After being disown by her parents ,his fiance cheating with her best friend Li Zhen tried to expose all of them .
"Those thick face of yours should suffer the consequences!!"
but when she is about to cross down the street a speeding car hit her body upon opening her eyes what she saw surprised her even further.
"Tell me who bullied you ? Even if you hate me I'm still your husband" waking up Li Zhen realized she is on her 20's with a husband and child .
what more people are saying she dislike these pair of husband and son??? The her from before she will try her best to make it up to them as they are now her only family for those who betray her she couldn't care less unless they antagonize her.
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Write a reviewKeep up the work author. Your novel is awesome! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 .......................................................................................
This is so fun to read. Please, more updates in the future. Got totally hooked by the cute son and the rich hubby. I wonder why I could not find this novel even sooner. But then again the updates are so slow.
I like the summary of this novel but author are going to continue this story?? I guess it’s interesting to read I hope you continue this novel...
Author Nacchi
I really like the story and it’s development😁. I want more updates pls🥺🥺 maybe a mass release😁. Nowimjustwritingwhatevercauseidonthaveanythingelsetowriteabout.