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32% War Legends / Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

I sighed and looked towards the stirring people around before I closed my eyes. I just couldn't figure it out. Who could my real father be? What could my father be? What was I? What was I capable of? Did I have any siblings I didn't know about? Was there anyone else like me? What was I? My mind kept going back to that one simple question; What was I? I had no idea and that frustrated me beyond words. I sighed and rolled out of bed dropping to the floor. Today was not going to be a good one.

I walked of the tent and scowled; I had just bumped into the one person I did not like who had bothered me for years; General S.S. Howser. I looked up at him as he smiled. I knew it wouldn't be a good day and it just got worse. I glared at the man in front of me and he stepped back before speaking.

"Kanami, just the person I was looking for." I only glared making him drop his smile before he continued "Heard you had a bad day. Uh, well I brought your files in and..." He trailed off as he realized I was not amused and he sighed "A really bad day. Well, cheer up you've got a covert ops you're going on today. Just you, Togima, and commander Watt." I shrugged and walked past. "Kanami, I know you don't like this but you are our best hope at winning this war with minimal blood shed." I looked at him "well, I don't care for that but what really interests me right now is if I can get to a computer." General S.S. Howser grinned "I can help with that"

I nodded before walking off and I then noticed that people were watching. I silently cursed at myself for not noticing them sooner. I shook my head and headed to the kitchen. For the first time getting here I was actually hungry. I walked into the kitchen and went and got into the line to eat. This was the first time since being here that I was actually going to eat. I waited in line and soon grabbed a tray to receive my food on. I walked down the line next to the food bar not really taking anything. I did however take a small salad, minute steak and spinach. I took my tray over to a table and sat noticing that the few people already sitting there scooted away from me.

I didn't mind it and ignored them as I began to eat. I ate my spinach first then my salad. I could only eat half of my minute steak and took a breath before I stood to leave. I stood and walked over to the waste bin then dumped my trash into the waste bin. I set my tray onto the table they had set out where you were supposed to set your trays down and then I left. I was not looking forward to today.

I walked towards my company tent and noticed everyone was gone. I frowned slightly before I waked to my bed and grabbed my guns and their clips. I may not have had any bullets left but if I were going on a mission today then I needed to get some. I sighed before heading back out to go to the armory. I narrowed my eyes as I noticed a lot of people moving in and out of the armory as I approached. I watched and noticed that the general was ordering the people around him to do one thing or another. I walked over to him and he looked up. Seeing me, he grinned before calling out to me.

"Kanami! Come here." I walked over. "I brought with me some bullets for your guns and some more clips. You will be our line breaker. You will be the first in every battle and the first to fire your guns." I nodded with no emotion shown on my face. "Load your guns. We leave in ten."

I nodded and asked someone walking by where the glock bullets and rugger bullets were since Howser had walked off. I nodded as I got my answer and went to get the bullets. Once I had the bullets I loaded my guns then loaded extra clips and grabbed a box of each type of bullets. I pocketed the bullets and headed out of the area to grab my blade as I realized I hadn't grabbed it. Today really wasn't a good day. My mind was muddled with several thoughts about my real father. I grabbed my blade once inside the tent and fixed it to the back of my belt like normal. I left the tent and saw Togami head for me "It's time to go" I nodded and followed him as he led the way to the helicopter waiting for them.

I jumped up into the helicopter and noticed a man who I didn't know sitting behind the pilot. I raised an eyebrow but crouched across from him as togami climbed in and then Howser did as well. I frowned but said nothing as the general told the pilot to take off. I waited and felt the helicopter take off the ground. I crouched waiting as I looked to the controls and read the information on the dash. I then looked to the man in front of me as he spoke.

The man was a darker skin toned person that contrasted his light grey uniform. He had sharp facial features and the eyes of a killer. He had a serious look on his face that seemed to match his short haircut. He also seemed very muscular under his kevlar shirt.

"Hello, I'm Commander Watt." The man said. I took and shook the outstretched hand of the commander "Kanami, pleasure to meet you." Commander Watt nodded "same" I nodded and we fell silent.``

I noticed the altitude of the helicopter was going down and I looked out seeing a few buildings in the distance but I noticed we were landing in a field at least four miles from the buildings. I waited as the helicopter touched the ground and Howser spoke "Your mission is to take out an enemy base in a few buildings five clicks east of here. This base is an important storehouse holding a bunch of weapons from our intel. Good luck out there."

I nodded and exited the helicopter after Togami and Watt. I walked away and noted the helicopter take back to the air leaving them. I looked to the others and then looked around the surrounding area. I took a deep breath and relaxed as Togami narrowed his eyes seriously and Watt gazed around his gun at the ready. Watt nodded once he seemed to be ready and spoke "ok let's move" He took charge as he led the way to the buildings I had seen.

