% more powerful, Transfiguration and Healing Spells are 75% more powerful

Ravenclaw - All spells 50% more powerful, Crafted Items are 75% more powerful and brain power and speed doubles]

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