I followed silently making no noise while completely relaxed and on guard ready for a fight to break out at any given moment. I could feel tension from the other two but I wasn't in the least tense. I noticed a beautiful blue bird which I recognized as the Plum-throated cotinga. I walked silently and heard the bird can an alarm startling Togami and Watt slightly. I frowned as I heard the arm call seem to echo as other birds caught the sound. I walked calmly listening for the enemy. I could feel something wasn't right we had been walking for hours and we must be nearing the enemy base yet we hadn't met a single sentry. I stopped as my skin crawled in anticipation. I knew something was coming and softly spoke.

"Hold it." Watt stopped with just a slight frown but Togami looked on guard. I looked around and saw nothing so I closed my eyes and listened and heard nothing. I frowned and then scanned the ground ahead and got a slight chill. I softly whispered "Wait here I need to check something"

I didn't wait for their response as I back tracked before jumping into a tree and silently made my way towards where the others were. Once there, it was then when I saw the reason my senses had gone alert. I could see what seemed like a large trap or some sort in front of the others and on the other side of the trap it was under the watch of a sniper in a tree who couldn't see the pass the trap from where he was. I then made note of this and looked for a safe way pass but saw none.

I huffed softly before I made my way to the sniper that was not hidden very well in his tree. I jumped tree to tree silently and made my way above and behind the sniper. Once directly behind the sniper and slightly above I took my blade from its sheath and stealthy jumped directly onto the man and drove my blade into the base of his skull killing him in an instant. I smirked slightly as I pulled the blade free and then used the now dead man's shirt to clean the blade before sheathing it once again. I paused before leaving to grab the MSSR rifle. I then left the sniper's platform and went back to the others my slight smirk gone.

I came up behind Togami and Watt and softly said "there is a trap directly in front of us." I watched as they both jumped slightly then turned to face me. Watt nodded to me "Is there a way to go around it safely?" I nodded "Yes, but past the trap there seems to be a landmine field." Watt nodded "think you could lead us through it?" I nodded "yeah" Togima had a frown on his face "where did you get that gun?" I looked to him then the gun "a sniper past the landmine field" Togima frowned but said nothing.

I shrugged before leading the way around the trap and into the landmine field avoiding the landmines. I walked silently leading the way through the landmines. I identified where each one was and carefully avoided stepping on them. I walked carefully as the others followed.

I walked as silent as a mouse as I moved but with the others they made more noise like that of a tree on a windy day. Of course they were louder than me but I didn't much mind. I then noticed the wall of the enemy base as we reached the end of the minefield. I let Watt lead the way again as I looked for snipers or other guards. I walked silently as we neared the wall. I crouched as I noticed the guard on the wall a second before Watt did. I nodded as he crouched and as silent as he could neared the wall in the cover of the undergrowth but there was a stretch of barren ground between us and the wall.

The stretch of barren ground looked to be at least a hundred yards of burned and cleared ground. I crouched looking over the area to find the best spot to cross the barren ground. I frowned unable to see a good place so I whispered to Watt and Togima.

"I'm going to have a look around and find a place where we can get in." I saw them nod before I backed away and silently crept over to a tree and silently climbed up into it to get a better view of the area. I reached a branch was was just a little higher than the wall and looked around seeing no way of entry without being noticed.

I scowled thinking before I took the snipers gun I had stolen and strapped to my back and took aim at the men looking into the base. I searched for the place where the least amount of people were. Smirking as a plan formed in my head I darted through the tree to the other side of the base. I reached the other side and took aim with the gun and fired the gunshot ringing through the area as a man dropped from the top of the wall. I then took out another before darting back to the others as men scrabbled to the side where I had shot.

My mind was purely on the mission now that we had made contact with the enemy. I silently landed next to the others and ordered "follow me" I then headed across the barren wasteland. They were shocked but moved quickly none less. I quickly watched for shooters aiming for us but saw none as we easily and quickly reached the wall. I scanned the air as watt worked to get us through the wall.

I watched the wall hearing orders from the enemy in Portuguese. I could easily understand what they were saying but that was due to the fact that I had learned the language when I was younger. I had learned many languages at that. I listened as they shouted mostly about finding and killing the enemy but I wasnt that worried about them. I then looked to watt who had gotten through the wall. I nodded and watt and Togima went through the wall first before I followed drawing my handguns.

I saw watt slide behind some boxes in a dusty room in the wall. I saw the threat and put my ruger away before drawing my blade and crept up to the man who was unaware of me and the threat to his life. As soon as I was behind him I didn't hesitate as I slipped my knife around to his neck and swiftly slit his throat and killed him with little more than a gasp. I then moved to the door in the room and put my ear to the door listening for sounds on the other side.

I heard watt come up behind me with Togima in tow. I nodded to them before I silently started to open the door and peeked into the barracks there. It looked to be empty so I slid into the room without a sound and watt and togima followed me into the room. I moved across the room slightly crouching a gun in one hand and a bloody knife in the other. By all means I looked deathly serious and perhaps scary since Watt had no complaints about me taking charge as we silently infiltrate the enemy base.

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